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【目的】探究寄主颜色、挥发物在西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)寄主选择中的作用。【方法】采用叶碟法和Y型嗅觉仪法,测定了西花蓟马对4种寄主(黄花美人蕉、黄花槐、凤尾兰和夹竹桃)的颜色和挥发物的选择性。【结果】颜色选择中,西花蓟马最偏好夹竹桃的叶,黄花槐和黄花美人蕉的花;对叶、花总的偏好性次序为黄花美人蕉(花)、黄花槐(花)>凤尾兰(花)>黄花美人蕉(叶)、夹竹桃(叶)>黄花槐(叶)、凤尾兰(叶)、夹竹桃(花)。挥发物选择中,与空气对照时,西花蓟马都显著偏好寄主的叶和花;叶相互对照中,最为偏好黄花美人蕉和黄花槐;花相互对照中,最为偏好黄花美人蕉;叶与花对照时,西花蓟马对花的偏好性显著强于叶,其对寄主叶、花挥发物总的偏好性为黄花美人蕉(花)>黄花槐(花)>凤尾兰(花)>夹竹桃(花)>黄花美人蕉(叶)≥黄花槐(叶)、夹竹桃(叶)>凤尾兰(叶),与其对颜色的偏好性并不完全一致。【结论】寄主颜色和挥发物对西花蓟马的寄主选择有着重要影响,西花蓟马不仅对不同寄主的颜色和挥发物有不同偏好性,对寄主不同器官的颜色和挥发物也具有不同的偏好性。  相似文献   

西花蓟马对蔬菜寄主的选择性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郅军锐 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1720-1726
通过西花蓟马在田间不同蔬菜上的种群数量、在室内对不同蔬菜的自由选择和不同蔬菜对西花蓟马生长发育和繁殖的影响等方面,研究了西花蓟马对蔬菜寄主的选择性。结果表明西花蓟马在田间可危害24种蔬菜,但在不同蔬菜上种群数量差异很大,存在明显的寄主选择性,对黄瓜、四季豆、茄子、萝卜和香菜的嗜食度很高,为最适宜寄主,而对番茄、蒜、芹菜等11种蔬菜的嗜食度较低,为非适宜寄主。西花蓟马在室内的自由选择结果表明西花蓟马在7种不同蔬菜上着落的成虫数量和产卵量不同,其选择性为黄瓜>四季豆>茄子>莴苣>甘蓝>芹菜>蒜。不同蔬菜对西花蓟马的发育历期和产卵量有明显的影响,西花蓟马在黄瓜上发育最快,在四季豆上产卵量最高。西花蓟马对蔬菜寄主的选择性在田间的调查结果和室内实验结果基本一致。  相似文献   

【目的】西花蓟马是世界性害虫,利用西花蓟马对寄主植物嗜食性的差异,通过驱避作用防控西花蓟马,能够为绿色治理提供依据。【方法】在西花蓟马嗜食的甘蓝和非嗜食的大蒜上互喷汁液,采用黄瓜+甘蓝、黄瓜+大蒜2种相间种植方式,研究它们对西花蓟马寄主选择性的影响。【结果】在甘蓝上喷洒大蒜汁液后,甘蓝叶片上西花蓟马的虫量和产卵量均明显减少。大蒜汁液浓度越高,减少得越多;在大蒜上喷洒甘蓝汁液后,大蒜植株上西花蓟马的虫量和产卵量明显增加,且增加程度与甘蓝汁液的浓度呈正相关。黄瓜和甘蓝相间排列时,西花蓟马在黄瓜叶片上的数量与单作黄瓜叶片上无明显差异;但黄瓜和大蒜相间排列时,西花蓟马在黄瓜上的数量明显高于单作黄瓜上的虫数,多52.4%。【结论】在嗜食寄主植物上喷洒非嗜食植物汁液或间作非嗜食的寄主可以明显减少西花蓟马的选择性。研究结果为利用非嗜食植物挥发物防控西花蓟马提供了理论依据和新的方法。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae为害番茄后诱导的防御反应对西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis行为的影响。【方法】采用四臂嗅觉仪测定了西花蓟马对二斑叶螨不同密度和时间为害后番茄植株的选择行为,并用气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定了不同处理下番茄挥发物的成分,比较了它们的异同。【结果】西花蓟马对二斑叶螨不同为害株的选择率与为害时间和为害密度密切相关,并且西花蓟马对二斑叶螨为害程度居中的番茄喜好性强。10种不同处理番茄挥发性物质种类、含量及其比例在各处理间存在较大差异,二斑叶螨为害后诱导番茄新产生了香橙烯,并且在为害程度较高的番茄上检测到邻-异丙基苯、2-甲基-1-丁醇和(E)-2-己烯醛3种化合物。结合嗅觉仪的结果,推测间伞花烃和邻-异丙基苯对西花蓟马具有一定的驱避作用,对伞花烃和1-辛烯-3-醇对西花蓟马具有一定的引诱作用。【结论】西花蓟马对二斑叶螨为害程度居中的番茄植株有一定的偏好,二斑叶螨为害能诱导番茄挥发物种类和含量的变化,并且与螨害的密度和时间有关。  相似文献   

