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【目的】本研究运用几何形态测量学方法对黄蜻Pantala flavescens Fabricius前翅和后翅的雌雄二态性进行分析,探讨黄蜻雌雄性在翅上的形态差异。【方法】通过对黄蜻的前翅和后翅做数字化标点,获得翅的形态信息。经主成分分析(PCA)和薄片样条法(TPS)获得雌雄性在翅型和翅脉上的差异性。【结果】PCA结果表明,黄蜻雌雄性的前翅和后翅在翅型、翅脉结构上存在着明显差异,而且后翅间的差异更大。经TPS分析可知,雌雄性黄蜻前翅上的差异部位主要发生在亚翅结和三角室,后翅的差异部位主要发生在亚翅结、肘脉域和臀角区域。对黄蜻前后翅的大小分析(CS)可知,雌性黄蜻前后翅较大,雄性黄蜻前后翅较小。【结论】黄蜻雌雄性间的翅型结构差异性表明雌雄性在其各自生活史中履行不同的职责,特定的飞行模式逐渐形成特定的翅型、翅脉结构。  相似文献   

【目的】多数甲虫飞行时鞘翅是张开的,但也有少数甲虫飞行时鞘翅几乎是闭合的(如大部分花金龟、一些蜣螂种类)。飞行时鞘翅闭合可以显著减小空气阻力,提升飞行速度,但限制了后翅关节骨片(腋片)的运动空间和受力状态。腋片在昆虫飞行时扮演动力输送枢纽的角色,前期研究发现腋片具有复杂的内部和外部形态结构,而该结构如此复杂的形态都受到了哪些因素的影响尚不明确,飞行时鞘翅开合行为与腋片的相关性如何还是空白。【方法】利用显微CT扫描10科6亚科共27种金龟子,利用计算机三维重建技术重建和分析了3个腋片[第1腋片(1st axillary, 1Ax)、第2腋片(2nd axillary, 2Ax)和第3腋片(3rd axillary, 3Ax)]的三维图像,其中17种的为鞘翅飞行张开种类,10种的为鞘翅飞行闭合种类,覆盖了金龟总科83%的科级阶元。【结果】飞行时鞘翅张开或闭合的金龟子3个腋片的形态特征均存在差异。较飞行时鞘翅张开的金龟子,飞行时鞘翅闭合的金龟1Ax的头部前端较后端收缩,颈部宽阔且中上部至中部隆起;2Ax的脊更宽阔,内、外叶位置不同;3Ax头部宽阔,内端顶角为锐角,尾部较短。同一类群腋片形态特...  相似文献   

白蚁的外部形态和分类系统   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
等翅目Isoptera(白蚁)在有翅昆虫亚纲进化的谱系中是属于一类比较原始的昆虫,与蜚蠊目Blattaria昆虫有比较密切的亲缘关系。 白蚁有翅成虫的头部形态、前后翅的等同、翅脉的复杂结构以及腹部的形态,都和低等的有翅昆虫或古代绝灭的昆虫相类似。但白蚁的生活习性和兵蚁的形态特征,在整个昆虫纲中是属于极为进化的一个类群。兵蚁的形态极为特化。双眼的退化、前后翅的  相似文献   

【目的】基于几何形态学方法定量分析库蠓亚属中3个近似种(刺螫库蠓Culicoides punctatus、灰黑库蠓Culicoides pulicaris和新替库蠓Culicoides newsteadi)翅的形态变化规律,以期进行准确鉴定。【方法】运用几何形态学标点(Landmark)对3种库蠓的翅进行量化分析,并结合主成分分析法(Principal component analysis,PCA)、典型变量分析法(Canonical variate analysis,CVA)、薄片样条(Thin-plate spline,TPS)及聚类分析法对3种库蠓翅进行分析比较,探讨其形态变异。【结果】3种库蠓的翅在翅型、翅脉结构上存在着显著差异,主要发生在径中横脉、径室区,以及翅基部和端部。【结论】几何形态学能够作为一种工具对蠓科昆虫进行种间关系及分类研究。  相似文献   

