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When Chlamydomonas cells are deflagellated by pH shock or mechanical shear the nucleus rapidly moves toward the flagellar basal apparatus at the anterior end of the cell. During flagellar regeneration the nucleus returns to a more central position within the cell. The nucleus is connected to the flagellar apparatus by a system of fibers, the flagellar roots (rhizoplasts), which undergo a dramatic contraction that coincides with anterior nuclear movement. A corresponding extension of the root system, back to its preshock configuration is observed as the nucleus retracts to a central position. Anterior displacement of the nucleus and flagellar root contraction require free calcium in the medium. Nuclear movement and flagellar root contraction and extension are not sensitive to inhibitors of protein synthesis (cycloheximide), or drugs that influence either microtubules (colchicine) or actin-based microfilaments (cytochalasin D). Detergent-extracted cell models contract and extend their flagellar roots and move their nuclei in response to alterations of free calcium levels in the medium. Cycles of nuclear movement in detergent-extracted models require ATP to potentiate the contractile mechanism for subsequent calcium-induced contraction. Flagellar root contraction and nuclear movement in Chlamydomonas may be causally related to signaling of induction of flagellar precursor genes or to the transport of flagellar precursors or their messages to sites of synthesis or assembly near the basal apparatus of the cell.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas cells excise their flagella in response to a variety of experimental conditions (e.g., extremes of temperature or pH, alcohol or detergent treatment, and mechanical shear). Here, we show that flagellar excision is an active process whereby microtubules are severed at select sites within the transition zone. The transition zone is located between the flagellar axoneme and the basal body; it is characterized by a pair of central cylinders that have an H shape when viewed in longitudinal section. Both central cylinders are connected to the A tubule of each microtubule doublet of the transition zone by fibers (approximately 5 nm diam). When viewed in cross section, these fibers are seen to form a distinctive stellate pattern characteristic of the transition zone (Manton, I. 1964. J. R. Microsc. Soc. 82:279-285; Ringo. D. L. 1967. J. Cell Biol. 33:543-571). We demonstrate that at the time of flagellar excision these fibers contract and displace the microtubule doublets of the axoneme inward. We believe that the resulting shear force and torsional load act to sever the axonemal microtubules immediately distal to the central cylinder. Structural alterations of the transition zone during flagellar excision occur both in living cells and detergent-extracted cell models, and are dependent on the presence of calcium (greater than or equal to 10(-6) M). Immunolocalization using monoclonal antibodies against the calcium-binding protein centrin demonstrate the presence of centrin in the fiber-based stellate structure of the transition zone of wild-type cells. Examination of the flagellar autotomy mutant, fa-1, which fails to excise its flagella (Lewin, R., and C. Burrascano. 1983. Experientia. 39:1397-1398), demonstrates that the fa-1 lacks the ability to completely contract the fibers of the stellate structure. We conclude that flagellar excision in Chlamydomonas involves microtubule severing that is mediated by the action of calcium-sensitive contractile fibers of the transition zone. These observations have led us to question whether microtubule severing may be a more general phenomenon than previously suspected and to suggest that microtubule severing may contribute to the dynamic behavior of cytoplasmic microtubules in other cells.  相似文献   

Paralyzed flagellar mutants pf-1, pf-2, pf-7, and pf-18 of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Dangeard) were shown to store a significantly greater amount of starch than the motile wild type 137c+. The increase in starch storage was significant relative to protein, chlorophyll, and cell number. Analysis of average cell size revealed that the paralyzed mutants were larger than the wild type. This increase in storage molecule accumulation supports an inverse relationship between chemical energy storage and energy utilization for biomechanical/motile cellular functions. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides a useful model for studies of the role of cytoskeletal activity in the energy relationship and balance of organisms.  相似文献   

