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Summary The digestion and metabolism ofEucalyptus radiata foliage was studied in a small (1–1.5 kg) arboreal marsupial, the greater glider (Petauroides volans). Mean dry matter intake was 44 g·kg–0.75·d–1 and mean cell wall digestibility was 34%; these values fall within the range of other marsupials fedEucalyptus foliage. Digestible energy content ofE. radiata was high compared to other eucalypts because of the high content and digestibility of essential oils. However, excretion of essential oils and their metabolites in the urine meant that greater gliders retained only 55% of their digestible energy intakes (0.61 MJ · kg–0.75· d–1) as metabolizable energy (ME). Low ME intakes were not offset by low standard metabolic rates (2.39 W · kg–0.75), but the efficiency with which ME substituted for tissue energy was high (94%), so that greater gliders were able to maintain energy balance and body mass onE. radiata foliage.Abbreviations ME metabolizable energy - DE digestible energy - RQ respiratory quotient - FHP fasting heat production  相似文献   

Powerful owls were frequently observed during a study of the ecology of a community of arboreal marsupials in south-eastern New South Wales. For about 17 months the population of greater gliders in the 100 ha study area appeared to remain ‘stable’ at more than 80 individuals. In the following 46 months, the population declined to about one-tenth of its previous level. The forest in the study area was unlogged and remained undisturbed during this period. The frequency of sightings of powerful owls holding captured greater gliders, and of observations on the ground of tails and bodies belonging to greater gliders, and the unaccountable disappearance of 9 out of 11 individually marked greater gliders in the study area, suggest that the observed decline in the population of greater gliders was due to predation by the powerful owl. Powerful owls were not detected in the study area during the first 12 months or the last 21 months of the study. It is suggested that powerful owls forage by concentrating their activities in pockets of their large home range until they reduce the populations of their preferred prey below limits where it becomes difficult to catch the remaining animals. If preferred prey are available elsewhere, powerful owls probably move their centres of foraging activity to these pockets and harvest them before moving on to the next pocket of their range.  相似文献   

Silkmoth chorion is a fibrous structure composed mainly of two major protein classes, families A and B. Both families of silkmoth chorion proteins present a highly conserved, in sequence and in length, central domain, consisting of Gly-rich tandem hexapeptide repetitive segments, flanked by two more variable N-terminal and C-terminal arms. Primary studies identified silkmoth chorion as a functional protective amyloid by unveiling the amyloidogenic properties of the central domain of both protein families. In this work, we attempt to detect the principal source of amyloidogenicity of the central domain by focusing on the role of the tandem hexapeptide sequence repeats. Concurrently, we discuss a possible mechanism for the self-assembly of class A protofilaments, suggesting that the aggregation-prone hexapeptide building blocks may fold into a triangle-shaped β-helical structure.  相似文献   

Requirements of R-, S-, and M-dissociants of Pseudomonas aeruginosaK-2 strain in glucose, nitrate, and phosphate, as well as the error of determination, have been calculated from the data of 250 experiments on their batch cultivation on the media with the various initial content of these resources. The resource requirements of R- and S-dissociants appear indistinguishable within the error limits. The requirements of M-dissociant significantly differ from those of R- and S-forms; however, due to specific growth of the M-form, the confidence intervals of the measured values can overlap with those of R-space and S-forms. The obtained requirement values allow an evaluation of the studied resources concentration limiting the culture growth.  相似文献   

Non-native species are frequently considered to influence urban assemblages. The grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis is one such species that is widespread in the UK and is starting to spread across Europe; it predates birds’ nests and can compete with birds for supplementary food. Using distance sampling across the urbanisation intensity gradient in Sheffield (UK) we test whether urban grey squirrels influence avian species richness and density through nest predation and competition for supplementary food sources. We also assess how urban bird assemblages respond to supplementary feeding. We find that grey squirrels slightly reduced the abundance of breeding bird species most sensitive to squirrel nest predation by reducing the beneficial impact of woodland cover. There was no evidence that grey squirrel presence altered relationships between supplementary feeding and avian assemblage structure. This may be because, somewhat surprisingly, supplementary feeding was not associated with the richness or density of wintering bird assemblages. These associations were positive during the summer, supporting advocacy to feed birds during the breeding season and not just winter, but explanatory capacity was limited. The amount of green space and its quality, assessed as canopy cover, had a stronger influence on avian species richness and population size than the presence of grey squirrels and supplementary feeding stations. Urban bird populations are thus more likely to benefit from investment in improving the availability of high quality habitats than controlling squirrel populations or increased investment in supplementary feeding.  相似文献   