稻显纹纵卷叶螟的形态特征及其与稻纵卷叶螟的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】水稻纵卷叶螟是我国大部分水稻种植区中的一类重要害虫,主要包括稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis和稻显纹纵卷叶螟C.exigua。由于稻显纹纵卷叶螟的研究报道很少,加上形态特征和危害习性相似,稻纵卷叶螟和稻显纹纵卷叶螟常被混淆鉴定。本研究旨在明确快速准确地鉴定稻纵卷叶螟和稻显纹纵卷叶螟的形态特征。【方法】描述了稻显纹纵卷叶螟幼虫、蛹和成虫,以及稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的外部形态特征,解剖了稻显纹纵卷叶螟雌雄成虫的生殖系统,比较了稻显纹纵卷叶螟和稻纵卷叶螟幼虫和成虫的形态差异。【结果】稻显纹纵卷叶螟幼虫淡黄色,前胸、中后胸和腹部分别有骨片2,12和5个,分成1,3和2排;蛹末端有指状突起,其上着生8根毛;成虫前翅淡黄色,条带褐色,前缘横带宽,外缘纵带呈C形,内线和外线平行,中线达翅后缘;雄性睾丸金黄色,射精管和附腺长,贮精囊和输精管短,抱器瓣骨化弱,表面密被长毛,阳茎囊有两根骨刺;雌性卵巢短,侧、中输卵管长度相似,交配囊长。幼虫胸部的骨片颜色和中后胸骨片的排列方式,成虫翅颜色、条带的形状和长度及内线和外线的排列,抱器瓣的骨化程度和结构以及阳茎囊上的骨化物等可分别作为稻纵卷叶螟和稻显纹纵卷叶螟幼虫和成虫准确鉴别的依据。【结论】本研究结果保证了稻纵卷叶螟和稻显纹纵卷叶螟的准确鉴定,为稻纵卷叶螟的精准测报奠定了基础。  相似文献   

中国斑芫菁后翅形态比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉霞  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2007,50(4):429-434
选取中国斑芫菁属11个代表种,对比分析了它们的后翅形态特征; 以苹斑芫菁Mylabris calida Pallas, 1782为模式,探讨了斑芫菁属后翅的翅脉名称,并对其性状进行了描述。研究结果将斑芫菁属翅脉归纳为3种类型:1)南方型:东洋种,翅深褐色,各脉粗大,骨化程度高,皱褶多而明显;2)高原型:青藏高原特有种,翅乳白色,半透明,仅前缘和MP1+2形成明显的大翅室,余脉淡而不显,骨化程度低;3)北方型:为以上两种类型的中间过渡,古北种,翅褐色,各脉清晰,中度骨化。根据研究结果,初步探讨了斑芫菁属翅脉的形态进化。  相似文献   

昆虫翅脉特征自动获取技术的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫翅的形态特征是某些类群昆虫分类中的重要依据,怎样快速科学提取这些数据是昆虫数字鉴定技术中必须解决的重要问题之一。本文介绍了目前国内外这方面的进展,并介绍了DrawWing软件的详细功能。该软件能比较准确方便地提取昆虫翅轮廓和翅脉特征值,因此详细描述了其算法原理。利用该软件的DOS和Windows两种不同版本对意大利蜜蜂和昼鸣蝉的翅进行了其特征提取的实验研究,结果证明该软件可以成功提取蜜蜂翅脉特征值,但对昼鸣蝉翅处理尚存在问题。在此基础上,本文对昆虫翅脉特征自动获取技术乃至昆虫种类的计算机识别方法的进一步发展提出了讨论。  相似文献   

【目的】对目前存在争议的宽广蜡蝉属Pochazia和广翅蜡蝉属Ricania代表种的前翅形态特征进行研究,为这2个近缘属的属征厘定和种的合理归属提供更多信息。【方法】选取宽广蜡蝉属和广翅蜡蝉属共10种169头标本,每个标本前翅选取9个同源标点和前翅外轮廓(由60个半标点组成),采用主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)和典型变量分析(canonical variate analysis, CVA)方法,对前翅翅脉和翅轮廓进行量化分析,探讨这2个属的翅形变化规律。【结果】在对宽广蜡蝉属和广翅蜡蝉属10个代表种的前翅分析中,前3个主成分、典型变量分别能解释翅脉和翅轮廓74.945%和88.096%的变异,明确了CuA脉分叉点是变异度较高的位点,翅外缘、翅前缘和翅后缘端半部均有较高变异度;这2个属PCA中第1主成分方向上离散度高,印证了CuA脉分叉点、翅外缘、翅前缘和翅后缘端半部形状可作为属间分类依据;种间CVA中10个代表种聚集度良好,种间离散度较高,基于马氏距离显著性分析显示差异非常显著。【结论】几何形态学分析可用于宽广蜡蝉属和广翅蜡蝉属分类,但...  相似文献   

