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Degradation of substance P by neurones and glial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neuronal and astroblast-rich cultures from rat brain degrade exogenously added substance P. The rate of degradation is decreased by diisopropylfluorophosphate, phosphoramidon and bacitracin, but not by N-ethylmaleimide or bestatin. When diisopropylfluorophosphate, phosphoramidon and bacitracin are simultaneously present in the culture medium, the degradation of substance P is completely inhibited. These results indicate that the hydrolysis of substance P by intact cells is catalyzed by the post-proline dipeptidylaminopeptidase (EC, the thermolysin-like metallopeptidase ("enkephalinase", EC and a yet uncharacterized bacitracin-sensitive activity. While the thermolysin-like metallopeptidase is mainly associated with glial cells, the specific activity of the other enzymes is five times higher in the neuronal culture.  相似文献   

Effects of glial cells on electrical isolation and shaping of synaptic transmission between neurons have been extensively studied. Here we present evidence that the release of proteins from astrocytes as well as microglia may regulate voltage-activated Na+ currents in neurons, thereby increasing excitability and speed of transmission in neurons kept at distance from each other by specialized glial cells. As a first example, we show that basic fibroblast growth factor and neurotrophin-3, which are released from astrocytes by exposure to thyroid hormone, influence each other to enhance Na+ current density in cultured hippocampal neurons. As a second example, we show that the presence of microglia in hippocampal cultures can upregulate Na+ current density. The effect can be boosted by lipopolysaccharides, bacterial membrane-derived stimulators of microglial activation. Comparable effects are induced by the exposure of neuron-enriched hippocampal cultures to tumour necrosis factor-α, which is released from stimulated microglia. Taken together, our findings suggest that release of proteins from various types of glial cells can alter neuronal excitability over a time course of several days. This explains changes in neuronal excitability occurring in states of thyroid hormone imbalance and possibly also in seizures triggered by infectious diseases.  相似文献   

S100 beta stimulates calcium fluxes in glial and neuronal cells.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The glial-derived protein S100 beta can act as a mitogen or a neurotrophic factor, stimulating proliferation of glial cells or differentiation of immature neurons. We report here that dimeric S100 beta evokes increases in intracellular free calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in both glial cells and neuronal cells. The [Ca2+]i increase exhibited a rapid transient component which was not affected by removal of extracellular calcium and a sustained component which appeared to require influx of extracellular calcium through Ni(2+)-sensitive channels. S100 beta also stimulated hydrolysis of phosphoinositides, suggesting a mobilization of calcium from intracellular stores. These data suggest that although the final biological responses of neuronal and glial cells to S100 beta are different, transduction of the S100 beta signal in both cell types involves changes in [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The incorporation of cytidine-containing precursors (CDP-Cho and CDP-Etn) into the main phospholipid classes of cellular fractions enriched in neurons and glial cells from whole rat brains of different ages was examined. The rate of synthesis of choline phosphoglycerides in neuronal homogenates significantly decreased with age up to 18 months; after this time no additional decrease was found. The decrease of CDP-Etn incorporation in neurons was found to be less significantly affected by age up to 18 months, but the enzymic activity decreased after 18 months of age. No changes were found in the corresponding glial activity at any age. Biochemical phenomena that occur in 18-month-old rat brain (aged animals) were compared with phenomena occurring in 2-month-old rat brain (adult animals). No significant variations of lipid composition were found in neurons from either 18-month-old or 2-month-old rat brain. These results, together with some kinetic parameters, suggest that ethanolamine and choline phosphotransferases are affected differently by aging.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide and inositol metabolism was compared in glioma (C6), neuroblastoma (N1E-115) and neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid (NG 108-15) cells. All cell lines had similar proportions of phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Neuroblastoma and hybrid cells had almost identical phospholipid and phosphoinositide compositions and similar activities for the enzymes metabolizing polyphosphoinositides (PI kinase, PIP phosphatase, PIP kinase, PIP2 phosphatase, PIP2 phosphodiesterase). Glioma cells differed by having greater proportions of ethanolamine plasmalogen and sphingomyelin, lower PIP kinase, 3-5-fold higher PIP phosphatase activity and 10-15-fold greater PIP2 phosphodiesterase activity. Higher PIP phosphatase and PIP2 diesterase activities appear to be characteristic of cells of glial origin, since similar activities were found in primary cultures of astroglia. Glioma cells also metabolize inositol differently. In pulse and pulse-chase experiments, glioma cells transported inositol into a much larger water-soluble intracellular pool and maintained a concentration gradient 30-times greater than neuroblastoma cells. Label in intracellular inositol was less than in phosphoinositides in neuroblastoma and exchanged rapidly with extracellular inositol. In glioma, labeling of intracellular inositol greatly exceeded that of phosphoinositides. As a consequence, radioactivity in prelabeled phosphoinositides could not be effectively chased from glioma cells by excess unlabeled inositol. Such differences between cells of neuronal and glial origin suggest different and possibly supportive roles for these two cell types in maintaining functions regulated through phosphoinositide-linked signalling systems in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Cultured neurones, astroblasts and astrocytes from murine brain have been screened with specific tests for the presence of peptidases capable of degrading enkephalin. Bestatin-sensitive aminopeptidases represent the major enkephalin-degrading activity in all cases. The dipeptidylaminopeptidasic activity is much higher in the neuronal than the glial cultures, whereas the opposite is true for the metallopeptidase called "enkephalinase". Only trace amounts of the dipeptidylcarboxypeptidase "angiotensin-converting enzyme" have been found. We conclude that bestatin-sensitive aminopeptidases on nerve cells are probable candidates for enkephalin-inactivating enzymes, whereas the "enkephalinase" on glial cells more likely serves a scavenger function.  相似文献   

