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绿豆线粒体呼吸链在不同电子传递途径中的电子漏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿豆线粒体的呼喊链在氧化不同义莪时有不同的呼吸速率和电子漏速率,但是O2^-/O2比值较稳定。呼吸链部位Ⅱ的抑制剂抗霉素A对α-酮茂二酸、琥珀酸及苹果本工物时的电子漏速率和O2^-/O2比值都明显的促进作用,说明电子漏发生的位点可能在抗纱A的抑制点之前。呼吸链在氧化外源NADH时,线料体所产生的地氰化物、鱼藤酮、抗弱A及SHAM都不敏感,而对钙离子的螯合剂EGTA显著敏感。因此,依赖于钙离子的NA  相似文献   

线粒体呼吸链复合体Ⅱ+Ⅲ的电子传递与质子转移的偶联   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了鼠肝线粒体内膜体呼吸链复合体Ⅱ+Ⅲ的H^+/2e比与△ψ的相关性及其调节因素,证明:(1)用光谱法测得复合体Ⅱ+Ⅲ的电子传递与质子转换初速度的H^+/2e比值接近4,与铁氰化钾脉冲法测得的结果相同,H^+/2e随着△μH^+升高而逐渐下降,荧光透析法测定不同Fe^3+还原速率建立的不同△ψ时,证明H^+回漏对△ψ和H^+泵出速度的依赖性,讨论了呼吸链复合体Ⅱ+Ⅲ电子传递与质子转移之间的偶联以  相似文献   

电子传递链亦称呼吸链,由位于线粒体内膜的I、II、III、IV 4种复合物组成,负责电子传递和产生质子梯度。电子主要从复合物I进入电子传递链,经复合物III传递至复合物IV。电子传递系统的组装是一个十分复杂的过程,目前已知主要有约69个结构亚基以及至少16个组装因子参与了人类复合物I、III、IV的组装,这些蛋白质由核基因组与线粒体基因组共同编码。对线粒体电子传递系统的蛋白质组成及其结构已研究得较为清楚,但对它们的组装了解得还比较初步。许多人类线粒体疾病是由于电子传递系统的功能障碍引起的,其中又有许多是由于该系统中一个或多个部件的错误组装引起的。研究这些缺陷不仅能够加深对线粒体疾病发病机理的了解,也有助于揭示线粒体功能的调控机制。将着重对电子传递系统复合物的组装及其与人类疾病关系的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

王艳  薄海  张勇 《生理学报》2020,72(2):205-219
线粒体呼吸链超级复合体(mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplex, mitoSC)是线粒体内膜呼吸链上的自由复合体通过其亚基之间的相互作用形成的复合体超级组装,主要为mitoSCⅠ_1+Ⅲ_2+Ⅳ_(1-4)、mitoSCⅠ_1+Ⅲ_2、mitoSCⅢ_2+Ⅳ_(1-2)、高分子量mitoSC (high molecular weight mitoSC, HMW mitoSC)和巨型超级复合体(mitochondrial metacomplex, mitoMC)。mitoSC已被证明具有提高呼吸链电子传递效率、减少活性氧产生的功能。在衰老的不同组织和诸多线粒体相关疾病组织中,mitoSC的种类和含量发生变化。本文通过归纳人类和哺乳动物不同组织中mitoSC的结构和功能,总结衰老、心脏疾病、2型糖尿病、癌症和基因缺陷疾病等条件下mitoSC的变化规律,重点探讨运动对mitoSC的影响及其相关调节机制,为线粒体相关疾病的运动干预提供参考。  相似文献   

疲劳性运动中线粒体电子漏引起质子漏增加   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
以大鼠递增强度力竭性竭性跑台运动为疲劳运动模型,观察了运动后大鼠骨骼肌线粒体电子漏和质子漏的变化。结果表明,运动性疲劳状态下大鼠骨骼肌线粒体超氧阴离子生成增加,脂质过氧线粒体质子漏增多是氧化磷酸化偶联程度下降的重要因素。实验结果支持电子漏引起质子漏的假说。  相似文献   

