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The interaction mechanism and binding mode of capecitabine with ctDNA was extensively investigated using docking and molecular dynamics simulations, fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, DNA thermal denaturation studies, and viscosity measurements. The possible binding mode and acting forces on the combination between capecitabine and DNA had been predicted through molecular simulation. Results indicated that capecitabine could relatively locate stably in the G-C base-pairs-rich DNA minor groove by hydrogen bond and several weaker nonbonding forces. Fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime measurements confirmed that the quenching was static caused by ground state complex formation. This phenomenon indicated the formation of a complex between capecitabine and ctDNA. Fluorescence data showed that the binding constants of the complex were approximately 2 × 104 M?1. Calculated thermodynamic parameters suggested that hydrogen bond was the main force during binding, which were consistent with theoretical results. Moreover, CD spectroscopy, DNA melting studies, and viscosity measurements corroborated a groove binding mode of capecitabine with ctDNA. This binding had no effect on B-DNA conformation.  相似文献   

The N-terminal domain of the Tn916 integrase protein (INT-DBD) is responsible for DNA binding in the process of strand cleavage and joining reactions required for transposition of the Tn916 conjugative transposon. Site-specific association is facilitated by numerous protein-DNA contacts from the face of a three-stranded beta-sheet inserted into the major groove. The protein undergoes a subtle conformational transition and is slightly unfolded in the protein-DNA complex. The conformation of many charged residues is poorly defined by NMR data but mutational studies have indicated that removal of polar side chains decreases binding affinity, while non-polar contacts are malleable. Based on analysis of the binding enthalpy and binding heat capacity, we have reasoned that dehydration of the protein-DNA interface is incomplete. This study presents results from a molecular dynamics investigation of the INT-DBD-DNA complex aimed at a more detailed understanding of the role of conformational dynamics and hydration in site-specific binding. Comparison of simulations (total of 13 ns) of the free protein and of the bound protein conformation (in isolation or DNA-bound) reveals intrinsic flexibility in certain parts of the molecule. Conformational adaptation linked to partial unfolding appears to be induced by protein-DNA contacts. The protein-DNA hydrogen-bonding network is highly dynamic. The simulation identifies protein-DNA interactions that are poorly resolved or only surmised from the NMR ensemble. Single water molecules and water clusters dynamically optimize the complementarity of polar interactions at the 'wet' protein-DNA interface. The simulation results are useful to establish a qualitative link between experimental data on individual residue's contribution to binding affinity and thermodynamic properties of INT-DBD alone and in complex with DNA.  相似文献   

The conformational behavior of the wild‐type endonucleases I‐DmoI and two of its mutants has been studied in the presence and in the absence of DNA target sequences by means of extended molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that in the absence of DNA, the three protein forms explore a similar essential conformational space, whereas when bound to the same DNA target sequence of 25 base pairs, they diversify and restrain the subspace explored. In addition, the differences in the essential subspaces explored by the residues near the catalytic site for both the bound and unbound forms are discussed in background of the experimental protein activity.  相似文献   

State of the art molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the structure, dynamics, molecular interaction properties and flexibility of DNA and RNA duplexes in aqueous solution. Special attention is paid to the deformability of both types of structures, revisiting concepts on the relative flexibility of DNA and RNA duplexes. Our simulations strongly suggest that the concepts of flexibility, rigidity and deformability are much more complex than usually believed, and that it is not always true that DNA is more flexible than RNA.  相似文献   

Five long-timescale (10 ns) explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations of a DNA tetradecanucleotide dimer are performed using the GROMOS 45A4 force field and the simple-point-charge water model, in order to investigate the effect of the treatment of long-range electrostatic interactions as well as of the box shape and size on the structure and dynamics of the molecule (starting from an idealised B-DNA conformation). Long-range electrostatic interactions are handled using either a lattice-sum (LS) method (particle–particle–particle–mesh; one simulation performed within a cubic box) or a cutoff-based reaction-field (RF) method (four simulations, with long-range cutoff distances of 1.4 or 2.0 nm and performed within cubic or truncated octahedral periodic boxes). The overall double-helical structure, including Watson–Crick (WC) base-pairing, is well conserved in the simulation employing the LS scheme. In contrast, the WC base-pairing is nearly completely disrupted in the four simulations employing the RF scheme. These four simulations result in highly distorted compact (cutoff distance of 1.4 nm) or extended (cutoff distance of 2 nm) structures, irrespective of the shape and size of the computational box. These differences observed between the two schemes seem correlated with large differences in the radial distribution function between charged entities (backbone phosphate groups and sodium counterions) within the system.  相似文献   

