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Clathrin and the -adaptin subunit of the AP-1 clathrinadaptor have been previously identified on H-K-ATPase-richtubulovesicles from gastric acid secretory (oxyntic) cells [C. T. Okamoto, S. M. Karam, Y. Y. Jeng, J. G. Forte, and J. Goldenring.Am. J. Physiol. 274 (Cell Physiol. 43):C1017-C1029]. We further characterized this AP-1 adaptorfrom rabbit and hog tubulovesicles biochemically and immunologically.Clathrin coat proteins were stripped from purified tubulovesicularmembranes and fractionated by hydroxyapatite chromatography. The AP-1adaptor appears to elute at 200 mM sodium phosphate, based on thepresence of proteins in this fraction that are immunoreactive withantibodies against three of the four subunits of this heterotetramericcomplex: the -, µ1-, and1-adaptin subunits. Althoughthe putative -adaptin subunit in this fraction is not immunoreactivewith the anti--adaptin monoclonal antibody (MAb), this -adaptinis immunoreactive with polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) directed againstthe peptide sequenceGly625-Asp-Leu-Leu-Gly-Asp-Leu-Leu-Asn-Leu-Asp-Leu-Gly-Pro-Pro-Val640,a region conserved between 1-and 2-adaptins that is thought to be involved in the binding of clathrin heavy chain.Immunoprecipitation of the AP-1 adaptor complex from this fraction withanti--adaptin MAb 100/3 resulted in the coimmunoprecipitation of the-adaptin that did not react with the anti--adaptin MAb but didreact with the anti--adaptin PAbs. In contrast, immunoprecipitationof the AP-1 adaptor complex from crude clathrin-coated vesicles from brain resulted in the coimmunoprecipitation of a -adaptin that wasrecognized by both the anti--adaptin MAb and PAbs. These resultssuggest that the tubulovesicular AP-1 adaptor complex may be distinctfrom that found in the trans-Golgi network and may contain animmunologically distinct -adaptin. This immunologically distinct-adaptin may be diagnostic of apical tubulovesicular endosomes ofepithelial cells.


Cellular levels of cAMP arean important determinant of airway smooth muscle tone. We havepreviously shown that chronic (18 h) but not acute (30 min or 2 h)pretreatment with the muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol resulted indecreased adenylyl cyclase activity in response to GTP, isoproterenol,or forskolin via a pathway blocked by the protein kinase C inhibitorstaurosporine. The present study was designed to determine ifcarbachol-induced decreases in adenylyl cyclase activity were due toregulatory events at the level of either Gs or adenylylcyclase. Detergent-solubilized Gs from control orcarbachol-pretreated bovine airway smooth muscle had similar adenylylcyclase activity in response to either NaF or guanosine5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPS) when reconstituted intoS49 cyc membranes that lack endogenous Gs(carbachol pretreated: GTPS, 93 ± 13% of control;NaF/AlCl3, 99 ± 8.6% of control; n = 4). Exogenous Gs solubilized from red blood cells failedto restore normal adenylyl cyclase activity when reconstituted intocarbachol-pretreated bovine airway smooth muscle (carbachol pretreated:GTP, 36 ± 10% of control; NaF/AlCl3, 54 ± 11%of control; n = 4). [3H]forskolinradioligand saturation binding assays revealed a decreased quantity oftotal adenylyl cyclase protein after carbachol pretreatment (maximalbinding: 152 ± 40 and 107 ± 31 fmol/mg protein in control and carbachol-pretreated airway smooth muscle, respectively). Theseresults suggest that chronic activation of muscarinic receptors downregulates the expression of adenylyl cyclase protein in bovine airway smooth muscle.


