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人类蛋白编码基因局部GC水平相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈祥贵  胡军  杨潇 《遗传》2008,30(9):1169-1174
GC含量是基因组DNA序列碱基组成的重要特征, 蕴涵基因结构、功能和进化信息。文中通过从公共数据库提取7 992个非冗余的人类蛋白质编码基因DNA序列, 分析了基因序列不同区域的局部GC含量和相关性。结果表明: 基因局部GC含量呈现不均一性, 5′非翻译区GC水平最高, 为62.56%; 而3′非翻译区GC水平最低, 为43.97%。3′侧翼序列的GC含量能较好地代表基因所在区域DNA长片段的GC水平。虽然开放阅读框的GC含量比内含子、3′非翻译区和3′侧翼序列的GC含量高, 但4个区域的GC含量之间均存在较高的相关性。密码子第三位置的平均GC含量(GC3)为58.09%, 显著高于密码子第一位置和第二位置的GC含量, 且与开放阅读框的GC水平高度相关, 相关系数高达0.91。GC3与内含子、3′非翻译区、3′侧翼序列的GC水平相关性也较高, GC3对3′侧翼序列的GC含量的直线回归斜率为1.25。因此, GC3可作为基因所在区域GC水平变化的敏感性指标。而密码子第一位置和第二位置以及5′侧翼序列和5′非翻译区GC水平与基因其他区域的GC水平的相关性较弱。该研究结果提示: 基因蛋白编码区密码子第三位置、内含子、3′非翻译区和3′侧翼序列的碱基可能经历了相近的进化过程, 而蛋白编码区密码子第一位置和第二位置、5′侧翼序列和5′非翻译区由于功能的需要而经历了不同的突变和选择。  相似文献   

This paper establishes that recombination drives the evolution of GC content in a significant way. Because the human P-arm pseudoautosomal region (PAR1) has been shown to have a high recombination rate, at least 20-fold more frequent than the genomic average of approximately 1 cM/Mb, this region provides an ideal system to study the role of recombination in the evolution of base composition. Nine non-coding regions of PAR1 are analyzed in this study. We have observed a highly significant positive correlation between the recombination rate and GC content (rho = 0.837, p < or = 0.005). Five regions that lie in the distal part of PAR1 are shown to be significantly higher than genomic average divergence. By comparing the intra- and inter-specific AT->GC -GC->AT ratios, we have detected no fixation bias toward GC alleles except for L254915, which has excessive AT-->GC changes in the human lineage. Thus, we conclude that the high GC content of the PAR1 genes better fits the biased gene conversion (BGC) model.  相似文献   

The "universal correlation" (D'Onofrio, G., Bernardi, G., 1992. A universal compositional correlation among codon positions. Gene 110, 81-88.) that holds between and or ( values are the average values of the coding sequences of each genome analyzed) at both the inter- and intra-genomic level, was re-analyzed on a vastly larger dataset. The results showed a slight, but significant, difference in the vs. correlations exhibited by prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This finding prompted an analysis of the correlation between and the amino acid frequencies in the encoded proteins, which has shown that positive correlations exist between values of coding sequences and the hydropathy of the corresponding proteins. These correlations are due to the fact that hydrophobic and amphypathic amino acids increase, whereas hydrophilic amino acids decrease with increasing values. Hydropathy values of prokaryotic proteins are systematically higher than those of eukaryotes, but the slopes of the regression lines are identical. The lower hydrophobicity of eukaryotic proteins is due to differences in the amino acid composition. In particular, the twofold higher cysteine (and disulfide bond) level of eukaryotic proteins compared to prokaryotic proteins most probably compensates for their lower hydrophobicity. This supports the viewpoint that hydrophobicity plays a structural and functional role as far as protein stability is concerned.  相似文献   

