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Tumor cells are surrounded by infiltrating inflammatory cells, such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and mast cells. A body of evidence indicates that mast cells are associated with various types of tumors. Although role of mast cells can be directly related to their granule content, their function in angiogenesis and tumor progression remains obscure. This study aims to understand the role of mast cells in these processes. Tumors were chemically induced in BALB/c mice and tumor progression was divided into Phases I, II and III. Phase I tumors exhibited a large number of mast cells, which increased in phase II and remained unchanged in phase III. The expression of mouse mast cell protease (mMCP)-4, mMCP-5, mMCP-6, mMCP-7, and carboxypeptidase A were analyzed at the 3 stages. Our results show that with the exception of mMCP-4 expression of these mast cell chymase (mMCP-5), tryptases (mMCP-6 and 7), and carboxypeptidase A (mMC-CPA) increased during tumor progression. Chymase and tryptase activity increased at all stages of tumor progression whereas the number of mast cells remained constant from phase II to III. The number of new blood vessels increased significantly in phase I, while in phases II and III an enlargement of existing blood vessels occurred. In vitro, mMCP-6 and 7 are able to induce vessel formation. The present study suggests that mast cells are involved in induction of angiogenesis in the early stages of tumor development and in modulating blood vessel growth in the later stages of tumor progression.  相似文献   

The development of autoimmune diseases is frequently linked to exposure to environmental factors such as chemicals, drugs, or infections. In the experimental model of metal-induced autoimmunity, administration of subtoxic doses of mercury (a common environmental pollutant) to genetically susceptible mice induces an autoimmune syndrome with rapid anti-nucleolar Ab production and immune system activation. Regulatory components of the innate immune system such as NKT cells and TLRs can also modulate the autoimmune process. We examined the interplay among environmental chemicals and NKT cells in the regulation of autoimmunity. Additionally, we studied NKT and TLR ligands in a tolerance model in which preadministration of a low dose of mercury in the steady state renders animals tolerant to metal-induced autoimmunity. We also studied the effect of Sphingomonas capsulata, a bacterial strain that carries both NKT cell and TLR ligands, on metal-induced autoimmunity. Overall, NKT cell activation by synthetic ligands enhanced the manifestations of metal-induced autoimmunity. Exposure to S. capsulata exacerbated autoimmunity elicited by mercury. Although the synthetic NKT cell ligands that we used are reportedly similar in their ability to activate NKT cells, they displayed pronounced differences when coinjected with environmental agents or TLR ligands. Individual NKT ligands differed in their ability to prevent or break tolerance induced by low-dose mercury treatment. Likewise, different NKT ligands either dramatically potentiated or inhibited the ability of TLR9 agonistic oligonucleotides to disrupt tolerance to mercury. Our data suggest that these differences could be mediated by the modification of cytokine profiles and regulatory T cell numbers.  相似文献   

Mast cells can promote inflammation and other tissue changes in IgE-associated allergic disorders, as well as in certain innate and adaptive immune responses that are thought to be independent of IgE. However, mast cells can also have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions. Here, we review the evidence that mast cells can have negative, as well as positive, immunomodulatory roles in vivo, and we propose that mast cells can both enhance and later suppress certain features of an immune response.  相似文献   

