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Orientation of IS50 transposase gene and IS50 transposition.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Reversal of transposase gene orientation with respect to the nonidentical ends of IS50 strongly decreased IS50 transposition in both Dam- and Dam+ hosts. In either orientation, IS50 transposase expression was unaffected. These effects were independent of the surrounding DNA context. This shows that the efficiency of IS50 transposition is dependent on transposase gene orientation. The transposition frequencies of transposons utilizing inverted IS50 inside ends (IE), IE-IE transposons, were lower than either outside end (OE)-IE or OE-OE transposons.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis of IS50 transposase-related protein sequences in conjunction with known structural, biochemical, and genetic data was used to determine domains and residues that play key roles in IS50 transposase function. BLAST and ClustalW analyses have been used to find and analyze six complete protein sequences that are related to the IS50 transposase. The protein sequence identity of these six homologs ranged from 25 to 55% in comparison to the IS50 transposase. Homologous motifs were found associated with each of the three catalytic residues. Residues that play roles in transposase-DNA binding, protein autoregulation, and DNA hairpin formation were also found to be conserved in addition to other residues of unknown function. On the other hand, some homologous sequences did not appear to be competent to encode the inhibitor regulatory protein. The results were also used to compare the IS50 transposase with the more distantly related transposase encoded by IS10.  相似文献   

Confronted with thousands of potential DNA substrates, a site-specific enzyme must restrict itself to the correct DNA sequence. The MuA transposase protein performs site-specific DNA cleavage and joining reactions, resulting in DNA transposition-a specialized form of genetic recombination. To determine how sequence information is used to restrict transposition to the proper DNA sites, we performed kinetic analyses of transposition with DNA substrates containing either wild-type transposon sequences or sequences carrying mutations in specific DNA recognition modules. As expected, mutations near the DNA cleavage site reduce the rate of cleavage; the observed effect is about 10-fold. In contrast, mutations within the MuA recognition sequences do not directly affect the DNA cleavage or joining steps of transposition. It is well established that the recognition sequences are necessary for assembly of stable, multimeric MuA-DNA complexes, and we find that recognition site mutations severely reduce both the extent and the rate of this assembly process. Yet if the MuA-DNA complexes are preassembled, the first-order rate constants for both DNA cleavage and DNA strand transfer (the joining reaction) are unaffected by the mutations. Furthermore, most of the mutant DNA molecules that are cleaved also complete DNA strand transfer. We conclude that the sequence-specific contacts within the recognition sites contribute energetically to complex assembly, but not directly to catalysis. These results contrast with studies of more orthodox enzymes, such as EcoRI and some other type II restriction enzymes. We propose that the strategy employed by MuA may serve as an example for how recombinases and modular restriction enzymes solve the DNA specificity problem, in that they, too, may separate substrate recognition from catalysis.  相似文献   

Summary The transposase encoded by insertion sequence IS 1 is produced from two out-of-phase reading frames (insA and B-insB) by translational frameshifting, which occurs within a run of six adenines in the –1 direction. To determine the sequence essential for frameshifting, substitution mutations were introduced within the region containing the run of adenines and were examined for their effects on frameshifting. Substitutions at each of three (2nd, 3rd and 4th) adenine residues in the run, which are recognized by tRNALys reading insA, caused serious defects in frameshifting, showing that the three adenine residues are essential for frameshifting. The effects of substitution mutations introduced in the region flanking the run of adenines and in the secondary structures located downstream were, however, small, indicating that such a region and structures are not essential for frameshifting. Deletion of a region containing the termination codon of insA caused a decrease in -galactosidase activity specified by the lacZ fusion plasmid in frame with B-insB. Exchange of the wild-type termination codon of insA for a different one or introduction of an additional termination codon in the region upstream of the native termination codon caused an increase in -galactosidase activity, indicating that the termination codon in insA affects the efficiency of frameshifting.  相似文献   

