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Theory predicts trade‐offs between pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexually selected traits. This relationship may be mediated by the degree to which males are able to monopolize access to females, as this will place an upper limit on the strength of post‐copulatory selection. Furthermore, traits that aid in mate monopolization may be costly to maintain and may limit investment in post‐copulatory traits, such as sperm performance. Australian painted dragons are polymorphic for the presence or absence of a yellow gular patch (‘bibs’), which may aid them to monopolize access to females. Previous work has shown that there are physiological costs of carrying this bib (greater loss of body condition in the wild). Here, we show that male painted dragons use this bright yellow bib as both an inter‐ and intrasexual signal, and we assess whether this signal is traded off against sperm performance within the same individuals. We found no relationship between aspects of bib colour and sperm swimming velocity or percentage of motile sperm and suggest that the bib polymorphism may be maintained by complex interactions between physiological or life‐history traits including other sperm or ejaculate traits and environmental influences.  相似文献   

We isolated eight polymorphic microsatellite markers from the painted dragon, Ctenophorus pictus, from a genomic library simultaneously enriched for a suite of di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeat units. Genetic variation was assessed in 40 individuals from populations in Victoria and South Australia. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four to 45 with observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.23 to 0.95. These markers will be useful for studies of natural and sexual selection and the effects of habitat fragmentation in semiarid Australia.  相似文献   

The steroid environment encountered by developing vertebrates has important organizational effects on physiology and behaviour that persist throughout an organism's lifetime. Optimal allocation of maternal steroids to zygotes may be difficult to achieve because of the sexually antagonistic effects of steroids; thus, for example, a hormone environment beneficial to a developing male may be much less beneficial to a developing female. Research into the important topic of how mothers might adaptively adjust steroid titres experienced by particular young has been constrained by the difficulty of measuring the steroid environment experienced by the embryo at critical times in development. A potential approach to this problem has been suggested by research on variation in digit ratios in humans, where the ratio of the length of the second and fourth digits reflects the steroid environment experienced by the foetus; notably, digit 4 lengthens in response to androgens. In light of the conservative nature of homeobox genes regulating early development in tetrapods, we questioned whether a sex difference in digit ratio exists in a passerine bird, the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata castanotis, and whether observed variation in the ratio is consistent with the previously reported pattern that androgen allocation to zebra finch egg yolk declines across laying order. We established an aviary population of outbred, wild-type zebra finches, and allowed them to breed freely. Hatchlings were marked to correspond to their egg order, and their digit ratios were measured after birds reached adulthood. We found that digit ratio increased across egg order, which is consistent with a pattern of decreasing androgen allocation. Moreover, digit ratios differed between the sexes. We also investigated whether variation in digit ratio among adult females predicted variation in their performance in mate-choice tests. Digit ratio accounted for almost 50% of the variance in strength of female preference for an attractive male trait: specifically, females with higher (presumably less 'androgenized') ratios had stronger preferences for attractive males. Digit ratio may prove to be an extremely useful tool for addressing a wide range of questions about vertebrate differentiation and behaviour.  相似文献   

When groups of individuals differ in activities that may influence the production of reactive molecules, such as superoxide, we expect selection to result in congruent upregulation of antioxidant production in the group(s) most at risk of suffering concomitant erosion of essential tissue and biomolecules, such as DNA. We investigate this in a (near) annual lizard species, the Australian painted dragon (Ctenophorus pictus), in which males and females have fundamentally different lifestyles, with males being overtly conspicuous and aggressive, whereas females are placid and camouflaged. When kept in identical conditions to females in captivity, males had higher levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) through the activity season, which is consistent with selection for a higher capacity of superoxide antioxidation and a lower level of DNA damage than females. Males, however, lacked the clear negative, linear relationship between SOD and DNA erosion observed in females, suggesting that female upregulation of SOD results in a more predictable antioxidation and a more immediate target for selection. Lastly, we analysed aspects of female reproduction from a DNA erosion perspective. Females closer to ovulation, hence with less remaining, circulating vitellogenin, had higher superoxide levels. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis showed that females that produced more clutches over time suffered more DNA erosion, whereas females with higher SOD levels suffered less DNA erosion.  相似文献   

