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Grooming bouts were observed for 200 h in two captive American kestrels (Falco sparverius sparverius). Two types of bouts were found, long and short; the bout length distribution for long bouts approximated a geometric distribution, which can be interpreted as a discrete variant of the survival function. Transition rules in long bouts were based on anatomical proximity. Grooming movements clustered together on the basis of anatomical regions and function. Timing processes could either be accounted for by a three-level hierarchy involving two different types of distributions, or a four-level hierarchy of identical distributions. In the former model, grooming acts per cluster, clusters per preening session and preening sessions per bout all yielded frequency distributions of the geometric type, suggesting that grooming could be controlled by a hierarchy of random processes.  相似文献   

BackgroundSpending more time active (and less sedentary) is associated with health benefits such as improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of all-cause mortality. It is unclear whether these associations differ depending on whether time spent sedentary or in moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is accumulated in long or short bouts. In this study, we used a novel method that accounts for substitution (i.e., more time in MVPA means less time sleeping, in light activity or sedentary) to examine whether length of sedentary and MVPA bouts associates with all-cause mortality.Methods and findingsWe used data on 79,503 adult participants from the population-based UK Biobank cohort, which recruited participants between 2006 and 2010 (mean age at accelerometer wear 62.1 years [SD = 7.9], 54.5% women; mean length of follow-up 5.1 years [SD = 0.73]). We derived (1) the total time participants spent in activity categories—sleep, sedentary, light activity, and MVPA—on average per day; (2) time spent in sedentary bouts of short (1 to 15 minutes), medium (16 to 40 minutes), and long (41+ minutes) duration; and (3) MVPA bouts of very short (1 to 9 minutes), short (10 to 15 minutes), medium (16 to 40 minutes), and long (41+ minutes) duration. We used Cox proportion hazards regression to estimate the association of spending 10 minutes more average daily time in one activity or bout length category, coupled with 10 minutes less time in another, with all-cause mortality. Those spending more time in MVPA had lower mortality risk, irrespective of whether this replaced time spent sleeping, sedentary, or in light activity, and these associations were of similar magnitude (e.g., hazard ratio [HR] 0.96 [95% CI: 0.94, 0.97; P < 0.001] per 10 minutes more MVPA, coupled with 10 minutes less light activity per day). Those spending more time sedentary had higher mortality risk if this replaced light activity (HR 1.02 [95% CI: 1.01, 1.02; P < 0.001] per 10 minutes more sedentary time, with 10 minutes less light activity per day) and an even higher risk if this replaced MVPA (HR 1.06 [95% CI: 1.05, 1.08; P < 0.001] per 10 minutes more sedentary time, with 10 minutes less MVPA per day). We found little evidence that mortality risk differed depending on the length of sedentary or MVPA bouts. Key limitations of our study are potential residual confounding, the limited length of follow-up, and use of a select sample of the United Kingdom population.ConclusionsWe have shown that time spent in MVPA was associated with lower mortality, irrespective of whether it replaced time spent sleeping, sedentary, or in light activity. Time spent sedentary was associated with higher mortality risk, particularly if it replaced MVPA. This emphasises the specific importance of MVPA. Our findings suggest that the impact of MVPA does not differ depending on whether it is obtained from several short bouts or fewer longer bouts, supporting the recent removal of the requirement that MVPA should be accumulated in bouts of 10 minutes or more from the UK and the United States policy. Further studies are needed to investigate causality and explore health outcomes beyond mortality.

