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1. Starvation for 3 days produces a decrease in methaemoglobin-reductase and glutathione-reductase activities, but it does not alter the glucose 6-phosphate-dehydrogenase activity of the rat erythrocyte. 2. The feeding of a protein-free diet for 11 days causes greater changes in the first two enzymes and also a diminution of the third. Under this experimental condition slight decreases in protein and haemoglobin contents were noted. 3. The experimental animals did not show methaemoglobinaemia, probably because the activity of methaemoglobin diaphorase is preserved. 4. The GSH content was not affected but the stability of the tripeptide in the presence of an oxidizing agent was diminished.  相似文献   

The effect of complexation of irbesartan (IRB), a practically water-insoluble drug, with cyclodextrins in presence of different concentrations of water-soluble polymers (PEG 4000 and PVP K-90) on the dissolution rate of the drug has been investigated. Phase solubility studies were carried out to evaluate the solubilizing power of βCD in association with water-soluble polymers towards IRB and to determine the apparent stability constant (K S) of the complexes. Improvement in K S value for ternary complexes (IRB–βCD–polymers) clearly proved the benefit on the addition of water-soluble polymer to increase complexation efficiency. The dissolution rate of the drug from ternary systems containing PEG 4000 and PVP K-90 was higher as compared to the binary system. An optimum increase in the dissolution rate of the drug was observed at a polymer concentration of 5% w/w for PVP K-90 and 10% w/w for PEG 4000. DSC, FTIR, SEM, and XRD studies were carried out to characterize the complexes.  相似文献   

Methods were evaluated for obtaining a reliable, active estrogen synthetase (aromatase) system from the rat ovary for mechanistic studies. Short terrn treatment with luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in various combinations did not produce appreciable stimulation, whereas long term treatment (8–16 days) with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin increased activity in homogenates up to nine fold per mg wet wt of tissue. A similar increase per mg protein was noted in the 105,000g microsomal fraction where the bulk of the activity was found. Various conditions for preparing and incubating the aromatase were evaluated to obtain optimal enzyme activity. The potencies of six steroids as aromatase inhibitors were compared in the rat ovarian and human placental microsomal systems. In all cases except one the results were comparable.  相似文献   

By spectrofluorophotometric investigation on various kinds of Saké it was found that they have at least two kinds of fluorescent colors, the one is blue, the other yellowish green. The former is always more dominant than the latter, but is unstable although the intensities of both color decrease remarkably by treatment of active charcoal. Ferulic acid and harman as the blue fluorescent components are isolated, the former from Saké in young, the latter from Saké kept for a long time under direct sun light.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of environmental factors: temperature and photoperiod on the zooplankton predator–prey system. Rotifers, an important and cosmopolitan group of zooplankton in freshwater, were used in our study. We investigated the effect of temperature (20, 23, and 30°C) and of photoperiod (L:D = 12:0 and 0:12) on the predatory rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli consuming rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus as prey. Under A. brightwelli predation, populations of B. calyciflorus prey were consumed more slowly at 20 ± 1 and 30 ± 1°C as compared to 23 ± 1°C. Prey consumption by A. brightwelli increased from 0.63 ± 0.09 ind. predator−1 at 20°C to a peak of 1.22 ± 0.12 ind. predator−1 at 23°C, then decreased significantly to 0.93 ± 0.14 ind. predator−1 at 30 ± 1°C. In addition, predation responded to temperature changing sensitively and rapidly. Statistical analysis showed that the prey consumption were significant different under altered temperature periods during 12 h. Photoperiod also significantly influenced the rate of A. brighwelli predation. B. calyciflorus suffered less predation in darkness than in light. The rate of prey consumption in light (1.06 ind. predator−1) was twice the average of that in darkness (0.51 ind. predator−1). Furthermore, predation rate varied under changing photoperiod but predators moved back into the light did not resume their original consumption rate. Our results demonstrate that whether the predation in rotifer successfully or not is strongly influenced by temperature and photoperiod.  相似文献   

Summary Molecular mechanisms of thermoinactivation of the thermostable -amylase of Bacillus caldovelox were examined. Monomolecular conformational processes were found to be the major causes of thermoinactivation at both pH 4.5 and 8.0. The enzyme possessed considerable additional thermostability at pH 8.0, with half-lives of 0.75 and 7.0 min at 90° C and pH 4.5 and 8.0, respectively. The amino acid composition was examined with respect to the underlying thermostability exhibited by this enzyme. The inherent thermostability exhibited may be due to the high proline content (4.47 mol%), but more likely due to the high content of residues forming hydrophobic bonds (60.89 mol%) allied to a low content of residues responsible for ionic interactions (28.34 mol%). Offprint requests to: C. T. Kelly  相似文献   

