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NK细胞作为天然免疫系统的重要组成部分,其在HIV/SIV感染后的免疫机制及如何发挥抗病毒作用成为近几年艾滋病研究的热点之一。研究中发现,伴随HIV/SIV的感染,NK细胞亚群比例发生改变同时伴有功能缺陷,这种变化与HIV/SIV慢性感染阶段病毒复制水平有显著相关性。并且由于归巢受体表达的改变引起NK细胞在HIV/SIV感染者体内不同组织间的重新分布。NK细胞表面的受体KIR3DL1和KIR3DS也表现出对HIV感染的抵抗作用。这些发现为我们进一步研究NK细胞的抗HIV/SIV病毒感染的免疫机制提供了新的思路和方向。  相似文献   

It has been recognized that macrophages play an important role in controlling virus infection in experimental animal models. To evaluate the role of macrophages in acute murine cytomegalovirus infection, macrophages in the spleen and the liver were eliminated by an intravenous injection of liposomes containing a cytolytic agent, dichloromethylene diphosphonate. The depletion of macrophages led to a significant increase of virus titer in the spleen and lungs in both susceptible BALB/c and resistant C57BL/6 mice during the first three days after intravenous infection. In the spleen, the increase of virus titer in macrophage-depleted BALB/c mice was much greater than that in NK cell-depleted mice. These results suggest that macrophages contribute to protection mainly by the mechanisms which are independent of NK cells during the first three days after infection. The increase of virus titer in macrophage-depleted C57BL/6 mice was as great as that in NK cell-depleted mice because of the high contribution of NK cells to protection in C57BL/6 mice. In the liver in both strains of mice, the effects of macrophage depletion on virus titer were not as much as those in the spleen and lungs. Furthermore, the local depletion of peritoneal macrophages resulted in a great increase of virus titer in the spleen at three days after intraperitoneal infection. We conclude that macrophages greatly contribute to decreasing the virus load in some organs possibly through either or both intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms in the early phase of primary infection with murine cytomegalovirus.  相似文献   