【目的】定量分析5种常见稻蝗属昆虫前后翅的形态变化规律。【方法】运用几何形态测量学方法对5种稻蝗雄性前、后翅进行量化分析,并结合主成分分析法(Principal component analysis,PCA)和薄片样条(Thin-plate spline,TPS)分析法探讨稻蝗前后翅的大小和形态变异。【结果】5种稻蝗前、后翅的大小和形态差异都比较显著,前、后翅的相似关系和5种稻蝗的系统发育关系一致。前翅差异的部位主要在缘前脉域、前缘脉域和臀脉域;后翅的差异主要在亚前缘脉域、前缘脉域及轭脉域。【结论】稻蝗前、后翅形态变化的几何形态测量学分析结果与稻蝗系统发育关系一致,可用于稻蝗属种的分类。稻蝗前、后翅发生变化的部位是其飞行时的受力部位,这些部位可以作为稻蝗物种分类特征。  相似文献   

【目的】产自缅甸北部胡康河谷的缅甸琥珀形成于白垩纪中期。其艺术价值很高,同时其内含物的生物多样性程度也很高,故其科学价值也不可估量。显微CT能够提供化石(琥珀)内部解剖结构的高分辨率断层图像,故该方法日渐成为目前琥珀研究中的常用方法之一。然而在可见光下可见的琥珀内的生物结构,在X射线下却有不同的结果,这与现生研究材料在显微CT下的表现非常不同。本研究对产自胡康河谷的9块缅甸琥珀进行显微CT检测,试图对这个特殊的现象进行较为系统的解读。【方法】利用数码相机(Nikon 5200D)拍摄琥珀照片,并用Helicon Focus 5.3软件合成。通过显微CT技术扫描琥珀和计算机断层重建技术重建出缅甸琥珀内含物的三维结构形态。【结果】显微CT检测结果主要分为3种:完全无衬度、部分结构有衬度和整体结构有较好衬度。本研究对有较好衬度的琥珀内含物进行了三维重建,展示了琥珀内含物的外部和内部三维结构。【结论】琥珀内含物的可见光成像和X射线成像不存在一一对应关系,其原因和琥珀保存的好坏以及琥珀的密度差、琥珀围岩之间的对比度差异有关。琥珀形成和埋藏过程中的物理和化学变化非常复杂,其机理的探究也更为复杂和困难,本文对这个现象的主要类型做了较为初步的阐述,后续研究需要更为全面的选样和更为严格的实验设计才能够最终解决这个埋藏学上的难题。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)虫龄鉴别特征, 达到快速鉴别的目的。【方法】在成像观察的基础上, 测定无翅型和有翅型个体不同虫龄的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长6项指标。【结果】麦长管蚜不同翅型个体的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长在虫龄间均存在显著差异, 其中体长、 体宽、 头壳宽和触角长在相邻虫龄之间重叠程度大, 后足胫节长的重叠百分比极小或无重叠; 除有翅型个体4龄若蚜和成蚜之间存在13.93%的重叠外, 腹管长在不同翅型的其他相邻虫龄之间重叠百分比均极小或无重叠, 说明后足胫节长和腹管长可作为虫龄鉴定的主要特征。翅、 触角和尾片的其他外部形态特征在虫龄间也存在一定差异: 3-4龄有翅型若蚜和成蚜虫个体前胸的膨大程度及其翅的长度明显大于同一龄期的无翅型个体, 可用于蚜虫翅型的分辨以及3-4龄有翅若蚜和成蚜的鉴别; 麦长管蚜1和2龄若蚜触角均为5节, 3-4龄若蚜和成蚜的触角均为6节; 同时, 除了成蚜具有完整的尾片外, 1-4龄若蚜尾片均不发达, 说明触角的节数和尾片的发达程度可作为麦长管蚜不同龄期形态鉴别的辅助特征。【结论】以腹管和后足胫节作为麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别的主要特征, 配合其他辅助特征, 如翅的大小、 触角的节数以及尾片的发达程度等, 可达到快速鉴别不同翅型不同龄期蚜虫的目的。  相似文献   

