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温度与光周期是环境季节性变化的最直接表现因子及时间变化指示标志,对动物的形态、生理及行为产生重要的影响.本文以白头鹎为研究对象,探讨了不同温度与光周期对其体质量、能量收支和消化道形态的影响,分析了能量收支与消化道形态特征的关系.将28只白头鹎(12雄16雌)分为4组:暖温长光组(30℃,16 L8 D;3雄4雌)、暖温短光组(30 ℃,8 L16 D;3雄4雌)、低温长光组(10 ℃,16 L8 D;3雄4雌)和低温短光组(10 ℃,8 L16 D;3雄4雌).结果表明: 低温与短光照可促进白头鹎的体质量、摄入能及同化能明显增加,同时温度与光周期的交互作用对白头鹎的摄入能及同化能影响显著.低温条件下,胃、小肠、直肠及总消化道的湿质量及干质量明显增加.残差分析表明,小肠与总消化道的长度及干质量与摄入能和同化能显著相关.表明低温与短光照下白头鹎通过增加体质量、能量摄入和改变消化道形态来应对严酷的环境条件.  相似文献   

棕色田鼠消化道形态变化与能量需求的关系   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
为研究能量代谢与消化道形态结构变化及其某些生活史特征之间的关系,采用食物平衡法、耗氧量测定、形态测量和组织学方法,分别测定了雄性、非繁殖雌性及哺乳雌性棕色田鼠(Mirotus mandarinus)的摄食量、每日消化能、静止代谢率和胃肠器官长度、重量以及肠道各段管径和黏膜厚度。结果表明:哺乳雌鼠摄食量、每日消化能、静止代谢率高于非繁殖雌鼠和雄鼠,且消化道各器官有最大的重量、管径和黏膜厚度。由此可见,哺乳雌鼠能量需求增加,促使消化道形态结构进行一些有益的调节。棕色田鼠在哺乳期代谢率增加时,仅有消化道器官重量、黏膜厚度及小肠管径的明显变化,这可能与其哺乳期较长,胎仔数较少,生后生长缓慢等生活史特征有关。同时也说明在未受到十分严峻的能量胁迫的情况下,动物并不需付出昂贵的代价去增加消化器官的长度。  相似文献   

为探讨温度和光周期驯化对树麻雀消化道形态特征和能量预算的影响,以不同环境温度(5℃和25℃)、不同光周期(16L∶8D和8L∶16D)的4组树麻雀进行为期4周的人工气候箱驯化,并对驯化后的4组树麻雀消化道形态特征各指标以体质量为协变量,采用温度、光周期双因素协方差分析和组间进行单因素协方差分析及进行Tukey HSD比较。结果表明,温度降低或光周期缩短导致消化道长度极显著增加;反之,则缩短。温度显著影响消化道干组织质量;温度和光周期的交互作用对消化道净鲜质量和干组织质量的影响显著;总消化道和各器官的长度(直肠长度除外)、质量均存在明显的组间差异。可见,不同的温度或光周期可引起树麻雀消化道形态结构和功能能力相应的适应性变化,消化道各器官长度和质量的改变与其个体的摄能需求密切相关,消化道各器官功能能力和器官能耗之间高投资高收益的能量预算是个体适合度与环境压力之间能量预算的结果。  相似文献   

棉铃虫的能量收支   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在25℃下用人工饲料和自然食物饲养棉铃虫,分析通过虫体的能流。取食紫云英-麦胚人工饲料时,整个幼虫期摄入能量(Ⅰ)11,852焦耳,其中51.3%随排泄物排出体外(FU),22.2%被利用并转移到虫体组织内(Pg),0.5%被利用、但在蜕皮时又随头壳、表皮等脱离虫体(Pe),其余26%的能量被用于维持幼虫的生命活动并通过呼吸消失?。幼虫转化能量的毛生态效率(P/I)和净生态效率(P/A)分别是22.7%和46.6%。取食嫩棉叶/棉桃时,幼虫期摄入能量(Ⅰ)19,356焦耳,其中FU,Pg,Pe,R分别占35.3%,11.3%,0.5%和53.0%,P/I,P/A分别为11.7%和18.0%。 两组棉铃虫蛹和成虫期能量收支的差别不大,蛹—成虫期的能量转化效率在69—75%(雌)和64—69%(雄)左右。雌性成虫体内的能量约有40%(人工饲料组)—50%(自然饲料组)被用于繁衍后代。 同其它鳞翅目昆虫相比,人工饲料组棉铃虫幼虫对能量的转化效率属中等水平;棉花虽然是棉铃虫的自然寄主植物,但幼虫取食这种食物时对能量的转化效率相当低。  相似文献   