Both CCL20 and human β-defensin 2 (hBD2) interact with the same membrane receptor and display chemotactic and antimicrobial activities. They are produced by airway epithelia in response to infectious agents and proinflammatory cytokines. Whereas Brucella spp. can infect humans through inhalation, their ability to induce CCL20 and hBD2 in lung cells is unknown. Here we show that B. abortus induces CCL20 expression in human alveolar (A549) or bronchial (Calu-6) epithelial cell lines, primary alveolar epithelial cells, primary human monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages and the monocytic cell line THP-1. CCL20 expression was mainly mediated by JNK1/2 and NF-kB in both Calu-6 and THP-1 cells. CCL20 secretion was markedly induced in A549, Calu-6 and THP-1 cells by heat-killed B. abortus or a model Brucella lipoprotein (L-Omp19) but not by the B. abortus lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Accordingly, CCL20 production by B. abortus-infected cells was strongly TLR2-dependent. Whereas hBD2 expression was not induced by B. abortus infection, it was significantly induced in A549 cells by conditioned media from B. abortus-infected THP-1 monocytes (CMB). A similar inducing effect was observed on CCL20 secretion. Experiments using blocking agents revealed that IL-1β, but not TNF-α, was involved in the induction of hBD2 and CCL20 secretion by CMB. In the in vitro antimicrobial assay, the lethal dose (LD) 50 of CCL20 for B. abortus (>50 μg/ml) was markedly higher than that against E. coli (1.5 μg/ml) or a B. abortus mutant lacking the O polysaccharide in its LPS (8.7 ug/ml). hBD2 did not kill any of the B. abortus strains at the tested concentrations. These results show that human lung epithelial cells secrete CCL20 and hBD2 in response to B. abortus and/or to cytokines produced by infected monocytes. Whereas these molecules do not seem to exert antimicrobial activity against this pathogen, they could recruit immune cells to the infection site.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections with frequent recurrence being a major medical challenge. Development of effective therapies has been impeded by the lack of knowledge of events leading to adaptive immunity. Here, we establish conclusive evidence that an adaptive immune response is generated during UTI, yet this response does not establish sterilizing immunity. To investigate the underlying deficiency, we delineated the naïve bladder immune cell compartment, identifying resident macrophages as the most populous immune cell. To evaluate their impact on the establishment of adaptive immune responses following infection, we measured bacterial clearance in mice depleted of either circulating monocytes, which give rise to macrophages, or bladder resident macrophages. Surprisingly, mice depleted of resident macrophages, prior to primary infection, exhibited a nearly 2-log reduction in bacterial burden following secondary challenge compared to untreated animals. This increased bacterial clearance, in the context of a challenge infection, was dependent on lymphocytes. Macrophages were the predominant antigen presenting cell to acquire bacteria post-infection and in their absence, bacterial uptake by dendritic cells was increased almost 2-fold. These data suggest that bacterial uptake by tissue macrophages impedes development of adaptive immune responses during UTI, revealing a novel target for enhancing host responses to bacterial infection of the bladder.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a pivotal role in the maintenance of tolerance as well as in the control of immune activation, particularly during chronic infections. In the setting of HIV infection, the majority of studies have reported an increase in Treg frequency but a decrease in absolute number in all immune compartments of HIV-infected individuals. Several nonexclusive mechanisms have been postulated to explain this preferential Treg accumulation, including peripheral survival, increased proliferation, increased peripheral conversion, and tissue redistribution. The role played by Tregs during HIV infection is still poorly understood, as two opposing hypotheses have been proposed. A detrimental role of Tregs during HIV infection was suggested based on the evidence that Tregs suppress virus-specific immune responses. Conversely, Tregs could be beneficial by limiting immune activation, thus controlling the availability of HIV targets as well as preventing immune-based pathologies. Despite the technical difficulties, getting a better understanding of the mechanisms regulating Treg dynamics remains important, as it will help determine whether we can successfully manipulate Treg function or number to the advantage of the infected host. The aim of this review is thus to discuss the recent findings on Treg homeostasis and function in the setting of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Observing the cell surface and underlying cytoskeleton at nanoscale resolution using super-resolution microscopy has enabled many insights into cell signaling and function. However, the nanoscale dynamics of tissue-specific immune cells have been relatively little studied. Tissue macrophages, for example, are highly autofluorescent, severely limiting the utility of light microscopy. Here, we report a correction technique to remove autofluorescent noise from stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) data sets. Simulations and analysis of experimental data identified a moving median filter as an accurate and robust correction technique, which is widely applicable across challenging biological samples. Here, we used this method to visualize lung macrophages activated through Fc receptors by antibody-coated glass slides. Accurate, nanoscale quantification of macrophage morphology revealed that activation induced the formation of cellular protrusions tipped with MHC class I protein. These data are consistent with a role for lung macrophage protrusions in antigen presentation. Moreover, the tetraspanin protein CD81, known to mark extracellular vesicles, appeared in ring-shaped structures (mean diameter 93 ± 50 nm) at the surface of activated lung macrophages. Thus, a moving median filter correction technique allowed us to quantitatively analyze extracellular secretions and membrane structure in tissue-derived immune cells.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Peritoneal macrophages from hamsters were monolayered on coverslips in Leighton tubes. Twenty-four hours later these were transferred to a perfusion chamber. Leptomonads were added with fresh medium and the infection process observed with the aid of phase contrast. In the perfusion chamber free-swimming leptomonads attached to the macrophage by the tip of their flagella. Shortly after this initial attachment the macrophage extended a narrow pseudopodium around the flagellum which eventually reached and enveloped the body of the parasite. Upon complete envelopment the pseudopod containing the leptomonad was retracted into the central body of the macrophage. When first seen in the granular endoplasm of the macrophage, most of the leptomonads appeared to be surrounded by vacuoles. In most cases these vacuoles disappeared in a few minutes making it difficult to distinguish the parasite from the host cell cytoplasm.
Leptomonads also were added directly to Leighton tube cultures, and the coverslips with the adherent macrophages and parasites were removed, fixed and stained periodically during the infection process. In these preparations most of the parasites were in clumps in the vicinity of macrophages. Details of the ingestion of the clumps could not be seen, but occasionally a single organism was seen with its flagellum and part of its body enclosed by an extended pseudopod. Most of the intracellular leptomonads were in large vacuoles. Forms intermediate between elongate leptomonads and LD bodies were surrounded by smaller vacuole-like spaces. The halo-like vacuoles most frequently seen around LD bodies may have been fixation artifacts. Under favorable conditions the leptomonads transformed to LD bodies in 1–4 hours, but it was 48 hours before a population increase could be found.  相似文献   

