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This study was carried out to isolate and characterize buffalo embryonic stem (ES) cell-like cells from in vitro-produced embryos. Inner cell mass (ICM) cells were isolated either mechanically or by enzymatic digestion from 120 blastocysts whereas 28 morulae were used for the isolation of blastomeres mechanically. The ICM cells/ blastomeres were cultured on mitomycin-C-treated feeder layer. Primary cell colony formation was higher (P < 0.05) for hatched blastocysts (73.1%, 30/41) than that for early/expanded blastocysts (25.3%, 20/79). However, no primary cell colonies were formed when blastomeres obtained from morulae were cultured. Primary colonies were formed in 14.1% (12/85) of intact blastocyst culture, which was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that of 41.6% for ICM culture. These colonies were separated by enzymatic or mechanical disaggregation. Using mechanical disaggregation method, the cells remained undifferentiated and two buffalo ES cell-like cell lines (bES1, bES2) continued to grow in culture up to eight passages. However, disassociation through enzymatic method resulted in differentiation. Undifferentiated cells exhibited stem cell morphological features, normal chromosomal morphology, and expressed specific markers such as alkaline phosphatase (AP) and Oct-4. Cells formed embryoid bodies (EBs) in suspension culture; extended culture of EBs resulted in formation of cystic EBs. Following prolonged in vitro culture, these cells differentiated into several types of cells including neuron-like and epithelium-like cells. Furthermore, the vitrified-thawed ES cell-like cells also exhibited typical stem cell characteristics. In conclusion, buffalo ES cell-like cells could be isolated from in vitro-produced blastocysts and maintained in vitro for prolonged periods of time.  相似文献   

Embryoid bodies (EBs) are used as in vitro model to study early extraembryonic tissue formation and differentiation. In this study, a novel method using three dimensional extracellular matrices for in vitro generation of EBs from buffalo embryonic stem (ES) cells and its differentiation potential by teratoma formation was successfully established. In vitro derived inner cell masses (ICMs) of hatched buffalo blastocyst were cultured on buffalo fetal fibroblast feeder layer for primary cell colony formation. For generation of EBs, pluripotent ES cells were seeded onto four different types of extracellular matrices viz; collagen-IV, laminin, fibronectin and matrigel using undifferentiating ES cell culture medium. After 5days of culture, ESCs gradually grew into aggregates and formed simple EBs having circular structures. Twenty-six days later, they formed cystic EBs over collagen matrix with higher EBs formation and greater proliferation rate as compared to other extracellular matrices. Studies involving histological observations, fluorescence microscopy and RT-PCR analysis of the in vivo developed teratoma revealed that presence of all the three germ layer derivatives viz. ectoderm (NCAM), mesoderm (Flk-1) and endoderm (AFP). In conclusion, the method described here demonstrates a simple and cost-effective way of generating EBs from buffalo ES cells. Collagen-IV matrix was found cytocompatible as it supported buffalo EBs formation, their subsequent differentiation could prove to be useful as promising candidate for ES cells based therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Oct-4属POU家族蛋白,是一类在动物早期胚胎发育过程中起重要作用的转录因子,参与维持细胞的全能性及未分化状态。Oct-4蛋白的主要结构特征为具有POU家族特有的保守结构域(POUS)和POU同源异型结构域(POUHD),这两个结构域可与DNA上特定区域形成双向结合,进而对基因转录进行调控。Sox-2是另一种转录因子,其HMG结构域可结合在DNA的特定序列上,并可通过与Oct-4的POUs结构域之间的蛋白质.蛋白质相互作用形成POU/HMG/DNA三元复合体以调控下游靶基因的表达。文章就POU家族成员Oct-4和HMG-box家族成员Sox-2在动物早期胚胎发育中调控部分下游基因表达的分子机制进行了概述。  相似文献   

水牛皮肤成纤维细胞的分离与体外培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨水牛成纤维细胞的分离与传代培养方法。组织块培养法培养的成纤维细胞原代生长较慢,需12天左右方可汇合形成单层,而酶消化法培养的成纤维细胞原代生长相对生长快,仅需8天便可汇合形成单层。两种方法传代细胞的生长速度相似,仅需4-5天就可汇合形成单层。通过体细胞的核型分析发现,成纤维细胞在传代培养过程中的核型变化不大,66.67%~81.67%的细胞具有正常的二倍体核型,各代之间无显著差异。结果表明,水牛成纤维细胞均能稳定地进行传代培养。  相似文献   

In our previous study, we demonstrated that the repair efficiency of DNA double-strand breaks declines with increasing age in rat primordial follicles. In the present study, we extended our studies to buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) wherein we studied the expression of BRCA-1 related DNA repair genes in primordial follicles of young (12 months-22 months) and adult (72–96 months) buffaloes. The relative expression of selected genes, as determined by RT-PCR, revealed a significant (p?相似文献   

