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代谢综合征系多种代谢紊乱汇集于一身,随着生活水平提高发病率逐年升高的一种疾病,已成为全球公共健康问题。随着现代医学发展,肠道菌群在宿主代谢调控中发挥的重要作用逐渐被研究者重视。本文分析了肠道菌群在代谢综合征发生、发展中的潜在调节作用及炎性反应、能量代谢、神经内分泌等可能的作用机制,总结了单味中药、中药提取物及中药复方通过影响肠道菌群改善代谢综合征的研究进展。在今后研究中应进一步探索与代谢综合征相关的特定菌属,挖掘中药有效成分及其作用本质,走出中医药防治代谢综合征的创新之路。  相似文献   

近年来,肠道菌群研究领域发展迅速。肠道菌群作为人体"被遗忘的器官",与人体有着相互依存,相互影响的关系,与机体的感染、营养、免疫及代谢也密不可分,因此保持肠道微生物群的动态平衡是人体健康的前提。在人体代谢过程中,肠道菌群受到宿主饮食、服用药物、地理环境以及生活方式等因素的影响。饮食干预作为一项重要的治疗措施,与代谢综合征的发生发展密不可分,而这些代谢性疾病的发生发展都与肠道菌群的改变密切相关,因此无论是从改善肠道菌群结构还是从减缓代谢紊乱方面饮食都起着至关重要的作用。本文就代谢综合征患者肠道菌群的变化、机制以及饮食的影响进行综述。  相似文献   


近年来, 肠道菌群与肠-脑轴的相互作用逐渐被认识, 肠道菌群参与调控神经系统相关疾病的机制也日益被关注, 其中肠道菌群可参与调控多种慢性疼痛, 包括内脏痛、炎性痛、神经病理性疼痛和头痛等。肠道菌群本身的成分以及其代谢产物和副产物会通过调控多种细胞信号通路及神经递质干预慢性疼痛的发生和发展。本文对已发表的肠道菌群调控慢性疼痛的相关研究进行了广泛检索及总结, 并在此基础上综述肠道菌群参与慢性疼痛的机制, 以期为研发通过调控肠道菌群而发挥镇痛作用的靶点药物提供理论基础。


慕春龙  朱伟云 《微生物学报》2013,53(10):1018-1024
摘要:肠道内环境是宿主和肠道微生物菌群互作的结果,肠道菌群一方面通过抗原物质调节肠道组织的免疫稳定,另一方面,肠道菌群参与糖、脂、蛋白质代谢,产生的代谢产物能够调控细菌营养代谢、群体结构和肠道组织的营养吸收等。microRNA是宿主细胞内调控基因表达的重要因子,肠道微生物菌群不仅调控宿主mRNA的转录,同时也影响某些基因的转录后修饰。研究表明,肠道菌群通过与宿主肠道组织互作,调节肠上皮组织内某些参与炎症应答和屏障功能的microRNA 的表达。本文介绍了肠道微生物与宿主互作的基本内容,对microRNA在肠道微生物与宿主互作和肠道健康中的调节进行综述。  相似文献   

肠道菌群和宿主健康之间有着密切的关系,其与宿主之间存在着复杂的相互作用,如菌群及其代谢产物与免疫系统的互作、脑-肠轴、肺-肠轴等.肠道菌群紊乱与多种疾病的发生和发展存在相关性,且部分微生物菌株与一些疾病的发生存在着因果关系.肠道菌群还会影响药物代谢,个体差异的肠道菌群使得不同个体对于同种药物的代谢具有很大差别;解析个体肠道菌群的状态及其与宿主之间的关系是实施个性化精准诊疗的重要环节.肠道菌群具有可塑性,通过饮食调控、益生菌/益生元/合生元补充、粪菌移植等干预手段可以使肠道菌群处于健康状态,应用肠道菌群编辑和合成肠道微生物组等新技术调控、合成肠道菌群的研究已有报道.目前,利用合成生物学等方法调控肠道菌群已成为改善和治疗疾病的有效方法之一.本文综述了肠道菌群与人体等宿主的相互作用、肠道菌群与部分疾病的相关性和因果性,以及通过肠道菌群调控改善人体健康状态的策略,展望了微生物组学和合成生物学在肠道菌群调控与合成方面的应用.  相似文献   