We haverecently reported enhanced levels of Gi proteins ingenetic and other experimentally induced models of hypertension, whereas the levels of Gs were decreased in hypertensiverats expressing cardiac hypertrophy. The present studies wereundertaken to investigate whether the decreased levels ofGs are associated with cardiac hypertrophy per se andused an aortocaval fistula (AV shunt; volume overload) rat model thatexclusively expresses cardiac hypertrophy. Cardiac hypertrophy inSprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g) was induced under anesthesia, and,after a period of 10 days, the hearts were used for adenylyl cyclaseactivity determination, protein quantification, and mRNA leveldetermination. A temporal relationship between the expression ofGs proteins and cardiac hypertrophy was also examined ondays 2, 3, 7, and 10 after induction of AV shuntin the rat. The heart-to-body-weight ratio (mg/g) was significantlyincreased in AV shunt rats after 3, 7, and 10 days of induction of AVshunt compared with sham-operated controls, whereas arterial bloodpressure was not different between the two groups. Guanosine5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPS) stimulated adenylylcyclase activity in a concentration-dependent manner in heart membranesfrom both groups; however, the degree of stimulation was significantlydecreased in AV shunt rats. In addition, the stimulatory effects ofisoproterenol were also diminished in AV shunt rats compared withcontrol rats, whereas glucagon-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity wasnot different in the two groups. The inhibitory effects of oxotremorine(receptor-dependent Gi functions) and low concentrations ofGTPS on forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity(receptor-independent Gi functions) were not different inthe two groups. In addition forskolin and NaF also stimulated adenylylcyclase activity to a lesser degree in AV shunt rats compared withcontrol rats. The levels of Gi-2 and Gi-3proteins and mRNA, as determined by immunoblotting and Northernblotting, respectively, were not different in both groups; however, thelevels of Gs45 andGs47, and not ofGs52, proteins were significantly decreasedin AV shunt rats by days 7 and 10 compared withcontrol rats, whereas no change was observed on days 2 and3 after induction of AV shunt. These results suggest thatthe decreased expression of Gs proteins may not be thecause but the effect of hypertrophy and that the diminishedresponsiveness of adenylyl cyclase to GTPS, isoproterenol, NaF, andforskolin in hearts from AV shunt rats may partly be due to thedecreased expression of Gs. It can be concluded fromthese studies that the decreased expression of Gs may beassociated with cardiac hypertrophy and not with arterial hypertension.


The hypothesisthat amiloride-sensitive Na+channels (ENaC) are involved in cell volume regulation was tested.Anisosmotic ND-20 media (ranging from 70 to 450 mosM) were used tosuperfuse Xenopus oocytes expressing-rat ENaC (-rENaC). Whole cell currents werereversibly dependent on external osmolarity. Under conditions ofswelling (70 mosM) or shrinkage (450 mosM), current amplitude decreasedand increased, respectively. In contrast, there was no change incurrent amplitude of H2O-injectedoocytes to the above osmotic insults. Currents recorded from-rENaC-injected oocytes were not sensitive to externalCl concentration or to theK+ channel inhibitorBaCl2. They were sensitive toamiloride. The concentration of amiloride necessary to inhibit one-halfof the maximal rENaC current expressed in oocytes(Ki; apparentdissociation constant) decreased in swollen cells and increased inshrunken oocytes. The osmotic pressure-inducedNa+ currents showed propertiessimilar to those of stretch-activated channels, including inhibition byGd3+ andLa3+, and decreased selectivityfor Na+.-rENaC-expressing oocytes maintained a nearly constant cell volume in hypertonic ND-20. The present study is the firstdemonstration that -rENaC heterologously expressed inXenopus oocytes may contribute tooocyte volume regulation following shrinkage.


Using the Xenopus oocyteexpression system, we examined the mechanisms by which the - and-subunits of an epithelial Na+channel (ENaC) regulate -subunit channel activity and the mechanisms by which -subunit truncations cause ENaC activation. Expression of-ENaC alone produced small amiloride-sensitive currents (43 ± 10 nA, n = 7). These currentsincreased >30-fold with the coexpression of - and -ENaC to1,476 ± 254 nA (n = 20).This increase was accompanied by a 3.1- and 2.7-fold increase ofmembrane fluorescence intensity in the animal and vegetal poles of theoocyte, respectively, with use of an antibody directed against the-subunit of ENaC. Truncation of the last 75 amino acids of the-subunit COOH terminus, as found in the original pedigree ofindividuals with Liddle's syndrome, caused a 4.4-fold(n = 17) increase of theamiloride-sensitive currents compared with wild-type -ENaC.This was accompanied by a 35% increase of animal pole membranefluorescence intensity. Injection of a 30-amino acid peptide withsequence identity to the COOH terminus of the human -ENaCsignificantly reduced the amiloride-sensitive currents by 40-50%.These observations suggest a tonic inhibitory role on the channel'sopen probability (Po) by the COOH terminus of -ENaC. We conclude that the changes of current observed with coexpression of the - and -subunits or those observed with -subunit truncation are likely the result ofchanges of channel density in combination with large changes ofPo.