呼吸链电子漏在细胞凋亡中的作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
实验证明细胞色素c具有很强的抗氧化功能,在线粒体中氧化态的细胞色素c直接清除O2·-,还原态的细胞色素c清除H2O2.由于呼吸链传递电子合成ATP的同时,总有少部分电子从呼吸链底物端的复合物Ⅰ和Ⅲ漏出,而且漏出的电子首先使氧分子还原成O2·- ,然后O2·-歧化成H2O2,所以细胞色素c清除O2·-和H2O2的功能使呼吸链出现了两条电子漏旁路.细胞色素c通过这两条电子漏路径实现其控制线粒体中O2·-和H2O2水平的功能.根据两条电子漏旁路都是O2·-代谢路径的事实,引进了线粒体自由基代谢的概念,并从自由基代谢失调的角度探讨了呼吸链电子漏在细胞凋亡中的作用.  相似文献   

线粒体疾病(mitochondrial diseases, MDs)与电子传递链功能缺陷密切相关。电子传递链上的五种复合物共同维持电子传递链的正常功能,从而确保ATP的产生。电子传递链上任何一种复合物的功能缺陷都会损伤线粒体功能,导致线粒体疾病的发生。因此,针对不同的复合物功能缺陷,可以采取相应的治疗措施来挽救其功能,达到缓解或治愈线粒体疾病的目的。本文以电子传递链上五种复合物为研究对象,阐述不同复合物功能缺陷导致的线粒体疾病以及相应的治疗措施。  相似文献   

紫云英根瘤菌109菌株的氢氧化电子传递链   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

活性氧(reaction oxygen species,ROS)是真核细胞在生命活动过程中产生的一种中间产物,它在胞内信号转导、细胞应答、损伤修复等过程发挥着重要的作用。线粒体在合成三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate,ATP)过程中有部分电子会从电子传递链(electron transport chain,ETC)上泄漏,与细胞质中O2、H2O及NO等结合产生ROS,是细胞内ROS的主要来源。目前,人们对真核线粒体内ROS的产生位点已有初步的了解,大多数研究证实复合物Ⅰ和复合物Ⅲ是ROS的主要来源,复合物Ⅱ也能产生部分的ROS,但其具体的靶标位点还未得到全面的阐述,使得深入了解线粒体内ROS的功能受到限制。现就诱导线粒体产生ROS的主要方法和线粒体内产生ROS的靶标位点进行简要的综述,以期为日后相关生理学、毒理学及病理学等研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Luminol chemiluminescence was used to evaluate the scavenging of superoxide, hydroxyl and alkoxy radicals by four antioxidants: dipyridamole, diethyldithiocarbamic acid, (+)catechin, and ascorbic acid. Different concentrations of these compounds were compared with well-known oxygen radical scavengers in their capacity to inhibit the chemiluminescence produced in the reaction between luminol and specific oxygen radicals. Hydroxyl radicals were generated using the Fenton reaction and these produced chemiluminescence which was inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamate. Alkoxy radicals were generated using the reaction of tert-butyl hydroperoxide and ferrous ion and produced chemiluminescence which was inhibited equally by all of the compounds tested. For the determination of superoxide scavengers we describe a new, simple, economic, and rapid chemiluminescence method consisting of the reaction between luminol and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). With this method it was found that 40 nmol/l dipyridamole, 0.18 μmol/l ascorbic acid, 0.23 μmol/l (+)catechin, and 3 μmol/l diethyldithiocarbamic acid are equivalent to 3.9 ng/ml superoxide dismutase (specific scavenger of superoxide) in causing the same degree of chemiluminescence inhibition. These results not only indicated that the antioxidative properties of these compounds showed different degrees of effectiveness against a particular radical but also that they may exert their action against more than one radical.  相似文献   

Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC), which is composed of four multiprotein complexes named complex I-IV, is believed to be important in the aging process and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Previous studies have identified the ubiquinone of complex III and an unknown component of complex I as the major sites of ROS generation. Here we show that the physiologically relevant ROS generation supported by the complex II substrate succinate occurs at the flavin mononucleotide group (FMN) of complex I through reversed electron transfer, not at the ubiquinone of complex III as commonly believed. Indirect evidence indicates that the unknown ROS-generating site within complex I is also likely to be the FMN group. It is therefore suggested that the major physiologically and pathologically relevant ROS-generating site in mitochondria is limited to the FMN group of complex I. These new insights clarify an elusive target for intervening mitochondrial ROS-related processes or diseases.  相似文献   