Human infection by Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent for Lyme disease, can result in serious acute and late-term disorders including neuroborreliosis, a degenerative condition of the peripheral and central nervous systems. To examine the mechanisms involved in the cellular pathogenesis of neuroborreliosis, we investigated the ability of B. burgdorferi to attach to and/or invade a panel of human neuroglial and cortical neuronal cells. In all neural cells tested, we observed B. burgdorferi in association with the cell by confocal microscopy. Further analysis by differential immunofluorescent staining of external and internal organisms, and a gentamicin protection assay demonstrated an intracellular localization of B. burgdorferi. A non-infectious strain of B. burgdorferi was attenuated in its ability to associate with these neural cells, suggesting that a specific borrelial factor related to cellular infectivity was responsible for the association. Cytopathic effects were not observed following infection of these cell lines with B. burgdorferi, and internalized spirochetes were found to be viable. Invasion of neural cells by B. burgdorferi provides a putative mechanism for the organism to avoid the host's immune response while potentially causing functional damage to neural cells during infection of the CNS.  相似文献   

The presence of an efficient high affinity uptake system for L-CSA has been demonstrated in cultured neuronal and glial cells of various types. In neurons and most glial cells L-CSA uptake is inhibited by acidic amino acids,L-glutamate andL-aspartate and requires sodium ions; however the sodium dependence varies from one cell type to the other. The characteristics of the uptake system change during cell maturation, especially in astroblasts. The predominance of CSA uptake in glial cells as compared to neurons, the similarity of the kinetic parameters and of the structural specficity ofL-glutamate uptake suggest that both excitatory amino acids are transported by a common system. In view of accumulating evidence, the present results are in agreement with a role of CSA as a neurotransmitter and as a precursor for taurine biosynthesis in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The developing central nervous system of vertebrates contains an abundant cell type designated radial glial cells. These cells are known as guiding cables for migrating neurons, while their role as precursor cells is less clear. Since radial glial cells express a variety of astroglial characteristics and differentiate as astrocytes after completing their guidance function, they have been considered as part of the glial lineage. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting, we show here that radial glial cells also are neuronal precursors and only later, after neurogenesis, do they shift towards an exclusive generation of astrocytes. These results thus demonstrate a novel function for radial glial cells, namely their ability to generate two major cell types found in the nervous system, neurons and astrocytes.  相似文献   

1. This paper presents a fast method of brain cell separation and a comparative study of GABA-T from different cellular compartments (glial cells, neuronal perikarya cells and synaptosomes). 2. The method of cellular separation offers the advantages of rapidity, ease and reproducibility. 3. The GABA-T from the three studied compartments had similar kinetic characteristics in respect of their Kms and Vmaxs. 4. The GABA-T needs PLP to reach its maximum activity; this dependence is related to the enzyme localization.  相似文献   