燕雀和麻雀代谢产热及消化道形态特征比较   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
于 2 0 0 3年 4~ 5月在黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市地区以 1 0只燕雀 (Fringillamontifringilla)和 9只麻雀(Passermontanus)的耗氧量、肝脏和肌肉的线粒体呼吸、肝脏和肌肉的细胞色素C氧化酶活性及消化道形态特征等为指标 ,探讨了燕雀和麻雀代谢产热及消化道形态的差异。燕雀的代谢率、肝脏和肌肉的线粒体呼吸及细胞色素C氧化酶活性均显著低于麻雀 ;而消化道总长度及小肠长度均明显高于麻雀。表明选择压力的不同塑造了燕雀和麻雀对环境的适应对策不同  相似文献   

实验探讨了建鲤和异育银鲫摄食低质和高质饲料时氮和能量的收支情况.低质饲料以豆粕为主要蛋白源,饲料蛋白含量为33.91%,高质饲料以鱼粉为主要蛋白源,饲料蛋白含量为45.59%.55d的生长结果显示,氮收支和能量收支受到饲料质量和鱼类种类的显著影响:摄食低质饲料时,建鲤的生长氮和生长能比例显著低于异育银鲫,排泄氮、排泄能和代谢能比例显著高于异育银鲫;摄食高质饲料时,两种鱼的氮收支和能量收支无显著差异;建鲤的氮收支和能量收支受饲料质量的显著影响,摄食低质饲料时,其生长氮和生长能比例均显著低于摄食高质饲料时,而排泄氮、粪能和代谢能比例均显著高于摄食高质饲料时;异育银鲫的氮收支、生长能和代谢能比例不受饲料质量的显著影响.结果表明,在低质饲料条件下,建鲤利用氮和能量的能力弱于异育银鲫,在高质饲料条件下,两种鱼没有显著差异.与异育银鲫相比,建鲤利用氮和能量的能力受饲料质量的影响更为显著.    相似文献   

黄羊消化道形态和结构的特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了51副黄羊消化道的形态结构特征。腮腺(g)占体重(kg)的比率为1.035,整个胃组织重占体重的比率为2.74%~2.89% , 瘤胃最大,占整个胃组织重量的72%~76%,其次是网胃(9%~10%)、皱胃(8%~10%)和瓣胃(5%~6%),除瘤胃与体重呈线性正相关外,其它3个分胃与体重呈线性负相关,瘤胃表面扩张系数(SEF)值为8.52,瘤胃粘膜乳突密度为89,整个肠道长度是体长的17.8倍,肠重占体重的比率为4.96%,从消化道的形态结构特征分析,黄羊属于混饲者。  相似文献   

虾池生态系能量收支和流动的初步分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
周一兵 《生态学报》2000,20(3):474-481
根据日本刺沙蚕作为动物性活饵在虾池食物链中的作用,对虾池生态系中的有机质收支,生物能量流动及其转化效率进行了分析。结果表明,虾池在养殖期间输入和合成的有机质能量为13725.14kJ/m^2,其中,初级产量为7523.82kJ/m^2,约占总输入的55%。有机质在养殖期间的支出量平均10359.38kJ/m^2,其中,生物呼吸7988.49kJ/m^2,占总支出的77%;对虾产量平均874.48k  相似文献   