几种杀虫剂对西花蓟马的室内毒力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用浸渍法进行了7种杀虫剂对西花蓟马成虫和若虫的室内毒力测定。结果表明,多杀霉素(48 h)、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐(48 h)、阿维菌素(48 h)、辛硫磷(24 h)对西花蓟马成虫的LC50值为0.0544-3.1573 mg.L-1,对西花蓟马若虫的LC50值为0.0219-1.0905 mg.L-1,是防治西花蓟马的较好药剂。  相似文献   

采用浸叶法比较了外来入侵物种西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)与本地物种烟蓟马Thrips tabaci Lindeman对辛硫磷、毒死蜱、高效氯氰菊酯、多杀霉素、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和阿维菌素6种杀虫剂的敏感性。结果显示:西花蓟马对辛硫磷、毒死蜱和多杀霉素的敏感性均比烟蓟马明显要高,而高效氯氰菊酯和阿维菌素对烟蓟马则具有较高的毒力。多杀霉素对西花蓟马和烟蓟马的防治效果最好,在药剂浓度为0.5mg/L时,2种蓟马的校正死亡率均超过90%。  相似文献   

西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)是世界性的大害虫,对温室中蔬菜花卉造成巨大的危害。20世纪70年代后在世界范围内广泛而迅速地传播蔓延,近年入侵中国。西花蓟马对农药产生了广泛的抗性,使得生物防治一直作为其综合治理中的主导措施。本文综述了世界上西花蓟马生物防治的现状,以期为中国西花蓟马的治理提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本试验研究并比较了外来入侵物种西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)与本地物种烟蓟马Thrips tabaci Lindeman的生物学特性,包括种群增长速度、发育历期、成虫寿命、孤雌生殖方式下的产卵量以及产卵规律等几个方面。结果显示,当以相同的数量在紫甘蓝上饲养时,只经过3代,烟蓟马的种群数量就可以达到西花蓟马的3倍,随后对2种蓟马种群的性别比进行了鉴定后发现,西花蓟马种群的雌雄比为2.8∶1,而烟蓟马种群中的所有个体均为雌性。除了2龄若虫期和预蛹期之外,烟蓟马在紫甘蓝上的发育历期明显长于西花蓟马,而其雌虫的平均寿命显著短于西花蓟马雌虫,分别是24.94d和43.35d。进行孤雌生殖时,西花蓟马的终生产卵量明显多于烟蓟马,但是在日均产卵量方面,这一情况却相反。  相似文献   

西花蓟马在6种蔬菜寄主上的实验种群生命表   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹宇  郅军锐  孔译贤 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1249-1256
自西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis传入我国后,该虫对蔬菜寄主的危害趋于严重,组建了25℃条件下,西花蓟马在黄瓜、甘蓝、莴苣、茄子、芹菜和大蒜叶片的实验种群生命表,以研究西花蓟马的危害差异性,为西花蓟马的防治提供基础数据。结果表明西花蓟马的生长发育、繁殖和生命表参数等在不同寄主之间有明显差异。西花蓟马在黄瓜上发育最快,其未成熟期为11.43 d,同时在黄瓜上最先开始产卵,产卵前期为1.22 d,在芹菜上发育最慢,为16.11 d。其每雌每天在甘蓝上和莴苣上产卵量最大,分别为2.88粒和2.48粒,在大蒜上最小,为0.77粒;每雌每天产雌率、子代雌性比在甘蓝和莴苣上都大于其他寄主。雌虫寿命在甘蓝上最长(29.06 d)、雄虫寿命在莴苣上最长(13.22 d)。西花蓟马在黄瓜、莴苣、茄子、甘蓝、芹菜和大蒜上的内禀增长力rm值分别为0.1318、0.1228、0.1154、0.1197、0.0860和0.0791;净增殖率R0分别为19.1248、30.8523、17.9322、34.5322、8.9491和8.3536。种群趋势预测指数(I)在甘蓝(34.17)、莴苣(30.09)上明显高于其它寄主,在芹菜(8.00)和大蒜(8.22)上最低。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观测了西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)若虫、伪蛹及成虫触角上的感器类型、分布及其超微结构。结果表明,西花蓟马3种虫态触角上共存在4种感器,即毛形感器、锥形感器、U形感器和刺形感器。其中锥形感器分6种亚型,刺形感器分3种亚型;若虫、蛹及成虫在触角长度、节数、感器数量及类型等方面均有很大差异,其中蛹的感器类型及数量最少,若虫次之,成虫最多,U形感器仅见于成虫触角上等。此外,发现触角长度、触角末端、L锥形感器及刺形感器在雌雄之间存在差异,其它感器在雌、雄西花蓟马触角上的分布和数量无明显区别。  相似文献   

