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Economic Botany - The 11 taxa of Juniperus with widespread distribution in the United States and with significant biomass production were investigated to determine their yields of cedarwood oil and... 相似文献
Results from a controlled growth-analysis experiment were used to illustrate some methods for measuring and describing root
system topology. The experiment was performed in a nutrient solution system with an exponential nutrient supply and steady-state
growth, to achieve well-defined levels of whole-plant nutrient status. Five naturally coexisting grassland species were included:
The slow-growing forbs Polygala vulgaris L. and Crepis praemorsa (L.) F. L. Walth., and the grass Danthonia decumbens (L.) DC. were compared with the more common, fast-growing grasses Agrostis capillaris L. and Dactylis glomerata L. The most marked difference in morphological indices was a much higher specific root length in the grasses than in the
forbs, which implies thinner roots. In contrast to the conclusions of previous studies, an index of the topology for the grasses
was very similar to that for the forbs. The specific root lenght and link length apparently vary more between species and
nutrient levels than topology does, and may therefore be more ecologically important. The only clear plastic response to growth-limiting
nitrogen supply was a markedly increased link length in P. vulgaris. There were also indications that nitrogen limitation led to more herringbone-like root systems in P. vulgaris and C. praemorsa. In general, there was a clear tendency for the estimates of topology to change with plant size, which may make many topological
indices, especially those based on regression slopes, very difficult to interpret. Until interactions with plant size, other
morphological parameters and among-plant competition can be properly understood, the relevance of root topology for plant
performance remains unclear.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
C F Mehrer 《Journal of wildlife diseases》1976,12(1):7-13
Seventeen hematologic values of the American Bison (Bison bison) from five areas of the United States were determined using standard techniques. The means of the principal blood measurements for all bison were 10.08 +/- 1.43 million erythrocytes/mm3, 8.03 +/- 1.41 thousand leukocytes/mm3, 16.92 +/- 1.43 gm % hemoglobin and 47.11 +/- 4.06% hematocrit. There was a significant variation (P less than 0.05) among age groups of males for erythrocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. However, no significant variation between female age groups or sexes was found for any of the blood cell values determined. 相似文献
Twenty-two species of bacteria of marine, estuarine, and terrestrial origin were analyzed for cationic content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after growth in a basal seawater medium. Alcaligenes marinus was analyzed from eight separate but replicate determinations yielding the following cationic concentrations: Na, 5,600 +/- 2,260; Mg 1,580 +/- 740; K, 700 +/- 360; Ca, 790 +/- 390; Mn, 1.7 +/- 0.5; Fe, 256 +/- 57; Ni, 1.7 +/- 0.7; Cu, 14 +/- 4; Zn, 122 +/- 27; Cd, 2.8 +/- 0.7; and Pb, 10 +/- 3 ppm/(dry weight). Washing A. marinus cells before analyses was necessary due to interstitial medium within the cell pellets after centrifugation and loose cationic retention by the cells. The principal source of error in the procedure was ascribed to variability due to washing cells with 0.5 M ammonium formate. The mean cationic concentrations for trace elements in the 22 bacterial cultures grown in the basal seawater medium to constant optical density and washed three times with 0.5 M ammonium formate were: Mn, 2.4 +/- 3.8; Fe, 262 +/- 112; Ni, 2.3 +/- 1.8; Cu, 24 +/- 17; Zn, 146 +/- 72; Cd, 3.8 +/- 2.5; and Pb, 17 +/- 21 ppm (dry weight). Major ions were concentrated only occasionally by the cells after washing, whereas Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were concentrated from the medium by the following factors on the average: 180, 1,600, 140, 1,200, 750, 1,900, and 900, respectively. 相似文献
美国对入侵种的管理对策 总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53
外来种入侵是产生当前世界生物多样性危机的重要原因之一。目前外来种入侵问题已经引起人们的普遍关注。1999年2月美国联邦政府发布总统令,号召联邦政府机构执行人员防止外来入侵种所造成的严重环境威胁,指示有关职能部门行使职权阻止引入入侵种并且恢复本地种。总统令指示建立一个入侵物种理事会,并就理事会、联邦机构的职责做了相应界定。美国农业部等部门支持的入侵植物管理国家策略项目,提出了针对入侵种的三项国家目标一入侵种的预防、控制和本地种的恢复。国家管理策略的制定不同层次的人们提供了合作、教育和研究的机遇。美国政府部门以及有关社会团体已经就外来种入侵危害防范积极展开行动,包括制定标准防止入侵种进入,控制、根除入侵种,向民众进行有关外来种入侵的教育,增加财政年度预算等等。 相似文献
Contrasting patterns of phytoplankton community pigment composition in two salt marsh estuaries in southeastern United States 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Noble PA Tymowski RG Fletcher M Morris JT Lewitus AJ 《Applied and environmental microbiology》2003,69(7):4129-4143