Interferon- (IFN-) ± tumor necrosis factor-(TNF-) induces antiproliferation and intracellularCa2+ store depletion in a humansubmandibular ductal cell line (HSG), which can be reversed on cytokineremoval [A. J. Wu, G. C. Chen, B. J. Baum, and I. S. Ambudkar. Am. J. Physiol. 270 (Cell Physiol. 39): C514-C521,1996]. Here we have examined a possible mechanism for theIFN--induced intracellular Ca2+store depletion. There was a time-dependent decrease inthapsigargin-dependent internalCa2+ release after exposure of thecells to the cytokines. The intracellular Ca2+ pump[sarco(endo)plasmic reticulumCa2+-ATPase(SERCA)] protein in lysates and membranes of cellstreated with IFN- ± TNF-, but not with TNF- alone, showeda similar time-dependent decrease (examined using a SERCA2antibody). Removal of the cytokines, which resulted inrecovery of cell growth and refill of internalCa2+ stores, also increased thelevel of SERCA protein. The decrease in SERCA is not a result ofdecreased cell proliferation, since thapsigargin,2,5-di-(t-butyl)-1,4-hydroquinone, orserum-free growth conditions induced antiproliferative effects on HSGcells without any corresponding decrease in SERCA. We suggest that the IFN--induced decrease in the level of SERCA accounts for the depleted state of internal Ca2+stores in cytokine-treated HSG cells. These data suggest a novel mechanism for the inhibition of HSG cell growth by IFN-.


Toxin- (T)from the Brazilian scorpion Tityusserrulatus venom caused a concentration- andtime-dependent increase in the release of norepinephrine andepinephrine from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells. T was~200-fold more potent than veratridine judged fromEC50 values, although the maximalsecretory efficacy of veratridine was 10-fold greater than that of T(1.2 vs. 12 µg/ml of catecholamine release). The combination of both toxins produced a synergistic effect that was particularly drastic at 5 mM extracellular Ca2+concentration([Ca2+]o),when 30 µM veratridine plus 0.45 µM T were used. T (0.45 µM) doubled the basal uptake of45Ca2+,whereas veratridine (100 µM) tripled it. Again, a drastic synergism in enhancing Ca2+ entry was seenwhen T and veratridine were combined; this was particularlypronounced at 5 mM[Ca2+]o.Veratridine induced oscillations of cytosolicCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)in single fura 2-loaded cells without elevation of basal levels. Incontrast, T elevated basal[Ca2+]ilevels, causing only small oscillations. When added together, T andveratridine elevated the basal levels of[Ca2+]iwithout causing large oscillations. T shifted the current-voltage (I-V) curve forNa+ channel current to the left.The combination of T with veratridine increased the shift of theI-V curve to the left, resulting in agreater recruitment of Na+channels at more hyperpolarizing potentials. This led to enhanced andmore rapid accumulation of Na+ inthe cell, causing cell depolarization, the opening of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, andCa2+ entry and secretion.


HumanNa+-K+-ATPase11,21, and 31heterodimers were expressed individually in yeast, and ouabainbinding and ATP hydrolysis were measured in membrane fractions. Theouabain equilibrium dissociation constant was 13-17 nM for11 and 31at 37°C and 32 nM for 21, indicatingthat the human -subunit isoforms have a similar high affinity forcardiac glycosides. K0.5 values for antagonism of ouabain binding by K+ were ranked in order as follows:2 (6.3 ± 2.4 mM) > 3(1.6 ± 0.5 mM)  1 (0.9 ± 0.6 mM),and K0.5 values for Na+ antagonismof ouabain binding to all heterodimers were 9.5-13.8 mM. Themolecular turnover for ATP hydrolysis by11 (6,652 min1) was abouttwice as high as that by 31 (3,145 min1). These properties of the human heterodimersexpressed in yeast are in good agreement with properties of the humanNa+-K+-ATPase expressed in Xenopusoocytes (G Crambert, U Hasler, AT Beggah, C Yu, NN Modyanov, J-DHorisberger, L Lelievie, and K Geering. J Biol Chem275: 1976-1986, 2000). In contrast to Na+ pumpsexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, the21 complex in yeast membranes wassignificantly less stable than 11 or31, resulting in a lower functionalexpression level. The 21 complex was also more easily denatured by SDS than was the11 or the31 complex.