西花蓟马FranklinieUa occidentalis(Pergande)是一种危险性外来人侵害虫,虫体小,鉴定困难.本文总结了国内外西花蓟马分类鉴定方法的研究进展,包括形态学鉴别、分子生物学方法以及基于表皮碳氢化合物分析的生化分类方法,并讨论了各种分类方法的优势和弊端,最后对西花蓟马的分类研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Fifty-one pesticides currently registered for use in the UK were tested in the laboratory against Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) maintained on chrysanthemum leaf discs. In an initial screening trial of the pesticides against larval thrips, 14 caused more than 75% mortality three days after exposure. These were tested further against adults and pupae and retested against larvae. A series of glasshouse trials were conducted using the most efficacious pesticides evaluated earlier. Granular and systemic compounds were included in the glasshouse trials since these could not be evaluated satisfactorily in the laboratory. Malathion proved to be the most potent chemical currently registered for control of thrips on a wide range of horticultural crops.  相似文献   

The spread of the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract 1 Since the late 1970s, the western flower thrips has spread from its original distribution in western North America to become a major worldwide crop pest. 2 A wide range of data sources have been used to map the original distribution in the U.S.A. and Canada, and the progress of the spread in the U.S.A., Canada, Europe, northern Africa and Australia. 3 The possible reasons for the start of the spread are discussed. The most likely reason is that intensive insecticide use in horticulture in the 1970s and 1980s selected an insecticide resistant strain or strains. These then established in glasshouses across North America and spread from there to Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. 4 The international spread of the western flower thrips occurred predominantly by the movement of horticultural material, such as cuttings, seedlings and potted plants. Within Europe, an outward spread from the original outbreak in the Netherlands is discernible. The speed of spread was 229 ± 20 km/year. 5 The spread has not been restricted to glasshouses. The western flower thrips has established outdoors in areas with milder winters; for example, across the southern U.S.A., southern Europe and Australia. It also overwinters in some regions with colder winters. 6 Polyphagous phytophagous thrips have many factors predisposing them to become worldwide crop pests, particularly in glasshouses. Some other species that might spread in a similar way to the western flower thrips are listed.  相似文献   

The stability of spinosad resistance in western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), populations with differing initial frequencies of resistance was studied in laboratory conditions. The stability of resistance was assessed in bimonthly residual bioassays in five populations with initial frequencies of 100, 75, 50, 25 and 0% of resistant individuals. There were no consistent changes in susceptibility of the susceptible strain after eight months without insecticide pressure. In the resistant strain, very highly resistant to spinosad (RF50>23,000-fold), resistance was maintained up to eight months without further exposure to spinosad. In the absence of any immigration of susceptible genes into the population, resistance was stable. In the case of the population with different initial frequency of resistant thrips, spinosad resistance declined significantly two months later in the absence of selection pressure. With successive generations, these strains did not change significantly in sensitivity. Spinosad resistance in F. occidentalis declined significantly in the absence of selection pressure and the presence of susceptible WFT. These results suggest that spinosad resistance probably is unstable under field conditions, primarily due to the immigration of susceptible WFT. Factors influencing stability or reversion of spinosad resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) develops from an active larval stage through to a non-feeding, almost immobile, pre-pupal and pupal stage. This generally occurs in the compost or soil below the plant on which the larvae fed. Control of thrips at this stage in their development offers a chance of utilising pathogens or pesticides not suitable for use in an integrated control programme aimed at adult and larval stages. Trials were done with F. occidentalis pupae and pre-pupae in a soil/peat based compost using 11 pesticides, three fungal pathogens and four species of insect parasitic nematodes. The pesticides malathion and chlorpyrifos-methyl gave the most promising result with 97.5% and 96.5% control, respectively. The fungal pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae proved better when applied as a pre-pupation rather than as a post-pupation treatment (74.5% : 26.6% control). The insect parasitic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae gave 76.6% control when applied at 25 times 104 nematodes litre-1 of compost. The results are discussed in relation to control of thrips in glasshouses.  相似文献   