In this study, the spectroscopic features and microscopical applications of the fluorescent daunomycin-Al3+ complex have been analyzed. In the presence of Al3+, the absorption spectrum of daunomycin showed a deep bathochromic shift and new peaks at 529 and 566nm, whereas the fluorescence emission was considerably modified. The emission of daunomycin alone (peak at 560nm under optimal excitation at 470nm) decreased continuously from 0.5 to 24h after addition of Al3+ ions, and a new emission peak appeared at 580nm (optimal excitation at 530nm). Under the fluorescence microscope using green exciting light, nuclei from chicken blood smears and paraffin sections of rat embryos stained with daunomycin showed a weak emission, which greatly increased after treatment with Al3+ ions. The bright and stable fluorescence of chromatin DNA induced by daunomycin-Al3+ could be a valuable labelling method in fluorescence microscopy and DNA cytochemistry.  相似文献   

1. Porphobilinogenase was isolated and purified from soya-bean callus tissue; its components, porphobilinogen deaminase and uroporphyrinogen isomerase, were separated and purified. 2. The purified porphobilinogenase was resolved into two bands on starch-gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of porphobilinogenase, deaminase and isomerase fractions were determined by the gel-filtration method. Porphobilinogenase activity was affected by the presence of air; uroporphyrinogens were only formed under anaerobic conditions, although substrate consumption was the same in the absence of oxygen as in its presence. 3. pH-dependence of both porphobilinogenase and deaminase was the same and a sharp optimum at pH 7.2 was obtained. Isomerase was heat-labile, but the presence of ammonium ions or porphobilinogen afforded some protection against inactivation. The action of several compounds added to the system was studied. Cysteine, thioglycollate, ammonium ions and hydroxylamine inhibited porphobilinogenase; certain concentrations of sodium and magnesium salts enhanced activity; some dicarboxylic acids and 2-methoxy-5-nitrotropone inhibited the deaminase. 4. delta-Aminolaevulate and ethionine in the culture media stimulated porphyrin synthesis and increased porphobilinogenase activity, whereas iron deficiency resulted in porphyrin accumulation. 5. The development of chlorophyll and porphobilinogenase on illumination of dark-grown callus was followed. 6. A hypothetical scheme is suggested for the enzymic synthesis of uroporphyrinogens from porphobilinogen.  相似文献   

Rat hepatic Galβ1 → 4GlcNAcα2 → 6 sialyltransferase is released into the blood at elevated levels following an inflammatory challenge: this is a typical response of the group of plasma proteins known as acute-phase reactants. In the present study, primary cultures of liver parenchymal cells are used to demonstrate that the same hepatic cell type that produces plasma proteins such as fibrinogen also produces and releases sialyltransferase. Hepatic production of sialyltransferase is stimulated by a major regulator of hepatic acute-phase reactant production, the hepatocyte-stimulating factor (HSF), while another monokine, interleukin-1, does not affect hepatocyte sialyltransferase production. The maximum increase in sialyltransferase occurs 48 h after exposure to HSF which is considerably later than the fibrinogen response. The sialyltransferase that is stimulated by HSF is the Galβ1 → 4GlcNAcα2 → 6 isozyme.  相似文献   

1. Studies on the incorporation of [3-14C]pyruvate and d-3-hydroxy[3-14C]butyrate into the brain lipid fraction by brain homogenates of the suckling (7-day-old) rat have been carried out. 2. Whereas approximately twice as much CO2 was evolved from pyruvate compared with 3-hydroxybutyrate metabolism, similar amounts of the radioactivity of these two precursors were incorporated into the lipid fraction. Furthermore, in both cases the incorporation into lipid was almost tripled when glucose (10mm) or NADPH (2.5mm) was added to the incubation media. 3. If 5mm-(—)-hydroxycitrate, an ATP–citrate lyase inhibitor, was added to the incubation the incorporation of carbon from pyruvate was inhibited to 39% of the control and from 3-hydroxybutyrate to 73% of the control, whereas CO2 production from both precursors was not affected. 4. The incorporation from pyruvate or 3-hydroxybutyrate into lipids was not affected by the presence of 10mm-glutamate in the medium (to encourage N-acetylaspartate production). However, incorporation from pyruvate was inhibited by 21% in the presence of 5mm-amino-oxyacetate (a transaminase inhibitor) and by 83% in the presence of both hydroxycitrate (5mm) and amino-oxyacetate. 5. Incorporation from 3-hydroxybutyrate into brain lipids was inhibited by 20% by amino-oxyacetate alone, but by 55% in the presence of both hydroxycitrate and amino-oxyacetate. 6. It is concluded that the mechanism of carbon transfer from pyruvate into lipids across the mitochondrial membrane in the suckling rat brain is mainly via citrate and N-acetylaspartate. 3-Hydroxybutyrate, in addition to using these routes, may also be incorporated via acetoacetate formation and transport to the cytosol.  相似文献   

