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Xenopus laevis egg extracts cell-free nuclear assembly system was used as an experimental model to study the process of nuclear lamina assembly in nuclear reconstitutionin vitro. The experimental results showed that lamin was involved in the nuclear assemblyin vitro. The assembly of nuclear lamina was preceded by the assembly of nuclear matrix, and probably, inner nuclear matrix assembly provided the basis for nuclear lamina assembly. Inhibition of normal assembly of nuclear Iknina, by preincubating egg extracts cell-free system with anti-lamin antibodies, resulted in abnormal assembly of nuclear envelope, suggesting that nuclear envelope assembly is closely associated with nuclear lamina assembly.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis egg extracts cell-free nuclear assembly system was used as an experimental model to study the process of nuclear lamina assembly in nuclear reconstitution in vitro. The experimental results showed that lamin was involved in the nuclear assembly in vitro. The assembly of nuclear lamina was preceded by the assembly of nuclear matrix, and probably, inner nuclear matrix assembly provided the basis for nuclear lamina assembly. Inhibition of normal assembly of nuclear lamina, by preincubating egg extracts cell-free system with anti-lamin antibodies, resulted in abnormal assembly of nuclear envelope, suggesting that nuclear envelope assembly is closely associated with nuclear lamina assembly.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis egg extracts cell-free nuclear assembly system was used as an experimental model to study the process of nuclear lamina assembly in nuclear reconstitutionin vitro. The experimental results showed that lamin was involved in the nuclear assemblyin vitro. The assembly of nuclear lamina was preceded by the assembly of nuclear matrix, and probably, inner nuclear matrix assembly provided the basis for nuclear lamina assembly. Inhibition of normal assembly of nuclear Iknina, by preincubating egg extracts cell-free system with anti-lamin antibodies, resulted in abnormal assembly of nuclear envelope, suggesting that nuclear envelope assembly is closely associated with nuclear lamina assembly. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Summary Using different sources of protoplasts and two complementary techniques, flow cytometry and image analysis, to study the cell-cycle phases, we sought to define the particular protoplast state associated with the disposition to divide. Both inPetunia and inNicotiana plumbaginifolia, tissues with a higher G2 frequency (from different aged plants) yielded protoplasts capable of increased cell division. InSorghum, the age of the plant does not modify the proportion of G2 nuclei in leaf protoplasts, and we used root protoplasts to increase G2 frequencies. InHelianthus annuus, leaf protoplasts did not divide; however, hypocotyl protoplast preparations with relatively high 4C DNA frequencies do divide. Moreover, image analysis of chromatin structure indicated that leaf nuclei were in the G0 phase, unlike those from hypocotyls which were in G1. A high frequency of protoplasts with G2 nuclei appears to be correlated with the ability of a given preparation to undergo division; conversely, the differentiated G0 state is not conducive to division.  相似文献   

U. P. Singh 《Mycopathologia》1972,48(2-3):167-174
Nuclear condition and formation of anastomoses inC. coccorum Petch have been reported. Preliminary study on the nuclear condition shows that the vegetative mycelium and conidia are uninucleate. Anastomoses in mycelium and conidia are discernible. Hyphal fusion through anastomosing bridges and nuclear migration through them show the possibility of heterokaryosis in the organism. Nutrient free medium is suitable for the development of anastomoses both in mycelium as well as in conidia.  相似文献   

Songbirds learn their song from an adult conspecific tutor when they are young, much like the acquisition of speech in human infants. When an adult zebra finch is re-exposed to its tutor's song, there is increased neuronal activation in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), the songbird equivalent of the auditory association cortex. This neuronal activation is related to the fidelity of song imitation, suggesting that the NCM may contain the neural representation of song memory. We found that bilateral neurotoxic lesions to the NCM of adult male zebra finches impaired tutor-song recognition but did not affect the males' song production or their ability to discriminate calls. These findings demonstrate that the NCM performs an essential role in the representation of tutor-song memory. In addition, our results show that tutor-song memory and a motor program for the bird's own song have separate neural representations in the songbird brain. Thus, in both humans and songbirds, the cognitive systems of vocal production and auditory recognition memory are subserved by distinct brain regions.  相似文献   