Adhesion to novel basement membrane component BM180 in thepresence of laminin-1 promotes stimulus-secretion coupling in lacrimal acinar cells [G. W. Laurie, J. D. Glass, R. A. Ogle, C. M. Stone, J. R. Sluss, and L. Chen. Am. J. Physiol. 270 (CellPhysiol. 39): C1743-C1750,1996]. The identity of the active laminin-1 site andthe possibility that other promoters of coupling are present in theacinar cell microenvironment were probed by use of different substrates, media, neutralizing antibodies and cell numbers. Regulated peroxidase secretion was unaffected by basement membrane coat concentration and was detectable at reduced levels in serum-free medium. Anti-laminin-1 antibodies, particularly against sites in the1 and 1 chains, but not 1 chains, partially suppressed regulated secretion, as did an anti-collagen IV antibody. Without effect were RGD peptide and antibodies against entactin, the1-integrin subunit, and severalgrowth factors. Increasing cell number in serum-free medium revealed anunknown, serum-maskable, secretion-enhancing activity with a remarkablespecificity for regulated secretion. Stimulus-secretion coupling,therefore, appears to be modulated by several extracellular factorswhose relative contributions remain to be determined.


An HEK-293 cell line stably expressing the humanrecombinant ClC-2 Cl channel was used in patch-clampstudies to study its regulation. The relative permeabilityPx/PCl calculated fromreversal potentials was I > Cl = NO3 = SCNBr. Theabsolute permeability calculated from conductance ratios wasCl = Br = NO3  SCN > I. The channel was activatedby cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), reduced extracellular pH, oleicacid (C:18 cis9), elaidic acid (C:18trans9), arachidonic acid (AA; C:20cis5,8,11,14), and by inhibitors of AA metabolism,5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA; C:20trans5,8,11,14),-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)benzeneacetic acid (ibuprofen), and2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3-[2H]-one (PZ51, ebselen). ClC-2Cl channels were activated by a combination of forskolinplus IBMX and were inhibited by the cell-permeant myristoylated PKAinhibitor (mPKI). Channel activation by reduction of bath pH wasincreased by PKA and prevented by mPKI. AA activation of the ClC-2Cl channel was not inhibited by mPKI or staurosporine andwas therefore independent of PKA or protein kinase C activation.


To evaluate the physiological functions of1-,2-, and3-adrenoceptors (ARs) in brownadipose tissue, the lipolytic and respiratory effects of variousadrenergic agonists and antagonists were studied in rat brownadipocytes. The -agonists stimulated both lipolysis and respiration(8-10 times above basal levels), with the following order ofpotency (concentration eliciting 50% of maximum response):CL-316243 (3) > BRL-37344(3) > isoproterenol (mainly1/2) > norepinephrine (NE; mainly1/2) > epinephrine (mainly1/2) dobutamine (1)  procaterol (2). Schild plot coefficients of competitive inhibition experiments using ICI-89406 (1 antagonist) revealed thatmore than one type of receptor mediates NE action. It is concluded fromour results that 1) NE, at low plasma levels (1-25 nM), stimulates lipolysis and respiration mainly through 1-ARs,2) NE, at higher levels, stimulateslipolysis and respiration via both1- and3-ARs,3)2-ARs play only a minor role,and 4)3-ARs may represent thephysiological receptors for the high NE concentrations in the synapticcleft, where the high-affinity1-ARs are presumablydesensitized. It is also suggested that lipolysis represents theflux-generating step regulating mitochondrial respiration.


Investigation of the role ofindividual protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes in the regulation ofNa+ channels has been largely limited by the lack ofisozyme-selective modulators. Here we used a novel peptide-specificactivator (V1-7) of PKC and other peptide isozyme-specificinhibitors in addition to the general PKC activator phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) to dissect the role of individual PKCs inthe regulation of the human cardiac Na+ channel hH1,heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Peptides wereinjected individually or in combination into the oocyte. Whole cellNa+ current (INa) was recorded usingtwo-electrode voltage clamp. V1-7 (100 nM) and PMA (100 nM)inhibited INa by 31 ± 5% and 44 ± 8% (at 20 mV), respectively. These effects were not seen with thescrambled peptide for V1-7 (100 nM) or the PMA analog4-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (100 nM). However, V1-7-and PMA-induced INa inhibition was abolished byV1-2, a peptide-specific antagonist of PKC. Furthermore,PMA-induced INa inhibition was not altered by100 nM peptide-specific inhibitors for -, -, -, or PKC. PMAand V1-7 induced translocation of PKC from soluble toparticulate fraction in Xenopus oocytes. This translocationwas antagonized by V1-2. In native rat ventricular myocytes,PMA and V1-7 also inhibited INa; thisinhibition was antagonized by V1-2. In conclusion, the resultsprovide evidence for selective regulation of cardiac Na+channels by PKC isozyme.