An understanding of the mechanism of DNA interactions with gold nanoparticles is useful in today medicine applications. We have performed a molecular dynamics simulation on a B-DNA duplex (CCTCAGGCCTCC) in the vicinity of a gold nanoparticle with a truncated octahedron structure composed of 201 gold atoms (diameter ~1.8 nm) to investigate gold nanoparticle (GNP) effects on the stability of DNA. During simulation, the nanoparticle is closed to DNA and phosphate groups direct the particles into the major grooves of the DNA molecule. Because of peeling and untwisting states that are occur at end of DNA, the nucleotide base lies flat on the surface of GNP. The configuration entropy is estimated using the covariance matrix of atom-positional fluctuations for different bases. The results show that when a gold nanoparticle has interaction with DNA, entropy increases. The results of conformational energy and the hydrogen bond numbers for DNA indicated that DNA becomes unstable in the vicinity of a gold nanoparticle. The radial distribution function was calculated for water hydrogen–phosphate oxygen pairs. Almost for all nucleotide, the presence of a nanoparticle around DNA caused water molecules to be released from the DNA duplex and cations were close to the DNA.  相似文献   

The interaction of a set of monovalent (Na+, K+) and divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+) metal cations with single-chain polyguluronate (periodic chain based on a dodecameric repeat unit, 21-helical conformation) is investigated using explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations (at 300 K and 1 bar). A total of 14 (neutralising) combinations of the different ions are considered (single type of cation or simultaneous presence of two types of cation, either in the presence or absence of chloride anions). The main observations are: (1) the chain conformation and intramolecular hydrogen bonding is insensitive to the counter-ion environment; (2) the binding of the cations is essentially non-specific for all ions considered (counter-ion atmosphere confined within a cylinder of high ionic density, but no well-defined binding sites); (3) the density and tightness of the distributions of the different cations within the counter-ion atmosphere follow the approximate sequence Ca2+>Mg2+>K+~Na+; (4) the solvent-separated binding of the cations to the carboxylate groups of the chain is frequent, and its occurrence follows the approximate sequence K+>Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+ (contact-binding events as well as the binding of a cation to multiple carboxylate groups are very infrequent); and (5) the counter-ion atmosphere typically leads to a complete screening of the chain charge within 1.0–1.2 nm of the chain axis and, for most systems, to a charge reversal at about 1.5 nm (i.e. the effective chain charge becomes positive at this distance and as high in magnitude as one-quarter of the bare chain charge, before slowly decreasing to zero). These findings agree well (in a qualitative sense) with available experimental data and predictions from simple analytical models, and provide further insight concerning the nature of alginate–cation interactions in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The G-quadruplexes are four-stranded nucleic acid structures with guanine-rich sequences that play important biological roles in, for example, regulating telomerase association and activity. Recent evidence supports the hypothesis that the telomeric G-quadruplex DNA represents a target of novel anticancer drug medication. In this work, we present results of the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), together with the HOMO and LUMO frontier orbitals, which are physical quantities of concern in the docking of compounds on the G-quadruplex. The calculations are performed in the frame of density functional theory at the B88LYP/6-31G* level of theory. Additional functionals that introduce dispersion effects were also taken into consideration. The MEP potential and electron density of the frontier molecular orbitals of the G-quadruplex exhibit topological deformations due to the coiled conformation of the compound when they are compared with the MEP and corresponding electron density of a DNA duplex with similar nucleic acid composition. The electrostatic active zone of the G-quadruplex is localized on the top part of the quadruplex structure where the MEP acquires the most negative values. Additional computations on a set of three daunomycins, a common anticancer drug for duplex DNA, indicate an electrostatic fastening between the quadruplex and the set of daunomycins. In this regard, the G-quadruplex electrostatic interactions favor the stacking of ligands. Finally, some implications on molecular drug design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The crossover behaviour of water droplet's state from the Wenzel state to the Cassie state with varying pillar height and surface fraction is examined critically using molecular dynamics. We report the effect of the system size on the wetting behaviour of water droplets by examining the contact angle for both regimes. We observe that when the droplet size is comparable to the pillar dimension, the contact angle of droplets fluctuates with increasing droplet size because of the contact line pinning, which is more pronounced in the Wenzel regime. We further demonstrate the phantom-wall method to evaluate free energy of intermediate wetting states.  相似文献   


