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Proteomics generates information on expressed proteins, and laser microdissection (LMD) is a method that allows enrichment of specific cell types from complex heterogeneous tissue. Together they provide a powerful tool for functional genomic research. Here, we have investigated (i) the effects of fixation and staining on cardiac proteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and (ii) feasibility of using LMD to separately prepare myocytes and blood vessels for 2-DE gel analysis. This is the first such study of human heart. The effect of fixation (ethanol or acetone), staining with haematoxylin and eosin in the presence and absence of xylene, and antibody staining was investigated. Proteins were separated by 2-DE and spots detected by silver staining. Quantitative spot analysis showed that contractile proteins were preserved under all conditions, and no significant differences were found when the groups studied were compared with the control group. However, there were differences in the visual quality of the gel patterns. LMD provided enough protein from blood vessels and myocytes to run one large-format (18 x 24 cm) 2-D gel for each subset of cells. Collection of this material took 70 h (approximately 2800 blood vessels and 17,000 myocytes) and resulted in tissue-specific gel patterns for these two structures. In conclusion, the use of haematoxylin and eosin staining without xylene provided the best morphology and did not significantly affect protein spot number.  相似文献   

Ai J  Tan Y  Ying W  Hong Y  Liu S  Wu M  Qian X  Wang H 《Proteomics》2006,6(2):538-546
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent visceral neoplasia worldwide and is a multifactorial and multistage pathogenesis that finally leads to the deregulation of cell homeostasis. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) may allow a more ready identification of differences in protein expression in selected cell types or areas of tissue, and microscopic regions as small as 3-5 microm in diameter can be sampled. Here we applied the LCM to the proteomic study of hepatitis B-related HCC and surrounding non-tumor tissues. Proteome alterations were observed using 2-DE and ESI-MS/MS, and alterations in the proteome were examined. Twenty protein spots were selected, of which 11 proteins were significantly altered in the HCC compared with the surrounding non-tumor tissues. Of the proteins that were selected, peroxiredoxin 2, apolipoprotein A-I precursor, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type II, and 14.5-kDa translational inhibitor protein appear to be novel candidates as useful hepatitis B-related HCC markers. This study indicates that LCM is a useful technological method in the proteomic study of cancer tissue. The proteins revealed in this experiment can be used in the future for studies pertaining to hepatocarcinogenesis, or as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for HCC associated with hepatitis B virus infection.  相似文献   

High-quality RNA from cells isolated by laser capture microdissection   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Laser capture microdissection (LCM) provides a rapid and simple method for procuring homogeneous populations of cells. However, reproducible isolation of intact RNAfrom these cells can be problematic; the sample may deteriorate before or during sectioning, RNA may degrade during slide staining and LCM, and inadequate extraction and isolation methods may lead to poor recovery. Our report describes an optimized protocol for preparation of frozen sections for LCM using the HistoGene Frozen Section Staining Kit. This slide preparation method is combined with the PicoPure RNA Isolation Kitfor extraction and isolation of RNA from low numbers of microdissected cells. The procedure is easy to perform, rapid, and reproducible. Our results show that the RNA isolated from the LCM samples prepared according to our protocol is of high quality. The RNA maintains its integrity as shown by RT-PCR detection of genes of different abundance levels and by electrophoretic analysis of ribosomal RNA. RNA obtained by this method has also been used to synthesize probes for interrogating cDNA microarray analyses to study expression levels of thousands of genes from LCM samples.  相似文献   

Chromosome microdissection and the reverse FISH technique is one of the most useful methods for the identification of structurally abnormal chromosomes. In particular, the laser microbeam microdissection (LMM) method allows rapid isolation of a target chromosome or a specific region of chromosomes without damage of genetic materials and contamination. Isolated chromosomes were directly amplified by the degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR), and then the FISH probes labeled with spectrum green- or spectrum red-dUTP were generated by nick-translation. Whole chromosome painting (WCP) probes were successfully generated from only 5 copies of the chromosome. With this method, we produced 24 WCP probes for each human chromosome. We also tried to characterize a marker chromosome, which seemed to be originated from chromosome 11 on conventional banding technique. The marker chromosomes were isolated by the LMM method and analyzed by reverse FISH. We elucidated that the marker chromosome was originated from the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p11-->pter). A fully automated and computer-controlled LMM method is a very simple laboratory procedure, and enables rapid and precise characterization of various chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

Our novel approach for taxonomic identification of uncultured bacteria harboring specific physiological features in complex environmental samples combines cell collection by laser microdissection and subsequent DNA analysis. The newly developed approach was successfully tested for collection and phylogenetic characterization of polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria in activated sludge and lake sediment.  相似文献   

Laser microbeam microdissection and laser pressure catapulting offer the possibility of separating cell compartments, thus allowing for contamination-free analysis. Using these methods, we were able to select single chloroplasts of Nicotiana tabacum. Starting from homogenized leaf material, chloroplasts were purified by differential centrifugation and applied directly onto a poly-ethylene-naphthalate membrane that was mounted on a microscope slide. Single chloroplasts were dissected under microscopic control and catapulted into a PCR tube. Subsequent PCR of a spacer region between the trnT and trnF genes verified the successful amplification of DNA from a single chloroplast. The advantage of this method compared to the use of capillaries or optical tweezers is that one is able to prepare high numbers of samples in a short time.  相似文献   

