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A Somatom Plus 4 spiral computed tomograph was used to examine 40 patients with purulent spondylitis and 8 patients with tuberculous spondylitis. Analysis of the primary examination, postoperative status, and follow-up of patients on medical therapy identified the main signs of an inflammatory process from a great variety of the computed tomographic (CT) signs of a lesion. They made it possible not only to reveal the inflammatory nature of a lesion, but also to differentiate purulent and tuberculous spondylitis. The main CT signs that allow a purulent spondylitis to be differentiated from tuberculous one are as follows: the location of involved veterbrae, the number of and the pattern of destruction of trabecular and cortical layers, the extent of and the form of paravertebral tissue lesion.  相似文献   

Morphological features of nuclear apparatus in mice leukemic cells of the peripheral blood, lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow and spleen were studied. These cells were taken from 12-months-old AKR mice. Enlarged percentage of cells with nucleolar lipid component in thymus characterizes preleukemic state for 6-months-old AKR line mice.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the diagnosis of some errors in endodontic treatment by spiral computed tomography.  相似文献   

The vertebral muscle fiber characteristics of adult female rhesus monkeys have been examined. Muscle samples were obtained from precisely defined superficial and deep sites on both sides of the vertebral column. In particular, samples were collected from three different levels of the column and the muscle fiber characteristics from all these different sites were compared. It is clear that in the rhesus monkey at least, muscle fiber characteristics are dependent on the vertebral level although not necessarily on the side of the vertebral column.  相似文献   

Significance of the temporal (AI, AII, Ep, IT) cortical areas for localization of acoustic stimuli sources of various parameters (tones 0.25-5 kHz, polytonal signals, clicks) was studied in acute and chronic experiments on kittens in the age of 15-90 days and on adult cats. The temporal areas were shown to take part in localization of tones beginning from third week, in that of polytonal signals from the second month, and in that of clicks from the third month of life. The degree of the corticalization of the mechanisms of stimuli localization is not the same in adult animals as well, the most corticalized being the mechanisms of tone localization, the least corticalized--that of clicks. Heterofunctionality of the right and the left temporal areas in the mechanisms of the spatial hearing has been revealed. In ontogeny the right temporal area functionally forestalls the left one. The role of the callosal body in the spatial orientation becomes apparent from the second month of life and consists mainly in ability to localize the sources of monotonal signals.  相似文献   

Despite the prominent use of the Suchey–Brooks (S–B) method of age estimation in forensic anthropological practice, it is subject to intrinsic limitations, with reports of differential interpopulation error rates between geographical locations. This study assessed the accuracy of the S–B method to a contemporary adult population in Queensland, Australia and provides robust age parameters calibrated for our population. Three‐dimensional surface reconstructions were generated from computed tomography scans of the pubic symphysis of male and female Caucasian individuals aged 15–70 years (n = 195) in Amira® and Rapidform®. Error was analyzed on the basis of bias, inaccuracy and percentage correct classification for left and right symphyseal surfaces. Application of transition analysis and Chi‐square statistics demonstrated 63.9 and 69.7% correct age classification associated with the left symphyseal surface of Australian males and females, respectively, using the S–B method. Using Bayesian statistics, probability density distributions for each S–B phase were calculated, providing refined age parameters for our population. Mean inaccuracies of 6.77 (±2.76) and 8.28 (±4.41) years were reported for the left surfaces of males and females, respectively; with positive biases for younger individuals (<55 years) and negative biases in older individuals. Significant sexual dimorphism in the application of the S–B method was observed; and asymmetry in phase classification of the pubic symphysis was a frequent phenomenon. These results recommend that the S–B method should be applied with caution in medico‐legal death investigations of Queensland skeletal remains and warrant further investigation of reliable age estimation techniques. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Metodikou fotoperiodických pokus? a analys vzrostných vrchol? jsme zjistili závislost typu výsledné morfologické abnormity na vývojovém stupni vzrostného vrcholu p?ed fotoperiodickým zásahem. Abnormálně velký po?et klásk? vznikal po zásahu u rostlin se zcela vegetativním vzrostným vrcholem. K větvení klasu do?lo nejvíce po zásahu v době prodlu?ování vzrostného vrcholu. Abnormální vývin podp?rných listen? odpovídal zásahu mezi zakládáním klásk? a zakládáním kvítk? v kláscích. ?ím d?ívěj?i byl tento zásah, tím ú plněji byly podp?rné listeny vyvinuty. První dvě odchylky p?edstavují nadpo?etný r?st osních ?lánk? v květenství, vývin podp?rného listenu je známkou posunutí korelace mezi r?stem listenu a generativním vývojem jeho ú?labního klásku. U poslední odchylky, ?ídkého klasu, která vzniká po zásahu v době zakládání ty?inek, ji? nedochází k takovému naru?ení vztahu mezi r?stem a vývojem. P?i fotoperiodickém zásahu dochází k indukci abnormální morfogenese, která pak m??e probíhat i po ukon?ení zásahu.  相似文献   