Comment on: Smr? D, et al. Blood 2011; 118:6803–13  相似文献   

The tumor microenvironment (TME), which is composed of stromal cells such as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and immune cells, provides a supportive niche promoting the growth and invasion of tumors. The TME also raises an immunosuppressive barrier to effective antitumor immune responses and is therefore emerging as a target for cancer immunotherapies. Mast cells (MCs) accumulate in the TME at early stages, and their presence in the TME is associated with poor prognosis in many aggressive human cancers. Some well-established roles of MCs in cancer are promoting angiogenesis and tumor invasion into surrounding tissues. Several mouse models of inducible and spontaneous cancer show that MCs are among the first immune cells to accumulate within and shape the TME. Although MCs and other suppressive myeloid cells are associated with poor prognosis in human cancers, high densities of intratumoral T effector (T(eff)) cells are associated with a favorable prognosis. The latter finding has stimulated interest in developing therapies to increase intratumoral T cell density. However, cellular and molecular mechanisms promoting high densities of intratumoral T(eff) cells within the TME are poorly understood. New evidence suggests that MCs are essential for shaping the immune-suppressive TME and impairing both antitumor T(eff) cell responses and intratumoral T cell accumulation. These roles for MCs warrant further elucidation in order to improve antitumor immunity. Here, we will summarize clinical studies of the prognostic significance of MCs within the TME in human cancers, as well as studies in mouse models of cancer that reveal how MCs are recruited to the TME and how MCs facilitate tumor growth. Also, we will summarize our recent studies indicating that MCs impair generation of protective antitumor T cell responses and accumulation of intratumoral T(eff) cells. We will also highlight some approaches to target MCs in the TME in order to unleash antitumor cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The incorporation of variant histone H2A.Z within chromatin is important for proper gene expression and genome stability. H2A.Z is inserted at discrete loci by the Swr1 or Swr1-like remodeling complexes, although very little is known about the nature of the targeting mechanism involved. Replacement of canonical histone H2A for H2A.Z has been shown to modify nucleosome dynamics, although discrepancies still exist in the literature regarding the mechanisms. Recent experiments have shown that H2A.Z can allow nucleosomes to adopt stable translational positions as compared to H2A, which could influence the accessibility to DNA regulatory proteins. This review provides a brief overview of H2A.Z biology and presents hypotheses that could reconcile contradictory reports that are found in the literature regarding the influence of H2A.Z on nucleosome stability.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium falcilysin protease is a M16-family protease that has been previously identified as a food vacuole enzyme that participates in the breakdown of haemoglobin. Plant homologues of this protease are responsible for breaking down transit peptides that have been processed in mitochondria and plastids, and in this issue of Molecular Microbiology, Ponpuak and colleagues show that falcilysin participates in degradation of transit peptides and haemoglobin in discrete subcellular organelles. The recruitment of a gene product from one cellular compartment to another is a recurring phenomenon in molecular evolutionary biology, and arises through a number of distinct mechanisms. Plasmodium accomplishes this triple act by targeting products of the single falcilysin gene to multiple compartments.  相似文献   

Aggregation of the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcepsilonRI) induces activation of mast cells. In this study we show that upon low intensity stimulation of FcepsilonRI with monomeric IgE, IgE plus anti-IgE, or IgE plus low Ag, Lyn (a Src family kinase) positively regulates degranulation, cytokine production, and survival, whereas Lyn works as a negative regulator of high intensity stimulation with IgE plus high Ag. Low intensity stimulation suppressed Lyn kinase activity and its association with FcepsilonRI beta subunit, whereas high intensity stimulation enhanced Lyn activity and its association with FcepsilonRI beta. The latter induced much higher levels of FcepsilonRI beta phosphorylation and Syk activity than the former. Downstream positive signaling molecules, such as Akt and p38, were positively and negatively regulated by Lyn upon low and high intensity stimulations, respectively. In contrast, the negative regulators, SHIP and Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-1, interacted with FcepsilonRI beta, and their phosphorylation was controlled by Lyn. Therefore, we conclude that Lyn-mediated positive vs negative regulation depends on the intensity of the stimuli. Studies of mutant FcepsilonRI beta showed that FcepsilonRI beta subunit-ITAM (ITAM motif) regulates degranulation and cytokine production positively and negatively depending on the intensity of FcepsilonRI stimulation. Furthermore, Lyn-mediated negative regulation was shown to be exerted via the FcepsilonRI beta-ITAM.  相似文献   

The relationship of the T cell influences involved in human B cell activation and differentiation into immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISC) was investigated. T cell supernatants (T supt) generated by stimulating T cells with phytohemagglutinin and phorbol myristate acetate contained activities capable of augmenting DNA synthesis and the growth of mitogen-stimulated B cells and supporting the differentiation of ISC. To examine the role of T supt in B cell activation and the progression through the cell cycle, T cell- and monocyte-depleted B cells were stimulated with formalinized Cowan I strain Staphylococcus aureus (SA), and the percentages of cells in G1, S, and G2 + M were determined by acridine orange staining and analysis. In all experiments, a similar percentage of cells entered G1 during the first 24 to 36 hr of culture when stimulated with SA or SA + T supt. Similar results were seen when B cell activation was analyzed by acquisition of a number of other markers of cell activation. Analysis of cell cycle progression with mithramycin staining of cellular DNA in the presence or absence of vinblastine to arrest mitosis indicated that SA-activated B cells were able to complete S and divide in the absence of T supt. Although an effect of T supt on the progression of B cells through the S phase was evident during the first cell cycle, the major effect only became apparent after the first round of cell division. Although T supt was not necessary for initial B cell activation, T cell influences were absolutely necessary for the differentiation of ISC. T supt did not need to be present during the initial 24 to 36 hr of incubation to permit subsequent generation of ISC. However, when T supt was present initially, an increased number of ISC were produced. Hydroxyurea elimination of cells traversing the G1-S interphase indicated that reception of the differentiation signal occurred before the S phase, but that the generation of ISC required subsequent DNA synthesis and/or cell division. Although precursors of ISC were entirely contained within the population triggered to divide by SA alone, there was no preferential expansion of such precursors as a result of SA stimulation. These results indicate that T cell signals are not absolutely necessary for initial B cell activation and progression through the first cell cycle, although T cell factors promote DNA synthesis by some activated B cells. In contrast, differentiation into ISC is completely dependent on T cell influences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