Despite the immense importance of the wing in the evolution and successful radiation of the insect lineages, the origin of this critical structure remains a hotly-debated mystery. Two possible tissues have been identified as an evolutionary origin of wings; the lateral expansion of the dorsal body wall (tergal edge) and structures related to an ancestral proximal leg segment (pleural tissues). Through studying wing-related tissues in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, we have previously presented evidence in support of a dual origin of insect wings, a third hypothesis proposing that wings evolved from a combination of both tergal and pleural tissues. One key finding came from the investigation of a Cephalothorax (Cx) mutant, in which the ectopic wing characteristic to this mutant was found to be formed from both tergal and pleural contributions. However, the degree of contribution of the two tissues to the wing remains elusive. Here, we took advantage of multiple Cx alleles available in Tribolium, and produced a variety of degrees and types of ectopic wing tissues in their prothoracic segments. Through detailed phenotypic scoring of the Cx phenotypes based on nine categories of mutant traits, along with comprehensive morphological analysis of the ectopic wing tissues, we found that (i) ectopic wing tissues can be formed at various locations in the prothorax, even internally, (ii) the lateral external ectopic wing tissues have tergal origin, while the internal and posterior external ectopic wing tissues appear to be of pleural origin, and (iii) the ectopic wing tissues of both tergal and pleural origin are capable of transforming into wing surface tissues. Collectively, these outcomes suggest that the evolutionary contribution of each tissue to a complete wing may be more complex than the simple binary view that is typically invoked by a dual origin model (i.e. the wing blade from the tergal contribution + musculature and articulation from the pleural contribution).  相似文献   

Abstract Homology of the wing base structure in the Odonata is highly controversial, and many different interpretations of homology have been proposed. In extreme cases, two independent origins of insect wings have been suggested, based on comparative morphology between the odonate and other pterygote wing bases. Difficulties in establishing homology of the wing base structures between Odonata and other Pterygota result mainly from their extreme differences in morphology and function. In the present paper, we establish homology of the wing base structures between Neoptera, Ephemeroptera and Odonata using highly conservative and unambiguously identifiable characters (the basal wing hinge and subcostal veins) as principal landmarks. Homology of the odonate wing base structure with those of Ephemeroptera and Neoptera can be identified reliably. Based on this interpretation, the ancestral condition of the insect wing base structure is discussed.  相似文献   

Insect wings are deformable structures that change shape passively and dynamically owing to inertial and aerodynamic forces during flight. It is still unclear how the three-dimensional and passive change of wing kinematics owing to inherent wing flexibility contributes to unsteady aerodynamics and energetics in insect flapping flight. Here, we perform a systematic fluid-structure interaction based analysis on the aerodynamic performance of a hovering hawkmoth, Manduca, with an integrated computational model of a hovering insect with rigid and flexible wings. Aerodynamic performance of flapping wings with passive deformation or prescribed deformation is evaluated in terms of aerodynamic force, power and efficiency. Our results reveal that wing flexibility can increase downwash in wake and hence aerodynamic force: first, a dynamic wing bending is observed, which delays the breakdown of leading edge vortex near the wing tip, responsible for augmenting the aerodynamic force-production; second, a combination of the dynamic change of wing bending and twist favourably modifies the wing kinematics in the distal area, which leads to the aerodynamic force enhancement immediately before stroke reversal. Moreover, an increase in hovering efficiency of the flexible wing is achieved as a result of the wing twist. An extensive study of wing stiffness effect on aerodynamic performance is further conducted through a tuning of Young's modulus and thickness, indicating that insect wing structures may be optimized not only in terms of aerodynamic performance but also dependent on many factors, such as the wing strength, the circulation capability of wing veins and the control of wing movements.  相似文献   

