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We have demonstrated with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) that organic hydroperoxides are decomposed to free radicals by both human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and purified myeloperoxidase. When tert-butyl hydroperoxide was incubated with either PMNs or purified myeloperoxidase, peroxyl, alkoxyl, and alkyl radicals were trapped by the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO). In the case of ethyl hydroperoxide, DMPO radical adducts of peroxyl and alkyl (identified as alpha-hydroxyethyl when trapped by tert-nitrosobutane) radicals were detected. Radical adduct formation was inhibited when azide was added to the incubation mixture. Myeloperoxidase-deficient PMNs produced DMPO radical adduct intensities at only about 20-30% of that of normal PMNs. Our studies suggest that myeloperoxidase in PMNs is primarily responsible for the decomposition of organic hydroperoxides to free radicals. The finding of the free radical formation derived from organic hydroperoxides by PMNs may be related to the cytotoxicity of this class of compounds.  相似文献   

Aequorin-loaded human neutrophils in response to chemotactic peptides and ionomycin showed a sharp rise in their intracellular Ca2+ concentration which decayed within 2 min. Depletion of extracellular Ca2+ suppressed only the ionomycin-induced increase. Fura-2-loaded cells also showed a sharp rise in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in response to each stimulator, while the decline was extremely slow in the ionomycin-induced Ca2+ increase. Depletion of extracellular Ca2+ reduced the duration of ionomycin-induced Ca2+ increase. Cytochalasin B almost equally potentiated the rise in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by each stimulator. Aequorin-loaded cells showed impaired phagocytotic activity, while degranulation and oxygen radical production were not affected.  相似文献   

Regional rheological differences in locomoting neutrophils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Intracellular rheology is a useful probe of the mechanisms underlying spontaneous or chemotactic locomotion and transcellular migration of leukocytes. We characterized regional rheological differences between the leading, body, and trailing regions of isolated, adherent, and spontaneously locomoting human neutrophils. We optically trapped intracellular granules and measured their displacement for 500 ms after a 100-nm step change in the trap position. Results were analyzed in terms of simple viscoelasticity and with the use of structural damping (stress relaxation follows a power law in time). Structural damping fit the data better than did viscoelasticity. Regional viscoelastic stiffness and viscosity or structural damping storage and loss moduli were all significantly lower in leading regions than in pooled body and/or trailing regions (the latter were not significantly different). Structural damping showed similar levels of elastic and dissipative stresses in body and/or trailing regions; leading regions were significantly more fluidlike (increased power law exponent). Cytoskeletal disruption with cytochalasin D or nocodazole made body and/or trailing regions 50% less elastic and less viscous. Cytochalasin D completely suppressed pseudopodial formation and locomotion; nocodazole had no effect on leading regions. Neither drug changed the dissipation-storage energy ratio. These results differ from those of studies of neutrophils and other cell types probed at the cell membrane via 2-integrin receptors, which suggests a distinct role for the cell cortex or focal adhesion complexes. We conclude that 1) structural damping well describes intracellular rheology, and 2) while not conclusive, the significantly more fluidlike behavior of the leading edge supports the idea that intracellular pressure may be the origin of motive force in neutrophil locomotion. structural damping; power law; viscoelasticity; optical trap  相似文献   

In normal subjects, nuclei isolated and purified from circulating granulocytes bound 125I-T3. Binding was reversible and inhibited by unlabelled hormone. Scatchard plots showed a single class of high affinity sites (Kd: approximately 1,5 nM) with a high maximal binding capacity (MBC: approximately 400 fmol of T3 bound/100 micrograms of DNA). Structural analogs partially competed with 125I-T3 binding. These data suggest that human normal polymorphonuclear neutrophils possess specific nuclear receptors for triiodothyronine.  相似文献   

Resveratrol, which is a polyphenol present in red wines and vegetables included in human diets, exerts many biological effects. The aim of the present study was to investigate its effect on some activities of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, particularly the generation of superoxide anion ((O2)(-)) in whole blood, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and nitric oxide (NO) production by isolated cells, and chemotaxis. Resveratrol showed significant dose-dependent inhibitory effect on all these activities. In particular, it inhibited O2(-) generation in stimulated but not in resting neutrophils, decreased HOCl much more than O2(-) production indicating an effect on myeloperoxidase secretion since HOCl production is directly and proportionally dependent on O2(-) generation and reduced cell motility. The small dose of resveratrol (4.38 nM) used is attainable with a diet including red wine and vegetables confirming its protective role against some pathological processes such as inflammation, coronary heart disease, and cancer.  相似文献   