Louise Millard and co-workers study associations between bouts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and mortality.  相似文献   

Multiple platform approaches for measuring the behavior of marine mammals may strengthen data quality and quantity. However, if this approach is chosen, reconciliation of behavioral measures between each platform is required. This study compared typical measures of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) behavior collected from three different sampling platforms; land‐based, boat‐based, and digital tags (Dtags), to explore similarities and/or discrepancies in data. Visual observations from land‐based platforms significantly underestimated group blow rate when compared to boat‐based platforms, whereas broad‐scale spatial movements (speed and course traveled) were measured similarly by these two platforms. Dtags were used to define dive behavior based on a time and depth criteria, where bouts of short shallow respiration dives (≤80 s and ≤10 m) were separated from longer, deeper dives (>80 s and >10 m). At a group level, land and boat platforms agreed on the number of long dives but land platforms missed bouts of short dives. At an individual level, the number of short and long dives observed by boat‐based platforms agreed with Dtag recordings. This study highlights the importance of data exploration prior to analyses in multiple platform studies to identify potential discrepancies and appropriately account for any biases.  相似文献   

We addressed decision-making processes in the collective movements of two groups of Przewalski horses ( Equus ferus przewalskii ) living in a semi free-ranging population. We investigated whether different patterns of group movement are related to certain ecological contexts (habitat use and group activity) and analysed the possible decision-making processes involved. We found two distinct patterns; 'single-bout' and 'multiple-bout' movements occurred in both study groups. The movements were defined by the occurrence of collective stops between bouts and differed by their duration, distance covered and ecological context. For both movements, we found that a preliminary period involving several horses occurred before departure. In single-bout movements, all group members rapidly joined the first moving horse, independently of the preliminary period. In multiple-bout movements, however, the joining process was longer; in particular when the number of decision-makers and their pre-departure behaviour before departure increased. Multiple-bout movements were more often used by horses to switch habitats and activities. This observation demonstrates that the horses need more time to resolve motivational conflicts before these departures. We conclude that decision-making in Przewalski horses is based on a shared consensus process driven by ecological determinants.  相似文献   

Because body temperature is tightly coupled to physiological function, hibernating animals entering deep torpor are typically immobile. We analysed thermal behaviour and locomotory activity of hibernating greater mouse-eared bats Myotis myotis and found two types of movement behaviour related to body temperature, i.e. movement at high fur temperature and at low fur temperatures (Tflow; <5 °C). First Tflow movements appeared at the beginning of March and often occurred during long torpor bouts. In most cases, Tflow events represented slow displacements between clusters of bats. In several cases, however, departure or arrivals from and into clusters was also recorded without any elevation in body temperature. Distance travelled, flight duration and speed of locomotion during Tflow events was lower than in high fur temperature events. Such behaviour could allow bats to save energy long-term and prolong torpor bouts. Tflow movement in torpid bats significantly changes our understanding of basic hibernation principles and we strongly recommend further studies on the subject.  相似文献   

In many of the fish species studied in detail, courtship is organized into short discrete periods of activity (bouts) that are sufficiently independent of each other to allow the pair to react to external stimuli. When isolated in an aquarium, a pair produces long bouts by haphazardly joining sequences of events. The reduction of variation within the sequences of long bouts is accomplished with the utilization of the same introductory pattern (“tonic key signs”). In long courting species, alternative sequences exist throughout courtship but with gradual shifts in the probabilities of some behaviors.  相似文献   

Hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, sometimes exchange shells after a period of shell rapping, when the initiating or attacking crab brings its shell rapidly and repeatedly into contact with the shell of the noninitiator or defender in a series of bouts. Bouts are separated by pauses, and raps within bouts are separated by very short periods called 'gaps'. Since within-contest variation is missed when signals are studied by averaging performance rates over entire contests, we analysed the fine within-bout structure of this repeated, aggressive signal. We found that the pattern is consistent with high levels of fatigue in initiators. The duration of the gaps between individual raps increased both within bouts and from bout to bout, and we conclude that this activity is costly to perform. Furthermore, long pauses between bouts is correlated with increased vigour of rapping in the subsequent bout, which suggests that the pause allows for recovery from fatigue induced by rapping. These between-bout pauses may be assessed by noninitiators and provide a signal of stamina. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We compared the postabdominal architecture of Mastigini with extremely long (Stenomastigus) or short (Palaeostigus) aedeagus. A novel mode of copulation was discovered: males of Stenomastigus insert a paramere between the female's abdomen and elytra, and the intromission is stabilized by several structures of both sexes. The intrinsic aedeagal mechanism is indicated as responsible for inflating the endophallus, and the long flagellum does not penetrate the ductus spermathecae during copulation. The structure of the flagellum suggests that it is primarily responsible for the sperm transfer. Asymmetrical postabdominal rotators of the aedeagus were only found in Stenomastigus; they presumably facilitate the withdrawal of the genitalia; their origin as bundles separated from larger muscles is postulated. We discuss a scenario in which the evolution of elongated genitalia was facilitated by the lack of structural constraints and existing preadaptations. Benefits of stabilizing the copulation and intromission are indicated as the driving force for the evolution of extremely long aedeagi, while the short aedeagi might have the advantage of freedom of movements facilitating the initiation of copulation by males. Disruptive selection is suggested as a working hypothesis to further investigate mechanisms that have played a role in the evolution of genital structures of Mastigini.  相似文献   

Huddling allows emperor penguins to conserve energy and survive their long winter fast while facing harsh climatic conditions. Here we report the first investigation into the effects of changes in wind speed and ambient temperature on different components of penguin huddling behaviour. We attached light and temperature recorders to male emperor penguins at the Pointe Géologie colony, Antarctica, which recorded huddling events. We then compared the frequency, duration, occurrence and intensity of huddling bouts, with ambient air temperatures and wind speeds. Huddling occurrence increased with lower ambient temperatures and higher wind speeds, whereas huddling intensity was mainly enhanced by lower ambient temperatures. Moreover, huddling group movements were linked to wind direction and its global density to lower ambient temperatures. Hence, emperor penguins complex huddling behaviour was modulated differently depending on these two parameters. Weather conditions may then affect emperor penguins ability to save energy and survive their winter fast.  相似文献   

Most seabirds are diurnal foragers, but some species may also feed at night. In Peruvian pelicans (Pelecanus thagus), the evidence for nocturnal foraging is sparse and anecdotal. We used GPS-dataloggers on five incubating Peruvian pelicans from Isla Lobos de Tierra, Perú, to examine their nocturnality, foraging movements and activities patterns at sea. All instrumented pelicans undertook nocturnal trips during a 5–7 day tracking period. Eighty-seven percent of these trips (n = 13) were strictly nocturnal, whereas the remaining occurred during the day and night. Most birds departed from the island after sunset and returned a few hours after sunrise. Birds traveled south of the island for single-day trips at a maximum range of 82.8 km. Overall, 22% of the tracking period was spent at sea, whereas the remaining time was spent on the island. In the intermediate section of the trip (between inbound and outbound commutes), birds spent 77% of the trip time in floating bouts interspersed by short flying bouts, the former being on average three times longer than the latter. Taken together, the high sinuosity of the bird''s tracks during floating bouts, the exclusively nocturnal trips of most individuals, and the fact that all birds returned to the island within a few hours after sunrise suggest that pelicans were actively feeding at night. The nocturnal foraging strategy of Peruvian pelicans may reduce food competition with the sympatric and strictly diurnal Guanay cormorants (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii), Peruvian boobies (Sula variegata) and Blue-footed boobies (S. nebouxii), which were present on the island in large numbers. Likewise, plankton bioluminescence might be used by pelicans as indirect cues to locate anchovies during their upward migration at night. The foraging success of pelicans at night may be enhanced by seizing prey close to the sea surface using a sit-and-wait strategy.  相似文献   