DL Field  SC Barrett 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(15):3640-3643
Since Darwin's pioneering research on plant reproductive biology (e.g. Darwin 1877), understanding the mechanisms maintaining the diverse sexual strategies of plants has remained an important challenge for evolutionary biologists. In some species, populations are sexually polymorphic and contain two or more mating morphs (sex phenotypes). Differences in morphology or phenology among the morphs influence patterns of non-random mating. In these populations, negative frequency-dependent selection arising from disassortative (intermorph) mating is usually required for the evolutionary maintenance of sexual polymorphism, but few studies have demonstrated the required patterns of non-random mating. In the current issue of Molecular Ecology, Shang et al. (2012) make an important contribution to our understanding of how disassortative mating influences sex phenotype ratios in Acer pictum subsp. mono (painted maple), a heterodichogamous, deciduous tree of eastern China. They monitored sex expression in 97 adults and used paternity analysis of open-pollinated seed to examine disassortative mating among three sex phenotypes. Using a deterministic 'pollen transfer' model, Shang et al. present convincing evidence that differences in the degree of disassortative mating in progeny arrays of the sex phenotypes can explain their uneven frequencies in the adult population. This study provides a useful example of how the deployment of genetic markers, demographic monitoring and modelling can be integrated to investigate the maintenance of sexual diversity in plants.  相似文献   

Chai XJ  Jacobs LF 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32816
The relative length of the second-to-fourth digits (2D:4D) has been linked with prenatal androgen in humans. The 2D:4D is sexually dimorphic, with lower values in males than females, and appears to correlate with diverse measures of behavior. However, the relationship between digit ratio and cognition, and spatial cognition in particular, has produced mixed results. In the present study, we hypothesized that spatial tasks separating cue conditions that either favored female or male strategies would examine this structure-function correlation with greater precision. Previous work suggests that males are better in the use of directional cues than females. In the present study, participants learned a target location in a virtual landscape environment, in conditions that contained either all directional (i.e., distant or compass bearing) cues, or all positional (i.e., local, small objects) cues. After a short delay, participants navigated back to the target location from a novel starting location. Males had higher accuracy in initial search direction than females in environments with all directional cues. Lower digit ratio was correlated with higher accuracy of initial search direction in females in environments with all directional cues. Mental rotation scores did not correlate with digit ratio in either males or females. These results demonstrate for the first time that a sex difference in the use of directional cues, i.e., the sense of direction, is associated with more male-like digit ratio.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that male faces with extreme features associated with testosterone are perceived as dominant and masculine. Women have been reported to prefer more masculinized male faces as they may consider testosterone markers to be an 'honest' indication of good health, and such considerations may underlie their aesthetic preferences. However, pronounced testosterone facial markers are also associated with dominance, and several negative personality traits. This suggests that female aesthetic preferences may be an adaptive compromise between positive attributes associated with higher than average testosterone, and negative attributes associated with more extreme masculinization. This current study attempts to clarify the role of hormone markers in female perceptions of dominance, masculinity and attractiveness, in male facial images. Recent evidence suggests that the relative length of the 2nd to 4th finger (2D : 4D ratio) is a pointer to prenatal testosterone levels and may thus serve as a window to the prenatal hormonal environment. We measured 2D : 4D in a sample of male college students and took salivary samples to analyse circulating levels of testosterone. Women rated facial images of these males for dominance, masculinity and attractiveness. Our results show that male 2D : 4D was significantly negatively related to perceived dominance and masculinity but not attractiveness. Circulating testosterone levels were not related to dominance, masculinity or attractiveness. These findings suggest that: (i) high prenatal levels of testosterone serve to 'organize' male facial features to subsequently reflect dominance and masculine characteristics presumably activated during puberty; and (ii) attractiveness is not directly related to testosterone levels. We conclude that facial dominance and masculinity reflect a male's perceived status rather than his physical attraction to women.  相似文献   

The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is a sexually dimorphic somatic trait and has been proposed as a biomarker for the organizational, i.e., permanent, effects of prenatal testosterone on the human brain. Accordingly, recent research has related 2D:4D to a variety of sex-dependent, hormonally influenced traits and phenotypes. The geographical variation in typical 2D:4D is marked and presently poorly understood. This study presents the first investigation into the 2D:4D ratio in a Baltic country. A contemporary sample of 109 Lithuanian men and women was compared with data from a historical sample of 100 Lithuanian men and women, collected and published in the 1880s and rediscovered only now. The findings included the following lines of evidence: (i) seen in an international perspective, the average 2D:4D in Lithuania is low; (ii) there was a sex difference in 2D:4D in the expected direction in both samples; (iii) a previously adduced hypothesis of an association of lighter eye and hair color with higher, i.e., more feminized, 2D:4D received no support in both samples; and (iv) the average 2D:4D in the contemporary sample was higher than in the historical sample. In view of a hypothesized increase in 2D:4D in modern populations, owing to increased environmental levels of endocrine disruptors such as xenoestrogens, this latter finding appears to be of particular notice. However, because finger-length measurement methods differed across the samples, it cannot be safely ruled out that the apparent time trend in Lithuanian 2D:4D in truth is an artifact. The puzzling geographical pattern seen in the 2D:4D ratio and the question of possible time trends therein deserve further investigations.  相似文献   