Forty-two Holstein heifers were superovulated with FSH-P (total dose, 30 mg) and cloprostenol. Treatment was initiated on Day 3 (Group D3, n = 11), Day 6 (Group D6, n = 11), Day 9 (Group D9, n = 10) or Day 12 (Group D12, n = 10) of the estrous cycle. Heifers were bled daily for serum progesterone and estradiol-17beta determinations and every 6 h for a 48-h duration at the expected time of estrus for luteinizing hormone (LH) assay. Ova and embryos were flushed from the reproductive tracts and the number of corpora lutea (CL) were recorded after slaughter on Day 7 post-estrus. Mean (+/- SEM) numbers of observed CL were higher (P < 0.05) in Group D9 (33.3 +/- 4.8) than in Group D3 (15.3 +/- 3.8), with Group D6 (17.0 +/- 2.9) and Group D12 (23.9 +/- 7.3) being intermediate. Similarly, mean (+/- SEM) numbers of fertilized embryos were highest (P < 0.05) in Group D9 (13.3 +/- 2.2). There was also a nonsignificant trend for the number of transferable embryos to be greatest in Group D9. Neither serum progesterone concentrations 3 d after the LH peak nor peak serum estradiol 17beta concentrations differed among groups, but both were significantly correlated with numbers of observed CL and total ova and embryos.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to characterize the hysterographic and histological features of the uteri and to perform immunohistochemistry with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in the cat endometrium at various stages of the reproductive cycle and after treatment with exogenous progestagen. Seventy-four female domestic cats submitted for routine ovariohysterectomy were categorized into six groups: inactive (n=20), follicular (n=9), luteal (n=18), and postpartum (n=12) stages of the reproductive cycle; cats given medroxyprogesterone acetate for estrus prevention (MPA group) (n=12); and cats with uterine pathological lesions (n=3). Hysterography was performed and the relation of the uterine and luminal shape in the hysterogram with the stage of the reproductive cycle as well as with any pathological conditions of the uterus was evaluated. The uteri and ovaries were thereafter surgically removed and sectioned for histological examination. The PCNA was used to demonstrate the expression of endometrial epithelial cell growth. The hysterographic appearance was found to differ between the six groups of cats. A straight uterine cavity was characteristic for cats in the inactive stage, whereas a wavy uterine cavity was characteristic for cats in the follicular stage. In the luteal stage, the luminal cavity of the uteri differed in shape with increasing progesterone concentration from straight to irregular wavy or coiled. The coil shaped uterine lumen seen in the MPA treated and pathological groups was considered also to be an expression of a progestagenic effect. Waviness and coiling of the uterine lumen was related to a proliferation of the endometrial glands, whereas irregular filling defects were indicative of endometrial cystic changes. This study is the first to demonstrate the expression of PCNA in the cat endometrium although no differences were found between the six groups of cats. The hysterographic appearance was found to differ according to stage of the reproductive cycle and pathological conditions. Thus, a normative hysterogram is now available for diagnosing the reproductive stage and uterine changes in cats developing endometrial hyperplasia with and without cystic changes.  相似文献   

