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Deep surgical and accidental hypothermia cause elevations in serum enzyme levels, probably because of ultrastructural cell damage. Many variables hinder work on this problem in the clinical situation and the mechanism is obscure. Accordingly, enzymes and other physiological parameters were monitored in four subjects cooled four times, under controlled conditions in the laboratory, to a mean auditory canal temperature of 35.0 degrees C. Mild hypovolaemia and acidosis is occurred. Serum enzyme levels did not change significantly and it is concluded that elevations due to hypothermia cannot be studied in laboratory experiments on healthy volunteers who can only safely be cooled to 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Hematologic and rheologic changes related to pure surface hypothermia procedures and procedures combining surface cooling and perfusion rewarming were studied in 16 dogs. White blood cell (WBC) and platelet counts decreased with surface cooling to about 20% of control and returned to control following surface rewarming. WBC and platelet counts returned to 80 and 50% of control depending on whether perfusion rewarming was stopped at 30 or 35 °C, respectively. Hemoconcentration was avoided during cooling with low molecular weight dextran hemodilution that was also in part responsible for a 33% decline in plasma proteins. Blood cooled in vitro and in vivo was studied by cone-plate viscometry and the viscosity noted to increase significantly as a function of decreased temperature. Computer analysis revealed that variations in temperature accounted for 75% of the variations in viscosity and variations in hematocrit contributed only 8%. An empiric formula was constructed that employs preoperative hematocrit and projected temperature to predict viscosity changes during cooling. The clinical relevance of hematologic and rheologic alterations during surface and combined hypothermia procedures was discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine cardiovascular β-adrenergic responses during hypothermia. In the present study, we used isoproterenol (Iso), a nonselective, potent β-adrenoceptor agonist, well known for its positive chronotropic and inotropic pharmacologic actions at normothermia. Rats were instrumented to measure mean arterial pressure (MAP) and left ventricular (LV) pressure–volume changes using a Millar pressure–volume conductance catheter. Core temperature was manipulated from 37 (normothermia) to 24 °C (hypothermia) and back to 37 °C (rewarming) using both internal and external heat exchangers. During cooling at each temperature (33, 30, 27, and 24 °C), central hemodynamic variables and MAP were measured while intravenously infusing Iso (doses of 1.7, 5, 10, and 20 ng/min). Seven animals underwent all phases of the protocol. At normothermia Iso infusion resulted in a significant, dose-dependent increase in heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), LV dP/dtmax (left ventricular maximum derivative of systolic pressure over time) but no change in MAP. During cooling Iso infusion caused no dose-dependent change in any of the hemodynamic variables. After rewarming, baseline HR and LV dP/dtmax were increased, whereas SV was significantly reduced when compared with their pre-hypothermic baseline values. This study shows that physiological cardiovascular responses mediated by the β-adrenoceptor are significantly diminished during core hypothermia.  相似文献   

Orthostatic stress activates the coagulation system. The extent of coagulation activation with full orthostatic load leading to presyncope is unknown. We examined in 7 healthy males whether presyncope, using a combination of head up tilt (HUT) and lower body negative pressure (LBNP), leads to coagulation changes as well as in the return to baseline during recovery. Coagulation responses (whole blood thrombelastometry, whole blood platelet aggregation, endogenous thrombin potential, markers of endothelial activation and thrombin generation), blood cell counts and plasma mass density (for volume changes) were measured before, during, and 20 min after the orthostatic stress. Maximum orthostatic load led to a 25% plasma volume loss. Blood cell counts, prothrombin levels, thrombin peak, endogenous thrombin potential, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor levels increased during the protocol, commensurable with hemoconcentration. The markers of endothelial activation (tissue factor, tissue plasminogen activator), and thrombin generation (F1+2, prothrombin fragments 1 and 2, and TAT, thrombin-antithrombin complex) increased to an extent far beyond the hemoconcentration effect. During recovery, the markers of endothelial activation returned to initial supine values, but F1+2 and TAT remained elevated, suggestive of increased coagulability. Our findings of increased coagulability at 20 min of recovery from presyncope may have greater clinical significance than short-term procoagulant changes observed during standing. While our experiments were conducted in healthy subjects, the observed hypercoagulability during graded orthostatic challenge, at presyncope and in recovery may be an important risk factor particularly for patients already at high risk for thromboembolic events (e.g. those with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis or hypertensives).  相似文献   

Restraint hypothermia has often been described, but its cause has never been clarified. We hypothesized that it might be due to a suppression of shivering thermogenesis. Thus, we restrained conscious rats in an ambient temperature of 2 degrees C while measuring rectal (Tre) and tail skin temperatures, metabolic rate (MR), and shivering activity. When rats were cold exposed but not restrained, Tre fell 1.4 +/- 0.2 degrees C (SE) during the 1st h. When these same rats were restrained, Tre fell at a rate of 6.5 +/- 0.2 degrees C/h. MR averaged 15.7 +/- 1.4 W/kg for the unrestrained rats, but it averaged only 9.0 +/- 1.1 W/kg for the restrained rats. The restrained rats showed no signs of shivering. The animals were then subjected to a restraint adaptation regimen and then reexposed to cold. Restraint now produced a fall in Tre of only 2.6 +/- 0.7 degrees C/h. The animals shivered and generated an MR of 15.8 +/- 0.9 W/kg. Naive rats became hypothermic because restraint suppressed shivering activity. However, adapted rats continued to shiver and remained normothermic. We suggest that a stressful or threatening situation, such as restraint for a naive rat, inhibits shivering and leads to hypothermia in a cold environment. This would not occur in adapted rats because restraint is no longer stressful.  相似文献   

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