IS91 displays a number of characteristics unique among insertion sequence (IS) elements, suggesting that it transposes by a novel mechanism called rolling-circle (RC) transposition. We reported previously that IS91 transposase (TnpA) amino acid sequence shares a series of five conserved signatures with A proteins of RC replicating phages, including a pair of invariant tyrosines that catalyse two successive transesterification reactions during replication initiation and termination. To analyse their role in IS91 transposition, we constructed a series of TnpA derivatives in which the invariant Tyr-249 and/or Tyr-253 were mutated to either phenylalanine or serine. Mutation of either tyrosine resulted in complete loss of transposition activity in vivo. This result was taken as a first new line of evidence that TnpA is a functional analogue of phiX174 phage A protein. Secondly, RC replication plasmids and phages accumulate single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates as a result of uncoupled leading and lagging DNA strand synthesis. Using a plasmid carrying an IS91-derived IRLkan-IRR transposable cassette, in which the left (IRL)- and right (IRR)-terminal sequences of IS91 flank a kanamycin resistance gene (kan), we demonstrated the in vivo formation of two new DNA species after induction of transposase expression. The first was a circular ssDNA that contained the transposable cassette covalently joined at its exact termini, whereas the second was a double-stranded circle of the same element. When this experiment was repeated using the mutant transposases described above, the ssDNA and dsDNA intermediates could not be observed, indicating that the integrity of both Y249 and Y253 was essential for their appearance. The presence of ssDNA intermediate products is the first biochemical evidence for a RC mechanism of IS91 transposition.  相似文献   

Summary Previous genetic analyses indicated that translational frameshifting in the –1 direction occurs within the run of six adenines in the sequence 5-TTAAAAAACTC-3 at nucleotide positions 305–315 in IS 1, where the two out-of-phase reading frames insA and B-insB overlap, to produce transposase with a polypeptide segment Leu-Lys-Lys-Leu at residues 84–87. IS 1 mutants with a 1 by insertion, which encode mutant transposases with an amino acid substitution within the polypeptide segment at residues 84–87, did not efficiently mediate cointegration, except for an IS 1 mutant which encodes a mutant transposase with a Leu-Arg-Lys-Leu segment instead of Leu-LysLys-Leu. An IS 1 mutant with the DNA segment 5-CTTAAAAACTC-3 at positions 305–315 carrying the termination codon TAA in the B-insB reading frame could still mediate cointegration, indicating that codon AAA for Lys corresponding to second, third and fourth positions in the run of adenines is the site of frameshifting. The -galactosidase activity specified by several IS 1- lacZ fusion plasmids, in which B-insB is in-frame with lacZ, showed that the region 292–377 is sufficient for frameshifting. The protein produced by frameshifting from the IS 1-lacZ plasmid in fact contained the polypeptide segment Leu - Lys - Lys - Leu encoded by the DNA segment 5-TTAAAAAACTC-3, indicating that –1 frameshifting does occur within the run of adenines.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of an IS1 element recently transposed into the lacI gene is reported. This sequence is nearly identical to one previously reported for another IS1 element (Ohtsubo and Ohtsubo, 1978). The implications of this similarity are discussed. The sizes of potential polypeptides encoded in the IS1 DNA have been determined and possible roles for these peptides in the illegitimate recombination events mediated by the element are considered.  相似文献   

Coliphage P2 late control gene ogr. DNA sequence and product identification   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The bacteriophage P2 late control gene ogr was cloned and precisely localized by deletion analysis in vitro. The DNA sequence of the ogr gene containing the ogr1 mutation was determined. The sequence translates into a basic protein of a molecular weight of 8300. Plasmids overproducing the ogr gene product were constructed, and the ogr gene product was identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The bacterial insertion sequence (IS) IS26 mobilizes and disseminates antibiotic resistance genes. It differs from bacterial IS that have been studied to date as it exclusively forms cointegrates via either a copy-in (replicative) or a recently discovered targeted conservative mode. To investigate how the Tnp26 transposase recognizes the 14-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) that bound the IS, amino acids in two domains in the N-terminal (amino acids M1–P56) region were replaced. These changes substantially reduced cointegration in both modes. Tnp26 was purified as a maltose-binding fusion protein and shown to bind specifically to dsDNA fragments that included an IS26 TIR. However, Tnp26 with an R49A or a W50A substitution in helix 3 of a predicted trihelical helix–turn–helix domain (amino acids I13–R53) or an F4A or F9A substitution replacing the conserved amino acids in a unique disordered N-terminal domain (amino acids M1–D12) did not bind. The N-terminal M1–P56 fragment also bound to the TIR but only at substantially higher concentrations, indicating that other parts of Tnp26 enhance the binding affinity. The binding site was confined to the internal part of the TIR, and a G to T nucleotide substitution in the TGT at positions 6 to 8 of the TIR that is conserved in most IS26 family members abolished binding of both Tnp26 (M1–M234) and Tnp26 M1–P56 fragment. These findings indicate that the helix–turn–helix and disordered domains of Tnp26 play a role in Tnp26–TIR complex formation. Both domains are conserved in all members of the IS26 family.  相似文献   

