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Parasitic infection has a direct physiological cost to hosts but may also alter how hosts interact with other individuals in their environment. Such indirect effects may alter both host fitness and the fitness of other individuals in the host''s social network, yet the relative impact of direct and indirect effects of infection are rarely quantified. During reproduction, a host''s social environment includes family members who may be in conflict over resource allocation. In such situations, infection may alter how resources are allocated, thereby redistributing the costs of parasitism between individuals. Here, we experimentally reduce parasite burdens of parent and/or nestling European shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) infected with Contracaecum nematodes in a factorial design, then simultaneously measure the impact of an individual''s infection on all family members. We found no direct effect of infection on parent or offspring traits but indirect effects were detected in all group members, with both immediate effects (mass change and survival) and longer-term effects (timing of parents’ subsequent breeding). Our results show that parasite infection can have a major impact on individuals other than the host, suggesting that the effect of parasites on population processes may be greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction on survival have captured the attention of researchers since life history theory was formulated. Adults of long-lived species may increase survival by reducing their breeding effort or even skipping reproduction. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the costs of current reproduction on survival and whether skipping reproduction increases adult survival in a long-lived seabird. We used capture–mark–recapture data (1450 encounters) from two populations of Bulwer''s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii), breeding in the Azores and Canary Islands, North Atlantic Ocean. Using a multi-event model with two different breeding statuses (breeders versus non-breeders), we calculated probabilities of survival and of transitions between breeding statuses, evaluating potential differences between sexes. Females had lower survival probabilities than males, independent of their breeding status. When considering breeding status, breeding females had lower survival probabilities than non-breeding females, suggesting costs of reproduction on survival. Breeding males had higher survival probabilities than non-breeding males, suggesting that males do not incur costs of reproduction on survival and that only the highest quality males have access to breeding. The highest and the lowest probabilities of skipping reproduction were found in breeding males from the Azores and in breeding males from the Canary Islands, respectively. Intermediate values were observed in the females from both populations. This result is probably due to differences in the external factors affecting both populations, essentially predation pressure and competition. The existence of sex-specific costs of reproduction on survival in several populations of this long-lived species may have important implications for species population dynamics.  相似文献   

Immigrant inviability, where individuals from foreign, ecologically divergent habitats are less likely to survive, can restrict gene flow among diverging populations and result in speciation. I investigated whether a predatory aquatic insect (Belostoma sp.) selects against migrants between cave and surface populations of a fish (Poecilia mexicana). Cavefish were more susceptible to attacks in the light, whereas surface fish were more susceptible in darkness. Environmentally dependent susceptibility to attacks may thus contribute to genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the populations. This study highlights how predation—in this case in conjunction with differences in other environmental factors—can be an important driver in speciation.  相似文献   

Inflammation and disease are closely related. Inflammation can induce various diseases, and diseases can promote inflammatory response, and two possibly induces each other in a bidirectional loop. Inflammation is usually treated using synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs which are associated with several adverse effects hence are not safe for long-term use. Therefore, there is need for anti-inflammatory drugs which are not only effective but also safe. Several researchers have devoted to the research and development of effective anti-inflammatory drugs with little or no side effects. In this review, we studied some small molecules with reported anti-inflammatory activities and hence potential sources of anti-inflammatory agents. The information was retrieved from relevant studies published between January 2019 and May, 2021 for review. This review study was aimed to provide relevant information towards the design and development of effective and safe anti-inflammation agents.  相似文献   

The existence of genetic variation for resistance in host populations is assumed to be essential to the spread of an emerging virus. Models predict that the rate of spread slows down with the increasing frequency and higher diversity of resistance alleles in the host population. We have been using the experimental pathosystem Arabidopsis thaliana—tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) to explore the interplay between genetic variation in host''s susceptibility and virus diversity. We have recently shown that TEV populations evolving in A. thaliana ecotypes that differ in susceptibility to infection gained within-host fitness, virulence and infectivity in a manner compatible with a gene-for-gene model of host–parasite interactions: hard-to-infect ecotypes were infected by generalist viruses, whereas easy-to-infect ecotypes were infected by every virus. We characterized the genomes of the evolved viruses and found cases of host-driven convergent mutations. To gain further insights in the mechanistic basis of this gene-for-gene model, we have generated all viral mutations individually as well as in specific combinations and tested their within-host fitness effects across ecotypes. Most of these mutations were deleterious or neutral in their local ecotype and only a very reduced number had a host-specific beneficial effect. We conclude that most of the mutations fixed during the evolution experiment were so by drift or by selective sweeps along with the selected driver mutation. In addition, we evaluated the ruggedness of the underlying adaptive fitness landscape and found that mutational effects were mostly multiplicative, with few cases of significant epistasis.  相似文献   

