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Sodium azide, reported to be a strong mutagen in barley, revealed a very weak mutagenic activity inArabidopsis.  相似文献   

NaN3—a respiratory inhibitor and anaerobic conditions (nitrogen) decrease the mutagenic activity of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea inArabidopsis thaliana. DNP-an uncoupling agent increases the effect of both nitrosoureas, but this may not be caused by the specific action of DNP.  相似文献   

Summary Endosperm of the nuclear type initially develops into a large multinucleate syncytium that lines the central cell. This seemingly simple wall-less cytoplasm can, however, be highly differentiated. In developing seeds of members of the family Brassicaceae the curved postfertilization embryo sac comprises three chambers or developmental domains. The syncytium fills the micropylar chamber around the embryo, spreads as a thin peripheral layer surrounding a large central vacuole in the central chamber, and is organized into individual nodules and a large multinucleate cyst in the chalazal tip. Later in development, after the endosperm has cellularized in the micropylar and central chambers, the chalazal endosperm cyst remains syncytial and shows considerable internal differentiation. The chalazal endosperm cyst consists of a domelike apical region that is separated from the cellularized endosperm by a remnant of the central vacuole and a basal haustorial portion which penetrates the chalazal proliferative tissue atop the vascular supply. In the shallow chalazal depression ofArabidopsis thaliana, the cyst is mushroom-shaped with short tentacle-like processes penetrating the maternal tissues. The long narrow chalazal channel ofLepidium irginicum is filled by an elongate stalklike portion of the cyst. In both, the dome contains a labyrinth of endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes with associated vesicles, nuclei, and plastids. The basal portions, which lack the larger organelles, exhibit extensive wall ingrowths and contain parallel arrays of microtubules. The highly specialized ultrastructure of the chalazal endosperm cyst and its intimate association with degrading chalazal proliferative cells suggest an important role in loading of maternal resources into the developing seed.  相似文献   

A unit Rad-Equivalent Chemical (REC) has been suggested for purposes of quantitating the mutagenic hazards of chemicals. The usefulness of this approach is demonstrated by the establishment of a constant relationship between the forward mutation frequency and haploid genome size in various organisms for both radiation and chemical EMS. However, it is necessary to determine the radiation equivalence of chemicals in as many organisms and for as many end-points as possible. For end-points we are limited to forward mutations. Another relevant genetic end-point of interest in this regard is gene conversion which can also monitor any kind of DNA damage in a suitable diploid system. Hence, we have determined the REC value for EMS in diploid yeast with gene conversion as the end-point. This agrees well with the REC values estimated in a number of organisms with forward mutation as the end-point. This finding further underlines the generality of the REC concept.  相似文献   

Anaerobic conditions, the inhibitor of aerobic respiration-sodium azide and the inhibitor of proteosynthesis-chloramphenicol did not influence the increase of toxic and mutagenic effects during the storage of ethyl methanesulphonate-treated barley seeds at 15 per cent water content. The storage of ethyl methanesulphonate-treated seeds at ? 20 °C or at 0 °C avoided all after-effects. With increasing storage temperature (5 °C, 15 °C and 25 °C) the increase of injury due to storage was more pronounced.  相似文献   

U rostlinyArabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh.) se objevuje specificky po aplikaci frakcionované dose x-zá?ení mutace typu chlorina (jednodu?e recesivní -cc- v?öí normálnímu typu -CC-) charakterisovaná vedle změněného poměru chlorofylových barviv i zmen?enou listovou plochou, zpomalenym vyvojem v po?áte?ních fázích vývoje a podstatně delsim vegeta?nim cyklem. Tyto charakteristiky se v?ak v pr?běhu dal?ích generací postupně mění ve směru normábíimu typu a dosáhnou kone?né hodnoty v ?esté generaci. Genetická a cytologická zhodnocení tohoto jevu ukázala, ?e se jedná mutaci spjatou s po?tem plastid? v asimila?ním pletivu. Tento po?et z?stává standardní ve v?ech generacích typu chlorina, naproti tomu se v?ak zvět?uje velikost plastid?.  相似文献   

Developmental and physiological studies of roots are frequently limited to a post-germination stage. In Arabidopsis, a developmental change in the root meristem architecture during plant ontogenesis has not previously been studied and is addressed presently. Arabidopsis thaliana have closed root apical organization, in which all cell file lineages connect directly to one of three distinct initial tiers. The root meristem organization is dynamic and changes as the root ages from 1 to 4 wk post-germination. During the ontogeny of the root, the number of cells within the root apical meristem (RAM) increases and then decreases due to changes in the number of cortical layers and number of cell files within a central cylinder. The architecture of the initial tiers also changes as the root meristem ages. Included in the RAM's ontogeny is a pattern associated with the periclinal divisions that give rise to the middle cortex and endodermis; the three-dimensional arrangement of periclinally dividing derivative cells resembles one gyre of a helix. Four- or 5-wk-old roots exhibit a disorganized array of vacuolated initial cells that are a manifestation of the determinate nature of the meristem. Vascular cambium is formed via coordinated divisions of vascular parenchyma and pericycle cells. The phellogen is the last meristem to complete its development, and it is derived from pericycle cells that delineate the outer boundary of the root.  相似文献   