Here, we review the recently burgeoning literature on color polymorphisms, seeking to integrate studies of the maintenance of genetic variation and the evolution of reproductive isolation. Our survey reveals that several mechanisms, some operating between populations and others within them, can contribute to both color polymorphism persistence and speciation. As expected, divergent selection clearly can couple with gene flow to maintain color polymorphism and mediate speciation. More surprisingly, recent evidence suggests that diverse forms of within-population sexual selection can generate negative frequency dependence and initiate reproductive isolation. These findings deserve additional study, particularly concerning the roles of heterogeneous visual environments and correlational selection. Finally, comparative studies and more comprehensive approaches are required to elucidate when color polymorphism evolves, persists, or leads to speciation.  相似文献   

A biased operational sex ratio (OSR) can have multiple, confounding effects on reproductive fitness. A biased OSR can increase harassment and mating activity directed towards potential mates but may also increase the ability of potential mates to choose a good partner if lower quality mates are screened out through competitive interactions. Additionally, a biased OSR may affect reproductive fitness through changes in male ejaculate content or in female reproductive response. We quantified how a male-biased OSR (1:1, 2:1, or 5:1 male to female) affected the size of a female??s first egg clutch and her offspring??s survivorship in the housefly, Musca domestica. A male-biased OSR increased female fitness: females laid more eggs in their first clutch, had increased offspring survivorship at a 2:1 versus 1:1 OSR, and had equivalent fitness with a 5:1 male to female OSR. Courtship activity increased when the OSR was male-biased but was not a significant predictor of female fitness. Trials where females chose their mates versus trials where a random male was chosen for them had equivalent first clutch sizes and offspring survivorship. These results suggest that there are cryptic effects from a male-biased OSR on female fitness that are most likely driven by pre-copulatory social environment.  相似文献   

Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill (Heteroptera, Coreidae) is uniqueamong terrestrial insects in that females glue eggs on the backsof other conspecifics. Egg carrying byP. laciniatamales haspreviously been considered as paternal care. We explored femaleoviposition with respect to previous mating experience of femalesand tested whether sex ratio affects male egg-carrying. Thehypothesis that male egg-carrying is a form of paternal carepredicts that a male should always accept eggs after matingwith a female. However, if male egg-carrying is a form of postcopulatorymate guarding rather than paternal care, egg carrying shouldincrease in the presence of other males. When two couples wereplaced together, females laid eggs on the backs of all individualsenclosed, including the backs of other females. However, whena female was accompanied by 2 males, 22 out of 26 females ovipositedon their mating partner. Thus, sexual competition rather thanpaternity alone, affects a male's eagerness to carry eggs. However,even if males sometimes carry their own eggs, females lay eggson the backs of all conspecifics they can easily acquire. Thus,egg carrying in P. laciniata is partially voluntary and partiallythe result of female egg dumping  相似文献   

Coevolutionary arms races are a potent force in evolution, and brood parasite-host dynamics provide classical examples. Different host-races of the common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, lay eggs in the nests of other species, leaving all parental care to hosts. Cuckoo eggs often (but not always) appear to match remarkably the color and pattern of host eggs, thus reducing detection by hosts. However, most studies of egg mimicry focus on human assessments or reflectance spectra, which fail to account for avian vision. Here, we use discrimination and tetrachromatic color space modeling of bird vision to quantify egg background and spot color mimicry in the common cuckoo and 11 of its principal hosts, and we relate this to egg rejection by different hosts. Egg background color and luminance are strongly mimicked by most cuckoo host-races, and mimicry is better when hosts show strong rejection. We introduce a novel measure of color mimicry-"color overlap"-and show that cuckoo and host background colors increasingly overlap in avian color space as hosts exhibit stronger rejection. Finally, cuckoos with better background color mimicry also have better pattern mimicry. Our findings reveal new information about egg mimicry that would be impossible to derive by the human eye.  相似文献   

Whether hybridization can be a mechanism that drives phenotypic diversity is a widely debated topic in evolutionary biology. In poison frogs (Dendrobatidae), assortative mating has been invoked to explain how new color morphs persist despite the expected homogenizing effects of natural selection. Here, we tested the complementary hypothesis that new morphs arise through hybridization between different color morphs. Specifically, we (1) reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships among the studied populations of a dart‐poison frog to provide an evolutionary framework, (2) tested whether microsatellite allele frequencies of one putative hybrid population of the polymorphic frog O. histrionica are intermediate between O. histrionica and O. lehmanni, and (3) conducted mate‐choice experiments to test whether putatively intermediate females prefer homotypic males over males from the other two populations. Our findings are compatible with a hybrid origin for the new morph and emphasize the possibility of hybridization as a mechanism generating variation in polymorphic species. Moreover, because coloration in poison frogs is aposematic and should be heavily constrained, our findings suggest that hybridization can produce phenotypic novelty even in systems where phenotypes are subject to strong stabilizing selection.  相似文献   