We investigated theeffects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on activeNa+ absorption by alveolarepithelium. Rat alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) were isolated andcultivated in serum-free medium on tissue culture-treated polycarbonatefilters. mRNA for rat epithelial Na+ channel (rENaC) -, -,and -subunits and Na+ pump1- and1-subunits were detected inday 4 monolayers by Northern analysisand were unchanged in abundance in day5 monolayers in the absence of EGF. Monolayerscultivated in the presence of EGF (20 ng/ml) for 24 h fromday 4 to day5 showed an increase in both1 and1Na+ pump subunit mRNA but noincrease in rENaC subunit mRNA. EGF-treated monolayers showed parallelincreases in Na+ pump1- and1-subunit protein by immunoblotrelative to untreated monolayers. Fixed AEC monolayers demonstratedpredominantly membrane-associated immunofluorescent labeling withanti-Na+ pump1- and1-subunit antibodies, withincreased intensity of cell labeling for both subunits seen at 24 hfollowing exposure to EGF. These changes inNa+ pump mRNA and protein precededa delayed (>12 h) increase in short-current circuit (measure ofactive transepithelial Na+transport) across monolayers treated with EGF compared with untreated monolayers. We conclude that EGF increases activeNa+ resorption across AECmonolayers primarily via direct effects onNa+ pump subunit mRNA expressionand protein synthesis, leading to increased numbers of functionalNa+ pumps in the basolateralmembranes.


We evaluated theeffects of acute hyperoxic exposure on alveolar epithelial cell (AEC)active ion transport and on expression ofNa+ pump(Na+-K+-ATPase)and rat epithelial Na+ channelsubunits. Rat AEC were cultivated in minimal defined serum-free medium(MDSF) on polycarbonate filters. Beginning on day5, confluent monolayers were exposedto either 95% air-5% CO2(normoxia) or 95% O2-5%CO2 (hyperoxia) for 48 h.Transepithelial resistance(Rt) andshort-circuit current(Isc) weredetermined before and after exposure.Na+ channel -, -, and-subunit andNa+-K+-ATPase1- and1-subunit mRNA levels werequantified by Northern analysis.Na+ pump1- and1-subunit protein abundance wasquantified by Western blotting. After hyperoxic exposure,Isc across AECmonolayers decreased by ~60% at 48 h relative to monolayersmaintained under normoxic conditions.Na+ channel -subunit mRNAexpression was reduced by hyperoxia, whereas - and -subunit mRNAexpression was unchanged. Na+ pump1-subunit mRNA was unchanged,whereas 1-subunit mRNA was decreased ~80% by hyperoxia in parallel with a reduction in1-subunit protein. Becausekeratinocyte growth factor (KGF) has recently been shown to upregulateAEC active ion transport and expression ofNa+-K+-ATPaseunder normoxic conditions, we assessed the ability of KGF to preventhyperoxia-induced changes in active ion transport by supplementingmedium with KGF (10 ng/ml) from day2. The presence of KGF prevented theeffects of hyperoxia on ion transport (as measured byIsc) relativeto normoxic controls. Levels of1 mRNA and protein wererelatively preserved in monolayers maintained in MDSF and KGF comparedwith those cultivated in MDSF alone. These results indicate that AECnet active ion transport is decreased after 48 h of hyperoxia, likelyas a result of a decrease in the number of functionalNa+ pumps per cell. KGF largelyprevents this decrease in active ion transport, at least in part, bypreserving Na+ pump expression.