The chemical constituents of the cell wall of Piricularia oryzae, the pathogenic fungus of rice blast disease, were studied with the aids of chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, infra-red absorption and enzymatic degradation. The sugar constituents were identified by chromatography as glucose (62%), mannose (4%), galactose (0.5%), and hexosamine (13%). The acidic amino acid rich protein was comprised 4.6% in the cell wall. The cell wall consists of at least three different polysaccharide complexes: a) α-Heteropolysaccharide protein complex containing mannose, glucose and galactose, b) β-1,3-Glucan containing β-1, 6-linked branch, c) Chitin like substance.  相似文献   

After incubation of testosterone with 105000g microsomes of human foetal liver, 6alpha-hydroxytestosterone was isolated and identified by t.l.c. and g.l.c.-mass spectrometry. This is the first example of 6alpha-hydroxylation of C(19) steroids in the human liver, and the finding is discussed in relation to earlier reports of 6-oxygenated C(19) and C(18) steroids in pregnant women.  相似文献   

A steroidal saponin has been isolated from the roots of Taccachanteraeri Andre', a folk medicine in Yunnan, which identified as diosgenin 3β-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)- O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-( 1 → 3 )-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 1 ) with stigmasterol (2) and daucosterin (3). Our studies support I. H. Burkill and A. Takhtajan's idea according to which Taccaceae would be the closest to Dioscoreaceae and be included in Liliales.  相似文献   

α-Galactosidase was isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces olivaceus and was partially purified by chromatography on a DEAE-sephadex column. The optimum pH of the preparation was found to be 5.2 for raffinose and the preparation was inactivated completely by maintaining it at 60°C for 15 minutes. p-Chloromercuribenzoate, HgCl2 and AgNO3 caused complete inhibition of the enzyme activity at 2 × 10?5 M concentration. The preparation showed transglycosylase activity. A sugar spot, chromatographically identical with that of stachyose, appeared in the digest of raffinose. However, the preparation hydrolyzed raffinose completely into galactose and sucrose after a prolonged incubation.

A simple raffinose estimation method was developed using the enzyme preparation, and it was found that the method allowed to estimate 125~500 μg of raffinose with an accuracy of ±5%. The method was applied to the estimation of raffinose in beet molasses.  相似文献   

Summary Studies have been made on the effects of an intramuscular injection of aminopterin on the crypts of Lieberkühn in rats. A decrease in the mitotic counts was accompanied by a rapid increase in the number of abnormal cells present in the epithelium of the crypt. Three hours after administration of the aminopterin, an almost complete absence of true metaphase chromosoms was found. By 24 hours, a partial return towards normal mitotic activity was observed but the number of abnormal cells present was still very high. It is suggested that the mitotic changes are in keeping with the conclusion of Grampa and Dustin (1952) of an arrest at interphase but that a secondary arrest at metaphase cannot be excluded.A morphological feature of some of the abnormal cells was the presence of a Feulgen positive granule in the cytoplasm, which by electron microscopy was also shown to contain many cytoplasmic constituents. It is suggested that material is lost from the nucleus and incorporated into a granule in the cytoplasm. A possible explanation of the purpose and function of the granule, as a means of disposing of unwanted or aberrant material, is put forward.Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Professor R. J. Brocklehurst for his continued interest and support of this work, and to the Stage II, B. Sc. students (1964) who counted the cells in many of the specimens as a laboratory exercise. My thanks are also due to Mr. J. Clements for technical assistance.  相似文献   

1. Chondromucoprotein from bovine nasal cartilage was purified by cetylpyridinium chloride or by bismuth nitrate in acetone. 2. Amino acid compositions of crude and purified preparations were compared and few differences were found, in spite of the decrease in protein content on purification. 3. Amino acid analysis of bismuth-purified material revealed the existence of four groups of amino acids. Within each group, the amino acids were present in approximately equimolar concentrations. 4. Amino end-group assay on the same material showed six alpha-DNP derivatives. 5. A molecular weight of 6.3x10(5) for the protein-polysaccharide complex was calculated from the latter analysis.  相似文献   

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