肠道菌群被称为"人体第二基因组"、"被遗忘的器官",肠道菌群谱的改变可能与健康或疾病状态相关。雄激素在生长发育及维持多脏器生理功能方面发挥重要作用,其代谢紊乱常导致多系统疾病发生。除经典通路外,雄激素合成与代谢还存在"后门通路"及"5α-雄烷二酮通路"。肠道菌群参与雄激素不同通路代谢,某些下游代谢产物具有高雄激素活性,如11-酮基双氢睾酮(96%双氢睾酮)。在雄激素代谢异常性疾病如多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)中,患者肠道菌群谱改变与雄激素水平显著相关。本文就雄激素与肠道菌群在多囊卵巢综合征中作用机制进行综述。  相似文献   

代谢相关脂肪性肝病(metabolic-dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease,MAFLD)已成为我国慢性肝病的主要病因之一,其发病率呈逐年上升趋势。MAFLD是代谢综合征累及肝脏的表现,其发生发展与肠道菌群失调和代谢功能障碍等密切相关。由于发病机制尚不明确,目前依旧缺乏有效的药物治疗方法。肠道菌群与胆汁酸代谢密切相关,胆汁酸可靶向法尼醇X受体(farnesoid X receptor,FXR)信号通路负反馈调控肠道菌群,同时肠道菌群通过一系列复杂的生化反应影响胆汁酸代谢。大量研究发现MAFLD的免疫应答受损及全身低度慢性炎症可导致胆汁酸代谢紊乱。此外,MAFLD常伴随肠道菌群失调。本文就肠道菌群与胆汁酸代谢在MAFLD发生发展中的作用作一综述,以期探寻治疗MAFLD潜在的新的靶点。  相似文献   

人体肠道是一个复杂的微生态系统,栖息着数量、种类繁多的微生物,其中数目最庞大的微生物为肠道菌群,肠道微生物群落被认为是人体中的第二个基因组.诸多研究表明它们影响着机体许多功能,与代谢性疾病的发生有重要联系.运动干预能极大地改善肠道菌群和促进宿主的健康.通过查阅最近几年肠道菌群与代谢性综合征的资料,探索肠道菌群与代谢性综...  相似文献   

人类的肠道菌群种类及数量众多,目前被认为是人体的一个特殊器官。肠道菌群在维持肠道的正常生理功能和机体免疫功能方面发挥了重要作用,肠道微生态失衡与炎症性肠病、代谢综合征、肝病、心血管疾病、精神疾病、关节炎等多种肠内外疾病密切相关,纠正肠道微生态失衡将有助于上述疾病的治疗。粪菌移植(fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT)是指将健康人粪便中的功能菌群移植到患者胃肠道内,重建具有正常功能的肠道菌群,以达到治疗肠道和肠道外疾病的目的。目前报道FMT已应用于艰难梭菌感染、炎症性肠病、肠易激综合征、代谢综合征等多种疾病的治疗中。本文就FMT的临床应用现状作一综述。  相似文献   

最近的研究表明,肠道菌群通过影响宿主能量代谢、免疫系统和炎性反应,影响代谢综合征的发生和发展。本文对近年来肠道菌群变化与代谢综合征的相关性研究做一综述,以期为代谢综合征的研究和防治提供帮助。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, emerging evidence has linked alterations in the gut microbial composition to a wide range of diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are the major mediators for the interactions between gut microbiota and host innate immune system, which is involved in the localization and structuring of host gut microbiota. A previous study found that TLR5 deficient mice (TLR5KO1) had altered gut microbial composition which led to the development of metabolic syndrome including hyperlipidemia, hypertension, insulin resistance and increased adiposity. In the current study, a second TLR5-deficient mouse model was studied (TLR5KO2). TLR5 deficient mice did not manifest metabolic abnormalities related to the metabolic syndrome compared with littermate controls maintained on normal chow or after feeding a high fat diet. Analysis of the gut microbial composition of littermate TLR5KO2 and wild type mice revealed no significant difference in the overall microbiota structure between genotypes. However, the TLR5KO2 microbiota was distinctly different from that previously reported for TLR5KO1 mice with metabolic syndrome. We conclude that an altered composition of the microbiota in a given environment can result in metabolic syndrome, but it is not a consequence of TLR5 deficiency per se.  相似文献   




The worldwide prevalence of metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity and its associated diseases, is rising rapidly. The human gut microbiome is recognized as an independent environmental modulator of host metabolic health and disease. Research in animal models has demonstrated that the gut microbiome has the functional capacity to induce or relieve metabolic syndrome. One way to modify the human gut microbiome is by transplanting fecal matter, which contains an abundance of live microorganisms, from a healthy individual to a diseased one in the hopes of alleviating illness. Here we review recent evidence suggesting efficacy of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) in animal models and humans for the treatment of obesity and its associated metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

