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Serum des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) is a useful marker for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the exact mechanism of its synthesis and its structural properties in liver diseases are unknown. DCP is measured by the monoclonal antibody MU-3. The purpose of this study was to examine the epitope of MU-3 and to characterize the differences in DCP between HCC and benign liver diseases. The epitope of MU-3 was examined by ELISA using prothrombin Gla domain polypeptides and was determined to be amino acid residues 17–27 of the prothrombin Gla domain, which has four γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues (Gla) at positions 19, 20, 25 and 26. Peptides having a glutamic acid residue (Glu) at these positions reacted strongly to MU-3 but lost reactivity when Glu 19 or 20 was changed to Gla. In the order of γ-carboxylation, MU-3 reacted strongly to DCP containing 0–1 Gla, weakly to 2–4 Gla and not at all to DCP containing more than five Gla. After adsorbing normal prothrombin with barium carbonate, DCP reaction to MU-3 was measured by determining the amount of DCP that was adsorbed by MU-3-coated beads. The proportion of DCP reacting to MU-3 in HCC was 41.0–76.8%, whereas in patients with benign liver diseases, only 0–42.1% reacted to MU-3. These results indicate that DCP variants preferentially synthesized in HCC have less than four Gla, which are restricted to positions 16, 25, 26 and 29, whereas DCP variants in benign liver diseases have more than five Gla.  相似文献   

Summary Poly-L-glutamic acid and poly-D,L-glutamic acid, as models of proteins, were irradiated with60Co--radiation in air and under vacuo to examine whether or not the changes caused by the exposure to ionizing radiation depend on the conformations of polypeptides.It was found that theG- values (yield of main-chain scissions per 100 eV of energy absorbed) of both polypeptides are approximately equal for the irradiation in air, while under vacuo theG- value of poly-D,L-glutamic acid is larger than that of poly-L-glutamic acid. This observation for irradiation under vacuo was ascribed to the stabilizing effect of intramolecular hydrogen bond bridges in poly-L-glutamic acid. It was also found that the-helical structure of poly-L-glutamic acid is destroyed by the exposure to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Blood flow to the testis, measured by the133-Xenon isotope clearance technique, initially increased after rams were exposed to elevated (32°C) temperature. However, after 5 and 7 days continuous exposure, blood flow decreased significantly. Similar changes in blood flow to the testis were found during whole body exposure to elevated temperature, or when the temperature of the testis was increased by scrotal heating. After one week of heating the wall of the spermatic artery in the middle region of the pampiniform plexus had thickened, and the arterial lumen had decreased significantly. The PGF 2 content in the testis of rams exposed to elevated temperature increased significantly. It is tentatively postulated that the higher levels of PGF 2 in the testis of rams exposed to elevated temperature may be responsible for impaired spermatogenic function by constricting the spermatic artery in the pampiniform plexus region and thereby reducing blood flow to the testis.Published with approval of the Director of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article 75-5-150.Presented at the Seventh International Biometeorological Congres, 17–23 August 1975. College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of various amino acids were irradiated with60Co--rays, and subsequently the remaining amino acids were analyzed using HPLC. The D37 for the 1 mM glycine and alanine solutions were 1.95×104 and 1.48×104 Gy, respectively. However, when the mixed solutions of glycine and alanine (each in 0.5 mM) were irradiated under the identical condition, the D37 for the glycine decomposition increased to 3.56×104 Gy, while that for alanine decreased to 0.65×104 Gy. A similar phenomenon was observed also in the case of the mixed solutions of aspartic acid and alanine. Namely, aspartic acid was protected from the attack of radiation by the presence of alanine in the solutions. The most interesting finding in this combination experiment is that, when D,L-aspartic acid was irradiated in the presence of L-alanine, the radiation-sensitivity of L-aspartic acid decreased selectively and vice versa. Namely, the asymmetric field induced in the solutions by adding D- or L-alanine might affect the radiodecomposition rate of either aspartic acid. Addition of glycine to D,L-aspartic acid did not bring about the asymmetric decomposition. It seems that some interaction between these amino acid molecules resulted in this effect.  相似文献   

Male mice of the Q strain were exposed to 60Co γ-rays at 2 Gy and 2 × 2 Gy separated by increasing time intervals (from 0 min to 4 min). The chromosome translocations induced in spermatogonia were scored at diakinesis-metaphase I. A significant decrease of the translocation frequency at time intervals higher than 2 min was observed, confirming results obtained with plant materials.  相似文献   



There is evidence for a role of ionizing radiation in cardiovascular diseases. The goal of this work was to identify changes in oxidative and nitrative stress pathways and the status of the endothelinergic system during progression of atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice after single and repeated exposure to ionizing radiation.