The correlation between hydropathies of anticodons and amino acids, detected by other authors utilizing scales of amino acid molecules in solution, was improved with the utilization of scales of amino acid residues in proteins. Three partitions were discerned in the correlation plot with the principal dinucleotides of anticodons (pDiN, excluding the wobble position). (a) The set of outliers of the correlation: Gly-CC, Pro-GG, Ser-GA and Ser-CU. The amino acids are consistently small, hydro-apathetic, stabilizers of protein N-ends, preferred in aperiodic protein conformations and belong to synthetases class II. The pDiN sequences are representative of the homogeneous sector (triplets NRR and NYY), distinguished from the mixed sector (triplets NRY and NYR), that depict a 70% correspondence to the synthetases class II and I, respectively. The triplet pairs proposed to be responsible for the coherence in the set of outliers are of the palindromic kind, where the lateral bases are the same, CCC: GGG and AGA: UCU. This suggests that UCU previously belonged to Ser, adding to other indications that the attribution of Arg to YCU was due to an expansion of the Arg-tRNA synthetase specificity. The other attributions produced two correlation sets. (b) One corresponds to the remaining pDiN of the homogeneous sector, containing both synthetase classes; its regression line overlapped the one formed by the remaining attributions to class II. (c) The other contains the pDiN of the mixed sector and produced steeper slopes, especially with the class I attributions. It is suggested that the correlation was established when the amino acid composition of the protein synthetases became progressively enriched and that the set of outliers were the earliest to have been fixed.  相似文献   

Li Z  Liu Q  Song M  Zheng Y  Nan P  Cao Y  Chen G  Li Y  Zhong Y 《Bio Systems》2005,82(3):226-234
Physiological functions and characteristic structures of the serpin gene superfamily have been studied extensively, yet the evolution of the serpin genes remains unclear. Gene duplication in this superfamily may shed light on this issue. Two models are used to predict the preservation of duplicated genes: the classical model and the duplication-degeneration-complementation (DDC) model. In this study, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of 33 human serpin genes and the expression data of some members of the serpin superfamily from a DNA microarray of human leukemia U937 cells with stably inducible expression of the leukemia-related AML1-ETO gene. We then determined the utility of the DDC model by mapping serpin superfamily expression data to the phylogenetic tree. The correlation between sequence and expression divergences as measured by the Pearson correlation coefficient indicated that human serpin genes evolved under the DDC model. Our study provides a new strategy for comparative analysis of gene sequences and microarray data.  相似文献   

《Bio Systems》2006,83(3):226-234
Physiological functions and characteristic structures of the serpin gene superfamily have been studied extensively, yet the evolution of the serpin genes remains unclear. Gene duplication in this superfamily may shed light on this issue. Two models are used to predict the preservation of duplicated genes: the classical model and the duplication–degeneration–complementation (DDC) model. In this study, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of 33 human serpin genes and the expression data of some members of the serpin superfamily from a DNA microarray of human leukemia U937 cells with stably inducible expression of the leukemia-related AML1-ETO gene. We then determined the utility of the DDC model by mapping serpin superfamily expression data to the phylogenetic tree. The correlation between sequence and expression divergences as measured by the Pearson correlation coefficient indicated that human serpin genes evolved under the DDC model. Our study provides a new strategy for comparative analysis of gene sequences and microarray data.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a new method for evaluating animal evolutionary relationships. We used the GC% levels of genome-wide genes to determine the correlation between the GC% content and evolutionary relationship. The correlation coefficients of the GC% content of the orthologous genes of the paired animal species were calculated for a total of 21 species, and the evolutionary branching dates of these 21 species were derived from fossil records. The correlation coefficient of the GC% content of the orthologous genes of the species pair under study served as an indicator of their evolutionary relationship. Moreover, there was a decreasing linear relationship between the correlation coefficient and evolutionary branching date (R2 = 0.930).  相似文献   

Complementary DNA (cDNA) was prepared with viral RNA-directed DNA polymerase from purified baboon globin messenger RNA (mRNA). Homologous and heterologous hybrids between human and baboon mRNAs and cDNAs were compared for extent of hybridisation and thermal stability. Higher mRNA inputs to the hybridizations were required to reach saturation in the heterologous cases. The melting temperature of the heterologous hybrid was 5 degrees C lower than the homologous hybrid. Between these two primates, divergence has occurred in the globin gene to a smaller extent than that possible from third position changes in the coding sequences of the divergence of total DNA. Globin cDNA prepared from baboon will not in general be useful as a probe for human globin mRNA or human globin gene sequences.  相似文献   