TNF plays important roles in the protection and onset of malaria. Although mast cells are known as a source of TNF, little is known about the relationship between mast cells and pathogenesis of malaria. In this study, mast cell-deficient WBB6F1-W/W(v) (W/W(v)) and the control littermate WBB6F1+/+ (+/+) mice were infected with 1 x 10(5) of Plasmodium berghei ANKA. +/+ mice had lower parasitemia with higher TNF levels, as compared with W/W(v) mice. Diminished resistance in W/W(v) mice was considered to be due to mast cells and TNF. This fact was confirmed by experiments in W/W(v) mice reconstituted with bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs) of +/+ mice or of TNF-/- mice. W/W(v) mice with BMMCs of +/+ mice exhibit lower parasitemia and mortality accompanying significantly higher TNF levels than those of W/W(v) mice. Parasitemia in W/W(v) mice with BMMCs of TNF-/- mice was higher than that in +/+ mice. Activation of mast cells by anti-IgE or compound 48/80 resulted in release of TNF and decrease of parasitemia. In addition, splenic hypertrophy and increased number of mast cells in the spleen were observed after infection in +/+ mice and W/W(v) mice reconstituted with BMMCs of +/+ mice as compared with W/W(v) mice. These findings propose a novel mechanism that mast cells and mast cell-derived TNF play protective roles in malaria.  相似文献   

Summary Mast cell granules contain a variety of N-linked saccharides. Heterogeneity of the expression of these saccharides in mast cells was studied in rodent and human tissues which were so selected as to contain all the mast cell subsets previously identified using other criteria. Dermal and intestinal mucosal mast cells were stained with lectins using an avidin-biotin system. It was found that dermal and subepidermal mast cells in the rat and mouse, and mucosal and dermal human mast cells showed very similar lectin binding properties to each other, with a fine variation in the inlensity of staining with certain lectins. Rat mucosal mast cells, however, showed a distinctive pattern of lectin binding which was not seen in mast cells from any other tissue studied. The chemical basis of the differences seen were deduced and the possible significance of these structural variations is discussed.  相似文献   

Mast cells and other cells such as macrophages have been shown to mediate systemic anaphylaxis. We determined the roles of mast cells and Kupffer cells in hepatic and systemic anaphylaxis of rats. Roles of mast cells were examined by using the mast cell-deficient white spotting (Ws/Ws) rat; the Ws/Ws and wild type (+/+) rats were sensitized with ovalbumin (1 mg). Roles of Kupffer cells were examined by depleting Kupffer cells using gadolinium chloride or liposome-encapsulated dichloromethylene diphosphonate in the Ws/Ws and Sprague-Dawley rats. An intravenous injection of 0.6 mg ovalbumin caused substantial anaphylactic hypotension in both the Ws/Ws and +/+ rats; however, the occurrence was delayed in the Ws/Ws rats. After antigen, portal venous pressure increased by 13.1 cmH2O in the +/+ rats, while it increased only by 5.7 cmH2O in the Ws/Ws rats. In response to antigen, the isolated perfused liver of the Ws/Ws rats also showed weak venoconstriction, the magnitude of which was one tenth as large as that of the +/+ rats, indicating that hepatic anaphylaxis was primarily due to mast cells. In contrast, Kupffer cell depletion did not attenuate anaphylactic hepatic venoconstriction in isolated perfused livers. In conclusion, mast cells are involved mainly in anaphylactic hepatic presinusoidal portal venoconstriction but only in the early stage of anaphylactic systemic hypotension in rats. Macrophages, including Kupffer cells, do not participate in rat hepatic anaphylactic venoconstriction.  相似文献   

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