The primary structures of human pulmonary surfactant-associated proteins SP-A, SP-B and SP-C isolated from lung lavage of patients with alveolar proteinosis exhibit significant differences from lung surfactant proteins isolated from lungs of healthy individuals. In contrast to SP-A from normal lungs, proteinosis SP-A was shown by SDS gel electrophoresis to contain large amounts of unreducibly cross-linked beta chains. Specific primary structure modifications of SP-C and SP-B proteins were established by direct molecular weight and structural analysis, using [252Cf]plasma desorption mass spectrometry (PD/MS) as the principal method. In comparison to normal lung surfactant SP-B, proteinosis SP-B showed a significantly increased molecular weight by approx. 500 Da for the unreduced protein dimer. SP-C proteins from normal lungs were identified to possess a bis-cysteinyl-5,6-(thioester)palmitoylated structure, and to contain a frayed N-terminus resulting in two sequences of 34 and 35 amino acid residues. In contrast, SP-C from proteinosis patients was modified by (i) partial or even complete removal of palmitate residues and (ii) additional N-terminal proteolytic degradation. These results indicate the presence of pathophysiological structure modifications, which are likely to occur in the alveolar space, and may lead to a reduced surfactant function.  相似文献   

The anion transport system of human red blood cells was isolated in vesicles containing the original lipids of the membrane and predominantly the 95,000-dalton polypeptides (Band 3) associated with intralipid particles. The vesicles display various characteristic properties of anion permeation closely resembling those of the native system. The properties include energy of activation, pH dependence, anion sleectivity, sensitivity to specific inhibitors, and exchange and net rates of sulfate transport. Based on these and other criteria, the functional properties of isolated vesicles could be equated with those of the intact cell system. Direct support for the involvement of 95,000-dalton polypeptides in permeation functions is provided.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that hydroxyapatite (HA) priming of human neutrophils to a second stimulus of formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMPL) is influenced by a bisphosphonate and fluoride. The purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of low concentrations of NaF (10−3–10−11 mol/L F) on HA-mediated neutrophil chemiluminescence (CL) as a measure of oxidative function. CL assays were conducted following extended time periods of incubation (30 min, 3 h, 18 h and 24 h). Results were calculated as integrals of total energy output and expressed as the difference between the experimental (NaF/HA) and control (cells alone) assays. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to estimate cellular integrity and confirm HA phagocytosis. CL inhibition was observed at all fluoride concentrations at 30 min incubation. No significant difference compared to the control was observed in the CL output at 3 or 18 h. However, at 24 h the response showed a significant increase in activity at all NaF concentrations. The TEM results confirmed the functional integrity of the neutrophils, particularly those phagocytosing HA particles up to 24 h. Based on these results we demonstrate that human peripheral blood neutrophils can be maintained in a fully functional state with respect to the respiratory burst and morphology for at least 24 h. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most previous studies of IgG FcR on neutrophils (PMN) have focused on a single FcR of Mr = 50 to 70 kDa, which is recognized by mAb 3G8 and anti-Leu-11a. In the course of studying the effects of extracellular proteases on PMN receptor expression and function, we found that treatment with human leukocyte elastase reduced the expression of this FcR on the PMN surface by as much as 85% in flow cytometric studies, but did not inhibit ingestion of IgG-coated particles or O2- production induced by multivalent IgG complexes, and caused only a 35% decrease in IC binding to PMN. Since a second FcR with Mr = 40 kDa recognized by mAb IV-3, recently has been identified on PMN, we sought to determine if this FcR was resistant to elastase and thus accounted for the elastase stability of IgG-mediated PMN functions. Elastase treatment that reduced 3G8 binding by 85% caused no decrease in binding of mAb IV-3. For non-elastase-treated PMN, mAb IV-3 against the 40 kDa FcR caused as much as 79 +/- 7% inhibition of IgG-induced O2- production, whereas mAb 3G8 against the 50 to 70 kDa FcR caused only 32 +/- 5% inhibition. In contrast, for IC-binding, mAb IV-3 caused only 15 +/- 6% inhibition, whereas mAb 3G8 caused as much as 80 +/- 9% inhibition, a reversal of their relative effects on O2- production. In parallel studies with elastase-treated PMN, mAb IV-3 actually blocked more IC binding than did mAb 3G8, 55 +/- 4% vs 40 +/- 6%, respectively, presumably because most of the 50 to 70 kDa FcR molecules had been cleaved. The effect of the two mAb together in blocking IC binding was additive, whereas for blocking of O2- production, mAb 3G8 added little or nothing to the effect of mAb IV-3 alone. Direct 125I-labeled Ab binding studies with intact PMN revealed seven times as many 50 to 70 kDa as 40kDa FcR, 110,200 +/- 9600 and 15,100 +/- 700 sites/cell, respectively. Our findings suggest that the elastase-resistant 40 kDa FcR is primarily responsible for IgG-mediated activation of human PMN, whereas the elastase-sensitive 50 to 70 kDa FcR predominates in IC binding, by virtue of its numerical superiority, but does not directly activate the cell. The latter may serve to hold IgG-coated microorganisms or other multivalent IC in place at the PMN surface, enhancing contact with the 40 kDa FcR and thus facilitating cell activation in a cooperative manner.  相似文献   