为明确西花蓟马对辛硫磷的抗性风险,研究了西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群对其他杀虫剂的交互抗性及其对辛硫磷的抗性机制.交互抗性测定结果表明,西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群对辛硫磷与毒死蜱、高效氯氟氰菊酯和灭多威存在中等水平的交互抗性,对溴虫腈、吡虫啉、甲维盐和多杀菌素存在低水平交互抗性,对啶虫脒和阿维菌素不存在交互抗性.酶抑制剂与辛硫磷的增效剂测定结果表明,胡椒基丁醚(PBO)、三丁基三硫磷酸酯(DEF)和磷酸三苯酯(TPP)对西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群(XK)、田间种群(BJ)和敏感种群(S)均起到了显著的增效作用(P<0.05),马来酸二乙酯对西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群和敏感种群增效作用均不显著,但对田间种群增效作用显著(P<0.05).生化测定发现:除田间种群西花蓟马乙酰胆碱酯酶活性提高不显著外,西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群和田间种群的细胞色素P450含量(2.79和1.48倍)、细胞色素b5含量(2.88和1.88倍)及O-脱甲基酶活性(2.60和1.68倍)、羧酸酯酶活性(2.02和1.61倍)和乙酰胆碱酯酶活性(3.10倍)均显著高于敏感种群(P<0.05);谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶酶活性也有一定程度提高(1.11和1.20倍),但不显著(P>0.05).表明其体内解毒代谢酶和靶标酶活性提高是西花蓟马对辛硫磷产生抗性的重要原因.  相似文献   

All life stages of the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande) were tested for their response to the fumigant methyl bromide and dose response curves were established. Pseudo-pupae were the most tolerant stage with a calculated LD99 of 53.1 mg litre“1 h at 15oC with a gas concentration of 13.5 mg litre”1, but no survivors were found in any test above a concentration time product of 40 mg litre“1 h. Standard 4 h fumigations achieving a CTP of 54 mg litre”1 h that are used to control other pests are therefore likely to give very high levels of control of western flower thrips.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):581-585
The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, is the most economically important agronomic pest within Thysanoptera because it is both a direct pest of horticulture crops and an efficient vector of plant viruses. Sixty-seven polymorphic SSR loci were identified in the contigs (containing redundant ESTs) generated by assembling 13,839 F. occidentalis ESTs from the public sequence database. Nineteen SSR markers exhibited polymorphism among 860 samples from 43 F. occidentalis populations, with alleles per SSR marker ranging from two to eight, the effective number of alleles (Ne) range from 0.73 to 2.64; the observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities ranged from 0.09 to 0.77 and 0.12 to 0.96, respectively. The PIC values were from 0.24 to 0.73. AMOVA revealed most genetic variation resided within, rather than between, greenhouse and field isolates. The Mantel test showed no significant differences between genetic and geographical distances. We demonstrated the value of mining the redundant sequences in public sequence databases for the development of polymorphic SSR markers, which can be used for better understanding population variation and spreading of the invasive pest F. occidentalis.  相似文献   

Abstract  Chemical control of western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis requires three consecutive applications of the same pesticide, 3–6 days apart. Initially, pesticides recommended for western flower thrips control were based on established maximum residue limits (MRLs) from previously established use on pests other than F. occidentalis , rather than product efficacy against F. occidentalis . Moreover, MRLs were based on a single application rather than three consecutive sprays. Chemical residues associated with the three-spray strategy were not quantified. Here those residues are quantified and the scope for rate increases is further tested, as laboratory bioassays suggest that some current permit rates may be too low to be effective. At established withholding periods (WHPs), current permit rate applications of abamectin (0.018 g/L) on strawberry and tomato, and methidathion (0.5 g/L) and endosulfan (0.666 g/L) on lettuce produced residues above the current Australian MRL. Results indicated that a higher than the current permit rate for endosulfan (2.0 g/L) could be sustained on cucumber and strawberry at established WHPs, but would require an extension to the current WHP. Similarly, a modest increase in methidathion (1.0 g/L) rate on tomato could be practical, again with a WHP extension. In each instance additional supporting data are required to accurately quantify the proposed WHP extensions.  相似文献   

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