Upon viral infection, the production of type I interferon (IFN) and the subsequent upregulation of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) generate an antiviral state with an important role in the activation of innate and adaptive host immune responses. The ubiquitin-like protein (UBL) ISG15 is a critical IFN-induced antiviral molecule that protects against several viral infections, but the mechanism by which ISG15 exerts its antiviral function is not completely understood. Here, we report that ISG15 plays an important role in the regulation of macrophage responses. ISG15−/− macrophages display reduced activation, phagocytic capacity and programmed cell death activation in response to vaccinia virus (VACV) infection. Moreover, peritoneal macrophages from mice lacking ISG15 are neither able to phagocyte infected cells nor to block viral infection in co-culture experiments with VACV-infected murine embryonic fibroblast (MEFs). This phenotype is independent of cytokine production and secretion, but clearly correlates with impaired activation of the protein kinase AKT in ISG15 knock-out (KO) macrophages. Altogether, these results indicate an essential role of ISG15 in the cellular immune antiviral response and point out that a better understanding of the antiviral responses triggered by ISG15 may lead to the development of therapies against important human pathogens.  相似文献   

Toll样受体(Toll like receptor,TLR)是固有免疫系统中的病原模式识别受体,在巨噬细胞抗感染免疫中发挥重要作用。TLR3特异性识别双链RNA,诱导细胞内多重信号传导,引发巨噬细胞产生抗病毒活性。本研究以TLR3激活剂多聚次黄苷酸-胞苷酸(polyinosinie:polycytidylic acid,Polyl:C)刺激人类巨噬细胞,发现能显著抑制胞内HIV病毒感染和复制。Poly I:C刺激后,巨噬细胞I型干扰素(interferon,IFN)和抗HIV胞嘧啶脱氨酶(APOBEC3G,A3G)表达水平显著上调;且具有抗HIV作用的MicroRNA(miRNA-28,125b,150,223,and382)的表达也显著上调。本研究初步揭示了TLR3激活后抗HIV感染的机制。  相似文献   



Primary HIV-infected patients display severe and irreversible damage to different blood B-cell subsets which is not restored by highly efficient anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). Because longitudinal investigations of primary HIV-infection is limited by the availability of lymphoid organs, we studied the tissue-specific B-cell dysfunctions in acutely simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) mac251-infected Cynomolgus macaques.

Methods and Findings

Experiments were performed on three groups of macaques infected for 14, 21 or 28 days and on three groups of animals treated with HAART for two-weeks either initiated at 4 h, 7 or 14 days post-infection (p.i.). We have simultaneously compared changes in B-cell phenotypes and functions and tissue organization of B-cell areas in various lymphoid organs. We showed that SIV induced a steady decline in SIgG-expressing memory (SIgDCD27+) B-cells in spleen and lymph nodes during the first 4 weeks of infection, concomitant to selective homing/sequestration of B-cells to the small intestine and spleen. SIV non-specific Ig production was transiently increased before D14p.i., whereas SIV-specific Ig production was only detectable after D14p.i., coinciding with the presence of CD8+ T-cells and IgG-expressing plasma cells within germinal centres. Transient B-cell apoptosis on D14p.i. and commitment to terminal differentiation contributed to memory B-cell loss. HAART abrogated B-cell apoptosis, homing to the small intestine and SIV-specific Ig production but had minimal effect on early Ig production, increased B-cell proportions in spleen and loss of memory B-cells. Therefore, virus–B-cell interactions and SIV-induced inflammatory cytokines may differently contribute to early B-cell dysfunction and impaired SIV/HIV-specific antibody response.


These data establish tissue-specific impairments in B-cell trafficking and functions and a generalized and steady memory B-cell loss in secondary lymphoid organs. Characterization of underlying mechanisms would be helpful in designing new therapeutic strategies to dampen B-cell activation and increases HIV/SIV specific antibody response.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) contributes to the control of HIV/SIV infection. However, little is known about the ADCC function of natural killer (NK) cells in non-human primate model. Here we demonstrated that ADCC function of NK cells was significantly compromised in chronic SIV/SHIV infection, correlating closely with the expression of FcγRIIIa receptor (CD16) on NK cells. CD32, another class of IgG Fc receptors, was identified on NK cells with higher expression in the infected macaques and the blockade of CD32 impacted the ability of NK cells to respond to antibody-coated target cells. The inhibition of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), a group of enzymes normally involved in tissue/receptor remodeling, could restore NK cell-mediated ADCC with increased CD16 expression on macaque NK cells. These data offer a clearer understanding of NK cell-mediated ADCC in rhesus macaques, which will allow us to evaluate the ADCC repertoire arising from preclinical vaccination studies in non-human primates and inform us in the future design of effective HIV vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