田相利  董双林  吴立新  王芳 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2811-2817
对比研究了模拟自然昼夜温度变化节律的4个变温(22±2)、(25±2)、(28±2)和(31±2)℃与相应的恒温22、25、28和31℃下中国对虾(F ennerop enaeus ch inensis O sbeck)生长和能量收支的差异。结果表明,对虾在(22±2)℃、(25±2)℃和(28±2)℃变温条件下的生长率显著高于相应的恒温,但(31±2)℃与恒温31℃相比没有显著差异。与相应的恒温相比,(25±2)℃、(28±2)℃和(31±2)℃变温下对虾的摄食量显著增大,(22±2)℃、(25±2)℃和(28±2)℃变温下对虾的饵料转化率则显著提高。但变温下对虾对食物的消化率与相应的恒温相比没有显著差异。能量收支研究结果则发现,(22±2)℃、(25±2)℃和(28±2)℃变温下对虾摄食能中,用于生长的能量比例显著增加,而(31±2)℃与31℃相比则未见显著差异。从而表明,变温促长的主要机制可归因于变温下摄食量的增大、饵料转化率的提高及其摄食能中用于生长能比例的增加。  相似文献   

从氮收支和能量收支的角度比较了稚鳖对膨化饲料和粉状饲料的利用性能.实验结果表明,膨化饲料组干物质、蛋白质、脂肪和能量的消化率均显著高于粉状饲料组;膨化饲料组稚鳖氮收支和能量收支方程中各组分的数值都显著低于粉料组,但蛋白和能最贮积率高于粉料组,说明膨化处理提高了稚鳖对饲料的利用效率,但足摄食量受到了抑制,从而限制了稚鳖的生长性能.  相似文献   

Species delimitation in the Hwamei Garrulax canorus   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Due to the male's elaborate songs, the Hwamei Garrulax canorus is the most popular caged bird in the global Chinese community. Three allopatric Hwamei subspecies have been described: G. c. canorus in central and southern China and northern Indochina, G. c. owstoni from Hainan and G. c. taewanus from Taiwan. We sequenced the entire mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to reconstruct the molecular intraspecific phylogeny of the Hwamei. Molecular phylogenetic trees indicated that individuals of the three subspecies formed three monophyletic clades with high bootstrap support (> 95%). The basal clade was G. c. taewanus . According to a conventional molecular clock (2% divergence per million years), G. c. taewanus split from the other Hwamei taxa around 1.5 million years ago, and G. c. owstoni diverged from G. c. canorus around 0.6 million years ago. Considering the periodic connection between the Asian mainland and nearby continental islands during the glacial periods, habitat vicariance may have played a more important role than geographical vicariance in facilitating the differentiation of these taxa. Molecular diagnosability, population integrity, and concordance between the population ranges and the topology of the phylogenetic tree suggested that the Hwamei should be delimited into at least two full species: G. canorus and G. taewanus . Our work represents one of the first attempts to re-evaluate the intraspecific systematics for an eastern Asian bird species using molecular data.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic tetrarepeat (GATA)n, microsatellite loci were isolated from a babbler, Hwamei (Garrulax canorus canorus). We evaluated the polymorphism of these microsatellite loci by genotyping 36–48 individuals from the Asian mainland. The number of alleles for each locus ranged from eight to 29. The heterozygosity was between 0.587 and 0.978. Except for one locus, genotype frequencies of these microsatellites did not significantly deviate from the Hardy–Weinberg expectation. These markers should be useful for monitoring potential hybridization between different Hwamei subspecies and provide new insights into the mating system and geographical differentiation of these birds.  相似文献   

食物质量差异对树麻雀能量预算和消化道形态特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨志宏  邵淑丽 《生态学报》2011,31(14):3937-3946
为比较小型鸟类对不同食物的能量预算策略,本文对3组树麻雀(Passer monanus)进行2周的食物质量差异性驯化(Acclimation)。结果表明,相同和较低的生存压力下,树麻雀体重、体温、体脂含量和水分含量表现出显著的组间差异。高能食物组摄入能和可消化能增加极显著,消化率和同化率增加不显著,体内能量储备增加;低能食物组摄入能、可消化能、消化率和同化率降低极显著,体内能量储备消耗极显著。小肠和总消化道长度以及肝脏重量出现极显著的表型可塑性响应。体内能量储备增减的预算,能量摄入和能量转化器官的功能能力与自身能耗之间的预算,以及摄食低能食物时的节能预算都是树麻雀能量预算策略的重要组成部分。总之,树麻雀对不同含能食物采用不同的能量预算策略,器官水平的表型可塑性(phenotypic plasticity)响应是个体能值出现显著变化的基础,也是个体能量预算策略成功的关键。对不同食物采用不同的能量预算策略是树麻雀重要的生存对策。  相似文献   