Sperm chemoattraction, where sperm locate unfertilized eggs by following a concentration gradient of egg-derived chemoattractants, has been widely documented across numerous taxa. While marine invertebrates are favoured models for understanding the underlying mechanisms of sperm chemoattraction, the evolutionary forces underpinning the process remain enigmatic. Here, we show that in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), chemically moderated gamete preferences promote assortative fertilizations between genetically compatible gametes. When offered the choice of egg clutches from two females, sperm exhibited consistent but differential ‘preferences’ for chemical cues secreted from conspecific eggs. Critically, our data reveal that the preferences shown by sperm during the egg-choice trials are highly predictive of early embryonic viability when eggs and sperm from the same individuals are mixed during standard (no-choice) fertilization assays. Moreover, we demonstrate that by experimentally separating chemoattractants from eggs, sperm swimming behaviour is differentially regulated by egg-derived chemoattractants, and that these changes in sperm behaviour are highly consistent with observed patterns of gamete preferences, fertilization and larval survival. Together, this integrated series of experiments reveals that the behaviour of sperm is fine-tuned to respond differentially to the chemical signals emitted from different conspecific eggs, and that these choices have measurable fitness benefits.  相似文献   

Background and AimsGlobal plant trait datasets commonly identify trait relationships that are interpreted to reflect fundamental trade-offs associated with plant strategies, but often these trait relationships are not identified when evaluating them at smaller taxonomic and spatial scales. In this study we evaluate trait relationships measured on individual plants for five widespread Protea species in South Africa to determine whether broad-scale patterns of structural trait (e.g. leaf area) and physiological trait (e.g. photosynthetic rates) relationships can be detected within natural populations, and if these traits are themselves related to plant fitness.MethodsWe evaluated the variance structure (i.e. the proportional intraspecific trait variation relative to among-species variation) for nine structural traits and six physiological traits measured in wild populations. We used a multivariate path model to evaluate the relationships between structural traits and physiological traits, and the relationship between these traits and plant size and reproductive effort.Key ResultsWhile intraspecific trait variation is relatively low for structural traits, it accounts for between 50 and 100 % of the variation in physiological traits. Furthermore, we identified few trait associations between any one structural trait and physiological trait, but multivariate regressions revealed clear associations between combinations of structural traits and physiological performance (R2 = 0.37–0.64), and almost all traits had detectable associations with plant fitness.ConclusionsIntraspecific variation in structural traits leads to predictable differences in individual-level physiological performance in a multivariate framework, even though the relationship of any particular structural trait to physiological performance may be weak or undetectable. Furthermore, intraspecific variation in both structural and physiological traits leads to differences in plant size and fitness. These results demonstrate the importance of considering measurements of multivariate phenotypes on individual plants when evaluating trait relationships and how trait variation influences predictions of ecological and evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

Among colonies of social insects, the worker turnover rate (colony ‘pace’) typically shows considerable variation. This has epidemiological consequences for parasites, because in ‘fast-paced’ colonies, with short-lived workers, the time of parasite residence in a given host will be reduced, and further transmission may thus get less likely. Here, we test this idea and ask whether pace is a life-history strategy against infectious parasites. We infected bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) with the infectious gut parasite Crithidia bombi, and experimentally manipulated birth and death rates to mimic slow and fast pace. We found that fewer workers and, importantly, fewer last-generation workers that are responsible for rearing sexuals were infected in colonies with faster pace. This translates into increased fitness in fast-paced colonies, as daughter queens exposed to fewer infected workers in the nest are less likely to become infected themselves, and have a higher chance of founding their own colonies in the next year. High worker turnover rate can thus act as a strategy of defence against a spreading infection in social insect colonies.  相似文献   

Although ovipositing insects may predominantly use resources that lead to high offspring quality, exceptions to this rule have considerably aided understanding of oviposition decisions. We report the frequency of host species use by a solitary facultative hyperparasitoid, Brachymeria subrugosa Blanchard (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). In our samples, the wasp attacks the large pupae of the moth Gonioterma indecora Zeller (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae), as well as the considerably smaller, and rarer, pupae of two of its other parasitoids. Consistent with conditional sex allocation models, the wasp produced mainly female offspring on the largest (moth) host, an unbiased sex ratio on the middle‐sized (parasitoid) host, and only males on the smallest (parasitoid) host. Adult offspring size was correlated with the size of the host attacked. These features strongly suggest that the two smaller, primary parasitoid, hosts produce lower‐quality offspring. Despite being more common, the proportion of hosts from which parasitoids emerged was lowest (14%) on the largest host species, and highest on the rarer middle‐sized (34%) and smallest (30%) hosts. This suggests that costs or constraints on attacking high‐quality primary hosts may be a selective force favouring the evolution of hyperparasitism.  相似文献   