Dengue virus (DENV) is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne human pathogens known to the mankind. Currently, no vaccines or standard therapy is avaliable to treate DENV infection. This makes the drug development against DENV more significant and challenging. The MTase domain of DENV RNA RdRp NS5 is a promising drug target, because this domain hosts the RNA capping process of DENV RNA to escape from human immune system. In the present study, we have analysed the RNA intervention mechanism exerted by flavoniod molecules against NS5 MTase RNA capping site by using molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation and the binding free energy calculations. The results from the docking analysis confirmed that the RNA intervention mecanism is exerted by the quercetagetin (QGN) molecule with all necessary intermolecular interactions and high binding affinity. Notably, QGN forms strong hydrogen bonding interactions with Asn18, Leu20 and Ser150 residues and π???π stacking interaction with Phe25 residue. The apo and QGN bound NS5 MTase and QGN-NS5 MTase complex were used for MD simulation. The results of MD simulation reveal that the RMSD and RMSF values of QGN-MTase complex have increased on comparing the apo protein due to the effect of ligand binding. The binding free energy calulation includes prediction of total binding free energy of ligand-protein complex and per-residue free energy decomposition. The QGN binding to NS5 MTase affects it’s native motion, this result is found from Principal component analysis.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Palmatine, an isoquinoline alkaloid, is an important medicinal herbal extract with diverse pharmacological and biological properties. In this work, spectroscopic and molecular modeling approaches were employed to reveal the interaction between palmatine and DNA isolated from herring sperm. The absorption spectra and iodide quenching results indicated that groove binding was the main binding mode of palmatine to DNA. Fluorescence studies indicated that the binding constant (K) of palmatine and DNA was ~ 104 L·mol?1. The associated thermodynamic parameters, ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS, indicated that hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces played major roles in the interaction. The effects of chemical denaturant, thermal denaturation and pH on the interaction were investigated and provided further support for the groove binding mode. In addition to experimental approaches, molecular modeling was conducted to verify binding pattern of palmatine–DNA. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alkylation of guanine at the O6 atom is a highly mutagenic DNA lesion because it alters the coding specificity of the base causing G:C to A:T transversion mutations. Specific DNA repair enzymes, e.g. O6‐alkylguanin‐DNA‐Transferases (AGT), recognize and repair such damage after looping out the damaged base to transfer it into the enzyme active site. The exact mechanism how the repair enzyme identifies a damaged site within a large surplus of undamaged DNA is not fully understood. The O6‐alkylation of guanine may change the deformability of DNA which may facilitate the initial binding of a repair enzyme at the damaged site. In order to characterize the effect of O6‐methyl‐guanine (O6‐MeG) containing base pairs on the DNA deformability extensive comparative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on duplex DNA with central G:C, O6‐MeG:C or O6‐MeG:T base pairs were performed. The simulations indicate significant differences in the helical deformability due to the presence of O6‐MeG compared to regular undamaged DNA. This includes enhanced base pair opening, shear and stagger motions and alterations in the backbone fine structure caused in part by transient rupture of the base pairing at the damaged site and transient insertion of water molecules. It is likely that the increased opening motions of O6‐MeG:C or O6‐MeG:T base pairs play a decisive role for the induced fit recognition or for the looping out of the damaged base by repair enzymes. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 23–32, 2015.  相似文献   

We carried out molecular dynamics simulations to study the adsorption of all the 20 amino acids (AAs; aromatic, polar and non-polar) on the surface of chiral, zigzag and armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes. The adsorption was occurring in all systems. In the aromatic AAs, the π–π stacking and the semi-hydrogen bond formation cause a strong interaction with the carbon nanotubes (CNTs). We also investigated the chirality, length and diameter dependencies on adsorption energies. We found that all AAs have more tendency to adsorption on the chiral and zigzag CNTs over the armchair. The results show that increasing both the diameter and the length causes the enhancement of the adsorption energy. But, the effect of the length is more than of the diameter. For example, the adsorption energy of Trp on the surface of CNT (4,1), with 2 nm length, is 20.4 kcal/mol. When the length of CNT becomes twice, the adsorption energy increases by 24 ± 0.3%. But by doubling the diameter, the adsorption energy increased only by 9.8 ± 0.25%.  相似文献   