We describe the features of waters where seabirds were feeding by sampling vertical water temperature profiles with data loggers mounted on five Brünnich's Guillemots in Svalbard, Norway. The guillemots foraged in a cold water (−0.5–0.5°C SST (sea surface temperature)) by making 1.8 dive bouts in short trips (32–257 min duration) as well as in moderate (0.5–2.0°C SST) and warm waters (2.5–4.0°C SST) by making 6.0 dive bouts during long trips (411–688 min duration). Judging from outbound flying time (15.7–24.4 min), time between dive bouts (23.9–43.3 min) and water types, the birds probably fed in fjord or coastal waters during short trips and in both coastal and offshore waters during long trips. Water temperature and diving behaviour can be simultaneously recorded by small data loggers, which therefore will provide useful information on marine features and foraging activity of top predators.  相似文献   

One of the most significant problems facing older individuals is difficulty staying asleep at night and awake during the day. Understanding the mechanisms by which the regulation of sleep/wake goes awry with age is a critical step in identifying novel therapeutic strategies to improve quality of life for the elderly. We measured wake, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep in young (2–4 months-old) and aged (22–24 months-old) C57BL6/NIA mice. We used both conventional measures (i.e., bout number and bout duration) and an innovative spike-and-slab statistical approach to characterize age-related fragmentation of sleep/wake. The short (spike) and long (slab) components of the spike-and-slab mixture model capture the distribution of bouts for each behavioral state in mice. Using this novel analytical approach, we found that aged animals are less able to sustain long episodes of wakefulness or NREM sleep. Additionally, spectral analysis of EEG recordings revealed that aging slows theta peak frequency, a correlate of arousal. These combined analyses provide a window into the mechanisms underlying the destabilization of long periods of sleep and wake and reduced vigilance that develop with aging.  相似文献   

In mammals, reproduction, especially for females is energetically demanding. Therefore, during the reproductive period females could potentially adjust patterns of thermoregulation and foraging in concert to minimise the energetic constraints associated with pregnancy and lactation. We assessed the influence of pregnancy, lactation, and post-lactation on torpor use and foraging behaviour by female little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus. We measured thermoregulation by recording skin temperature and foraging by tracking bats which carried temperature-sensitive radio-tags. We found that individuals, regardless of reproductive condition, used torpor, but the patterns of torpor use varied significantly between reproductive (pregnant and lactating) females and post-lactating females. As we predicted, reproductive females entered torpor for shorter bouts than post-lactating females. Although all females used torpor frequently, pregnant females spent less time in torpor, and maintained higher skin temperatures than either lactating or post-lactating females. This result suggests that delayed offspring development which has been associated with torpor use during pregnancy, may pose a higher risk to an individual’s reproductive success than reduced milk production during lactation. Conversely, foraging behaviour of radio-tagged bats did not vary with reproductive condition, suggesting that even short, shallow bouts of torpor produce substantial energy savings, likely obviating the need to spend more time foraging. Our data clearly show that torpor use and reproduction are not mutually exclusive and that torpor use (no matter how short or shallow) is an important means of balancing the costs of reproduction for M. lucifugus.  相似文献   

Host plant acceptance behavior of redlegged earth mites (Halotydeus destructor) on cotyledons of subterranean clover (subclover) lines was investigated in the laboratory. Sustained feeding consisted of a series of short bouts of feeding; rather than one long period of feeding. H. destructor preferred to feed at mite-damaged rather than undamaged sites on cotyledons. With time the numbers of mites feeding in aggregations increased, as mites were attracted to damaged patches. Most feeding occurred in aggregations, and mites in such groups benefited by greater weight gain. The sequence of foraging leading to feeding was similar between subclover lines, however, feeding and aggregation activities were markedly reduced on a resistant line. Host plant acceptance occurred during probing but only after some feeding had occurred.  相似文献   