Human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) rapidly lost functional and structural integrity in the course of a short-term incubation with either triggered neutrophils or eosinophils. In contrast to native alpha 2M, the modified antiproteinase was unable to bind neutrophil elastase or pancreatic elastase in a manner that restricted the enzymes' access to high molecular weight substrates. In addition to the complete loss of its antiproteolytic potential, the conformation of the dysfunctional inhibitor was radically altered and susceptible to further modification by exogenous proteinases as assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the mechanism by which alpha 2M was inactivated by neutrophils revealed that the process was dependent on the generation of hypochlorous acid, an oxidant generated by the hydrogen peroxide-myeloperoxidase-chloride system. In contrast to the neutrophil, maximal eosinophil-dependent inactivation required the presence of physiologic concentrations of bromide and appeared to involve the generation of hypobromous acid. The ability of either hypochlorous acid or hypobromous acid to directly disrupt alpha 2M function and structure was confirmed under cell-free conditions. These results demonstrate that alpha 2M, an antiproteinase heretofore considered to be resistant to physiologic inactivation, could be destroyed by two populations of human phagocytes via oxidative modifications mediated by hypophalous acids.  相似文献   

No differences were noted between the percent (2–4%) of single-stranded regions in DNA isolated from pre- and postmenopausal human ovaries as determined by nuclease S1 digestion.  相似文献   

Kinetics of neutrophil inactivation was investigated in vitro by Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) test in the process of their contact with the substrate. It has been shown that the previous thermostatation results in an exclusive inactivation of neutrophils with high reaction ability leading to their complete inactivation. Such an inactivation is a consequence of cell contacts with the substrate, whose chemical structure and physicochemical properties define the process regularities. The neutrophil inactivation is probably not a consequence of the contact itself but may follow the next scheme: stimulus (contact with substrate)--generation of reactive oxygen metabolites--inactivation. Two functional unequal classes of neutrophils were differentiated on the basis of different levels of their reactive oxygen metabolite generation, and on their ability to inactivation. In vitro cells of one of these classes actively generate reactive oxygen metabolites to be inactivated in consequence of interaction with the substrate, whereas cells of the other class produce reactive oxygen metabolites less actively and are nor inactivated. Evidently, in vivo cells of the are phagocytes and those of the latter fulfill other functions.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been reported that a mammalian protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), when expressed on a single copy number plasmid, can rescue growth of a PDI1-disrupted yeast. However, here, for the first time we demonstrated by tetrad analysis that human PDI (hPDI) is unable to replace yeast PDI (yPDI) when hPDI cDNA is integrated into the yeast chromosome. This observation indicates that hPDI is not functionally equivalent to yPDI. Estimation of the actual copy number of the plasmid, as well as comparison of isomerase and chaperone activities between human and yeast PDI homologues, indicates that one copy of hPDI cDNA is not sufficient to rescue the PDI1-disrupted strain. Notably, the isomerase activities of yPDI family proteins, Mpd1p, Mpd2p, and Eug1p, were extremely low, although yPDI itself exhibited twice as much isomerase activity as hPDI in vitro. Moreover, with the exception of Mpd1p, all hPDI and yPDI family proteins had chaperone activity, this being particularly strong in the case of yPDI and Mpd2p. These observations indicate that the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is completely dependent on the isomerase activity of yPDI.  相似文献   