Ion chromatographic methods determined organic acids and mainnutrient minerals in the apoplastic solution from leaves ofseveral Fagaceae (Quercus ilex L., Quercus cerris L., Quercusvirgiliana (Ten.) Ten, and Fagus sylvatica L.). The anions oforganic acids found in high amounts (250 to 650 µM) werequinate, malate, and oxalate. Lactate, pyruvate, formate andacetate were detected in relatively low amounts with concentrationsbetween 20 and 200 µM. The total concentration of organicacids in the apoplastic sap ranged between 1.5 and 2 mM. Thetotal concentration of inorganic cations (K+, Mg2+, NH4+, Ca2+,Na+) and anions (C1, NO3, SO2–4 and PO3–4)in the apoplastic sap varied between 5 and 10 mM, and 0.35 and1.8 mM, respectively. We conclude that the concentration oforganic acid ions in the leaf apoplast depends mainly on theexchange with the leaf cells and is influenced by the electrochemicalgradient between the symplast and the apoplast in relation tothe water potential of the leaf. The determination of formateand acetate in the apoplastic compartment of leaves lend weightto the argument that the production of these acids by treesis a important emission source to the atmosphere. (Received June 9, 1998; Accepted April 8, 1999)  相似文献   

We studied the effect of sex and group size on the proportion of time a greater rhea, Rhea americana, allocates to vigilance and feeding during the breeding and the non-breeding seasons. We analysed 175 records of focal animals that were feeding alone or in groups of 2 to 26 birds. In both seasons, males spent more time in vigilance and less time in feeding than females. Both sexes spent more time in vigilance and less time in feeding during the breeding season. Sexual and seasonal differences in vigilance were the result of different mechanisms. Males had shorter feeding bouts than females but there were no sexual differences in the length of the vigilance bouts. On the contrary, seasonal differences were the result of males and females having longer vigilance bouts during the breeding season but there were no seasonal differences in the length of the feeding bouts. During the non-breeding season, individual vigilance was higher in rheas foraging alone than in groups. In this case, solitary birds had longer vigilance and shorter feeding bouts than birds foraging in groups. We discuss the possible effect of intragroup competition and food availability on the allocation of time between feeding and vigilance in this species.  相似文献   

In 8 experimental ewes on normal diet the influence of pregnancy and feeding on insulin and glucose in the blood was studied. A reduction in insulin concentration was found as pregnancy advanced. Blood glucose fluctuated, but during late pregnancy the blood glucose level was significantly lower in twin–pregnant ewes than in ewes pregnant with 1 fetus. No increase in insulin concentration was demonstrated in twin–pregnant ewes after feeding, on the contrary an increase was found in ewes pregnant with 1 fetus. A limited effect of feeding on the glucose concentration was observed, especially compared to the reference range. A positive correlation was obtained between the concentration of glucose and insulin in the blood.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that climate and anthropogenic influences on marine ecosystems are largely manifested by changes in species spatial dynamics. However, less is known about how shifts in species distributions might alter predator-prey overlap and the dynamics of prey populations. We developed a general approach to quantify species spatial overlap and identify the biotic and abiotic variables that dictate the strength of overlap. We used this method to test the hypothesis that population abundance and temperature have a synergistic effect on the spatial overlap of arrowtooth flounder (predator) and juvenile Alaska walleye pollock (prey, age-1) in the eastern Bering Sea. Our analyses indicate that (1) flounder abundance and temperature are key variables dictating the strength of flounder and pollock overlap, (2) changes in the magnitude of overlap may be largely driven by density-dependent habitat selection of flounder, and (3) species overlap is negatively correlated to juvenile pollock recruitment when flounder biomass is high. Overall, our findings suggest that continued increases in flounder abundance coupled with the predicted long-term warming of ocean temperatures could have important implications for the predator-prey dynamics of arrowtooth flounder and juvenile pollock. The approach used in this study is valuable for identifying potential consequences of climate variability and exploitation on species spatial dynamics and interactions in many marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The patterns of production and growth of oocytes were studied in female toads brought into the laboratory after hibernation and kept at 20°C. The oogenic state of the ovaries was determined from the number and size frequency distribution of the oocytes, and change in oogenic state was followed by comparing ovarian biopsies with the ovaries at autopsy one month later. New oocytes grew within one month to sizes up to 0.16 mm or more in diameter, and were integrated in the existing pool of small oocytes. Production of new oocytes continued for more than one month, perhaps 2–3 months, to increase the pool of oocytes by about 50%. An episode of oogenesis sensu stricto is followed by a resting period, probably lasting for about 1–2 years. Oogenesis was not coordinated with ovulation or recruitment of oocytes to vitellogenic growth and it occurred also in the ovaries of sexually immature toads. Exogenous gonadotropin (hCG) and/or fasting for one month of toads in a good nutritional condition did not affect oogenesis, but no oogenic episodes were observed in the ovaries of starving toads that were depleted of energy reserves. It is concluded that oogenesis and growth of oocytes constitute a dynamic system that is only inadequately described by the widely accepted linear, sequential model of production of eggs in amphibians and teleosts.  相似文献   

Wu  Xuezhuang  Dai  Sifa  Hua  Jinling  Hu  Hong  Wang  Shujuan  Wen  Aiyou 《Biological trace element research》2019,191(1):199-206