By using the results of examination of 54 patients operated on for nonspecific spontaneous pneumothorax (NSP), the authors conclude that X-ray computed tomography (CT) is of high value. In addition to external respiratory function that identifies pulmonary functional changes, it is recommended that a comprehensive examination should include X-ray CT with parenchymal densitometry of the upper, middle and lower lung to reveal lung tissue structural changes. The examination of patients should be performed as soon as possible when the disease is detected and in the late postoperative period for early surgical correction of an emphysematous process in the lung.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The effect of environmental factors on the regulation of aerenchyma formation in rice roots has been discussed for a long time, because aerenchyma is constitutively formed under aerated conditions. To elucidate this problem, a unique method has been developed that enables sensitive detection of differences in the development of aerenchyma under two different environmental conditions. The method is tested to determine whether aerenchyma development in rice roots is affected by osmotic stress.


To examine aerenchyma formation both with and without mannitol treatment in the same root, germinating rice (Oryza sativa) caryopses were sandwiched between two agar slabs, one of which contained 270 mm of mannitol. The roots were grown touching both slabs and were thereby exposed unilaterally to osmotic stress. As a non-invasive approach, refraction contrast X-ray computed tomography (CT) using a third-generation synchrotron facility, SPring-8 (Super photon ring 8 GeV, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute), was used to visualize the three-dimensional (3-D) intact structure of aerenchyma and its formation in situ in rice roots. The effects of unilateral mannitol treatment on the development of aerenchyma were quantitatively examined using conventional light microscopy.

Key Results

Structural continuity of aerenchyma was clearly visualized in 3-D in the primary root of rice and in situ using X-ray CT. Light microscopy and X-ray CT showed that the development of aerenchyma was promoted on the mannitol-treated side of the root. Detailed light microscopic analysis of cross-sections cut along the root axis from the tip to the basal region demonstrated that aerenchyma developed significantly closer to the root tip on the mannitol-treated side of the root.


Continuity of the aerenchyma along the rice root axis was morphologically demonstrated using X-ray CT. By using this ‘sandwich’ method it was shown that mannitol promoted aerenchyma formation in the primary roots of rice.  相似文献   