Adenylylcyclase activity in the flagella of gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was inhibited by prior incubation at or below 30 degrees C in the presence of ATP. This decrease did not occur in the absence of ATP, in the presence of the ATP analog 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (App(NH)p), or in the presence of ATP plus the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine (2 microM). If ATP treatment was performed in the absence of an ATP-regenerating system, activity initially declined and subsequently recovered. Incubation of flagella at 45 degrees C in the absence of ATP or incubation at lower temperatures in the presence of either App(NH)p or staurosporine both increased adenylylcyclase activity (over 10-fold) and blocked subsequent ATP-dependent loss of activity at 30 degrees C. This heat-induced activation was prevented by the presence of ATP plus an ATP-regenerating system. Incubation of flagella with [gamma-32P]ATP followed by gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated the presence of endogenous protein kinase and protein phosphatase activities. These data suggest that the flagellar adenylylcyclase in Chlamydomonas gametes is inhibited by phosphorylation and stimulated by dephosphorylation. This mechanism for regulating adenylylcyclase may underlie the rapid increase in cyclic AMP that is induced by flagellar adhesion during fertilization in Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Flagella are sensory organelles that interact with the environment through signal transduction and gene expression networks. We used microarray profiling to examine gene regulation associated with flagellar length change in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Microarrays were probed with fluorescently labeled cDNAs synthesized from RNA extracted from cells before and during flagellar assembly or disassembly. Evaluation of the gene expression profiles identified >100 clones showing at least a twofold change in expression during flagellar length changes. Products of these genes are associated not only with flagellar structure and motility but also with other cellular responses, including signal transduction and metabolism. Expression of specific genes from each category was further characterized at higher resolution by using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Analysis and comparison of the gene expression profiles coupled to flagellar assembly and disassembly revealed that each process involves a new and uncharacterized whole-cell response to flagellar length changes. This analysis lays the groundwork for a more comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular networks regulating flagellar length changes.  相似文献   

Flagellar regeneration in gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardi is initiated within 15–20 min after flagellar amputation and proceeds at a rapid but decelerating rate until by 90 min flagellar outgrowth is 80–85% complete. Sufficient flagellar protein reserves exist in the cytoplasm to allow regeneration of flagella 1312 normal length. Nevertheless, in vivo labeling with 14C-amino acids shows that microtubule protein and other flagellar proteins are synthesized de novo during flagellar regeneration. To determine whether tubulin is synthesized continuously by gametic cells or whether its synthesis is induced as a consequence of deflagellation, we have isolated polyribosomes from deflagellated and control cells, and analyzed the proteins produced by these polyribosomes during in vitro translation. Two proteins of 53,000 and 56,000 molecular weight which co-migrate with flagellar and chick brain tubulin on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and which selectively co-assemble with chick brain tubulin during in vitro microtubule assembly are synthesized by polyribosomes (or polyadenylated mRNA) from deflagellated cells. No microtubule proteins can be detected in the translation products synthesized by polyribosomes (or mRNA) from control cells, clearly indicating that deflagellation results in the induction of tubulin synthesis.Kinetics of tubulin synthesis demonstrate that induction takes place immediately after deflagellation; polyribosomes bearing tubulin mRNA can be detected in the cytoplasm in as little as 15 min after removal of flagella. Maximal rates of tubulin synthesis occur between 45 and 90 min after deflagellation when approximately 14% of the protein being synthesized by the cell is tubulin. This estimate of tubulin synthesis based on in vitro translation data agrees well with in vivo measurements of flagellar tubulin synthesis. While high levels of tubulin production extend well beyond the period of rapid flagellar assembly, synthesis begins to decline after 90 min, and by 180 min after deflagellation only low levels of tubulin mRNA are detectable in polyribosomes.  相似文献   