Bovine lens alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin polypeptides show extensive sequence homology with each other, but apparently none with beta Bp- and gamma 2-crystallin. Despite only 30% sequence homology, the latter two proteins are assumed to have a strong correspondence in tertiary structure, consisting of four structurally similar folding units of antiparallel beta-sheet. We have tested for internal structural repeats in all crystallins, and structural homology between crystallins, by comparing various physical properties of the amino acid residues, such as bulkiness and propensity to form beta-sheet and beta-turn structure. Two procedures used a combination of five physical parameters to calculate correlation coefficients. The 4-fold structural repeat in gamma 2-crystallin and the internal duplication in beta Bp-crystallin were readily detectable, as was also the strong structural homology between corresponding folding units in beta Bp- and gamma 2-crystallin. However, for alpha-crystallin polypeptides, no conclusive support was obtained for either a four-unit or a six-unit folding, the two models previously considered by us. The third procedure compared smoothened hydropathy plots, representing hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions along the polypeptide sequences. Hydropathy profiles were found to show strong correspondence, particularly between alpha B-crystallin and beta Bp-crystallin. These observations support a similar 4-fold folding pattern for all bovine crystallins. A possible role in subunit interactions of the N-terminal folding unit, which has hydrophobic surface characteristics in both alpha- and beta-crystallin polypeptides, is proposed.  相似文献   

Alvarez-Valin F  Lamolle G  Bernardi G 《Gene》2002,300(1-2):161-168
In this work we re-examined the hypothesis that the variation in GC content in the human genome is due to different regional mutational biases. For this purpose we inferred the mutational pattern by using mutation databases that are available for many genes associated with human genetic diseases. The assumption of this approach is that such mutations reflect the actual frequency distribution of mutations as they arise in the population. Four classes of genes, classified according to their GC3 level, were included in this study: GC3-poor genes (GC3<45%), genes with intermediate GC3 content (45%3<60%), GC3-rich genes (60%3<75%) and very GC3-rich genes (GC3>75%). Our results show that most genes are under AT mutational biases, with very little variation compared to the expectations of neutral GC level. It is noteworthy that the mutational patterns in the GC3-rich genes do not appear to account for their GC3-richness. Instead, GC3-rich and very GC3-rich genes exhibit patterns of mutations that yield expectations of neutral GC3 content that are much lower than their actual GC3.  相似文献   

The relationship between the synonymous codon usage and different protein secondary structural classes were investigated using 401 Homo sapiens proteins extracted from Protein Data Bank (PDB). A simple Chi-square test was used to assess the significance of deviation of the observed and expected frequencies of 59 codons at the level of individual synonymous families in the four different protein secondary structural classes. It was observed that synonymous codon families show non-randomness in codon usage in four different secondary structural classes. However,when the genes were classified according to their GC3 levels there was an increase in non-randomness in high GC3 group of genes. The non-randomness in codon usage was further tested among the same protein secondary structures belonging to four different protein folding classes of high GC3 group of genes. The results show that in each of the protein secondary structural unit there exist some synonymous family that shows class specific codon-usage pattern. Moreover, there is an increased non-random behaviour of synonymous codons in sheet structure of all secondary structural classes in high GC3 group of genes. Biological implications of these results have been discussed.  相似文献   

The internalization of plasma membrane components labelled with ConA and peroxidase was investigated in monolayer cultures of rat liver cells. After the labelling procedure, the cells were reincubated with PBS free of both ConA and peroxidase for different time periods between 5 min and 3 h at 37 °C. Ligand-induced redistribution of ConA-binding sites finally resulted in a cap with uropod formation after 2–3 h of reincubation. Simultaneously with redistribution, the cell surface label disappeared through internalization, and a membrane recycling into the Golgi apparatus could be observed. Besides the lamellar Golgi apparatus which exhibited a labelling of the cisternae as a consequence of the membrane recycling, the hypertrophied unlabelled Golgi apparatus could be detected in the same cell. Furthermore, many vesicles formed by the hypertrophied Golgi apparatus were found between them and the plasma membrane and in close proximity to the plasma membrane. Fusion of the vesicles with the plasma membrane could be observed. These morphological findings indicate the possibility that the membrane internalization and the membrane recycling simultaneously effect an enhancement of membrane biogenesis and exocytosis, thus compensating for the membrane removal by internalization.  相似文献   



Correlation between the expression levels of genes which are located close to each other on the genome has been found in various organisms, including yeast, drosophila and humans. Since such a correlation could be explained by several biochemical, evolutionary, genetic and technological factors, there is a need for statistical models that correspond to specific biological models for the correlation structure.  相似文献   

