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Fibrosis is a major cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) a progressive loss in renal function that occurs over a period of months or years, is characterized by a decreased capability of the kidneys to excrete waste products. There is no specific treatment unequivocally shown to slow the worsening of chronic kidney disease. Plasma levels of CCN2, a fibrogenic agent, is a predictor of ESRD and mortality in patients with type 1 diabetic nephropathy. CCN3 has been hypothesized to have antagonistic effects to CCN2 both in vitro and in vivo, including in cultured mesangial cells. In a recent study, van Roeyen and colleagues (Am J Pathol in press, 2012) showed that in vivo overexpression of CCN3 in a model of anti-Thy1.1-induced experimental glomerulonephritis resulted in decreased albuminuria, glomerulosclerosis and reduced cortical collagen type I accumulation. CCN3 enhanced angiogenesis yes suppressed mesangial cell proliferation. Thus CCN3 protein may represent a novel therapeutic approach to help repair glomerular endothelial damage and mesangioproliferative changes and hence prevent renal failure, glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the induction of bystander effects by low doses of high or low LET ionizing radiation is reviewed. The question of what actually constitutes a protective effect is discussed in the context of adaptive (often referred to as hormetic or protective) responses. Finally the review considers critically, how bystander effects may be related to observed adaptive responses or other seemingly protective effects of low doses exposures. Bystander effects induce responses at the tissue level, which are similar to generalized stress responses. Most of the work involving low LET radiation exposure discussed in the existing literature measures a death response. Since many cell populations carry damaged cells without being exposed to radiation (so-called "background damage"), it is possible that low doses exposures cause removal of cells carrying potentially problematic lesions, prior to exposure to radiation. This mechanism could lead to the production of "U-shaped" or hormetic dose-response curves. The level of adverse, adaptive or apparently beneficial response will be related to the background damage carried by the original cell population, the level of organization at which damage or harm are scored and the precise definition of "harm". This model may be important when attempting to predict the consequences of mixed exposures involving low doses of radiation and other environmental stressors.  相似文献   

Actin and microtubules (MT) are targets of numerous molecular pathways that control neurite outgrowth. To generate a neuronal protrusion, coordinated structural changes of the actin and MT cytoskeletons must occur. Neurite formation occurs when actin filaments (F-actin) are destabilized, filopodia are extended, and MTs invade filopodia. This process results in either axon or dendrite formation. Axonal branching involves interplay between F-actin and MTs, with F-actin and MTs influencing polymerization, stabilization, and maintenance of each other. Our knowledge of the mechanisms regulating development of the axon, however, far eclipses our understanding of dendritic development and branching. The two classes of neurites, while fundamentally similar in their ability to elongate and branch, dramatically differ in growth rate, orientation of polarized MT bundles, and mechanisms that initiate branching. In this review, we focus on how F-actin, MTs, and proteins that link the two cytoskeletons coordinate to specifically initiate dendritic events. Penelope C. Georges and Norell M. Hadzimichalis contributed equally.  相似文献   

Streptomyces bacteria are ubiquitous in soil, conferring the characteristic earthy smell, and they have an important ecological role in the turnover of organic material. More recently, a new picture has begun to emerge in which streptomycetes are not in all cases simply free-living soil bacteria but have also evolved to live in symbiosis with plants, fungi and animals. Furthermore, much of the chemical diversity of secondary metabolites produced by Streptomyces species has most likely evolved as a direct result of their interactions with other organisms. Here we review what is currently known about the role of streptomycetes as symbionts with fungi, plants and animals. These interactions can be parasitic, as is the case for scab-causing streptomycetes, which infect plants, and the Streptomyces species Streptomyces somaliensis and Streptomyces sudanensis that infect humans. However, in most cases they are beneficial and growth promoting, as is the case with many insects, plants and marine animals that use streptomycete-produced antibiotics to protect themselves against infection. This is an exciting and newly emerging field of research that will become increasingly important as the search for new antibiotics switches to unusual and under-explored environments.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the agonist-activated form of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by a protein kinase from the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family initiates, with arrestin proteins, a negative feedback process known as desensitization. Because these receptors are involved in so many vital functions, it seems likely that disorders affecting GRK- or arrestin-mediated regulation of GPCRs would contribute to, if not engender, disease. Traditionally, it is believed that the desensitization process protects the cell against an overstimulation; however, in certain situations, this process is maladjusted and participes in disease progression. For example, in Oguchi disease, excessive rhodopsin stimulation due to a functional loss of GRK1 or arrestin 1 leads to light sensitization and stationary night blindness. Also, transgenic mice with vascular smooth muscle-targeted overexpression of GRK2 showed an elevated resting blood pressure, suggesting that increase in GRK2 level in humans is involved in hypertension associated with a decreased effect of beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated vasorelaxation. The restoration of normal GPCR function in modulating the desensitization process has been successfully demonstrated in animal models of heart failure, which indicates that targeting GRKs or arrestins may open a novel therapeutic strategy in human diseases with GPCR dysregulation. However, the few effective pharmacological compounds in this domain currently preclude human clinical tests.  相似文献   