Tissue fixation and staining protocols for laser microdissection are frequently not fully compatible with subsequent proteomic analysis. We compared the effect of three common histological stains (toluidine blue (TB), hemotoxylin, and hematoxylin and eosin (HE)) on tissue visualization, protein recovery, the saturation labeling reaction, and 2‐D electrophoresis. TB provided the best visualization of colorectal tumor tissue during laser microdissection (LMD) and had a comparable effect on protein recovery and the saturation labeling reaction with hematoxylin, provided a modified 2‐D clean‐up protocol was used. Eosin inhibited both protein recovery and the saturation labeling reaction.  相似文献   

The presence of amyloid plaques in the brain is one of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We report here a comprehensive proteomic analysis of senile plaques from postmortem AD brain tissues. Senile plaques labeled with thioflavin-S were procured by laser capture microdissection, and their protein components were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. We identified a total of 488 proteins co-isolated with the plaques, and we found multiple phosphorylation sites on the neurofilament intermediate chain, implicating the complexity and diversity of cellular processes involved in the plaque formation. More significantly, we identified 26 proteins enriched in the plaques of two AD cases by quantitative comparison with surrounding non-plaque tissues. The localization of several proteins in the plaques was further confirmed by the approach of immunohistochemistry. In addition to previously identified plaque constituents, we discovered novel association of dynein heavy chain with the plaques in human postmortem brain and in a double transgenic AD mouse model, suggesting that neuronal transport may play a role in neuritic degeneration. Overall, our results revealed for the first time the sub-proteome of amyloid plaques that is important for further studies on disease biomarker identification and molecular mechanisms of AD pathogenesis.  相似文献   



The endometrium prepares for implantation under the control of steroid hormones. It has been suggested that there are complicated interactions between the epithelium and stroma in the endometrium during menstrual cycle. In this study, we demonstrate a difference in gene expression between the epithelial and stromal areas of the secretory human endometrium using microdissection and macroarray technique.  相似文献   

Every tissue contains heterogeneous cell populations. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) facilitates cell isolation from complex tissues followed by molecular analysis. LCM entails placing a transparent film over a tissue section or a cytological sample, visualizing the cells microscopically, and selectively adhering the cells of interest to the film with a focused pulse from an infrared laser. The film with the procured cells is then removed from the original sample and placed directly into DNA, RNA, or protein-extraction buffer for processing. LCM has revolutionized molecular analysis of complex tissues because it combines the topographic precision of microscopy with the power of molecular genetics, genomics, and proteomics. However, the success of molecular analysis still depends on the experimental design and requires the understanding of each technical step involved in specimen preparation. This review attempts to rationalize and demystify the choice of various technical options in upstream tissue processing supporting global analytical strategies.  相似文献   

Li CX  Han JP  Ren WY  Ji AQ  Xu XL  Hu L 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e22316
Genetic profiling of sperm from complex biological mixtures such as sexual assault casework samples requires isolation of a pure sperm population and the ability to analyze low abundant samples. Current standard procedure for sperm isolation includes preferential lysis of epithelial contaminants followed by collection of intact sperm by centrifugation. While effective for samples where sperm are abundant, this method is less effective when samples contain few spermatozoa. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) is a proven method for the isolation of cells biological mixtures, even when found in low abundance. Here, we demonstrate the efficacy of LCM coupled with on-chip low volume PCR (LV-PCR) for the isolation and genotyping of low abundance sperm samples. Our results indicate that this method can obtain complete profiles (13-16 loci) from as few as 15 sperm cells with 80% reproducibility, whereas at least 40 sperm cells are required to profile 13-16 loci by standard 'in-tube' PCR. Further, LCM and LV-PCR of a sexual assault casework sample generated a DNA genotype that was consistent with that of the suspect. This method was unable, however, to analyze a casework sample from a gang rape case in which two or more sperm contributors were in a mixed population. The results indicate that LCM and LV-PCR is sensitive and effective for genotyping sperm from sperm/epithelial cell mixtures when epithelial lysis may be insufficient due to low abundance of sperm; LCM and LV-PCR, however, failed in a casework sample when spermatozoa from multiple donors was present, indicating that further study is necessitated.  相似文献   

Laser microdissection (LMD) is a recent development that enables the isolation of specific cell populations from tissue sections. This study focuses on the potential of LMD as a tool in cancer glycomics using colon cancer as a model. LMD was performed on hematoxylin and eosin stained frozen tissue sections. Tumor cells and normal epithelial cells were selectively microdissected. N-Glycans from the LMD- and the bulk tissue-derived samples were liberated by hydrazinolysis and then labeled with 2-aminopyridine. After sialidase digestion, the resulting asialo-N-glycans were analyzed by normal and reversed phase HPLC combined with mass spectrometry. Comparison of the various N-glycan profiles with the aid of LMD identified seven characteristic N-glycans with significantly different expression profiles between normal and cancerous cells that could not be detected by conventional analysis. Thus, LMD is a potent and useful tool for analyzing variations in the expression of N-glycans by overcoming the problem of tissue sample heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A Namalwa cell line, KJM-1, which was adapted to serum-free medium is thought to be a good host cell line for recombinant DNA technology. We previously reported the expression of human -interferon (-IFN) in Namalwa KJM-1 (Miyaji, 1989a). The utility of Namalwa KJM-1 for expression of foreign genes was further examined. As a target gene to be expressed, human lymphotoxin (hLT) cDNA was used. It was engineered for expression in Namalwa KJM-1 using a simian virus 40 (SV40)-based expression vector pAGE107 (Miyaji, 1989a). It contains all components necessary for the expression of cDNA in mammalian cells. The expression vector was introduced into Namalwa KJM-1 by electroporation. Among the transformants, clone 7 was further examined for the expression of hLT in serum-free medium. The production level of hLT was augmented with the increase of the cell density. Thus it was further indicated that Namalwa KJM-1 is useful for production of foreign gene products.Abbreviation HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

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