Distribution and complementarity of hydropathy in multisubunit proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A P Korn  R M Burnett 《Proteins》1991,9(1):37-55
A survey of 40 multisubunit proteins and 2 protein-protein complexes was performed to assay quantitatively the distribution of hydropathy among the exterior surface, interior, contact surface, and noncontact exterior surface of the isolated subunits. We suggest a useful way to present this distribution by using a "hydropathy level diagram." Additionally, we have devised a function called "hydropathy complementarity" to quantitate the degree to which interacting surfaces have matching hydropathy distributions. Our survey revealed the following patterns: (1) The difference in hydropathy between the interior and exterior of subunits is a fairly invariant quantity. (2) On average, the hydropathy of the contact surface is higher than that of the exterior surface, but is not greater than that of the protein as a whole. There was variation, however, among the proteins. In some instances, the contact surface was more hydrophilic than the noncontact exterior, and in a few cases the contact surface was as hydrophobic as the protein interior. (3) The average interface manifests significant hydropathy complementarity, signifying that proteins interact by placing hydrophobic centers of one surface against hydrophobic centers of the other surface, and by similarly matching hydrophilic centers. As a measure of recognition and specificity, hydropathy complementarity could be a useful tool for predicting correct docking of interacting proteins. We suggest that high hydropathy complementarity is associated with static inflexible interactions. (4) We have found that some subunits that bind predominantly through hydrophilic forces, such as hydrogen bonds, ionic pairs, and water and metal bridges, are involved in dynamic quaternary organization and allostery.  相似文献   

In a recent report, it has been postulated that the ubiquitous RBM proteins might constitute a novel family of apoptosis modulators. We measured the expression of the X-chromosome RBM genes (RBMX, RBM3, and RBM10) in 122 breast cancers by means of differential RT-PCR. Using the same method, we also studied the expression of the apoptosis-related genes Bcl-2 and Bax. Markers of hormone dependence (estrogen and progesterone receptors), proliferation (Ki67 and DNA-ploidy), angiogenesis (VEGF and CD105), as well as oncogene (c-erb-B2), and tumor suppressor gene (p53) expression were also analyzed. The expression of all X-chromosome RBM genes was significantly associated with the expression of the proapoptotic Bax gene (RBMX, P=0.039; RBM3, P<0.001; RBM10 large variant, P<0.001; RBM10 small variant, P<0.001). Furthermore, the expression of both RBM10 variants was significantly associated with the expression of the VEGF gene (large variant, P=0.004; small variant, P=0.003). We also found an association of borderline significance (P=0.05) between the expression of RBM3, the large variant of RBM10 and wild-type p53. Expression of the small RBM10 variant, finally, was associated with high proliferation of the tumors (Ki67>or=20%; P=0.037). The expression of both RBM10 variants seems to be interdependent to a significant degree (r=0.26, P=0.006). From these results, it seems that the X-chromosome, through its RBM genes, plays a formerly unknown role in the regulation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in breast cancer.  相似文献   

良好的睡眠质量是维护人体健康和体力的重要保证,且与机体免疫调节、营养代谢等生理功能关系极为密切。睡眠机制目前还不清楚,绝大部分研究仍处于起始阶段。体内肠道菌群的微生物丰度及其代谢活动会对机体的行为产生深远影响。针对影响睡眠机制的因素,本研究综述了调节睡眠机制研究的现状及其发展趋势,并讨论肠道微生物对睡眠的调节作用以及与相关疾病的发病机制之间的关系,旨在为今后研究肠道微生物对人体的健康以及睡眠等慢性疾病发生发展的影响提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPVs)是一种嗜人体皮肤和黏膜的DNA病毒,约80%有性行为的女性可能感染HPV。宫颈癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,是女性肿瘤中仅次于乳腺癌的第二个常见的恶性肿瘤,高危型HPV感染是其主要致病因素,则宫颈癌是目前唯一病因明确的妇科恶性肿瘤。HPV感染亦与其他恶性肿瘤的发生、发展密切相关,可引起除宫颈癌外的其他泌尿生殖道肿瘤,以及消化道系统、呼吸道系统、眼科、皮肤等其他系统或器官肿瘤。对HPV感染所致肿瘤的相关研究进展进行了综述,为肿瘤病因和发生机理的研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

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