Phytoplankton community pigment composition and water quality were measured seasonally along salinity gradients in two minimally urbanized salt marsh estuaries in South Carolina in order to examine their spatial and temporal distributions. The North Inlet estuary has a relatively small watershed with minimal fresh water input, while the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto (ACE) Basin is characterized by a relatively greater influence of riverine drainage. Sampling stations were located in regions of the estuaries experiencing frequent diurnal tidal mixing and had similar salinity and temperature regimens. Phytoplankton community pigment composition was assessed by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and multivariate statistical analyses. Shannon diversity index, principal-component, and cluster analyses revealed that phytoplankton community pigments in both estuaries were seasonally variable, with similar diversities but different compositions. The temporal pigment patterns indicated that there was a relatively weak correlation between the pigments in ACE Basin and the relative persistence of photopigment groups in North Inlet. The differences were presumably a consequence of the unpredictability and relatively greater influence of river discharge in the ACE Basin, in contrast to the greater environmental predictability of the more tidally influenced North Inlet. Furthermore, the timing, magnitude, and pigment composition of the annual phytoplankton bloom were different in the two estuaries. The bloom properties in North Inlet reflected the predominance of autochthonous ecological control (e.g., regenerated nutrients, grazing), and those in ACE Basin suggested that there was greater influence of allochthonous environmental factors (e.g., nutrient loading, changes in turbidity). These interestuarine differences in phytoplankton community structure and control provide insight into the organization of phytoplankton in estuaries. 相似文献
N. Greig 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):412-420
Absolute number of seeds lost to predispersal seed predators and proportion of total seeds lost per infructescence were compared among five Costa Rican Piper species of different annual fecundities. Mean seed number and mean seed size in the five species were negatively correlated. The impact of predation on these species was inversely related to the number of seeds they produced. The two early successional species had very high fecundities, a combination of many seeds per infructescence, many infructescences per plant, and, in one species, year-round reproduction. Although seed predators destroyed as many or more seeds of these early successional species than they did of the less fecund, late successional species, this loss accounted for a relatively minor proportion (9 and 12%) of the seeds of the early successional species. In contrast, late successional species produced fewer, larger seeds in a smaller number of infructescences and were not continually in fruit. One of these species, which produced intermediate numbers of intermediately sized seeds, lost 30% of the seeds in each infructescence on average. Seed predators destroyed a larger proportion (65 and 76%) of the seeds per infructescence in the two species with fewest seeds per infructescence. High levels of insect damage in these late successional species caused many of their infructescences to abort prematurely. Taken together these factors resulted in annual fecundities several orders of magnitude smaller in shade-tolerant Piper species than the annual fecundities of shade-intolerant, early successional species. Seedlings of the two early successional species were common in large gaps and other sunny clearings and seedlings of the species with 30% seed loss were occasional, whereas no seedlings were seen of the two species with the highest proportional seed loss, suggesting that seed predation on the latter species may limit seedling recruitment. 相似文献
Differences in seed longevity at the species level 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract Published seed storage data for 92 species derived from 13 localities were subjected to probit analysis to determine the half-viability period (P50) for each sample. Estimates of half-viability period for each species averaged over all 13 localities were calculated using a least square means procedure applied to known values for the half-viability period for each species at each of its storage stations. The results reported here represent an initial step in the objective organization of seed longevity data. 相似文献
Brugia sp. microfilariae were observed in more than 60% of wild rabbits collected on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. The microfilariae measured 294-344 microns in length and had the characteristic subterminal and terminal nuclei observed in other Brugia microfilariae. The microfilaria is similar to those described for Brugia leporis in rabbits in Louisiana. This may be the Brugia species responsible for 21 documented cases of human infection in the northeastern United States. 相似文献