Different populations of the grasshopper Arcyptera fusca located through a small valley of the Pyrenees present an unstable B-chromosome system. Frequencies of individuals carrying Bs ranged from 11% to 50%. In the testes of these males the number of Bs varied among the different follicles ranging from 0 to 4 with 2 being the number most commonly found. The variation in the number of supernumeraries probably resulted from their preferential non-disjunction in the carly mitosis prior to the differentiation of the follicles. The meiotic behaviour of Bs depends on their number within cach follicle. When two or more Bs are present they usually pair and segregate regularly; B univalents divide in anaphase I and segregate without further division in anaphase II in 75% of the cells observed. The presence of Bs does not affect the chiasma frequency, however, the males with Bs had fewer follicles in their testes; this event could be related with the non-existence of follicles with more than 4 Bs.  相似文献   

InArabidopsis thaliana the ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA genes or rDNA) are clustered in tandemly repeated blocks in two nucleolus organizer regions (NORs). Cytogenetic analysis has shown that the NORs are localized on chromosome 2 (NOR 2) and 4 (NOR 4). Recently the map position of NOR 2 was determined using a RFLP which was larger than 100 kb. In the course of a fingerprint analysis of differentArabidopsis ecotypes we have detected four rDNA polymorphisms between the ecotypes Landsberg (La) and Niederzenz (Nd). Mapping of these polymorphisms using established segregating F2 populations reveals that all polymorphisms detected are dominant. Three of them map to the locus on the second chromosome that has been shown to harbour the NOR 2. The fourth polymorphism can be unambigously assigned to the upper arm of the fourth chromosome. This is the first polymorphism found which originates in the second rDNA cluster ofArabidopsis thaliana. It enables localization of NOR 4 and thus completes the mapping of rDNA genes in the NORs ofArabidopsis.  相似文献   

A new method enabling to localize recessive alleles controling lethal embryonal or chlorophyll mutations in linkage groups has been devised and verified. The information on the linkage was obtained in B1 in repulsion after the crosses with recessive visible markers representing the individual linkage groups. The distinction of four B1 genotypes was achieved by means of Müller's embryotest. Altogether eight mutant alleles were localized. The allelesch 2411, ch 4062 andX 3 are carried by the first linkage group, the allelesM 33 andM 25 by the third and the allelech 1378 by the fourth linkage group. The mutant allelesch 42 andM 4–6–18 showed the linkage with the markers of the fifth and the sixth linkage groups simultaneously. The possibilities of further development and use of this method are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The process of microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis was studied at the ultrastructural level in wild-typeArabidopsis thaliana ecotype Wassilewskija to provide a basis for comparison with nuclear male-sterile mutants of the same ecotype. From the earliest stage studied to mature pollen just prior to anther dehiscence, microsporocyte/microspore/pollen development follows the general pattern seen in most angiosperms. The tapetum is of the secretory type with loss of the tapetal cell walls beginning at about the time of microsporocyte meiosis. Wall loss exhibits polarity with the tapetal protoplasts becoming located at a distance from the inner tangential walls first, followed by an increase in distance from the radial walls beginning at the interior edge and progressing outward. The inner tangential and radial tapetal walls are completely degenerated by the microspore tetrad stage. Unlike other members of the Brassicaceae that have been studied, the tapetal cells ofA. thaliana Wassilewskija also lose their outer tangential walls, and secretion occurs from all sides of the cells. Exine wall precursors are secreted from the tapetal cells in a process that appears to involve dilation of individual endoplasmic reticulum cisternae that fuse with the tapetal cell membrane and release their contents into the locule. Following completion of the exine, the tapetal cell plastids develop membranebound inclusions with osmiophilic and electron-transparent regions. The plastids undergo ultrastructural changes that suggest breakdown of the inclusion membranes followed by release of their contents into the locule prior to the complete degeneration of the tapetal cells.  相似文献   

Using a sequential mating procedure, the induction of specific-locus mutations by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) was reinvestigated in male mice. Doses of 175 mg/kg b.w. and 250 mg/kg b.w. of EMS induce gene mutations in the mating intervals 5-8 and 9-12 days post treatment. However, only the frequency of dominant lethal mutations increases with the dose, not the frequency of specific-locus mutations. This observation implies that with a higher dose of EMS a larger fraction of mutagenized spermatozoa and spermatids are selectively eliminated, leading to underestimation of the specific-locus mutation yield at high doses. EMS does not induce specific-locus mutations in spermatogonia.  相似文献   