Analysis of rhesus macaques infected with a vpx deletion mutant virus of simian immunodeficiency virus mac239 (SIVΔvpx) demonstrates that Vpx is essential for efficient monocyte/macrophage infection in vivo but is not necessary for development of AIDS. To compare myeloid-lineage cell infection in monkeys infected with SIVΔvpx compared to SIVmac239, we analyzed lymphoid and gastrointestinal tissues from SIVΔvpx-infected rhesus (n = 5), SIVmac239-infected rhesus with SIV encephalitis (7 SIV239E), those without encephalitis (4 SIV239noE), and other SIV mutant viruses with low viral loads (4 SIVΔnef, 2 SIVΔ3). SIV+ macrophages and the percentage of total SIV+ cells that were macrophages in spleen and lymph nodes were significantly lower in rhesus infected with SIVΔvpx (2.2%) compared to those infected with SIV239E (22.7%), SIV239noE (8.2%), and SIV mutant viruses (10.1%). In colon, SIVΔvpx monkeys had fewer SIV+ cells, no SIV+ macrophages, and lower percentage of SIV+ cells that were macrophages than the other 3 groups. Only 2 SIVΔvpx monkeys exhibited detectable virus in the colon. We demonstrate that Vpx is essential for efficient macrophage infection in vivo and that simian AIDS and death can occur in the absence of detectable macrophage infection.  相似文献   

Mutations that allow SIV/HIV to avoid the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response are well documented. Recently, there have been a few attempts at estimating the costs of CTL escape mutations in terms of the reduction in viral fitness and the killing rate at which the CTL response specific to one viral epitope clears virus-infected cells. Using a mathematical model we show that estimation of both parameters depends critically on the underlying changes in the replication rate of the virus and the changes in the killing rate over time (which in previous studies were assumed to be constant). We provide a theoretical basis for estimation of these parameters using in vivo data. In particular, we show that 1) by assuming unlimited virus growth one can obtain a minimal estimate of the fitness cost of the escape mutation, and 2) by assuming no virus growth during the escape, one can obtain a minimal estimate of the average killing rate. We also discuss the conditions under which better estimates of the average killing rate can be obtained.  相似文献   

Sepsis results in a profound state of immunosuppression, which is temporally associated with impaired leukocyte function. The mechanism of leukocyte reprogramming in sepsis is incompletely understood. In this study, we explored mechanisms contributing to dysregulated inflammatory cytokine expression by pulmonary macrophages during experimental sepsis. Pulmonary macrophages (PM) recovered from the lungs of mice undergoing cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) display transiently reduced expression of some, but not all innate genes in response to LPS. Impaired expression of TNF-α and iNOS was associated with reduced acetylation and methylation of specific histones (AcH4 and H3K4me3) and reduced binding of RNA polymerase II to the promoters of these genes. Transient impairment in LPS-induced cytokine responses in septic PM temporally correlated with induction of IRAK-M mRNA and protein, which occurred in a MyD88-dependent fashion. PM isolated from IRAK-M−/− mice were largely refractory to CLP-induced impairment in cytokine expression, chromatin remodeling, recruitment of RNA polymerase II, and induction of histone deacetylase-2 observed during sepsis. Our findings indicate that systemic sepsis induces epigenetic silencing of cytokine gene expression in lung macrophages, and IRAK-M appears to be a critical mediator of this response.  相似文献   

Infection with Leishmania spp. can lead to a range of symptoms in the affected individual, depending on underlying immune-metabolic processes. The macrophage activation state hereby plays a key role. Whereas the l-arginine pathway has been described in detail as the main biochemical process responsible for either nitric oxide mediated parasite killing (classical activation) or amplification of parasite replication (alternative activation), we were interested in a wider characterization of metabolic events in vitro. We therefore assessed cell growth medium, parasite extract, and intra- and extracellular metabolome of activated and nonactivated macrophages, in presence and absence of Leishmania major. A metabolic profiling approach was applied combining (1)H NMR spectroscopy with multi- and univariate data treatment. Metabolic changes were observed along both conditional axes, that is, infection state and macrophage activation, whereby significantly higher levels of potential parasite end products were found in parasite exposed samples including succinate, acetate, and alanine, compared to uninfected macrophages. The different macrophage activation states were mainly discriminated by varying glucose consumption. The presented profiling approach allowed us to obtain a metabolic snapshot of the individual biological compartments in the assessed macrophage culture experiments and represents a valuable read out system for further multiple compartment in vitro studies.  相似文献   

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