PurposeTo estimate organ dose and effective dose for patients for cardiac CT as applied in an international multicenter study (CORE320) with a 320-Detector row CT scanner using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and voxelized phantoms. The effect of positioning of the arms, off-centering the patient and heart rate on patient dose was analyzed.MethodsA MC code was tailored to simulate the geometry and characteristics of the CT scanner. The phantoms representing the adult reference male and female were implemented according to ICRP 110. Effective dose and organ doses were obtained for CT acquisition protocols for calcium scoring, coronary angiography and myocardial perfusion.ResultsFor low heart rate, the normalized effective dose (E) for cardiac CT was higher for female (5.6 mSv/100 mAs) compared to male (2.2 mSv/100 mAs) due to the contribution of female breast tissue. Averaged E for female and male was 11.3 mSv for the comprehensive cardiac protocol consisting of calcium scoring (1.9 mSv); coronary angiography including rest cardiac perfusion (5.1 mSv) and stress cardiac perfusion (4.3 mSv). These values almost doubled at higher heart rates (20.1 mSv). Excluding the arms increased effective dose by 6–8%, centering the patient showed no significant effect. The k-factor (0.028 mSv/mGy.cm) derived from this study leads to effective doses up to 2–3 times higher than the values obtained using now outdated methodologies.ConclusionMC modeling of cardiac CT examinations on realistic voxelized phantoms allowed us to assess patient doses accurately and we derived k-factors that are well above those published previously.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate superovulatory programs based on synchronization of follicular waves with GnRH at 2 different stages of the estrous cycle. Sixteen Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups and administered GnRH (Cystorelin, 4 ml i.m.) between Days 4 and 7 (Groups 1 and 3) or between Days 15 and 18 (Group 2) of the estrous cycle (estrus = Day 0). Four days after GnRH treatment, > or = 7-mm follicles were punctured in Groups 1 (n = 6) and 2 (n = 6) or were left intact in Group 3 (n = 4). All cows were superstimulated 2 d later (i.e., from Days 6 to 10 after GnRH treatment) with a total of 400 mg NIH-FSH (Folltropin-V) given twice daily in decreasing doses. The GnRH treatment caused a rapid disappearance of large follicles (P < 0.005), rapid decrease in estradiol concentrations (P < 0.003), and increase in the number of recruitable follicles (4 to 6 mm; P < 0.04), indicative of the emergence of a new follicular wave within 3 to 4 d of treatment. Between 4 and 6 d after GnRH treatment, the mean number of 4- to 6-mm follicles decreased (4.7 +/- 1.8 to 1.5 +/- 3.3) in the nonpunctured group but increased (3.9 +/- 1.0 to 7.3 +/- 1.9) in the punctured group of cows (P < 0.05). In response to FSH treatment, the increase in the number of > or = 7-mm follicles was delayed by approximately 2 d in the nonpunctured group (P < 0.006). Moreover, the mean number of > or = 7-mm follicles at estrus was higher (16.9 +/- 1.7 vs 11.5 +/- 3.0; P < 0.1) in the punctured than the nonpunctured group. The increase in progesterone concentration after estrus was delayed in the nonpunctured group (P < 0.1) compared with the punctured follicles. Mean numbers of CL as well as freezable (Grade 1 and 2) and transferable (Grade 1, 2 and 3) embryos were similar (P > 0.1) in punctured and nonpunctured groups. Spontaneous estrus did not occur prior to cloprostenol-induced luteolysis in any group, and stage of the estrous cycle during which GnRH was given did not affect (P > 0.1) hormonal and follicular responses in the punctured groups. In conclusion, GnRH given at different stages of the estrous cycle promotes the emergence of a follicular wave at a predictable time. Puncture of the newly formed dominant follicle increases the number of recruitable follicles (4 to 6 mm) 2 d later and, in response to superstimulation with FSH, causes a greater number and faster entry of recruitable follicles into larger classes (> or = 7 mm) and a faster postovulatory increase in progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

The effect of copper on the photosynthetic apparatus of two cultivars of durum wheat ( Triticum durum cvs Adamello and Ofanto) with different sensitivity to drought and nickel stress were investigated. Plants were grown in nutrient solution or in nutrient solution further supplemented with CuSO4 to achieve final concentrations of 3.6 μM and 20 μM Cu. Several fluorescence analyses were performed, in presence or absence of DCMU, and with varying light intensities. Furthermore, light and electron microscopic investigations were carried out. In vivo treatment using 3.6 μ Cu produced a marked reduction in growth of the Cu-treated plants, but only mild effects on the fluorescence-related parameters. The Cu-induced reduction in the area above the fluorescence induction curve and in the time needed to reach the maximum of chlorophyll fluorescence (Fmax) were more pronounced. These results favour the hypothesis that under such conditions copper affects photosynthesis mainly in an indirect way, causing a slowing down of the electron transport as a consequence of the reduced requirement for photosynthesis products. The morphological analyses corroborate this hypothesis, showing toxic effects on the chloroplast structure due to Cu treatment. The differences between the two cultivars were not as pronounced as reported in the case of nickel or drought stresses; nevertheless, cv. Ofanto seemed to be less sensitive also to Cu stress than cv. Adamello.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the yield of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocyte culture exposed to 60Co-gamma-rays (2 Gy) at different mitotic cycle stages the cells being fixed after 52 and 60 hr. It was shown that with the latter fixation time (60 hr) the frequency of chromosome aberrations after irradiation in G1 stage was substantially lower than that with the former one (52 hr) and, vice versa, it was higher after irradiation in S and G2 stages. The authors discuss the probable causes of the distinctions observed.  相似文献   