The effect of three different Scenedesmus food concentrations(0.04, 0.2 and 1 mg C l1) on maternal investment wasstudied in two cladoceran species of similar size, Daphnia pulicariaand D.hyalina. It was observed that as food concentration decreased(between 1 and 0.2 mg C l1), there was an increase insize, protein content, lipid content, carbon and mass of theegg, while, at the same time, the clutch size of the femalesbecame smaller. Such an increase in per offspring investmentwas reflected in an increase in body length, body carbon andbody mass of neonates as the food available for females decreased.However, in D.pulicaria this tendency was not maintained downat 0.04 mg C l1 in which there was a decrease of theegg characteristics mentioned above. Although, there are notavailable all the egg and neonate parameters of D.hyalina at0.04 mg C l1, the body length of the neonates was largerthan at 0.2 and 1 mg C l1. These results show that, asfood diminishes, these two cladoceran species are able to respondby decreasing clutch size, but increasing the size of egg, therebyincreasing the probability of neonate survival. This tendencyis probably maintained until the food concentration is too lowand the females have to reduce the energy allocated for reproduction. 相似文献
Mohamed M. Ibrahim Abdul Aziz A. AL Sahli Ibrahim A. Alaraidh Ali A. Al-Homaidan E.M. Mostafa G.A. EL-Gaaly 《Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences》2015,22(2):168-175
Traditionally, in Middle Eastern countries, many cultures use chewing sticks of arak for medicinal purposes especially, for oral cleanliness care. It was used by Muslims for treatment of teeth and highly recommended to be used by Muslims during the whole day. Therefore, the present work aimed to determine the total phenolic content and total flavonoids in two Miswak extracts obtained from arak roots collected from two different localities in Saudi Arabia. They were extracted with aqueous ethanol (80%) and used to estimate in vitro their antioxidative abilities. The new findings showed that the two tested extracts contained significantly different amounts of both total phenolic content and total flavonoids. According to the increase of total phenolic contents and total flavonoids obtained from the two extracts, Miswak collected from the southern region was found to contain more contents than those collected from the middle region. The results of antioxidant activities of Miswak root extract obtained by using different in vitro methods were varied depending on the technique used. According to the malondialdehyde (MDA) method, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging ability and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods, the two Miswak extracts exhibited to have high to very high antioxidant activities. Mostly, the values of antioxidant activities of Southern region have been shown to be always the highest. 相似文献
五种昆虫脂肪酸组分与含量分析 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
采用了索式提取法提取了5种昆虫的脂肪,5种昆虫粗脂肪含量分别为其干重的10.03%,13.41%,25.53%,19.05%和21.32%。并用气相色谱法分析了5种昆虫脂肪酸的组成和含量。结果显示,5种昆虫都富含不饱和脂肪酸即油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸,在脂肪总量中该3种不饱和脂肪酸的含量分别为油葫芦Gryllus testaceus77.22%、烟夜蛾Heliothis assulta71%、灰斑古毒蛾Orguia ericae67.9%、银纹夜蛾Argyrogramma agnata57.14%、白薯天蛾Herse convolvuli56.17%,特别是昆虫脂肪中亚麻酸的含量明显高于日常食用动植物油脂。研究结果表明昆虫脂肪酸组成和含量非常适于食用和药用,是极好的脂肪酸源。 相似文献
Astragalus bibullatus is endemic to limestone glades in the Central Basin of Tennessee, and except for one population in Illinois,A. tennesseensis is endemic to limestone glades in the Central Basin and in the Moulton Valley of Alabama. However,A. tennesseensis has been extirpated from four counties in Illinois, from its only known site in Indiana, from one county in Tennessee, and from one county in Alabama.Astragalus bibullatus is closely related to the geographically wide-spread Great Plains taxonA. crassicarpus var.crassicarpus (sectionSarcocarpi), whereasA tennesseensis is the only taxon in sectionTennesseensis. Both species are shallow-rooted, hemicryptophyte perennials without vegetative reproduction, have no effective means of seed dispersal, form long-lived seed banks, have similar life cycle phenologies, are intolerant of heavy shade, and have moderate amounts of genetic diversity. Much. additional information is available on the autecology ofA. tennesseensis. Its primary habitat is the transition zone between open glades and glade woods, where physical environmental factors are intermediate between those of the adjacent zones. Seedling-juvenile survival is low. Plants flower first in their second to fifth year and only a few times before dying, are self-incompatible, respond to drought by shedding leaves and by accumulating large amounts of proline, and compete poorly. Populations exhibit high fluctuations in number of individuals and have high turnover rates. A greenhouse study ofA bibullatus andA crassicarpus var.crassicarpus did not identify any difference in responses of these species to light or soil moisture that could account for the great differences in geographic ranges. Thus, historical factors were also considered to explain the narrow endemism ofA. bibullatus. Finally, we present previously unpublished data on the effect of light level and of competition with the cedar glade dominantSporobolus vaginiflorus in several watering regimes on growth ofA. tennesseensis. The role of these factors in restriction of this species to its transition zone microhabitat is discussed. 相似文献