Regardless of rapid progression in the field of autophagy, it remains a challenging task to understand the cross talk with apoptosis. In this study, we overexpressed Ulk1 in HeLa cells and evaluated the apoptosis-inducing potential of the Ulk1 gene in the presence of cisplatin. The gain of function of Ulk1 gene showed a decline in cell viability and colony formation in HeLa cells. The Ulk1-overexpressing cells showed higher apoptotic attributes by an increase in the percentage of annexin V, escalated expression of Bax/Bcl2 ratio, and caspase-9, -3/7 activities. Further, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was found to be much higher in HeLa-Ulk1 than in the mock group. Scavenging the ROS by N-acetyl-L-cysteine increased cell viability and colony number as well as mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Our data showed that Ulk1 on entering into mitochondria inhibits the manganese dismutase activity and intensifies the mitochondrial superoxide level. The Ulk1-triggered autophagy (particularly mitophagy) resulted in a fall in ATP; thus the nonmitophagic mitochondria overwork the electron-transport cycle to replenish energy demand and are inadvertently involved in ROS overproduction that led to apoptosis. In this present investigation, our results decipher a previously unrecognized perspective of apoptosis induction by a key autophagy protein Ulk1 that may contribute to identification of its tumor-suppressor properties through dissecting the connection among cellular bioenergetics, ROS, and MMP.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is known to increase intracellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through mitochondrial dysfunction. Although it has been as a basis of radiation-induced genetic instability, the mechanism involving mitochondrial dysfunction remains unclear. Here we studied the dynamics of mitochondrial structure in normal human fibroblast like cells exposed to ionizing radiation. Delayed mitochondrial production was peaked 3 days after irradiation, which was coupled with accelerated mitochondrial fission. We found that radiation exposure accumulated dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) to mitochondria. Knocking down of Drp1 expression prevented radiation induced acceleration of mitochondrial fission. Furthermore, knockdown of Drp1 significantly suppressed delayed production of mitochondrial . Since the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, which was induced by radiation was prevented in cells knocking down of Drp1 expression, indicating that the excessive mitochondrial fission was involved in delayed mitochondrial dysfunction after irradiation.  相似文献   



Evidence suggests an association between aberrant mitochondrial dynamics and cardiac diseases. Because myocardial metabolic deficiency caused by insulin resistance plays a crucial role in heart disease, we investigated the role of dynamin-related protein-1 (DRP1; a mitochondrial fission protein) in the pathogenesis of myocardial insulin resistance.

Methods and Results

DRP1-expressing H9c2 myocytes, which had fragmented mitochondria with mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) depolarization, exhibited attenuated insulin signaling and 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) uptake, indicating insulin resistance. Treatment of the DRP1-expressing myocytes with Mn(III)tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin pentachloride (TMPyP) significantly improved insulin resistance and mitochondrial dysfunction. When myocytes were exposed to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), they increased DRP1 expression and mitochondrial fragmentation, resulting in ΔΨm depolarization and insulin resistance. When DRP1 was suppressed by siRNA, H2O2-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance were restored. Our results suggest that a mutual enhancement between DRP1 and reactive oxygen species could induce mitochondrial dysfunction and myocardial insulin resistance. In palmitate-induced insulin-resistant myocytes, neither DRP1-suppression nor TMPyP restored the ΔΨm depolarization and impaired 2-DG uptake, however they improved insulin signaling.