The copulatory behavior of a social group of 18 stumptail macaques was observed for 171 hours over a period of 5 months. The occurrence of copulation and several quantitative measures of copulation were compared using sampling periods of 2 hours daily and continuous dawn-to-dusk observation. In this environment copulation was found to occur in brief bouts of relatively short duration. Copulation was detected on 34% of the days observed with 2 hr sampling and 100% of the days with DTD sampling. Thus, brief limited-time samples of behavior are not adequate for reliably detecting copulation in this species under social group-living conditions.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,55(1):43-52
Reassociation of high molecular weight rice DNA has revealed the occurrence of long stretches of repeated DNA which are not interrupted by single copy DNA even at a fragment length as high as 20 kilo base pairs (kbp). Majority of these repeated sequences are unusually G + C rich and show significant variations in their thermal stability. Homology studies indicate that short repeats may have evolved from long repeats in total repetitive DNA while they may be of different origin in highly repetitive DNA fraction. Restriction enzyme analysis shows the occurrence of Ava I and EcoR V repeat families.  相似文献   

Sleep is an evolutionarily conserved process that is linked to diurnal cycles and normal daytime wakefulness. Healthy sleep and wakefulness are integral to a healthy lifestyle; this occurs when an organism is able to maintain long bouts of both sleep and wake. Homer proteins, which function as adaptors for group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors, have been implicated in genetic studies of sleep in both Drosophila and mouse. Drosophila express a single Homer gene product that is upregulated during sleep. By contrast, vertebrates express Homer as both constitutive and immediate early gene (H1a) forms, and H1a is up-regulated during wakefulness. Genetic deletion of Homer in Drosophila results in fragmented sleep and in failure to sustain long bouts of sleep, even under increased sleep drive. However, deletion of Homer1a in mouse results in failure to sustain long bouts of wakefulness. Further evidence for the role of Homer1a in the maintenance of wake comes from the CREB alpha delta mutant mouse, which displays a reduced wake phenotype similar to the Homer1a knockout and fails to up-regulate Homer1a upon sleep loss. Homer1a is a gene whose expression is induced by CREB. Sustained behaviors of the sleep/wake cycle are created by molecular pathways that are distinct from those for arousal or short bouts, and implicate an evolutionarily-conserved role for Homer in sustaining these behaviors.  相似文献   

Animals collecting patchily distributed resources are faced with complex multi-location routing problems. Rather than comparing all possible routes, they often find reasonably short solutions by simply moving to the nearest unvisited resources when foraging. Here, we report the travel optimization performance of bumble-bees (Bombus terrestris) foraging in a flight cage containing six artificial flowers arranged such that movements between nearest-neighbour locations would lead to a long suboptimal route. After extensive training (80 foraging bouts and at least 640 flower visits), bees reduced their flight distances and prioritized shortest possible routes, while almost never following nearest-neighbour solutions. We discuss possible strategies used during the establishment of stable multi-location routes (or traplines), and how these could allow bees and other animals to solve complex routing problems through experience, without necessarily requiring a sophisticated cognitive representation of space.  相似文献   

Ueno T  Masuda N  Kume S  Kume K 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32007
We analyzed the effects of dopamine signaling on the temporal organization of rest and activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Locomotor behaviors were recorded using a video-monitoring system, and the amounts of movements were quantified by using an image processing program. We, first, confirmed that rest bout durations followed long-tailed (i.e., power-law) distributions, whereas activity bout durations did not with a strict method described by Clauset et al. We also studied the effects of circadian rhythm and ambient temperature on rest bouts and activity bouts. The fraction of activity significantly increased during subjective day and at high temperature, but the power-law exponent of the rest bout distribution was not affected. The reduction in rest was realized by reduction in long rest bouts. The distribution of activity bouts did not change drastically under the above mentioned conditions. We then assessed the effects of dopamine. The distribution of rest bouts became less long-tailed and the time spent in activity significantly increased after the augmentation of dopamine signaling. Administration of a dopamine biosynthesis inhibitor yielded the opposite effects. However, the distribution of activity bouts did not contribute to the changes. These results suggest that the modulation of locomotor behavior by dopamine is predominantly controlled by changing the duration of rest bouts, rather than the duration of activity bouts.  相似文献   

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