DNA sequence at the integration sites of the insertion element IS1.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
M P Calos  L Johnsrud  J H Miller 《Cell》1978,13(3):411-418
We have detected two independent occurrences of insertion mutations in the lacl gene of E. Coli, and have used small plasmids carrying the l gene to purify large amounts of DNA containing these insertions. Analyses with restriction endonucleases and DNA sequencing techniques establish that both insertions involve the previously characterized element IS1. In each case, the integration of IS1 into the l gene DNA is associated with a directly repeated sequence of 9 nucleotides appearing at each end of the insertion element. Since one of these sequences was present in the wild-type gene, the second sequence either preexisted in the IS1 before integration, or else was generated by the process of insertion itself. The 9 base repeat is different in both cases. We discuss the relevance of these findings to the mechanism of integration of transposable elements.  相似文献   

IS911 naturally produces transposase (OrfAB) derivatives truncated at the C-terminal end (OrfAB-CTF) and devoid of the catalytic domain. A majority species, OrfAB*, was produced at higher levels at 42 degrees C than at 30 degrees C suggesting that it is at least partly responsible for the innate reduction in IS911 transposition activity at higher temperatures. An engineered equivalent of similar length, OrfAB[1-149], inhibited transposition activity in vivo or in vitro when produced along with full-length transposase. We isolated several point mutants showing higher activity than the wild-type IS911 at 42 degrees C. These fall into two regions of the transposase. One, located in the N-terminal segment of OrfAB, lies between or within two regions involved in protein multimerization. The other is located within the C-terminal catalytic domain. The N-terminal mutations resulted in reduced levels of OrfAB* while the C-terminal mutation alone appeared not to affect OrfAB* levels. Combination of N- and C-terminal mutations greatly reduced OrfAB* levels and transposition was concomitantly high even at 42 degrees C. The mechanism by which truncated transposase species are generated and how they intervene to reduce transposition activity is discussed. While transposition activity of these multiply mutated derivatives in vivo was resistant to temperature, the purified OrfAB derivatives retained an inherent temperature-sensitive phenotype in vitro. This clearly demonstrates that temperature sensitivity of IS911 transposition is a complex phenomenon with several mechanistic components. These results have important implications for the several other transposons and insertion sequences whose transposition has also been shown to be temperature-sensitive.  相似文献   

A series of plasmids carrying an IRL-kan-IRR transposable cassette, in which IRL and IRR are the left- and right-terminal sequences of IS91, have been constructed. These cassettes could be complemented for transposition with similar efficiency when IS91 transposase was provided either in cis or in trans. A total of 87% of IS91 transposition products were simple insertions of the element, while the remaining 13% were plasmid fusions and co-integrates. When transposase expression was induced from an upstream lac promoter, transposition frequency increased approximately 100-fold. An open reading frame (ORF) present upstream of the transposase gene, ORF121, could be involved in target selection, as mutations affecting this ORF were altered in their insertion specificity. Intramolecular rearrangements were analysed by looking at transposition events disrupting a chloramphenicol resistance gene (cat ) located outside the transposable cassette. Plasmid instability resulting from insertion of an extra copy of IRL-kan-IRR within the cat gene was observed; transposition products contained a second copy of the cassette inserted either as a direct or as an inverted repeat. No deletion or inversion of the intervening DNA was observed. These results could be explained as a consequence of intramolecular transposition of IS91 according to a model of rolling-circle transposition.  相似文献   

IS10 inserts preferentially into particular hotspots. We describe here mutations of IS10 transposase, called 'ATS' that confer Altered Target Specificity. These mutations yield a general relaxation in target specificity but do not affect other aspects of transposition. Thus, the preference for specific nucleotide sequences at the target site can be cleanly separated from other steps of the transposition reaction. Eleven ATS mutations identified in a genetic screen occur at only two codons in transposase, one in each of two regions of the protein previously implicated in target site interactions (Patch I and Patch II). Genetic analysis suggests that mutations at the two ATS codons affect the same specific function of transposase, thus raising the possibility that Patch I and Patch II interact. For wild-type IS10, insertion specificity is determined in part by a specific 6 bp consensus sequence and in part by the immediately adjacent sequence context of the target DNA. The ATS mutations do not qualitatively alter the hierarchy with which base pairs are recognized in the consensus sequence; instead, sites selected by ATS transposase exhibit a reduction in the degree to which certain base pairs are preferred over others. Models for the basis of this phenotype are discussed.  相似文献   

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