Obesity has been linked to the human gut microbiota; however, the contribution of gut bacterial species to the obese phenotype remains controversial because of conflicting results from studies in different populations. To explore the possible dysbiosis of gut microbiota in obesity and its metabolic complications, we studied men and women over a range of body mass indices from the Old Order Amish sect, a culturally homogeneous Caucasian population of Central European ancestry. We characterized the gut microbiota in 310 subjects by deep pyrosequencing of bar-coded PCR amplicons from the V1-V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Three communities of interacting bacteria were identified in the gut microbiota, analogous to previously identified gut enterotypes. Neither BMI nor any metabolic syndrome trait was associated with a particular gut community. Network analysis identified twenty-two bacterial species and four OTUs that were either positively or inversely correlated with metabolic syndrome traits, suggesting that certain members of the gut microbiota may play a role in these metabolic derangements.  相似文献   

近十年来,肠道菌群在人类许多疾病发病机制中的潜在作用引起了人们的广泛关注。已被证实肠道菌群与肥胖和肥胖相关的代谢性疾病的发生发展密切相关。与肥胖相关的肠道微生物可调控宿主的能量代谢、胰岛素抵抗和脂肪组织堆积,这些在肥胖发生中都起着至关重要的作用。本综述重点介绍了代谢紊乱中肠道菌群组成的变化以及肠道菌群在肥胖发病机制中的作用,包括能量代谢、中枢食欲、免疫系统和宿主昼夜节律。在不久的将来,该领域的研究将为治疗肥胖及其并发症开辟新的途径。  相似文献   

脊髓损伤是严重的致残性神经系统疾病,脊髓损伤后产生的水肿、炎症反应和代谢紊乱等并发症是致使脊髓损伤继发性加重的主要原因。近年来,随着对肠道微生物的研究越来越深入,肠道菌群对神经系统疾病的影响得到广泛关注。肠道菌群可以通过调节机体能量代谢、炎症反应及作用于神经内分泌和脑-肠轴的途径影响中枢神经系统疾病。最近研究发现,肠道菌群与脊髓损伤并发症的关系非常紧密。脊髓损伤后肠道菌群的变化可能影响脊髓损伤后并发症发生以及加重。本文主要就肠道菌群对脊髓损伤后并发症的影响和可能的作用机制进行综述,为临床研究和治疗脊髓损伤提供新思路。  相似文献   

肠道菌群与能量代谢密切相关,其组成和代谢紊乱可通过多种途径导致胰岛素抵抗,肥胖和2型糖尿病。黄连素因具有减重、降糖、调脂等作用被广泛用于肥胖、2型糖尿病及非酒精性脂肪性肝病等代谢性疾病的辅助治疗;研究表明,黄连素可调节肠道菌群的组成和代谢,改善肠道微生态环境,从而改善胰岛素抵抗和代谢。本文综述了黄连素通过肠道菌群-炎症轴在干预代谢性疾病的研究进展,以期为代谢性疾病的治疗寻找新的策略,并为今后该领域的深入研究提供指导意义。  相似文献   

Alterations of both ecology and functions of gut microbiota are conspicuous traits of several inflammatory pathologies, notably metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the proliferation of enterobacteria, subdominant members of the intestinal microbial ecosystem, has been shown to be favored by Western diet, the strongest inducer of both metabolic diseases and gut microbiota dysbiosis. The inner interdependence between the host and the gut microbiota is based on a plethora of molecular mechanisms by which host and intestinal microbes modify each other. Among these mechanisms are as follows: (i) the well-known metabolic impact of short chain fatty acids, produced by microbial fermentation of complex carbohydrates from plants; (ii) a mutual modulation of miRNAs expression, both on the eukaryotic (host) and prokaryotic (gut microbes) side; (iii) the production by enterobacteria of virulence factors such as the genotoxin colibactin, shown to alter the integrity of host genome and induce a senescence-like phenotype in vitro; (iv) the microbial excretion of outer-membrane vesicles, which, in addition to other functions, may act as a carrier for multiple molecules such as toxins to be delivered to target cells. In this review, I describe the major molecular mechanisms by which gut microbes exert their metabolic impact at a multi-organ level (the gut barrier being in the front line) and support the emerging triad of metabolic diseases, gut microbiota dysbiosis and enterobacteria infections.  相似文献   

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