Begging signals of offspring are condition-dependent cues that are usually predicted to display information about the short-term need (i.e. hunger) to which parents respond by allocating more food. However, recent models and experiments have revealed that parents, depending on the species and context, may respond to signals of quality (i.e. offspring reproductive value) rather than need. Despite the critical importance of this distinction for life history and conflict resolution theory, there is still limited knowledge of alternative functions of offspring signals. In this study, we investigated the communication between offspring and caring females of the common earwig, Forficula auricularia, hypothesizing that offspring chemical cues display information about nutritional condition to which females respond in terms of maternal food provisioning. Consistent with the prediction for a signal of quality we found that mothers exposed to chemical cues from well-fed nymphs foraged significantly more and allocated food to more nymphs compared with females exposed to solvent (control) or chemical cues from poorly fed nymphs. Chemical analysis revealed significant differences in the relative quantities of specific cuticular hydrocarbon compounds between treatments. To our knowledge, this study demonstrates for the first time that an offspring chemical signal reflects nutritional quality and influences maternal care.  相似文献   

  1. Quantifying consumption and prey choice for marine predator species is key to understanding their interaction with prey species, fisheries, and the ecosystem as a whole. However, parameterizing a functional response for large predators can be challenging because of the difficulty in obtaining the required data on predator diet and on the availability of multiple prey species.
  2. This study modeled a multi‐species functional response (MSFR) to describe the relationship between consumption by harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and the availability of multiple prey species in the southern North Sea. Bayesian methodology was employed to estimate MSFR parameters and to incorporate uncertainties in diet and prey availability estimates. Prey consumption was estimated from stomach content data from stranded harbour porpoises. Prey availability to harbour porpoises was estimated based on the spatial overlap between prey distributions, estimated from fish survey data, and porpoise foraging range in the days prior to stranding predicted from telemetry data.
  3. Results indicated a preference for sandeels in the study area. Prey switching behavior (change in preference dependent on prey abundance) was confirmed by the favored type III functional response model. Variation in the size of the foraging range (estimated area where harbour porpoises could have foraged prior to stranding) did not alter the overall pattern of the results or conclusions.
  4. Integrating datasets on prey consumption from strandings, predator foraging distribution using telemetry, and prey availability from fish surveys into the modeling approach provides a methodological framework that may be appropriate for fitting MSFRs for other predators.

Understanding the mechanisms of resilience of coral reefs to anthropogenic stressors is a critical step toward mitigating their current global decline. Coral–bacteria associations are fundamental to reef health and disease, but direct observations of these interactions remain largely unexplored. Here, we use novel technology, high-speed laser scanning confocal microscopy on live coral (Pocillopora damicornis), to test the hypothesis that corals exert control over the abundance of their associated bacterial communities by releasing (‘shedding'') bacteria from their surface, and that this mechanism can counteract bacterial growth stimulated by organic inputs. We also test the hypothesis that the coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus can evade such a defense mechanism. This first report of direct observation with high-speed confocal microscopy of living coral and its associated bacterial community revealed a layer (3.3–146.8 μm thick) on the coral surface where bacteria were concentrated. The results of two independent experiments showed that the bacterial abundance in this layer was not sensitive to enrichment (5 mg l−1 peptone), and that coral fragments exposed to enrichment released significantly more bacteria from their surfaces than control corals (P<0.01; 35.9±1.4 × 105 cells cm−2 coral versus 1.3±0.5 × 105 cells cm−2 coral). Our results provide direct support to the hypothesis that shedding bacteria may be an important mechanism by which coral-associated bacterial abundances are regulated under organic matter stress. Additionally, the novel ability to watch this ecological behavior in real-time at the microscale opens an unexplored avenue for mechanistic studies of coral–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Intestinal fibrosis is a major complication of Crohn disease (CD), but the precise mechanism by which it occurs is incompletely understood. As a result, specific therapies to halt or even reverse fibrosis have not been explored. Here, we evaluated the contribution of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) to intestinal fibrosis associated with a mouse model of CD and also human inflammatory bowel disease. Mice administered intrarectal 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) develop inflammation and fibrosis that resembles CD both histologically and by immunologic profile. We utilized this model to molecularly probe the contribution of EMT to intestinal fibrosis. Additionally, we utilized double-transgenic VillinCre;R26Rosa-lox-STOP-lox-LacZ mice, in which removal of the STOP cassette by Cre recombinase in villin+ intestinal epithelial cells activates permanent LacZ expression, to lineage trace epithelial cells that might undergo EMT upon TNBS administration. TNBS-induced fibrosis is associated with the presence of a significant number of cells that express both epithelial and mesenchymal markers. In the lineage tagged transgenic mice, the appearance of LacZ+ cells that also express the fibroblast marker FSP1 unequivocally demonstrates EMT. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, a known inducer of EMT in epithelial cells, induces EMT in rat intestinal epithelial cells in vitro, and bone morphogenic protein-7, an antagonist of TGF-β1, inhibits EMT and fibrosis both in vitro and in the TNBS-treated mice. Our study demonstrates that EMT contributes to intestinal fibrosis associated with the TNBS-induced model of Crohn colitis and that inhibition of TGF-β1 with recombinant human bone morphogenic protein-7 prevents this process and prevents fibrosis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Globally, conifer dominance is restricted to nutient-poor habitats in colder, drier or waterlogged environments, probably due to competition with angiosperms. Analysis of canopy structure is important for understanding the mechanism of plant coexistence in relation to competition for light. Most conifers are shade intolerant, and often have narrow, deep, conical crowns. In this study it is predicted that conifer-admixed forests have less distinct upper canopies and more undulating canopy surfaces than angiosperm-dominated forests.