Methods and Results

B6.129P2-ApoE tmlUnc mice on a low-fat diet were acutely exposed (whole body) to Co60 (γ) (single dose 0, 0.5, and 2 Gy) at a dose rate of 36.32 cGy/min, or repeatedly (cumulative dose 0 and 2 Gy) at a dose-rate of 0.1 cGy/min for 5 d/wk, over a period of 4 weeks. Biological endpoints were investigated after 3–6 months of recovery post-radiation. The nitrative stress marker 3-nitrotyrosine and the vasoregulator peptides endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 in plasma were increased (p<0.05) in a dose-dependent manner 3–6 months after acute or chronic exposure to radiation. The oxidative stress marker 8-isoprostane was not affected by radiation, while plasma 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine and L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine decreased (p<0.05) after treatment. At 2Gy radiation dose, serum cholesterol was increased (p = 0.008) relative to controls. Percent lesion area increased (p = 0.005) with age of animal, but not with radiation treatment.


Our observations are consistent with persistent nitrative stress and activation of the endothelinergic system in ApoE−/− mice after low-level ionizing radiation exposures. These mechanisms are known factors in the progression of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

1. Cerebral-cortex slices prelabelled with gamma-amino[1-(14)C]butyrate (GABA) were incubated in a glucose-saline medium. After the initial rapid uptake there was no appreciable re-entry of (14)C into the GABA pool, either from the medium or from labelled metabolites formed in the tissue. The kinetic constants of GABA metabolism were determined by computer simulation of the experimental results by using mathematical procedures. The GABA flux was estimated to be 0.03mumol per min/g, or about 8% of the total flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It was found that the assumption of compartmentation did not greatly affect the estimates of the GABA flux. 2. The time-course of incorporation of (14)C into amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle was followed with [1-(14)C]GABA and [U-(14)C]-glucose as labelled substrates. The results were consistent with the utilization of GABA via succinate. This was confirmed by determining the position of (14)C in the carbon skeletons of aspartate and glutamate formed after the oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA. These results also indicated that under the experimental conditions the reversal of reactions catalysed by alpha-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and glutamate decarboxylase respectively was negligible. The conversion of [(14)C]GABA into gamma-hydroxybutyrate was probably also of minor importance, but decarboxylation of oxaloacetate did occur at a relatively slow rate. 3. When [1-(14)C]GABA was the labelled substrate there was evidence of a metabolic compartmentation of glutamate since, even before the peak of the incorporation of (14)C into glutamate had been reached, the glutamine/glutamate specific-radioactivity ratio was greater than unity. When [U-(14)C]glucose was oxidized this ratio was less than unity. The heterogeneity of the glutamate pool was indicated also by the relatively high specific radioactivity of GABA, which was comparable with that of aspartate during the whole incubation time (40min). The rates of equilibration of labelled amino acids between slice and medium gave evidence that the permeability properties of the glutamate compartments labelled as a result of oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA were different from those labelled by the metabolism of [(14)C]glucose. The results showed therefore that in brain tissue incubated under the conditions used, the organization underlying metabolic compartmentation was preserved. The observed concentration ratios of amino acids between tissue and medium were also similar to those obtaining in vivo. These ratios decreased in the order: GABA>acidic acids>neutral amino acids>glutamine. 4. The approximate pool sizes of the amino acids in the different metabolic compartments were calculated. The glutamate content of the pool responsible for most of the labelling of glutamine during oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA was estimated to be not more than 30% of the total tissue glutamate. The GABA content of the ;transmitter pool' was estimated to be 25-30% of the total GABA in the tissue. The structural correlates of metabolic compartmentation were considered.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria were examined for their ability to reduce dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbic acid in an -lipoic acid dependent or independent manner. The a-lipoic acid dependent reduction was stimulated by factors that increased the NADH dependent reduction of -lipoic acid to dihydrolipoic acid in coupled reactions. Optimal conditions for dehydroascorbic acid reduction to ascorbic acid were achieved in the presence of pyruvate, -lipoic acid, and ATP. Electron transport inhibitors, rotenone and antimycin A, further enhanced the dehydroascorbic acid reduction. The reactions were strongly inhibited by 1 mM iodoacetamide or sodium arsenite. Mitoplasts were qualitatively similar to intact mitochondria in dehydroascorbate reduction activity. Pyruvate dehydrogenase and -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase reduced dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbic acid in an -lipoic acid, coenzyme A, and pyruvate or -ketoglutarate dependent fashion. Dehydroascorbic acid was also catalytically reduced to ascorbic acid by purified lipoamide dehydrogenase in an -lipoic acid (K 0.5=1.4±0.8 mM) and lipoamide (K 0.5=0.9±0.3 mM) dependent manner.  相似文献   