More than 40 million households in India depend at least partially on livestock production. Buffaloes are one of the major milk producers in India. The prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene and peroxisome proliferators activated receptor-γ coactivator 1-alpha (PPARGC1A) gene are reportedly associated with milk protein and milk fat yields in Bos taurus. In this study, we sequenced the PRLR and PPARGC1A genes in the water buffalo Bubalus bubalis. The PRLR and PPARGC1A genes coded for 581 and 819 amino acids, respectively. The B. bubalis PRLR gene differed from the corresponding Bos taurus at 21 positions and four differences with an additional arginine at position 620 in the PPARGC1A gene were found in the amino acid sequence. All of the changes were confirmed by cDNA sequencing. Twelve buffalo-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in both genes, with five of them being non-synonymous.  相似文献   

周一叶  曾凡一 《遗传》2008,30(5):529-536
Oct-4和Nanog是两种维持干细胞多能性和自我更新的转录因子, 它们通过结合靶基因调控区, 选择性地抑制分化基因表达或促进多能性基因表达。它们通常只在多能干细胞中表达, 在分化细胞中不表达。在不同的发育阶段, 它们的表达量受到特异调控, 并且分别与Sox-2、FoxD3等其他转录因子以及LIF、BMP等胞外信号通路互相作用, 形成一个复杂的转录调节crosstalk网络, 在特异时空激活或抑制靶基因的转录; 通过互相制约最终决定干细胞是保持多能性还是分化, 以及向哪个方向分化。此外, Oct-4和Nanog对体细胞重编程为多能细胞也有重要作用。  相似文献   

Most of the 160 million river buffalo in the world are in Asia where they are used extensively, both as a food source and for draught power. Only recently have investigations begun exploring the buffalo genome for variation that might influence health and productivity of these economically important animals. This paper describes the sequence variability of the toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) gene, which recognizes bacterial flagellin and is a key player in the immune system. TLR5 is comprised of a single exon that is 2577?bp and codes 858?amino acids. We examined single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the coding region. Overall, 17 SNPs were discovered, seven of which are non-synonymous. Our study population yielded four different haplotypes. We examined predicted protein domain structure and found that river buffalo, swamp buffalo, and African Forest buffalo shared the same protein domain structure and are more similar to each other than they are to cattle and American bison, which are similar to each other. PolyPhen 2 analysis revealed one amino acid substitution in the river buffalo population with potential functional significance.  相似文献   

Most of the 160 million river buffalo in the world are in Asia where they are used extensively, both as a food source and for draught power. Only recently have investigations begun exploring the buffalo genome for variation that might influence health and productivity of these economically important animals. This paper describes the sequence variability of the toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) gene, which recognizes bacterial flagellin and is a key player in the immune system. TLR5 is comprised of a single exon that is 2577 bp and codes 858 amino acids. We examined single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the coding region. Overall, 17 SNPs were discovered, seven of which are non-synonymous. Our study population yielded four different haplotypes. We examined predicted protein domain structure and found that river buffalo, swamp buffalo, and African Forest buffalo shared the same protein domain structure and are more similar to each other than they are to cattle and American bison, which are similar to each other. PolyPhen 2 analysis revealed one amino acid substitution in the river buffalo population with potential functional significance.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - Sources of supplemental minerals in the diet of animals are of important significance. Bio-availability of organic sources is believed to be more in the body as...  相似文献   

Successful nuclear transfer (NT) of somatic cell nuclei from various mammalian species to enucleated bovine oocytes provides a universal cytoplast for NT in endangered or extinct species. Buffalo fetal fibroblasts were isolated from a day 40 fetus and were synchronized in presumptive G(0) by serum deprivation. Buffalo and bovine oocytes from abattoir ovaries were matured in vitro and enucleated at 22 h. In the first experiment, we compared the ability of buffalo and bovine oocyte cytoplasm to support in vitro development of NT embryos produced by buffalo fetal fibroblasts as donor nuclei. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the NT embryos derived from buffalo and bovine oocytes, in fusion (74% versus 71%) and cleavage (77% versus 75%) rates, respectively. No significant differences were also observed in blastocyst development (39% versus 33%) and the mean cell numbers of day 7 cloned blastocysts (88.5 +/- 25.7 versus 51.7 +/- 5.4). In the second experiment, we evaluated the effects of activation with calcium ionophore A23187 on development of NT embryos after electrical fusion. A significantly higher (p < 0.05) percentage of blastocyst development was observed in the NT embryos activated by calcium ionophore and 6-DMAP when compared with 6-DMAP alone (33% versus 17%). The results indicate that the somatic nuclei from buffalo can be reprogrammed after transfer to enucleated bovine oocytes, resulting in the production of cloned buffalo blastocysts similar to those transferred into buffalo oocytes. Calcium ionophore used in conjunction with 6-DMAP effectively induces NT embryo development.  相似文献   

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