A mutual enhancement between DRP1 and ROS could promote mitochondrial dysfunction and inhibition of insulin signal transduction. However, other mechanisms, including lipid metabolite-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, may be involved in palmitate-induced insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Gao C  Xing D  Li L  Zhang L 《Planta》2008,227(4):755-767
Recent studies have suggested that ultraviolet-C (UV-C) overexposure induces programmed cell death (PCD) in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, and this process includes participation of caspase-like proteases, DNA laddering as well as fragmentation of the nucleus. To investigate possible early signal events, we used microscopic observations to monitor in vivo the behaviour of mitochondria, as well as the production and localization of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during protoplast PCD induced by UV-C. A quick burst of ROS was detected when the protoplasts were kept in continuous light after UV-C exposure, which was restricted in chloroplasts and the adjacent mitochondria. Pre-incubation with ascorbic acid (AsA, antioxidant molecule) or 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (DCMU, an inhibitor of photosynthetic electron transport) decreased the ROS production and partially protected protoplasts from PCD. A mitochondrial transmembrane potential (MTP) loss occurred prior to cell death; thereafter, the mitochondria irregularly clumped around chloroplasts or aggregated in other places within the cytoplasm, and the movement of mitochondria was concomitantly blocked. Pre-treatment with an inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition pores (MPTP), cyclosporine (CsA), effectively retarded the decrease of MTP and reduced the percentage of protoplasts undergoing PCD after UV-C overexposure. Our results suggest that the MTP loss and the changes in distribution and mobility of mitochondria, as well as the production of ROS play important roles during UV-induced plant PCD, which is in good accordance with what has been reported in many types of apoptotic cell death, both in animals and plants. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Signaling by carcinogenic metals and metal-induced reactive oxygen species   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Harris GK  Shi X 《Mutation research》2003,533(1-2):183-200

Although genetic factors are a well-known cause of colorectal cancer, environmental factors contribute more to its development. Despite advances in the fields of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the cure rates for colon cancer have not substantially improved over the past few decades. Capsaicin (trans-8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide), the principal pungent ingredient of hot chili pepper, has exhibited an anti-tumor effect in many cell types. However, the mechanisms responsible for the anti-tumor effect of capsaicin are not yet completely understood. In this study, we investigated whether capsaicin induces apoptosis in colon cancer cell lines. Capsaicin decreased cell viability in a dose-dependent manner in Colo320DM and LoVo cells. In addition, capsaicin produced cell morphology changes and DNA fragmentation, decreased the DNA contents, and induced phosphatidylserine translocation, which is a hallmark of apoptotic cell death. We showed that capsaicin-induced apoptosis is associated with an increase in ROS generation and a disruption of the mitochondrial transmenbrane potential. A possible mechanism of capsaicin-induced apoptosis is the activation of caspase 3, a major apoptosis-executing enzyme. Treatment with capsaicin induced a dramatic increase in caspase 3 activity, as assessed by the cleavage of Ac-DEVD-AMC, a fluorogenic substrate. In conclusion, our results clearly showed that capsaicin induced apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Although the actual mechanisms of capsaicin-induced apoptosis remain uncertain, it may be a beneficial agent for colon cancer treatment and chemoprevention.  相似文献   

We investigated the properties of the permeability transition pore (PTP) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae in agar-embedded mitochondria (AEM) and agar-embedded cells (AEC) and its role in yeast death. In AEM, ethanol-induced pore opening, as indicated by the release of calcein and mitochondrial membrane depolarization, can be inhibited by CsA, by Cpr3 deficiency, and by the antioxidant glutathione. Notably, the pore opening is inhibited, when mitochondria are preloaded by EGTA or Fluo3 to chelate matrix Ca2+, or are pretreated with 4-Br A23187 to extract matrix Ca2+, prior to agar-embedding, or when pore opening is induced in the presence of EGTA; opened pores are re-closed by sequential treatment with CsA, 4-Br A23187 plus EGTA and NADH, indicating endogenous matrix Ca2+ involvement. CsA also inhibits the pore opening with low conductance triggered by exogenous Ca2+ transport with ETH129. In AEC, the treatment of tert-butylhydroperoxide, a pro-oxidant that triggers transient pore opening in high conductance in AEM, induces yeast death, which is also dependent on CsA and Cpr3. Furthermore, AEMs from mutants lacking three ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) isoforms and with defective ATP synthase dimerization exhibit high and low conductance pore openings with CsA sensitivity, respectively. Collectively, these data show that the yeast PTP is regulated by Cpr3, endogenous matrix Ca2+, and reactive oxygen species, and that it is involved in yeast death; furthermore, ATP synthase dimers play a key role in CsA-sensitive pore formation, while AACs are dispensable.  相似文献   

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