The microtubular cytoskeleton has been studied during development of the zygote, proembryo and free-nuclear endosperm inA. thaliana using immunofluorescence localization of tubulin in enzymatically isolated material. Abundant micro tubules (MTs) are found throughout proembryogenesis. Microtubules in the coenocytic endosperm are mainly internal. By contrast, there is a re-orientation of MTs to a transverse cortical distribution during zygote development, predominantly in a subapical band which accompanies a phase of apical extension. The presence of these cortical arrays coincides with the elongation of the zygote. Cortical arrays also accompany elongation of the cylindrical suspensor. Extensive networks of MTs ramify throughout the cytoplasm of cells in the proembryo proper. Perinuclear arrays are detected in a number of cell types and MTs contribute to typical mitotic configurations during nuclear divisions. Preprophase bands of MTs are absent throughout megasporogenesis and embryo-sac development and do not occur in endosperm cell divisions. We have observed MTs throughout the first division cycle of the zygote. By placing the observed stages in a most probable sequence, we have identified this cell cycle as the point during embryogenesis at which a preprophase band is reinstated as a regular feature of cell division. Preprophase bands were observed to predict planes of cytokinesis in cell divisions up to the octant stage.Abbreviations DIC differential interference contrast optics - MT microtubule - PPB preprophase band of microtubule We thank Ms. Margaret Travers for her helpful English translation of Yakovlev and Alimova (1976) and Mr. James Whitehead for preparation of Fig. 11. M.C.W. was supported by an Australian Postgraduate Research Award.  相似文献   

EMS对三个玉米自交系的诱变效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EMS诱变玉米花粉是玉米化学诱变的主要技术。该研究以生产上3个常用的玉米自交系K305、21-ES、R08为材料,对其花粉用不同浓度的EMS诱变处理,探讨其EMS诱变的最佳浓度范围,明确其诱变效应。结果表明:3个自交系经过不同浓度的EMS诱变后,其结实率随着浓度的增大表现出减小的趋势,从其半致死剂量来看,EMS诱变花粉的适宜浓度范围自交系K305和R08均为0.67~1.0 mL?L-1,21-ES在1.67 mL?L-1附近。 M1代不同性状其变异幅度和变异系数与对照相比主要表现出增大的趋势,其不同性状的生物学效应在材料间表现不一致,表明性状在不同材料间对EMS的敏感性不一样,生育期表现为21-ES>K305>R08;主要株型性状表现为R08>21-ES>K305;主要雄穗性状K305和21-ES比R08敏感;主要果穗性状表现为21-ES>K305>R08。 M2代整体表现为变异谱扩大,其株高、穗位高和叶面积以及主要果穗性状的变异表现复杂,主要雄穗性状中除K305的M2株系雄穗分枝数呈双向变异外,其余M2株系整体偏向于雄穗变短,雄穗分枝数减小。该研究结果为后续研究和应用打下了基础。  相似文献   

Ethyl methanesulfonate was used for the induction of three types of mutants in a non-acidfast strain ofMycobacterium phlei. A total of 20 auxotrophie mutants was isolated. The mutants were isolated mostly when using doses yielding higher survival of the cells of the basic suspension. The auxotrophic mutants isolated required mostly amino acids, two mutants required purines and three mutants required vitamins. By determining the frequency of spontaneous reversions, it was found that 9 auxotrophic mutants could be used for further genetic studies. These included the following phenotypes: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, and xanthine. Seven scotochromogenic mutants were isolated after ethyl methanesulfonate treatment. One was ochre, the remaining six were orange. Six achromogenic mutants were detected. Spontaneous auxotrophic mutants, scotochromogenic and achromogenic mutants were not isolated. The treatment with 0.2m ethyl methanesulfonate resulted in an increase in the frequency of STM-resistant mutants, the maximum phenotypic expression taking place after 72 hours cultivation in a liquid medium without the drug. The frequency of induced STM-resistant mutants varied within the range of 8.6.10−5–1.0.10−4 as compared with the frequency of spontaneous mutants 5.8.10−6–8.8.10−6.  相似文献   

The dependence of the frequency of recessive lethal (two groups), chlorophyll and morphological mutations on the mutagen concentration was determined in M2 after subjection to N-nitroso-N-methylurea applied to seeds ofArabidopsis in three concentrations (0·05, 0·10 and 0·20mm). The observed frequencies were compared with the theoretically expected ones for the linear and for two exponential types of dependence, by using the t-test, according to the formulas m=k. C, m=k. C3/2, m=k. C2. No satisfactory agreement with any expected type of dependence was found when directly observed frequencies were used. Since a considerable deficit of mutation frequency was observed in high concentrations, the correction of frequency values was done with respect to the probability of occurence of double mutations. After such a correction, a clear exponential relation was found in both types of lethals and a linear one in chlorophyll and morphological mutations. The probable occurence of multiple mutations should be, therefore, taken into account if the dependence of mutation frequency on the concentration of mutagen is discussed.  相似文献   

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