A Rasmuson 《Mutation research》1985,148(1-2):65-70
An unstable white locus in Drosophila melanogaster originally described by Rasmuson and Green (1974) and further by Rasmuson et al. (1978, 1980) contains an IS element. This constellation interacts with the zeste mutation and forms a mutationally unstable system that is sensitive to a variety of mutagens. Mutational shifts between zeste and wild-type eye color as well as deletions and transpositions of the white locus are frequently occurring in the unstable X-chromosome in germ line and in somatic tissue. Germinal mutations from zeste to wild-type eye color are associated with an insertion of a piece of DNA, proximal to the wsp site, and the shifts from red to zeste are caused by an excision of the same piece (Rasmuson, in preparation). Mutations to pigmentless phenotype are interpreted as deletions of the white locus, while they always are irreversible and show non-complementation with wsp. The somatic system can be used as a screening test for potential mutagens, described by Rasmuson et al. (1984). This survey is an attempt to correlate the size of the mutated area of the eyes with the age of the larvae at mutagen treatment. X-Rays and MMS were used to give an indication of the mechanism of the instability, according to the different kinds of DNA damage induced. The results show that the mean size of red spots decreased with increasing age of larvae at treatment, while the mutation frequencies were increased because of the multiplication of the cells in the eye anlage susceptible to the mutagens. This is contradictory to the hypothesis maintained by Fahmy and Fahmy (1980) that the somatic shifts are not mutagenic but epigenetic events, due to altered regulation of the gene expression. Red spots induced with MMS are smaller in size than X-ray-induced red spots, indicating a delay in the establishment of mutations from chemically-induced lesions compared to irradiation damage. White spots on the other hand were equally large in size, irrespective of inducing agent and about twice the size of the chemically-induced red spots, implying a faster and more direct action for fixation of deletions than for the production of MMS induced shifts in eye color from zeste to red.  相似文献   

The paper presents a procedure for examining patients with posttraumatic deformities of the middle and upper third of the facial skull on a spiral computed tomograph and the schemes for estimating the size of enophthalmos, which permit elimination of eyeball recession.  相似文献   

The activity of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT; EC was measured in fibroblast homogenates from Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) and Type D (NPD) patients to determine whether these cells exhibit similar defects in the regulation of cholesterol esterification. ACAT activity in normal cells cultured in the absence of serum lipoproteins responded rapidly (within 6 h) to the addition of serum and reached peak levels at 12-24 h, whereas little stimulation of activity in NPC cells was observed. In contrast, ACAT activity in NPD fibroblasts (cell lines from four different patients) began to increase between 6 and 12 h after serum addition, reaching levels up to 50% of normal values at 24 h. ACAT activity in NPC and NPD cell extracts could not be stimulated by preincubation with normal cell homogenates, nor was complementation between NPC and NPD homogenates observed. Addition of 25-hydroxycholesterol to fibroblasts cultured in delipidated serum increased ACAT activity for all three cell types, although stimulation in NPD cells was less than that observed in NPC cells. ACAT activity of deoxycholate-solubilized homogenates reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles was independent of the presence of serum lipoproteins during culture and dependent on cholesterol present in the vesicles for all cell types. However, ACAT activities of mutant fibroblasts in vesicles plus cholesterol were significantly (about 40%) lower than control levels. These results suggest that the metabolic lesions in NPC and NPD cells are biochemically distinct and that both may involve factors in addition to the availability of cholesterol substrate for the ACAT enzyme.  相似文献   

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