Various strategies have been developed to increase the cellular level of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids in animals and humans. In the present study, we investigated the effect of dietary myristic acid, which represents 9% to 12% of fatty acids in milk fat, on the storage of α-linolenic acid and its conversion to highly unsaturated (n-3) fatty acid derivatives. Five isocaloric diets were designed, containing equal amounts of α-linolenic acid (1.3% of dietary fatty acids, i.e. 0.3% of dietary energy) and linoleic acid (7.0% of fatty acids, i.e. 1.5% of energy). Myristic acid was supplied from traces to high levels (0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% of fatty acids, i.e. 0% to 6.6% of energy). To keep the intake of total fat and other saturated fatty acids constant, substitution was made with decreasing levels of oleic acid (76.1% to 35.5% of fatty acids, i.e. 16.7% to 7.8% of energy) that is considered to be neutral in lipid metabolism. After 8 weeks, results on physiological parameters showed that total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol did not differ in the diets containing 0%, 5% and 10% myristic acid, but were significantly higher in the diet containing 30% myristic acid. In all the tissues, a significant increasing effect of the substitution of oleic acid for myristic acid was shown on the level of both α-linolenic and linoleic acids. Compared with the rats fed the diet containing no myristic acid, docosahexaenoic acid significantly increased in the brain and red blood cells of the rats fed the diet with 30% myristic acid and in the plasma of the rats fed the diet with 20% myristic acid. Arachidonic acid also increased in the brain of the rats fed the diet with 30% myristic acid. By measuring Δ6-desaturase activity, we found a significant increase in the liver of the rats fed the diet containing 10% of myristic acid but no effect at higher levels of myristic acid. These results suggest that an increase in dietary myristic acid may contribute in increasing significantly the tissue storage of α-linolenic acid and the overall bioavailability of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain, red blood cells and plasma, and that mechanisms other than the single Δ6-desaturase activity are involved in this effect.  相似文献   

Summary Busulphan and Endoxan® inhibit the normal course of ovarian follicular growth. Older secondary as well as all antral follicles perish within a very short time.Growing follicles, which at the beginning of the experiment exhibited only one layer, remained intact and single-layered during the entire duration of the experiment. The oocytes, however, continue growing, and the cytoplasmic structures, which are characteristic of older growing follicles, develop in them as well as in the follicle cells. Even a theca formation develops.In some of the growing follicles which have remained single-layered, after 10 days of Busulphan administration, some liquor folliculi is produced and accumulates in a fissure-shaped antrum between the zona pellucida and the follicular epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary Salt-free and 0.2 M NaCl oxygenated aqueous solutions of poly-L-glutamic acid were irradiated with60Co--radiation at variouspH's to examine whether or not the changes caused by the exposure to ionizing radiation depend onpH, that is, the conformations of polypeptide.TheG-values (the number of main-chain scissions per 100 eV of energy absorbed) in both salt-free and 0.2 M NaCl solutions of poly-L-glutamic acid were found to change sharply withpH. and to have a maximum value at thepH of a mid-point of helix-coil transition. The change ofG-values withpH was discussed in terms of the conformational change of poly-L-glutamic acid.  相似文献   

In connection with the physiological actions of active oxygen species on proteins, oxidative modification of histidine residues by the autoxidation of ascorbic acid was determined and the main oxidized compound was identified. Oxidation of imidazole ring by the ascorbic acid — copper ion system was considerably site-specific and assumed to be initiated by the addition of the hydroxyl radical (·OH) at C-2 position in the imidazole ring.  相似文献   