The measure of superoxide anion (.O2-) generation was carried out in the neutrophils (PMNs) of newborns. Comparison between .O2- generation in the resting state and after stimulation with zymosan was considered. PMNs were incubated in their own plasma and in plasma from healthy adult subjects. The results demonstrate a decrease of .O2- generation (in comparison with adult PMNs) in the PMNs from newborn when they were incubated in their own plasma while the .O2- generation reached the values equal to adult's PMNs when the cells of newborns were incubated in the adult's plasma. However PMNs from some newborns demonstrated a low .O2- generation even though they were incubated in adult's plasma. The data are suggestive of a predominant, but not always exclusive, responsibility of plasma factors in the decrease .O2- generation by PMNs of full term babies.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization and properties of the chymotrypsin-like esterase activity (N-acetyl-DL-phenlylalanine β-naphthyl esterase acitivity) of the rabbit peritoneal neutrophil has been studied and shown to differ from that of the human neutrophil.The major portion of the esterase activity in the rabbit neutrophil is in the 100 000 × g supernatant fraction with distinctly less activity in the lysosomal fraction. The 100 000 × g supernatant contained the highest relative specific activity of any of the subcellular fractions. Rabbit peripheral blood neutrophils gave the same distribution.The 100 000 × g supernatant esterase is 95% esterase 1 and 5% esterase 3, whereas, the lysosomal esterase is 78% esterase 1, 10–16% esterase 2 and 9% esterase 3 as defined by their ability to be inhibited by p-nitrophenyllethyl-5-chloropentylphosphonate. The 100 000 × g supernatant The 100 000 × g supernatant and lysosomal esterase activities further differ in their susceptibility to other inhibitors, their pH optima, ease of elution from DEAE and isoelectric points. Two molecular weight species of 174 000 and 70 000 were found in the 100 000 × g supernatant fraction and extracts of the lysosomal fraction but usually in differing proportions.In confirmation of others, essentially all of the chymotrypsin-like esterase activity (N-acetyl-DL-phenlylalanine β-naphthyl esterase activity) of the human neutrophil is in the lysosomal fraction, unlike the rabbit cell. The human neutrophil esterase was less susceptible to inhibition by p-nitrophenylethyl-5-chloropentylphosphonate and diisopropylphosphofluoridate but more susceptible to soybean trypsin inhibitor than rabbit esterase activity. The pH optimum of the human neutrophil esterase differed from either the rabbit lysosomal or 100 000 × g supernatant esterase, as did the isoelectric point and molecular weights.  相似文献   

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) increased neutrophil C3bi-receptor expression and adherence and rapidly (less than 10 min) primed neutrophils to enhanced O2- release and membrane depolarization stimulated by chemotactic peptide. Direct triggering of O2- release in suspended neutrophils was also provoked by GM-CSF but not by G-CSF. GM-CSF-induced O2- release was inhibited by cyclic AMP agonists and cytochalasin B. The biological activity was greater in non-glycosylated GM-CSF than in glycosylated GM-CSF, whereas it was identical in glycosylated and non-glycosylated G-CSFs. Direct stimulation and priming by GM-CSF were consistently greater than those by G-CSF and the combined addition of the optimal concentrations of G-CSF and GM-CSF resulted in the effects of GM-CSF alone. These findings indicate that the effects of G-CSF and GM-CSF on neutrophil functions are qualitatively and quantitatively different from each other.  相似文献   

Clinically reported reparative benefits of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are majorly attributed to strong immune‐modulatory abilities not exactly shared by fibroblasts. However, MSCs remain heterogeneous populations, with unique tissue‐specific subsets, and lack of clear‐cut assays defining therapeutic stromal subsets adds further ambiguity to the field. In this context, in‐depth evaluation of cellular characteristics of MSCs from proximal oro‐facial tissues: dental pulp (DPSCs) and periodontal ligament (PDLSCs) from identical donors provides an opportunity to evaluate exclusive niche‐specific influences on multipotency and immune‐modulation. Exhaustive cell surface profiling of DPSCs and PDLSCs indicated key differences in expression of mesenchymal (CD105) and pluripotent/multipotent stem cell–associated cell surface antigens: SSEA4, CD117, CD123 and CD29. DPSCs and PDLSCs exhibited strong chondrogenic potential, but only DPSCs exhibited adipogenic and osteogenic propensities. PDLSCs expressed immuno‐stimulatory/immune‐adhesive ligands like HLA‐DR and CD50, upon priming with IFNγ, unlike DPSCs, indicating differential response patterns to pro‐inflammatory cytokines. Both DPSCs and PDLSCs were hypo‐immunogenic and did not elicit robust allogeneic responses despite exposure to IFNγ or TNFα. Interestingly, only DPSCs attenuated mitogen‐induced lympho‐proliferative responses and priming with either IFNγ or TNFα enhanced immuno‐modulation capacity. In contrast, primed or unprimed PDLSCs lacked the ability to suppress polyclonal T cell blast responses. This study indicates that stromal cells from even topographically related tissues do not necessarily share identical MSC properties and emphasizes the need for a thorough functional testing of MSCs from diverse sources with respect to multipotency, immune parameters and response to pro‐inflammatory cytokines before translational usage.  相似文献   

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