Two Myrtus communis varieties (var. italica and baetica) were studied in order to investigate their essential oil yield and composition. Essential oil yield varied in leaves, fruits and stems. So, in leaves, it was 0.5% for italica and 0.3% for baetica and was higher than in fruits and stems with respectively 0.1% and 0.04% for italica and 0.07% and 0.03% for baetica. The essential oil analysis performed by GC and GC/MS showed a composition characterized by a high percentage of monoterpene hydrocarbons in leaves, largely due to alpha-pinene with 51.3% for italica and 27.7% for baetica; 1,8-cineole, the alone compound of ether class, was predominant in fruits and stems with respectively 31.6% and 34.7% for italica and 19.8% and 25.8% for baetica. 相似文献
Fire is considered an important factor in influencing the physiognomy, dynamics and composition of Neotropical savannas. Species of diverse physiognomies exhibit different responses to fire, such as population persistence and seed mortality, according to the fire frequency to which they are submitted. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of heat shocks on seed germination of Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan, Dalbergia miscolobium Benth., Aristolochia galeata Mart. & Zucc., Kielmeyera coriacea (Spreng.) Mart. and Guazuma ulmifolia Lam., which are native species of the Brazilian savanna. The temperatures and exposure times to which the seeds were submitted were established according to data obtained in the field during a prescribed fire: 60 °C (10, 20 and 40 min), 80 °C (5, 10 and 20 min) and 100 °C (2, 5 and 10 min). Untreated seeds were used as controls. Seeds of A. galeata and K. coriacea showed high tolerance to most heat treatments, and seeds of A. macrocarpa showed a significant reduction in germination percentage after treatments of 80 °C and 100 °C. Treatments of 100 °C for 10 min reduced germination percentage for all species except G. ulmifolia, which has dormant seeds. For this species, germination was accelerated by heat treatments. The high temperatures applied did not interfere with the time to 50% germination (T50) of the tolerant seeds. Seeds of the savanna species K. coriacea and A. galeata were more tolerant to heat shocks than seeds of the forest species A. macrocarpa. Guazuma ulmifolia, the forest species with seeds that germinate after heat shock, also occurs in savanna physiognomies. Overall, the high temperatures applied did not affect the germination rate of the tolerant seeds. 相似文献
Kevin Aikman Daniel Bergman John Ebinger David Seigler 《Biochemical Systematics and Ecology》1996,24(7-8):637-645
The frequency of cyanogenesis of 48 species of vascular plants was examined by testing 30 individuals from five populations of each species for release of cyanide. The rate at which cyanide was released and the amount of cyanide released varied widely among individuals of a population and among populations of a species. For many taxa, the frequency of cyanogenesis was highly variable among populations. Of the species examined, 20 have not been reported previously as being cyanogenic. 相似文献
Richard N. Mack 《Economic botany》1991,45(2):257-273
Seeds, bulbs, and cuttings of exotic plant species, including plants cultivated exclusively as ornamentals, were being advertised for sale in printed circulars in the United States by 1800. By the end of the 19th century seed trade catalogs were prolific and often listed dozens of exotic species that were already naturalized in the U.S. or new introductions from foreign suppliers. Among the species routinely offered for sale were many now considered noxious (e.g.,Berberis vulgaris, Eichhornia crassipes, Isatis tinctoria) or at least undesirable (e.g.,Cannabis sativa, Eleusine indica, Lysimachia nummularia). This commerce was not only responsible for the introduction and spread of some species earlier than previously recognized (e.g.,Bryonia alba, Schinus terebinthifolius) but also caused the deliberate distribution of other species assumed to have been spread by accident alone (e.g.,Aegilops cylindrica, Bromus briziformis, Bromus mollis). Seedsmen’s introduction of substantial genetic variation through repeated introductions, inadvertent directional selection for local races in their gardens, their widespread use of seeds (compared to cuttings or non-fertile plant material), and the sowing of seeds at high density under cultivation all enhanced the opportunity for eventual naturalizations. The largely unrecognized proliferation of this industry in the 19th century and the ready access that consumers had to these species via mail order contributed to the rapid and extensive dissemination of at least 139 alien species throughout the United States. 相似文献