We labeled gametes of Chlamydomonas with 10-min pulses of 35SO4(-2) before and at various times after deflagellation, and isolated whole cells and flagella immediately after the pulse. The labeled proteins were separated by one- or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and the amount of isotope incorporated into specific proteins was determined. Individual proteins were identified with particular structures by correlating missing axonemal polypeptides with ultrastructural defects in paralyzed mutants, or by polypeptide analysis of flagellar fractions. Synthesis of most flagellar proteins appeared to be coordinately induced after flagellar amputation. The rate of synthesis for most quantified proteins increased at least 4- to 10-fold after deflagellation. The kinetics of synthesis of proteins contained together within a structure (e.g., the radial spoke proteins [RSP] ) were frequently similar; however, the kinetics of synthesis of proteins contained in different structures (e.g., RSP vs. alpha- and beta- tubulins) were different. Most newly synthesized flagellar proteins were rapidly transported into the flagellum with kinetics reflecting the rate of growth of the organelle; exceptions included a central tubule complex protein (CT1) and an actinlike component, both of which appeared to be supplied almost entirely from pre-existing, unlabeled pools. Isotope dilution experiments showed that, for most quantified axonemal proteins, a minimum of 35-40% of the polypeptide chains used in assembling a new axoneme was synthesized during regeneration; these proteins appeared to have predeflagellation pools of approximately the same size relative to their stoichiometries in the axoneme. In contrast, CT1 and the actinlike protein had comparatively large pools.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that flagellar excision in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is mediated by an active process whereby microtubules are severed at select sites within the flagellar-basal body transition zone (Sanders, M. A., and J. L. Salisbury. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108:1751- 1760). At the time of flagellar excision, stellate fibers of the transition zone contract and displace the microtubule doublets of the axoneme inward. The resulting shear force and torsional load generated during inward displacement leads to microtubule severing immediately distal to the central cylinder of the transition zone. In this study, we have used a detergent-extracted cell model of Chlamydomonas that allows direct experimental access to the molecular machinery responsible for microtubule severing without the impediment of the plasma membrane. We present four independent lines of experimental evidence for the essential involvement of centrin-based stellate fibers of the transition zone in the process of flagellar excision: (a) Detergent-extracted cell models excise their flagella in response to elevated, yet physiological, levels of free calcium. (b) Extraction of cell models with buffers containing the divalent cation chelator EDTA leads to the disassembly of centrin-based fibers and to the disruption of transition zone stellate fiber structure. This treatment results in a complete loss of flagellar excision competence. (c) Three separate anti-centrin monoclonal antibody preparations, which localize to the stellate fibers of the transition zone, specifically inhibit contraction of the stellate fibers and block calcium-induced flagellar excision, while control antibodies have no inhibitory effect. Finally, (d) cells of the centrin mutant vfl-2 (Taillon, B., S. Adler, J. Suhan, and J. Jarvik. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 119:1613-1624) fail to actively excise their flagella following pH shock in living cells or calcium treatment of detergent-extracted cell models. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that centrin-based fiber contraction plays a fundamental role in microtubule severing at the time of flagellar excision in Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

A series of conditional mutants of the algal, biflagellate Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with temperature-sensitive defects in flagellar assembly and function were isolated. The genetics and phenotypes of 21 mutants displaying a rapid alteration in flagellar function upon shift from the permissive (20 degrees C) to the restrictive (32 degrees C) temperatures are described. These mutants designated as "drop-down" or dd-mutants have been placed in four categories on the basis of their defective phenotypes: (a) dd-assembly mutants - the preformed flagella are resorbed at 32 degrees C and reassembly of flagella is inhibited; (b) dd-fragile flagella mutants - the flagella are lost by detachment at 32 degrees C, but can be reassembled; (c) dd-motility mutants - the flagella are retained at 32 degrees C, but are functionally defective; (d) dd-lethal mutants - display combined defects in flagellar function and cell growth. Tetrad analysis of the mutants back-crossed to wild-type, recombination analysis of intermutant crosses, and complementation tests in the construction of heterozygous diploid strains indicate that at least 14 nuclear genetic loci are represented among 21 mutants. The availability of temperature-sensitive mutations affecting the assembly and function of the flagellum suggests that the morphogenesis of this complex eukaryotic organelle is amenable to genetic dissection.  相似文献   