Fibrillins constitute a family of large extracellular glycoproteins which multimerize to form microfibrils, an important structure in the extracellular matrix. It has long been assumed that fibrillin-2 was barely present during postnatal life, but it is now clear that fibrillin-2 molecules form the structural core of microfibrils, and are masked by an outer layer of fibrillin-1. Mutations in fibrillins give rise to heritable connective tissue disorders, including Marfan syndrome and congenital contractural arachnodactyly. Fibrillins also play an important role in matrix sequestering of members of the transforming growth factor-β family, and in context of Marfan syndrome excessive TGF-β activation has been observed. TGF-β activation is highly dependent on integrin binding, including integrin αvβ8 and αvβ6, which are upregulated upon TGF-β exposure. TGF-β is also involved in tumor progression, metastasis, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and tumor angiogenesis. In several highly vascularized types of cancer such as hepatocellular carcinoma, a positive correlation was found between increased TGF-β plasma concentrations and tumor vascularity. Interestingly, fibrillin-1 has a higher affinity to TGF-β and, therefore, has a higher capacity to sequester TGF-β compared to fibrillin-2. The previously reported downregulation of fibrillin-1 in tumor endothelium affects the fibrillin-1/fibrillin-2 ratio in the microfibrils, exposing the normally hidden fibrillin-2. We postulate that fibrillin-2 exposure in the tumor endothelium directly stimulates tumor angiogenesis by influencing TGF-β sequestering by microfibrils, leading to a locally higher active TGF-β concentration in the tumor microenvironment. From a therapeutic perspective, fibrillin-2 might serve as a potential target for future anti-cancer therapies.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided that ascorbic acid (vitamin C), when used as a pretreatment, protects against mutation/recombination induced by γ-rays and chromium (VI) oxide in mwh+/+flr3 larvae in the wing spot test in Drosophila  相似文献   

1. After treatment of immature rats with diethylstilboestrol, the wet weight and RNA content of uterine tissue increased rapidly, reaching a peak at 40hr. After an initial lag of a few hours, the acid-soluble ribose and protein contents also rose to maxima at 40hr. No increase in DNA content occurred until at least 24hr. after treatment. 2. The RNA from immature rat uterus isolated at various times up to 6hr. after administration of oestradiol-17beta was labelled by injecting [(3)H]uridine and [(3)H]guanosine intraperitoneally 30min. before the animals were killed. It was fractionated on columns of kieselguhr coated with methylated serum albumin and the radioactivity in fractions corresponding to transfer RNA, 7s RNA, ribosomal RNA, Q(1)-RNA, Q(2)-RNA and DNA-like RNA was determined. 3. The radioactivity of the whole RNA increased steadily for 6hr. after hormone treatment. The earliest changes occurred in the Q(1)-RNA (ribosomal RNA precursor), whereas at longer time-intervals the radioactivity of the ribosomal RNA, 7s RNA and transfer RNA increased by four- to five-fold. The radioactivity of the DNA-like RNA increased by about 50%, but only at the longer time-intervals. 4. It is concluded that one of the earliest changes in response to oestradiol treatment is a major increase in synthesis of ribosomal RNA followed later by a similar increase in synthesis of transfer RNA and by a much smaller increase in synthesis of DNA-like RNA. The change in synthesis of ribosomal RNA in immature rat uterus may represent one of the most important responses to oestradiol treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Exponentially grown cells of the freshwater diatom Navicula pelliculosa (Bréb) Hilse, contained chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin, neofucoxanthin, -carotene, and an unknown pigment, the absorption spectrum of which is reported. Changes in amounts of chlorophyll a, fucoxanthin and diadinoxanthin were determined during the course of silicon-starvation synchrony carried out in the light or dark. Changes in the rate of chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin syntheses were similar. Synthesis ceased after 5–7 hr of silicon starvation, but recommenced in cultures kept in the light, once silicon was re-introduced. In cultures kept in the dark no significant synthesis was observed after re-introduction of silicon. Diadinoxanthin synthesis continued in the light at all times, although at a lower rate during the silicon-starvation period. In the dark, synthesis of this pigment ceased when cell division stopped, and the amount per unit volume of culture decreased. These results are discussed in relation both to the effect of silicon on the metabolism of the diatom and to the possible function of the carotenoids.Dedicated to Prof. C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a hypotensive compound, is formed from glutamic acid under anaerobic condition in tea shoots. Glutamic acid was exhausted in the first three hours of anaerobic incubation and the increase of GABA stopped. After that, when tea shoots were released under aerobic condition, glutamic acid reproduced rapidly. After one hour of aerobic incubation, tea shoots were given three hours of anaerobic incubation again and then accumulated glutamic acid changed to GABA. The content of GABA increased much more than usual anaerobic incubation. GABA was more in the tea stem than in the leaf. Received January 4, 2000 Accepted March 1, 2000  相似文献   

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