The interaction of calf thymus DNA with nevirapine at physiological pH was studied by using absorption, circular dichroism, viscosity, differential pulse voltammetry, fluorescence techniques, salt effect studies and computational methods. The drug binds to ct-DNA in a groove binding mode, as shown by slight variation in the viscosity of ct-DNA. Furthermore, competitive fluorimetric studies with Hoechst 33258 indicate that nevirapine binds to DNA via groove binding. Moreover, the structure of nevirapine was optimized by DFT calculations and was used for the molecular docking calculations. The molecular docking results suggested that nevirapine prefers to bind on the minor groove of ct-DNA.  相似文献   

The stability and dynamics of a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is affected by the preferential occupancy of small monovalent molecular ions. Small metal and molecular ions such as sodium and alkyl ammonium have crucial biological functions in human body, affect the thermodynamic stability of the duplex DNA and exhibit preferential binding. Here, using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the preferential binding of metal ion such as Na+ and molecular ions such as tetramethyl ammonium (TMA+) and 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium (CHO+) to double-stranded DNA. The thermodynamic driving force for a particular molecular ion-DNA interaction is determined by decomposing the free energy of binding into its entropic and enthalpic contributions. Our simulations show that each of these molecular ions preferentially binds to the minor groove of the DNA and the extent of binding is highest for CHO+. The ion binding processes are found to be entropically favourable. In addition, the contribution of hydrophobic effects towards the entropic stabilisation (in case of TMA+) and the effect of hydrogen bonding contributing to enthalpic stabilisation (in case of CHO+) have also been investigated.  相似文献   

We apply ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) to study the hydration structures and electronic properties of the formohydroxamate anion in liquid water. We consider the cis- nitrogen-deprotonated, cis- oxygen-deprotonated, and trans- oxygen-deprotonated formohydroxamate tautomers. They form an average of 6.3, 6.9, and 6.0 hydrogen bonds with water molecules, respectively. The predicted pair correlation functions and time dependence of the hydration numbers suggest that water is highly structured around the nominally negatively charged oxime oxygen in O-deprotonated tautomers but significantly less so around the nitrogen atom in the N-deprotonated species. Wannier function analysis suggests that, in the O-deprotonated anions, the negative charge is concentrated on the oxime oxygen, while in the N-deprotonated case, it is partially delocalized between the nitrogen and the adjoining oxime oxygen atom.  相似文献   

Beta‐secretase 1 (BACE‐1) is an aspartyl protease implicated in the overproduction of β‐amyloid fibrils responsible for Alzheimer disease. The process of β‐amyloid genesis is known to be pH dependent, with an activity peak between solution pH of 3.5 and 5.5. We have studied the pH‐dependent dynamics of BACE‐1 to better understand the pH dependent mechanism. We have implemented support for graphics processor unit (GPU) accelerated constant pH molecular dynamics within the AMBER molecular dynamics software package and employed this to determine the relative population of different aspartyl dyad protonation states in the pH range of greatest β‐amyloid production, followed by conventional molecular dynamics to explore the differences among the various aspartyl dyad protonation states. We observed a difference in dynamics between double‐protonated, mono‐protonated, and double‐deprotonated states over the known pH range of higher activity. These differences include Tyr 71‐aspartyl dyad proximity and active water lifetime. This work indicates that Tyr 71 stabilizes catalytic water in the aspartyl dyad active site, enabling BACE‐1 activity.  相似文献   

Interaction of procarbazine (PCZ) with calf thymus DNA was studied using biophysical and molecular docking studies. Procarbazine was to interact with DNA with a binding constant of 6.52 × 103 M−1 as calculated using ultraviolet‐visible spectroscopy. To find out the binding mode, molecular docking was performed that predicted PCZ to interact with DNA through groove binding mode with binding affinity of −6.7 kcal/mole. To confirm the groove binding nature, different experiments were performed. Dye displacement assays confirmed the non‐intercalative binding mode. Procarbazine displaced Hoechst dye from the minor groove of DNA while it was unable to displace intercalating dyes. There was no increase in the viscosity of DNA solution in presence of PCZ. Also, negligible change in the secondary structure of DNA was observed in presence of PCZ as evident by circular dichroism spectra. Procarbazine caused decrease in the melting temperature of DNA possibly because of decrease in the stability of DNA caused by groove binding interaction of PCZ with DNA.  相似文献   

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