By using a ground-based, portable light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system, canopy structure was quantified for old-growth evergreen rainforests with varying dominance of conifers along altitudinal gradients (200–3100 m a.s.l.) on tropical and sub-tropical mountains (Mount Kinabalu, Malaysian Borneo and Yakushima Island, Japan) that have different conifer floras.

Key Results

Conifers dominated at higher elevations on both mountains (Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae on Kinabalu and Cupressaceae and Pinaceae on Yakushima), but conifer dominance also varied with soil/substrate conditions on Kinabalu. Conifer dominance was associated with the existence of large-diameter conifers. Forests with higher conifer dominance showed a canopy height profile (CHP) more skewed towards the understorey on both Kinabalu and Yakushima. In contrast, angiosperm-dominated forests had a CHP skewed towards upper canopy, except for lowland dipterocarp forests and a sub-alpine scrub dominated by small-leaved Leptospermum recurvum (Myrtaceae) on Kinabalu. Forests with a less dense upper canopy had more undulating outer canopy surfaces. Mixed conifer–angiosperm forests on Yakushima and dipterocarp forests on Kinabalu showed similar canopy structures.


The results generally supported the prediction, suggesting that lower growth of angiosperm trees (except L. recurvum on Kinabalu) in cold and nutrient-poor environments results in a sparser upper canopy, which allows shade-intolerant conifers to co-occur with angiosperm trees either as emergents or as codominants in the open canopy.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Recent developments in plant disease management have led to a growing interest in alternative strategies, such as increasing host diversity and decreasing the use of pesticides. Use of cultivar mixtures is one option, allowing the spread of plant epidemics to be slowed down. As dispersal of fungal foliar pathogens over short distances by rain-splash droplets is a major contibutor to the spread of disease, this study focused on modelling the physical mechanisms involved in dispersal of a non-specialized pathogen within heterogeneous canopies of cultivar mixtures, with the aim of optimizing host diversification at the intra-field level.


Virtual 3-D wheat-like plants (Triticum aestivum) were used to consider interactions between plant architecture and disease progression in heterogeneous canopies. A combined mechanistic and stochastic model, taking into account splash droplet dispersal and host quantitative resistance within a 3-D heterogeneous canopy, was developed. It consists of four sub-models that describe the spatial patterns of two cultivars within a complex canopy, the pathway of rain-splash droplets within this canopy, the proportion of leaf surface area impacted by dispersal via the droplets and the progression of disease severity after each dispersal event.

Key Results

Different spatial organization, proportions and resistance levels of the cultivars of two-component mixtures were investigated. For the eight spatial patterns tested, the protective effect against disease was found to vary by almost 2-fold, with the greatest effect being obtained with the smallest genotype unit area, i.e. the ground area occupied by an independent unit of the host population that is genetically homogeneous. Increasing both the difference between resistance levels and the proportion of the most resistant cultivar often resulted in a greater protective effect; however, this was not observed for situations in which the most resistant of the two cultivars in the mixture had a relatively low level of resistance.


The results show agreement with previous data obtained using experimental approaches. They demonstrate that in order to maximize the potential mixture efficiency against a splash-dispersed pathogen, optimal susceptible/resistant cultivar proportions (ranging from 1/9 to 5/5) have to be established based on host resistance levels. The results also show that taking into account dispersal processes in explicit 3-D plant canopies can be a key tool for investigating disease progression in heterogeneous canopies such as cultivar mixtures.  相似文献   

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