Mothers are predicted to overproduce male or female eggs when the relative fitness gains from one sex are higher and outweigh the costs of manipulation. However, in birds such biases are often difficult to distinguish from differential embryo or chick mortality. Using a molecular technique to identify the sex of early embryos, we aim to determine the effect of maternal nutrition on zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) egg sex ratios after 2 days of incubation, which is as close to conception as is currently possible. We found no overall bias in the sex ratio of eggs laid and sex did not differ with relative laying order under any diet regime. However, mothers on a low-quality diet did produce a female bias in small clutches and a slight male bias in large clutches. On a high-quality diet, mothers produced a male bias in small clutches and a female bias in large clutches. Those on a standard diet produced a roughly even sex ratio, irrespective of clutch size. These observed biases in egg sex are partly in line with predictions that, in this species, daughters suffer disproportionately from poor rearing conditions. Thus, when relatively malnourished, mothers should only rear daughters in small broods and vice versa. Sex-ratio patterns in this species therefore appear to be subtle.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animal species display striking color differences with respect to geographic location, sex, and body region. Traditional adaptive explanations for such complex patterns invoke an interaction between selection for conspicuous signals and natural selection for crypsis. Although there is now a substantial body of evidence supporting the role of sexual selection for signaling functions, quantitative studies of crypsis remain comparatively rare. Here, we combine objective measures of coloration with information on predator visual sensitivities to study the role of crypsis in the evolution of color variation in an Australian lizard species complex (Ctenophorus decresii). We apply a model that allows us to quantify crypsis in terms of the visual contrast of the lizards against their natural backgrounds, as perceived by potential avian predators. We then use these quantitative estimates of crypsis to answer the following questions. Are there significant differences in crypsis conspicuousness among populations? Are there significant differences in crypsis conspicuousness between the sexes? Are body regions “exposed” to visual predators more cryptic than “hidden” body regions? Is there evidence for local adaptation with respect to crypsis against different substrates? In general, our results confirmed that there are real differences in crypsis conspicuousness both between populations and between sexes; that exposed body regions were significantly more cryptic than hidden ones, particularly in females; and that females, but not males, are more cryptic against their own local background than against the background of other populations. Body regions that varied most in contrast between the sexes and between populations were also most conspicuous and are emphasized by males during social and sexual signaling. However, results varied with respect to the aspect of coloration studied. Results based on chromatic contrast (“hue’ of color) provided better support for the crypsis hypothesis than did results based on achromatic contrast (“brightness’ of color). Taken together, these results support the view that crypsis plays a substantial role in the evolution of color variation and that color patterns represent a balance between the need for conspicuousness for signaling and the need for crypsis to avoid predation.  相似文献   

The relative length of the second and fourth digits (2D:4D) is thought to be negatively related to prenatal testosterone and positively related to prenatal estrogen. Low 2D:4D has been linked to various measures of performance in a range of sports (e.g., soccer, rugby). In this study, we consider the relationship between 2D:4D and performance among male surfers. Our sample comprised 46 competitors in the Men's 5-star Professional World Qualifying Series surfing competition in Newquay, United Kingdom, in 2009. Three experienced surfing coaches rated the participants for overall surfing ability. The coach's ratings were significantly correlated with one another and an overall measure of surfing performance was obtained by calculating the mean of the 3 ratings. In addition, the final placing of the Newquay competition was used as an additional performance measure. Mean 2D:4D (SD) was as follows: right 0.994 (0.023) and left 0.976 (0.028). We found that right 2D:4D (but not left 2D:4D or right-left 2D:4D) was significantly negatively correlated with coaches' ratings (r(s) = 0.58) and the competition result (r(s) = 0.30). It appears that in line with other sports that low right 2D:4D (high prenatal testosterone and low prenatal estrogen) correlates to high surfing ability in men.  相似文献   

The transfer of non-genetic resources from mother to the offspring often has considerable consequences for offspring performance. In birds, maternally derived hormones are known to influence a variety of morphological, physiological and behavioural traits in the chick. So far, the range of these hormonal effects involves benefits in terms of enhanced growth and competitive ability as well as costs in terms of immunosuppression. However, since yolk hormones can enhance growth and begging activity, high levels of these hormones may also involve energetic costs. Here, we show experimentally that elevated levels of prenatal testosterone increase resting metabolic rate in nestling zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Surprisingly, however, elevation of prenatal testosterone did not result in higher growth rates and, thus, differences in resting metabolism do not seem to be linked to nestling growth. We conclude that apart from immunosuppressive effects, high levels of egg steroids may also entail costs in terms of increased energy expenditure.  相似文献   

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