Nuclear RNAs release from nucleoproteins of isolated nuclei absorbed on a celite column in a wide range of dissociating conditions (from 1 M LiCl--2 M urea at 2 degrees C to 4 M LiCl--8 M urea at 70-80 degrees C) was demonstrated. Such a high "adhesive" heterogeneity of nuclear RNAs (i.e., variations in the tightness of RNA-protein bonds) appears to be due to the association of nuclear matrix proteins. A direct correlation was found to exist between the metabolic turnover of RNA and the tightness of its association with the nuclear matrix. Actually, the pulse label which rapidly incorporates into the RNAt greater than 50 degrees, the RNA fraction being most tenaciously bound to the matrix, could be chased later into RNAs weakly bound to it. As the RNA-matrix binding weakens, the metabolic and structural properties of a given RNA change, e.g., sedimentation coefficients decrease, while the poly(A)+-RNA content and stability increase. The "adhesive" heterogeneity was found to be inherent in not only nuclear RNAs but also in cytoplasmic non-ribosomal RNAs, showing the same correlation, i.e., the tighter the RNA--protein complex, the higher the rate of RNA turnover. Cytoplasmic RNAs which differ in their adhesiveness may fulfil various intracellular functions, since polyribosomal mRNPs and informosomal mRNPs appear to be enriched in tightly and weakly bound RNA fractions, respectively. The interrelationships between nuclear and cytoplasmic RNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

Linke  Simon  Norris  Richard 《Hydrobiologia》2003,500(1-3):203-211
The aim of this study is to create a two-tiered assessment combining restoration and conservation, both needed for biodiversity management. The first tier of this approach assesses the condition of a site using a standard bioassessment method, AUSRIVAS, to determine whether significant loss of biodiversity has occurred because of human activity. The second tier assesses the conservation value of sites that were determined to be unimpacted in the first step against a reference database. This ensures maximum complementarity without having to set a priori target areas. Using the reference database, we assign site-specific and comparable coefficients for both restoration (Observed/Expected taxa with >50% probability of occurrence) and conservation values (O/E taxa with <50%, rare taxa). In a trial on 75 sites on rivers around Sydney, NSW, Australia we were able to identify three regions: (1) an area that may need restoration; (2) an area that had a high conservation value and; (3) a region that was identified as having significant biodiversity loss but with high potential to respond to rehabilitation and become a biodiversity hotspot. These examples highlight the use of the new framework as a comprehensive system for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

p53 functions to prevent malignant progression, in part by inhibiting proliferation or inducing the death of potential tumour cells. One of the most important regulators of p53 is MDM2, a RING domain E3 ligase that ubiquitinates p53, leading to both proteasomal degradation and relocation of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Previous studies have suggested that although polyubiquitination is required for degradation, monoubiquitination of p53 is sufficient for nuclear export. Using a p53-ubiquitin fusion protein we show that ubiquitination contributes to two steps before export: exposure of a carboxy-terminal nuclear export sequence (NES), and dissociation of MDM2. Monoubiquitination can directly promote further modifications of p53 with ubiquitin-like proteins and MDM2 promotes the interaction of the SUMO E3 ligase PIASy with p53, enhancing both sumoylation and nuclear export. Our results suggest that modifications such as sumoylation can regulate the strength of the p53-MDM2 interaction and participate in driving the export of p53.  相似文献   

G Koren  J Klein  S M MacLeod 《Life sciences》1988,43(22):1817-1823
Using newborn and adult rats we tested the correlation between aminoglycoside dose, resultant serum and renal cortical concentrations and nephrotoxicity evidenced by creatinine in serum and urine, N-acetylglucosaminidase and beta 2 microglobulins in urine and sphingomyelinase in renal cortical tissue. Our data reveal that aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity is clearly more evident in adult rats despite significantly lower drug serum concentrations and in the presence of substantially higher renal cortical concentrations. These data indicate that high aminoglycoside serum concentrations are not causing nephrotoxicity but rather reflect secondary body accumulation of the drug associated renal damage.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the extent to which observed associations between income inequality and mortality at population level are statistical artifacts. Design Indirect "what if" simulation using observed risks of mortality at individual level as a function of income to construct hypothetical state-level mortality specific for age and sex as if the statistical artifact argument were 100% correct. Method Data from the 1990 census for the 50 US states plus Washington, DC, were used for population distributions by age, sex, state, and income range; data disaggregated by age, sex, and state from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used for mortality; and regressions from the national longitudinal mortality study were used for the individual-level relation between income and risk of mortality. Results Hypothetical mortality, although correlated with inequality (as implied by the logic of the statistical artifact argument), showed a weaker association with the level of income inequality in each state than the observed mortality. Conclusions The observed associations in the United States at the state level between income inequality and mortality cannot be entirely or substantially explained as statistical artifacts of an underlying individual-level relation between income and mortality. There remains an important association between income inequality and mortality at state level above anything that could be accounted for by any statistical artifact. This result reinforces the need to consider a broad range of factors, including the social milieu, as fundamental determinants of health.  相似文献   

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