Redox-based regulatory systems are essential for many cellular activities. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exhibits alterations in motile behavior in response to different light conditions (photokinesis). We hypothesized that photokinesis is signaled by variations in cytoplasmic redox poise resulting from changes in chloroplast activity. We found that this effect requires photosystem I, which generates reduced NADPH. We also observed that photokinetic changes in beat frequency and duration of the photophobic response could be obtained by altering oxidative/reductive stress. Analysis of reactivated cell models revealed that this redox poise effect is mediated through the outer dynein arms (ODAs). Although the global redox state of the thioredoxin-related ODA light chains LC3 and LC5 and the redox-sensitive Ca2+ -binding subunit of the docking complex DC3 did not change upon light/dark transitions, we did observe significant alterations in their interactions with other flagellar components via mixed disulfides. These data indicate that redox poise directly affects ODAs and suggest that it may act in the control of flagellar motility.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells shed their flagella in response to environmental stress. Under favorable conditions, flagella are quickly regrown. To learn more about the signals that trigger flagellar excision and regrowth we have investigated inositol phospholipid metabolites, molecules implicated in signal transduction in several other systems. After deflagellation by low pH or mastoparan, a potent activator of G proteins, there was a rapid increase in levels of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate measured by use of receptor-binding assays and HPLC. This increase was concomitant with a decrease in levels of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and was followed by an increase in phosphatidic acid, results consistent with activation of phospholipase C and diacylglycerol kinase. Additional experiments suggest that this activated phospholipase C is not important for flagellar regrowth but plays a role in informing the excision apparatus of the environmental stress. Addition of neomycin (an inhibitor of phospholipase C) before exposure of cells to low pH or mastoparan prevented the increase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and also prevented deflagellation. Addition of neomycin after deflagellation blocked increases in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate that normally followed deflagellation, but did not block flagellar assembly. Furthermore, a flagellar excision-defective mutant, fa-1, did not shed its flagella in response to low pH or mastoparan, yet both of these agents activated phospholipase C in these cells. The results suggest that activation of phospholipase C, possibly via a G protein, is a proximal step in the signal transduction pathway inducing deflagellation in Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Many studies have used velocity measurements, waveform analyses, and theoretical flagella models to investigate the establishment, maintenance, and function of flagella of the biflagellate green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We report the first direct measurement of Chlamydomonas flagellar swimming force. Using an optical trap ("optical tweezers") we detect a 75% decrease in swimming force between wild type (CC124) cells and mutants lacking outer flagellar dynein arms (oda1). This difference is consistent with previous estimates and validates the force measurement approach. To examine mechanisms underlying flagella organization and function, we deflagellated cells and examined force generation during flagellar regeneration. As expected, fully regenerated flagella are functionally equivalent to flagella of untreated wild type cells. However, analysis of swimming force vs. flagella length and the increase in force over regeneration time reveals intriguing patterns where increases in force do not always correspond with increases in length. These investigations of flagellar force, therefore, contribute to the understanding of Chlamydomonas motility, describe phenomena surrounding flagella regeneration, and demonstrate the advantages of the optical trapping technique in studies of cell motility.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii controls flagellar assembly such that flagella are of an equal and predetermined length. Previous studies demonstrated that lithium, an inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), induced flagellar elongation, suggesting that a lithium-sensitive signal transduction pathway regulated flagellar length (S. Nakamura, H. Takino, and M. K. Kojima, Cell Struct. Funct. 12:369-374, 1987). Here, we demonstrate that lithium treatment depletes the pool of flagellar proteins from the cell body and that the heterotrimeric kinesin Fla10p accumulates in flagella. We identify GSK3 in Chlamydomonas and demonstrate that its kinase activity is inhibited by lithium in vitro. The tyrosine-phosphorylated, active form of GSK3 was enriched in flagella and GSK3 associated with the axoneme in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. The level of active GSK3 correlated with flagellar length; early during flagellar regeneration, active GSK3 increased over basal levels. This increase in active GSK3 was rapidly lost within 30 min of regeneration as the level of active GSK3 decreased relative to the predeflagellation level. Taken together, these results suggest a possible role for GSK3 in regulating the assembly and length of flagella.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent signalling processes are implicated in many aspects of flagella function in the green alga, Chlamydomonas. In this study, we examine the spatiotemporal dynamics of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+](cyt)) in single Chlamydomonas cells during the process of flagellar excision, using biolistically loaded calcium-responsive dyes. Acid-induced deflagellation occurred in parallel with a single transient elevation in whole-cell [Ca2+](cyt), which was absent in the acid deflagellation-deficient adf1 mutant. Deflagellation could also be induced by elevated external Ca2+ ([Ca2+](ext)), which promoted very rapid spiking of [Ca2+](cyt) across the whole cell and in the flagella. We also detected very rapid apically localised Ca2+ signalling events with an approximate duration of 500 msec. Ninety-seven per cent of deflagellation events coincided with a rapid elevation in [Ca2+](cyt) in the apical region of the cell, either in the form of a whole cell or an apically localised increase, indicating that [Ca2+](cyt) elevations in the apical region play an underlying role in deflagellation. Our data indicate that elevated [Ca2+](ext) acts to disrupt Ca2+ homeostasis which induces deflagellation by both Adf1-dependent and Adf1-independent mechanisms. Elevated [Ca2+](ext) also results in further [Ca2+](cyt) elevations after the main period of whole cell spiking which are very strongly associated with deflagellation, exhibit a high degree of apical localisation and are largely absent in the adf1 mutant. We propose that these later elevations may act as specific signals for deflagellation.  相似文献   