The mollusc Patella ferruginea, endemic to the Mediterranean, is the most endangered marine species on the list of the European Council Directive 92/43/EEC and it is under serious risk of extinction. In spite of the low abundances and restricted distribution of this limpet, important populations have been found in the harbour of Ceuta, north Africa. The main objective of the present study was to characterise, for the first time, the effects of sewage pollution on P. ferruginea and related limpet species, and to evaluate the potential value of these limpet assemblages as bioindicators, using univariate and multivariate analyses. Physicochemical parameters and limpets were sampled in nine stations located at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 m away from the discharge point of a sewage effluent in Ceuta harbour. The stations closer to the outfall (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8) were characterised by higher values of turbidity, phosphate and ammonia in the water column, and organic matter, faecal coliforms and faecal Streptococci in sediments. A total of six limpet species were found and studied (Patella ferruginea, P. caerulea, P. nigra, P. rustica, P. ulyssiponensis and Siphonaria pectinata); the number of limpet species increased with increasing distance from the outfall, while diversity and evenness reached the highest values at intermediate sites. Siphonaria pectinata and P. caerulea were the most resistant and abundant species, while P. ferruginea was the most sensitive species to sewage pollution, only found at stations from 32 to 128 m. The distribution of this endangered limpet seems mainly affected by the pollution gradient, and not by the competition with the remaining limpets. The results of this study should be taken into account in future programmes of management and conservation of P. ferruginea.  相似文献   

Each year, millions of central venous catheter insertions are performed in intensive care units worldwide. The usage of these indwelling devices is associated with a high risk of bacterial and fungal colonization, leading to the development of microbial consortia, namely biofilms. These sessile structures provide fungal cells with resistance to the majority of antifungals, environmental stress and host immune responses. Based on different guidelines, colonized/infected catheters should be removed and changed immediately in the case of Candida-related central line infections. However, catheter replacement is not feasible for all patient populations. An alternative therapeutic approach may be antifungal lock therapy, which has received high interest, especially in the last decade. This review summarizes the published Candida-related in vitro, in vivo data and case studies in terms of antifungal lock therapy. The number of clinical studies remains limited and further studies are needed for safe implementation of the antifungal lock therapy into clinical practice.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) appear to be ideal drug targets--they are disease-associated, extracellular enzymes with a dependence on zinc for activity. This apparently straightforward target, however, is much more complex than initially realized. Although disease associated, the roles for particular enzymes may be healing rather than harmful making broad-spectrum inhibition unwise; targeting the catalytic zinc with specificity is difficult, since other related proteases as well as non-related proteins can be affected by some chelating groups. While the failure of early-generation MMP inhibitors dampened enthusiasm for this type of drug, there has recently been a wealth of studies examining the basic biology of MMPs which will greatly inform new drug trials in this field.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic elongation factor-2 (eEF-2) kinase, also known as calmodulin-dependent protein kinase III, is a unique calcium/calmodulin-dependent enzyme. eEF-2 kinase can act as a negative regulator of protein synthesis and a positive regulator of autophagy under environmental or metabolic stresses. Akt, a key downstream effector of the PI3K signaling pathway that regulates cell survival and proliferation, is an attractive therapeutic target for anticancer treatment. Akt inhibition leads to activation of both apoptosis, type I programmed cell death and autophagy, a cellular degradation process via lysosomal machinery (also termed type II programmed cell death). However, the underlying mechanisms that dictate functional relationship between autophagy and apoptosis in response to Akt inhibition remain to be delineated. Our recent study demonstrated that inhibition of eEF-2 kinase can suppress autophagy but promote apoptosis in tumor cells subjected to Akt inhibition, indicating a role of eEF-2 kinase as a controller in the crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis. Furthermore, inhibition of eEF-2 kinase can reinforce the efficacy of a novel Akt inhibitor, MK-2206, against human glioma. These findings may help optimize the use of Akt inhibitors in the treatment of cancer and other diseases.  相似文献   