A membrane-associated prothrombin activator (MAPA) was found on various cultured cells derived from non-hematopoietic cells [Sekiya, F. et al. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 32441-32445]. In this study, we investigated the enzymatic properties of this enzyme using protease inhibitors. While the metalloproteinase inhibitor, o-phenanthroline, had no effect, some Kunitz type serine protease inhibitors attenuated MAPA activity. Recombinant tissue factor pathway inhibitor (rTFPI) also markedly reduced the activity (IC(50), 1. 3+/-0.6 x 10(-10) M). MAPA activity is, therefore, most likely to be due to factor Xa. We evaluated the effect of exogenous factor Xa on MAPA activity. Factor Xa-dependent prothrombin activation was observed on fibroblast cells (apparent K(d), 1.47+/-0.72 nM). Activation was also observed on glial and neuronal cells, which expressed MAPA activity. These results imply that membrane-bound factor Xa results in MAPA activity on these cells. Therefore, we considered the involvement of factor Va, a component of prothrombinase, in this activity. We examined whether or not the prothrombinase complex is assembled on these cells. Prothrombin was activated in a manner dependent on both exogenous factor Xa and factor Va (apparent K(d) of 0.51-1.81 nM for factor Va). These results indicate that the prothrombinase complex forms specifically on various extravascular cells. Although the prothrombinase complex can be assembled on monocytes and lymphocytes, it is not known why these cells can activate prothrombin specifically. These cells which have the capacity for prothrombin activator activity could also activate factor X; i.e. cells with factor X activation activity were able to convert prothrombin. These observations suggest that thrombin was generated via two procoagulant activities; factor X activation and subsequent prothrombinase complex formation on the surface of these cells. This mechanism may explain the various pathological states involving or resulting from extravascular thrombin and fibrin formation.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes are mediators of inflammation that belong to a family of lipids derived from arachidonic acid by the action of 5-lipoxygenase. Leukotrienes have been detected in the central nervous system in association with different pathological events, but little is known about their biosynthesis or function in the brain. When rat neurons and glial cells in primary culture were stimulated with the calcium ionophore, no significant biosynthesis of leukotrienes was detected using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) techniques. However, when exogenous LTA4 was added to these cultured cells, both neurons and glia were able to synthesize LTC4. Activated neutrophils are known to supply LTA4 to other cells for transcellular biosynthesis of cysteinyl-leukotrienes. Since neutrophils can infiltrate brain tissue after stroke or traumatic brain injury, we examined whether neutrophils play a similar role in the central nervous system. When peripheral blood neutrophils were co-cultured with rat neurons, glia cells, and then stimulated with calcium ionophore, a robust production of LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4 was observed, revealing that neurons and glia can participate in the transcellular mechanism of leukotriene biosynthesis. The formation of LTC4 through this mechanism may be relevant in the genesis and progression of the inflammatory response as a result of brain injury.  相似文献   

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has been shown to signal through a multicomponent receptor complex consisting of the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase and a member of the GFRalpha family of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored receptors. In the current model of GDNF signaling, Ret delivers the intracellular signal but cannot bind ligand on its own, while GFRalphas bind ligand but are thought not to signal in the absence of Ret. We have compared signaling pathways activated by GDNF in two neuronal cell lines expressing different complements of GDNF receptors. In a motorneuron-derived cell line expressing Ret and GFRalphas, GDNF stimulated sustained activation of the Ras/ERK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathways, cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation, and increased c-fos expression. Unexpectedly, GDNF also promoted biochemical and biological responses in a line of conditionally immortalized neuronal precursors that express high levels of GFRalphas but not Ret. GDNF treatment did not activate the Ras/ERK pathway in these cells, but stimulated a GFRalpha1-associated Src-like kinase activity in detergent-insoluble membrane compartments, rapid phosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding protein, up-regulation of c-fos mRNA, and cell survival. Together, these results offer new insights into the dynamics of GDNF signaling in neuronal cells, and indicate the existence of novel signaling mechanisms directly or indirectly mediated by GFRalpha receptors acting in a cell-autonomous manner independently of Ret.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cultured C-6 glia and neuroblastoma were utilized to investigate the relation of rates of fatty acid synthesis (from 3H2O) to levels of cyclic AMP under conditions of short-term and long-term regulation. The data demonstrate a consistent dissociation of alterations in rates of fatty acid synthesis and levels of cyclic AMP. Thus, marked alterations in the rate of fatty acid synthesis occurred when serum or albumin-bound palmitic acid was present in the culture medium, but there were no accompanying alterations in levels of cyclic AMP. Similarly, when high intracellular and/or extracellular levels of cyclic AMP were induced by exposure of the cells to dibutyryl cyclic AMP or isoproterenol, no change in the rate of fatty acid synthesis occurred. Although the data raise serious doubt about an important role for cyclic AMP in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis, they do not rule out such a role. The findings do indicate that any such role must involve alterations in compartmentalization, metabolism or binding of the mononucleotide within the cell.  相似文献   

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