Development of the digestive tract in larval summer flounder   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Histological changes of the digestive system and its associated glands, and structures of the jaw were studied in summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus from hatching (day 0) until day 44. Specimens for this study were hatched from artificially spawned broodstock and maintained in the laboratory (20 ± 1° C). During the first 3 days after hatching, the formation of the oral jaw apparatus, lengthening of the digestive tube, yolk resorption, and mucosae differentiation are the most conspicuous elements of development. The larval digestive system is morphologically ready to process external food at the time of mouth opening (3–4 days after hatching). Epithelial cells of the anteromedian and the posterior intestine show evidence of lipid and protein absorption, respectively, after first feeding. The most noticeable events occurring during the next month of independent life are an increase in mucosal folding, cellular differentiation in the luminal epithelia, gut segmentation and looping, and liver growth. Gastric glands and pyloric caeca appear by day 31 and complete the morphological digestive features characteristic of the juvenile stage.  相似文献   

美洲黑石斑鱼消化道的形态结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用解剖和光镜技术观察了美洲黑石斑鱼消化道的形态及组织学结构。消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃、肠构成。口咽腔较大,具颌齿、腭齿及犁齿;舌由基舌骨突出部分覆盖粘膜构成。食道、胃及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道粘膜层绒毛分柱状上皮区及扁平上皮区,扁平上皮区表面为杯状细胞层;食道粘膜下层中有食道腺。胃呈V形,由贲门部、胃体部及幽门部组成,胃壁粘膜层上皮为单层柱状上皮,胃腺位于贲门部与胃体部的固有层中。肠细长,呈S型,由前、中、后肠构成,粘膜层向肠腔突起形成肠绒毛,粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,上皮游离面有微绒毛密集排列而成的纹状缘,上皮中含有杯状细胞,且杯状细胞的数量从前向后呈递减趋势;肠长/体长约为1.6。胃与小肠相接处有3对指状幽门盲囊,幽门盲囊的组织学结构与肠相同。  相似文献   

Using 18 years of census data from permanent quadrats, we examined the interactions between spatially coexisting but temporally segregated winter and summer ephemeral plant communities in the Chihuahuan Desert. The ability of winter and summer annuals to achieve nearly complete temporal segregation by partitioning the bimodal annual rainfall permits the coexistence of a diverse flora of annual (and perennial) plants in this unproductive arid environment. Despite the differences in their biogeographical affinities and temporal segregation, long-term data indicated that at the scales of both the entire 20-ha study site and small 0.25-m2 sample quadrats, abundances of plants were never high in two successive growing seasons, suggesting a negative interaction between winter and summer annuals. We evaluate alternative hypotheses for this phenomenon. Received: 22 February 1996 / Accepted: 16 September 1996  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the thyrotropin (TSH) response to 500 microgram thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in summer and that in winter in ten healthy normal adults living in Supporo. The serum resin triiodothyronine (T3) uptake (RT3U), thyroxine (T4) and T3 levels were also measured. While the TSH response to TRH in summer was similar to that in winter, serum T3 concentration and free T3 index were significantly higher in winter than in summer, associated with the similar values in RT3U and T4 levels in serum. Independently measured 86 specimens (43 in summer and 43 in winter) from normal adults living in the same district also showed a significant increase in serum free T3 index as well as a slight elevation of serum T3 concentration in winter but not in serum T4 level. These results indicate that the primary change in cold winter would be the stimulation of peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 rather than the activation of hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis. The relevance of this interpretation was discussed.  相似文献   

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