Mutations in Hydin cause hydrocephalus in mice, and HYDIN is a strong candidate for causing hydrocephalus in humans. The gene is conserved in ciliated species, including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. An antibody raised against C. reinhardtii hydin was specific for an approximately 540-kD flagellar protein that is missing from axonemes of strains that lack the central pair (CP). The antibody specifically decorated the C2 microtubule of the CP apparatus. An 80% knock down of hydin resulted in short flagella lacking the C2b projection of the C2 microtubule; the flagella were arrested at the switch points between the effective and recovery strokes. Biochemical analyses revealed that hydin interacts with the CP proteins CPC1 and kinesin-like protein 1 (KLP1). In conclusion, C. reinhardtii hydin is a CP protein required for flagellar motility and probably involved in the CP-radial spoke control pathway that regulates dynein arm activity. Hydrocephalus caused by mutations in hydin likely involves the malfunctioning of cilia because of a defect in the CP.  相似文献   

We have used two monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate the presence and localization of actin in interphase and mitotic vegetative cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Commercially available monoclonal antibodies raised against smooth muscle actin (Lessard: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 10:349-362, 1988; Lin: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78:2335-2339, 1981) identify Chlamydomonas actin as a approximately 43,000-M(r) protein by Western immunoblot procedures. In an earlier study, Detmers and coworkers (Cell Motil. 5:415-430, 1985) first identified Chlamydomonas actin using NBD-phallacidin and an antibody raised against Dictyostelium actin; they demonstrated that F-actin is localized in the fertilization tubule of mating gametes. Here, we show by immunofluorescence that vegetative Chlamydomonas cells have an array of actin that surrounds the nucleus in interphase cells and undergoes dramatic reorganization during mitosis and cytokinesis. This includes the following: reorganization of actin to the anterior of the cell during preprophase; the formation of a cruciate actin band in prophase; reorganization to a single anterior actin band in metaphase; rearrangement forming a focus of actin anterior to the metaphase plate; reextension of the actin band in anaphase; presence of actin in the forming cleavage furrow during telophase and cytokinesis; and finally reestablishment of the interphase actin array. The studies presented here do not allow us to discriminate between G and F-actin. None the less, our observations, demonstrating dynamic reorganization of actin during the cell cycle, suggest a role for actin that may include the movement of basal bodies toward the spindle poles in mitosis and the formation of the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Wild-type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii carry two flagella per cell that are used for both motility and mating. We describe a mutant, vfl-1, in which the biflagellate state is disrupted such that the number of flagella per cell ranges from 0 to as many as 10. vfl-1 cells possess the novel ability to assemble new flagella throughout the G1 portion of the cell cycle, resulting in an average increase of about 0.05 flagella per cell per hour. Such uncoupling of the flagellar assembly cycle from the cell cycle is not observed in other mutants with abnormal flagellar number. Rather than being located in an exclusively apical position characteristic of the wild type, vfl-1 flagella can be at virtually any location on the cell surface. vfl-1 cells display abnormally wide variations in cell size, probably owing to extremely unequal cell divisions. Various ultrastructural abnormalities in the flagellar apparatus are also present, including missing or defective striated fibers and reduced numbers of rootlet microtubules. The pleiotropic defects observed in vfl-1 result from a recessive Mendelian mutation mapped to Chromosome VIII.  相似文献   

真核细胞的纤毛(也称鞭毛)是一种突出于细胞表面的极性细胞器,纤毛不仅参与细胞运动,还参与信号传导等过程,其结构或功能异常引发的一系列人类疾病称为"纤毛相关性疾病"。纤毛相关性疾病巴德-毕德氏综合征(Bardet-Biedl syndrome,简称BBS)由BBS相关基因缺陷导致,为了研究致病基因BBS8的生理作用和功能,构建模式生物莱茵衣藻BBS8基因缺陷突变体,利用性状观测和生化分析检测突变体的表现型和生理功能。免疫荧光表明BBS8蛋白是一种鞭毛蛋白且在基体有特异性定位;bbs8突变体感光极性运动消失,并在解聚诱导实验中鞭毛解聚缓慢;鞭毛的银染和质谱结果表明突变体的鞭毛膜蛋白在鞭毛内异常积累。文中通过实验证据说明BBS8蛋白在参与鞭毛内膜蛋白运输中起到重要作用,并极可能通过介导膜蛋白反向运输发挥生理功能。  相似文献   

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