Calcium channels are composed of a pore-forming subunit,1, and at least two auxiliarysubunits, - and2-subunits. It is well knownthat -subunits regulate most of the properties of the channel. Thefunction of 2-subunit isless understood. In this study, the effects of the calcium channel2-subunit on the neuronal1E voltage-gated calciumchannel expressed in Xenopus oocyteswas investigated without and with simultaneous coexpression of eitherthe 1b- or the2a-subunit. Most aspects of1E function were affected by2. Thus2 caused a shift in thecurrent-voltage and conductance-voltage curves toward more positivepotentials and accelerated activation, deactivation, and theinstallation of the inactivation process. In addition, the efficiencywith which charge movement is coupled to pore opening assessed bydetermining ratios of limiting conductance to limiting charge movementwas decreased by 2 byfactors that ranged from 1.6 (P < 0.01) for 1E-channels to 3.0 (P < 0.005) for1E1b-channels. These results indicate that2 facilitates the expressionand the maturation of1E-channels and converts thesechannels into molecules responding more rapidly to voltage.


The amiloride-sensitiveepithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays a critical role in fluid andelectrolyte homeostasis and is composed of three homologous subunits:, , and . Only heteromultimeric channels made of ENaCare efficiently expressed at the cell surface, resulting in maximallyamiloride-sensitive currents. To study the relative importance ofvarious regions of the - and -subunits for the expression offunctional ENaC channels at the cell surface, we constructedhemagglutinin (HA)-tagged --chimeric subunits composed of -and -subunit regions and coexpressed them with HA-tagged - and-subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The whole cellamiloride-sensitive sodium current (Iami) andsurface expression of channels were assessed in parallel using thetwo-electrode voltage-clamp technique and a chemiluminescence assay.Because coexpression of ENaC resulted in largerIami and surface expression compared withcoexpression of ENaC, we hypothesized that the -subunit ismore important for ENaC trafficking than the -subunit. Usingchimeras, we demonstrated that channel activity is largely preservedwhen the highly conserved second cysteine rich domains (CRD2) of the- and -subunits are exchanged. In contrast, exchanging the wholeextracellular loops of the - and the -subunits largely reducedENaC currents and ENaC expression in the membrane. This indicates thatthere is limited interchangeability between molecular regions of thetwo subunits. Interestingly, our chimera studies demonstrated that theintracellular termini and the two transmembrane domains of ENaC aremore important for the expression of functional channels at the cellsurface than the corresponding regions of ENaC.


The Ca2+-independent-isoform of protein kinase C (PKC-) was overexpressed inLLC-PK1 epithelia and placed undercontrol of a tetracycline-responsive expression system. In the absenceof tetracycline, the exogenous PKC- is expressed. Westernimmunoblots show that the overexpressed PKC- is found in thecytosolic, membrane-associated, and Triton-insoluble fractions.Overexpression of PKC- produced subconfluent and confluentepithelial morphologies similar to that observed on exposure ofwild-type cells to the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. Transepithelialelectrical resistance(RT) in cellsheets overexpressing PKC- was only 20% of that in cell sheetsincubated in the presence of tetracycline, in which the amount ofPKC- and RTwere similar to those in LLC-PK1 parental cell sheets. Overexpression of PKC- also elicited a significant increase in transepithelial flux ofD-[14C]mannitoland a radiolabeled 2 × 106-molecular-weight dextran,suggesting with theRT decrease that overexpression increased paracellular, tight junctional permeability. Electron microscopy showed that PKC- overexpression results in amultilayered cell sheet, the tight junctions of which are almost uniformly permeable to ruthenium red. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy indicates that overexpression of PKC- results in a moredisorganized arrangement of tight junctional strands. As withLLC-PK1 cell sheets treated with12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, the reducedRT, increasedD-mannitol flux, and tightjunctional leakiness to ruthenium red that are seen with PKC-overexpression suggest the involvement of PKC- in regulation oftight junctional permeability.