A 42-day experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of dietary copper (Cu) concentrations on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and serum parameters in broilers aged from 1 to 42 days. Five hundred forty 1-day-old broilers were randomly assigned into 1 of the following 6 dietary treatments: (1) control (basal diet without supplemental Cu), (2) 15 mg/kg supplemental Cu (Cu15), (3) 30 mg/kg supplemental Cu (Cu30), (4) 60 mg/kg supplemental Cu (Cu60), (5) 120 mg/kg supplemental Cu (Cu120), and (6) 240 mg/kg supplemental Cu (Cu240), Cu as copper methionine. A 4-day metabolism trial was conducted during the last week of the experiment feeding. The results showed that dietary Cu supplementation increased the average daily gain and the average daily feed intake (P < 0.01). The feed gain ratio, however, was not affected by dietary Cu (P > 0.10). Additionally, dietary Cu supplementation increased the digestibility of fat and energy (P < 0.05). The concentration of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased with dietary Cu supplementation (P < 0.05). The activities of serum Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (P < 0.05), glutathione peroxidase (P < 0.05), and ceruloplasmin (P = 0.09), on the contrary, were increased by Cu addition. For immune indexes, dietary Cu supplementation increased serum IgA and IgM (P < 0.05). In addition, the activities of serum ALT increased with increasing dietary Cu supplementation (P < 0.05). In conclusion, our data suggest that Cu supplementation can increase fat digestibility and promote growth. Additionally, dietary Cu supplementation can reduce serum cholesterol and enhance antioxidant capacity in broilers.


Sequestration of chemical defenses from host plants is a strategy widely used by herbivorous insects to avoid predation. Larvae of the arctiine moth Utetheisa ornatrix feeding on unripe seeds and leaves of many species of Crotalaria (Leguminosae) sequester N-oxides of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) from these host plants, and transfer them to adults through the pupal stage. PAs confer protection against predation on all life stages of U. ornatrix. As U. ornatrix also uses other Crotalaria species as host plants, we evaluated whether the PA chemical defense against predation is independent of host plant use. We fed larvae from hatching to pupation with either leaves or seeds of one of eight Crotalaria species (C. incana, C. juncea, C. micans, C. ochroleuca, C. pallida, C. paulina, C. spectabilis, and C. vitellina), and tested if adults were preyed upon or released by the orb-weaving spider Nephila clavipes. We found that the protection against the spider was more effective in adults whose larvae fed on seeds, which had a higher PA concentration than leaves. The exceptions were adults from larvae fed on C. paulina, C. spectabilis and C. vitellina leaves, which showed high PA concentrations. With respect to the PA profile, we describe for the first time insect-PAs in U. ornatrix. These PAs, biosynthesized from the necine base retronecine of plant origin, or monocrotaline- and senecionine-type PAs sequestered from host plants, were equally active in moth chemical defense, in a dose-dependent manner. These results are also partially explained by host plant phylogeny, since PAs of the host plants do have a phylogenetic signal (clades with high and low PA concentrations in leaves) which is reflected in the adult defense.  相似文献   

Dilutions of raw seawater produced a bacterial isolate capable of extended growth in unamended seawater. Its 2.9-Mb genome size and 40-fg dry mass were similar to values for many naturally occurring aquatic organotrophs, but water and DNA comprised a large portion of this small chemoheterotroph, as compared to Escherichia coli. The isolate used only a few aromatic hydrocarbons and acetate, and glucose and amino acid incorporation were entirely absent, although many membrane and cytoplasmic proteins were inducible; it was named Cycloclasticus oligotrophus. A general rate equation that incorporates saturation phenomena into specific affinity theory is derived. It is used to relate the kinetic constants for substrate uptake by the isolate to its cellular proteins. The affinity constant KA for toluene was low at 1.3 μg/liter under optimal conditions, similar to those measured in seawater, and the low value was ascribed to an unknown slow step such as limitation by a cytoplasmic enzyme; KA increased with increasing specific affinities. Specific affinities, s, were protocol sensitive, but under optimal conditions were 47.4 liters/mg of cells/h, the highest reported in the literature and a value sufficient for growth in seawater at concentrations sometimes found. Few rRNA operons, few cytoplasmic proteins, a small genome size, and a small cell size, coupled with a high s and a low solids content and the ability to grow without intentionally added substrate, are consistent with the isolation of a marine bacterium with properties typical of the bulk of those present.  相似文献   

Enrichment cultures were used to determine the conditions promoting fastest methanogenic propionate degradation and growth by adapting the cultures to various physical and chemical conditions and measuring the specific growth rate. We found that the fastest growth of propionate oxidizers occurred at pH 6.8 to 8.5 and 32 to 45°C. Acetate-degrading populations showed narrower optima for fastest growth (pH 6.8 to 7.2 and 37 to 43°C). Enrichment cultures grew as well in minimal medium as in complex medium, although individual microbial populations appeared to require growth factors which could be met by cross-feeding.  相似文献   

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