For many years, heat shock or stress proteins have been regarded as intracellular molecules that have a range of housekeeping and cytoprotective functions, only being released into the extracellular environment in pathological situations such as necrotic cell death. However, evidence is now accumulating to indicate that, under certain circumstances, these proteins can be released from cells in the absence of cellular necrosis, and that extracellular heat shock proteins have a range of immunoregulatory activities. The capacity of heat shock proteins to induce pro-inflammatory responses, together with the phylogenetic similarity between prokaryotic and eukaryotic heat shock proteins, has led to the proposition that these proteins provide a link between infection and autoimmune disease. Indeed, both elevated levels of antibodies to heat shock proteins and an enhanced immune reactivity to heat shock proteins have been noted in a variety of pathogenic disease states. However, further evaluation of heat shock protein reactivity in autoimmune disease and after transplantation has shown that, rather than promoting disease, reactivity to self-heat shock proteins can downregulate the disease process. It might be that self-reactivity to heat shock proteins is a physiological response that regulates the development and progression of pro-inflammatory immunity to these ubiquitously expressed molecules. The evolving evidence that heat shock proteins are present in the extracellular environment, that reactivity to heat shock proteins does not necessarily reflect adverse, pro-inflammatory responses and that the promotion of reactivity to self-heat shock proteins can downregulate pathogenic processes all suggest a potential role for heat shock proteins as therapeutic agents, rather than as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The CCN family of matricellular proteins are dysregulated in cancers, and may strategies targeting them may represent novel approaches to treating these diseases. A recent study from Huang and colleagues (Cancer Res. 70: 3340-50, 2010) suggests that CCN6 (WISP3) is downregulated in aggressive breast cancers, and this phenomenon may result in the promotion of tumor survival. CCN6 may represent a novel therapeutic approach to breast cancer.  相似文献   

Recently, we have reported purification and characterization of a de-N-glycosylating enzyme, peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase) found in C3H mouse fibroblast L-929 cells, and designated L-929 PNGase [Suzuki T, Seko A, Kitajima K, Inoue Y, Inoue S (1994)J Biol Chem 269, 17611–18]. The unique properties of L-929 PNGase are that the enzyme had a high affinity to the substrate glycopeptide (e.g.K m=114 µm for fetuin derived glycopentapeptide) and that the PNGase-catalysed reaction is strongly inhibited by the released free oligosaccharides but not by the free peptides formed, suggesting that L-929 PNGase is able to bind to a certain type of carbohydrate chain. In this study, we report the new findings of the mannan-binding property of L-929 PNGase; the de-N-glycosylating enzyme activity of L-929 PNGase was inhibited by yeast mannan and triomannose, Man1 3(Man1 6)Man, but not by mannose and -methyl-d-mannoside. Furthermore, L-929 PNGase was revealed to bind to the glycan moiety of yeast mannan by using mannan-conjugated Sepharose 4B gel as a ligand, suggesting that L-929 PNGase could serve not only as an enzyme but also as a carbohydrate recognition proteinin vivo. Such dual properties found for animal-derived L-929 PNGase are unique and are not shared with other previously characterized plant- and bacterial-origin PNGases — PNGase A and PNGase F, respectively.Abbreviations GLC gas liquid chromatography - GlcNAc-Asn 2-acetamido-1--(l-aspartamido)-1,2-dideoxy-d-glucose - BSA bovine serum albumin - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - Gal d-galactose - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - Man d-mannose; triomannose, Man1 3(Man1 6)Man; - MES 2-(N-morphorino)ethanesulfonic acid - NeuAc N-acetyl-neuraminic acid - PNGase peptide:N 4-(N-accetyl-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase (peptide:N-glycanase,EC - PNP p-nitrophenyl  相似文献   

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