A detailed account of the structure of the axillary sclerites of the fore and the hind wings is given. In the fore wing the first axillary is less developed than the second. In the hind wing the second axillary is less developed than the first. The inverse relative development of the first and the second axillary sclerites in the fore and the hind wings has arisen in response to the different type of role they have to play in the two wings. The structure of axillaries reveals that their modifications are intimately associated with the efficient mechanism of flexion and extension of the wings.  相似文献   

The structure of insect wing articulation is considered as reliable source of high level characters for phylogenetic analyses. However, the correct identification of homologous structures among the main groups of Pterygota is a hotly debated issue. Therefore, the reconstruction of the wing bases in Paleozoic extinct relatives is of great interest, but at the same time it should be treated with extreme caution due to distortions caused by taphonomic effects. The present study is focused on the wing base in Dunbaria (Spilapteridae). The articulation in Dunbaria quinquefasciata is mainly formed by a prominent upright axillary plate while the humeral plate is markedly reduced. Due to unique preservation of surface relief of the axillary plate, its composition shows a detailed pattern of three fused axillary sclerites and presumable position of the sclerite 3Ax. The obtained structures were compared among Spilapteridae and to other palaeodictyopterans Ostrava nigra (Homoiopteridae) and Namuroningxia elegans (Namuroningxiidae). The comparative study uncovered two patterns of 3Ax in Dunbaria and Namuroningxia, which correspond to their different suprafamilial classification. In contrast to previous studies these new results reveal the homologous structural elements in the wing base between Paleozoic Palaeodictyoptera and their extant relatives of Ephemeroptera, Odonata and Neoptera.  相似文献   

【目的】探明莫高窟优势病害昆虫仿爱夜蛾Apopestes spectrum (Esper)成虫在模拟壁画表面的运动行为,以揭示壁画损坏过程及其机理。【方法】本研究依据古代敦煌壁画制作工艺制作模拟壁画。利用扫描电镜观察了仿爱夜蛾成虫爬行足跗节的微观形态,定量分析了成虫翅面鳞粉量及其对壁画的污染程度,观测动物运动行为并系统记录了病害昆虫在90°模拟壁画表面的运动行为特征,分析了仿爱夜蛾成虫运动参数与模拟壁画表面粗糙度间的关系。【结果】仿爱夜蛾成虫主要依靠胸足的侧爪、中垫、掣爪片和微刺的协调作用在壁画表面黏附和爬行,在90°模拟壁画表面依然具有很强的爬行能力。仿爱夜蛾成虫通过调整步态实现在不同粗糙度表面的稳定爬行,壁画粗糙度决定了其是否需要扇动翅膀,以增大在垂直壁画表面稳定爬行的前进动力。【结论】仿爱夜蛾成虫爬行时的爪部接触冲击和拍翅行为均易造成壁画损坏,对于带有起甲、酥碱等病害的脆弱质壁画危害的风险更大。  相似文献   

[目的]明确山西翅果油树Elaeagnus mollis上发生危害的3种鳞翅目害虫形态鉴定特征及生活史特性,并基于mtDNA COI基因DNA条形码对这3个种进行快速物种识别鉴定.[方法]通过观察山西翅果油树上3种鳞翅目害虫成虫外部形态和解剖拍照雌、雄性外生殖器特征,利用PCR扩增对待测样本COI基因DNA条形码序列进...  相似文献   

Biological tiny structures have been observed on many kinds of surfaces such as lotus leaves and insect wings,whichenhance the hydrophobicity of the natural surfaces and play a role of self-cleaning.We presented the fabrication technology of asuperhydrophobic surface using high energy ion beam.Artificial insect wings that mimic the morphology and the superhydrophobocityof cicada’s wings were successfully fabricated using argon and oxygen ion beam treatment on a polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)film.The wing structures were supported by carbon/epoxy fibers as artificial flexible veins that were bondedthrough an autoclave process.The morphology of the fabricated surface bears a strong resemblance to the wing surface of acicada,with contact angles greater than 160°,which could be sustained for more than two months.  相似文献   

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