The phorbol ester phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) inhibits Cl secretion(short-circuit current, Isc) and decreasesbarrier function (transepithelial resistance, TER) in T84 epithelia. To elucidate the role of specific protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes inthis response, we compared PMA with two non-phorbol activators of PKC(bryostatin-1 and carbachol) and utilized three PKC inhibitors (Gö-6850, Gö-6976, and rottlerin) with different isozymeselectivity profiles. PMA sequentially inhibited cAMP-stimulatedIsc and decreased TER, as measured byvoltage-current clamp. By subcellular fractionation and Western blot,PMA (100 nM) induced sequential membrane translocation of the novelPKC followed by the conventional PKC and activated both isozymesby in vitro kinase assay. PKC was activated by PMA but did nottranslocate. By immunofluorescence, PKC redistributed to thebasolateral domain in response to PMA, whereas PKC moved apically.Inhibition of Isc by PMA was prevented by theconventional and novel PKC inhibitor Gö-6850 (5 µM) but not theconventional isoform inhibitor Gö-6976 (5 µM) or the PKCinhibitor rottlerin (10 µM), implicating PKC in inhibition ofCl secretion. In contrast, both Gö-6976 andGö-6850 prevented the decline of TER, suggesting involvement ofPKC. Bryostatin-1 (100 nM) translocated PKC and PKC andinhibited cAMP-elicited Isc. However, unlikePMA, bryostatin-1 downregulated PKC protein, and the decrease in TERwas only transient. Carbachol (100 µM) translocated only PKC andinhibited Isc with no effect on TER. Gö-6850 but not Gö-6976 or rottlerin blocked bryostatin-1and carbachol inhibition of Isc. We concludethat basolateral translocation of PKC inhibits Clsecretion, while apical translocation of PKC decreases TER. Thesedata suggest that epithelial transport and barrier function can bemodulated by distinct PKC isoforms.


This study examined the ability of protein kinase C (PKC) toinduce heterologous desensitization by targeting specific G proteinsand limiting their ability to transduce signals in smooth muscle.Activation of PKC by pretreatment of intestinal smooth muscle cellswith phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, cholecystokinin octapeptide, orthe phosphatase 1 and phosphatase 2A inhibitor, calyculin A,selectively phosphorylated Gi-1 and Gi-2,but not Gi-3 or Go, and blockedinhibition of adenylyl cyclase mediated by somatostatin receptorscoupled to Gi-1 and opioid receptors coupled toGi-2, but not by muscarinic M2 and adenosineA1 receptors coupled to Gi-3. Phosphorylationof Gi-1 and Gi-2 and blockade of cyclaseinhibition were reversed by calphostin C and bisindolylmaleimide, andadditively by selective inhibitors of PKC and PKC. Blockade ofinhibition was prevented by downregulation of PKC. Phosphorylation ofG-subunits by PKC also affected responses mediated by-subunits. Pretreatment of muscle cells withcANP-(4-23), a selective agonist of the natriureticpeptide clearance receptor, NPR-C, which activates phospholipase C(PLC)-3 via the -subunits of Gi-1 andGi-2, inhibited the PLC- response to somatostatin and[D-Pen2,5]enkephalin. The inhibition waspartly reversed by calphostin C. Short-term activation of PKC had noeffect on receptor binding or effector enzyme (adenylyl cyclase orPLC-) activity. We conclude that selective phosphorylation ofGi-1 and Gi-2 by PKC partly accounts forheterologous desensitization of responses mediated by the - and-subunits of both G proteins. The desensitization reflects adecrease in reassociation and thus availability of heterotrimeric G proteins.


The actin-regulatory protein villin is tyrosinephosphorylated and associates with phospholipase C-1(PLC-1) in the brush border of intestinalepithelial cells. To study the mechanism of villin-associatedPLC-1 activation, we reconstituted in vitro the tyrosinephosphorylation of villin and its association with PLC-1. Recombinant villin was phosphorylated in vitro bythe nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-src or by expression in the TKX1 competent cells that carry an inducible tyrosine kinase gene. Using invitro binding assays, we demonstrated that tyrosine-phosphorylated villin associates with the COOH-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain ofPLC-1. The catalytic activity of PLC-1was inhibited by villin in a dose-dependent manner with half-maximalinhibition at a concentration of 12.4 µM. Villin inhibitedPLC-1 activity by sequestering the substratephosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), sinceincreasing concentrations of PIP2 reversed the inhibitory effects of villin on PLC activity. The inhibition ofPLC-1 activity by villin was reversed by the tyrosinephosphorylation of villin. Further, we demonstrated that tyrosinephosphorylation of villin abolished villin's ability to associate withPIP2. In conclusion, tyrosine-phosphorylated villinassociates with the COOH-terminal SH2 domain of PLC-1and activates PLC-1 catalytic activity. Villin regulatesPLC-1 activity by modifying its own ability to bindPIP2. This study provides biochemical proof of thefunctional relevance of tyrosine phosphorylation of villin andidentifies the molecular mechanisms involved in the activation ofPLC-1 by villin.


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