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Geographic variation is present in what is probably the H subunit of lactate dehydrogenase in Acris crepitans, but not in the M subunit. Electrophoretically different products of two alleles occur in most of the species range. One allele predominates in eastern populations but becomes less common progressively westward from the Middle West. The other allele is the predominant one in the West and in a corridor leading from Nebraska to the western end of Lake Erie. The evidence from this locus suggests genetic continuity over the entire range.This work was supported in part by NSF grants GB-5232 and GB-7749 to S. N. Salthe and by grants-in-aid from Sigma Xi and tenure of a Committee on Evolutionary Biology Traineeship at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, to E. Nevo.  相似文献   

We used an anuran acoustic communication system to test a predictionof the "fluctuating asymmetries/good genes" hypothesis thatfemales prefer more symmetric mates because symmetry indicatesgenetic quality. Mate preferences of female cricket frogs (Acriscrepitans) can be influenced by three call characters: dominantfrequency, numbers of pulses per call, and number of pulse groupsper call. We tested the hypothesis that these preferences resultin females preferring more symmetric males. We measured fluctuatingasymmetries of characters not involved with the communicationsystem (head and tibia), and those involved in signal production(laryngeal characters) and signal reception (aural characters).We determined whether the asymmetries in these characters wererelated to the three variables that enhance call attractiveness.Most of the multiple regression models showed no significantassociation between the fluctuating asymmetries of charactersand any of the calls. The regression of head and tibia fluctuatingasymmetry on pulse number was significant, but partial regressioncoefficients revealed that more pulses were associated witha more symmetric head length and a less symmetric tibia length.Our findings provide little or no support for the fluctuatingasymmetries/good genes hypothesis. We emphasize, however, thatthis hypothesis should not be abandoned based on negative resultsof a single study, but deserves further scrutiny.  相似文献   

Advertisement calls of the cricket frog, Acris crepitans , show statistically significant variation among populations in all call variables measured. Call variables show strong clinal variation resulting in calls of lower frequency, longer duration and slower call rates produced by A. c. blanchardi in open habitat in the west of the range, and calls of higher frequency, shorter calls and faster call rates produced by A. c. crepitans in the pine forests in the eastern part of the range. This clinal variation does not result from pleiotropic effects of body size or any other morphological characters we measured.
The two subspecies usually reside in different habitats, but some A. c. blanchardi reside in an isolated pine forest in central Texas. By comparing the calls of this subspecies in open and forest habitat, and by statistically removing the effects of clinal variation for all populations, we determined that habitat explains some of the variation in call structure; this is not true of subspecies.
Our data reject several hypotheses that purport to explain the evolution of mate recognition signals. (1) We reject the notion of Paterson and others that there is strong stabilizing selection on species-specific mate recognition signals. (2) There is no support for the hypothesis that call variation is primarily due to pleiotropic effects of body size or other morphological characters over the geographic range we examined. (3) There is no evidence for reproductive character displacement. (4) Our data, as well as experimental studies of habitat acoustics, support the hypothesis that some differences in calls among habitats result from environmental selection on call structure to enhance call transmission. We suggest that the latter hypothesis does not explain the strong clinal component of call variation. This might result from the passive effects of gene flow between populations at the extremes of the range under selection generated by habitat acoustics.  相似文献   

In a previous report, the authors found significant population variation in the calls of cricket frogs ( Acris crepitans ) that could not be explained by geographic variation in body size alone. Here we extend that work by investigating intraspecific population variation in the morphological characteristics underlying acoustic communication in male cricket frogs from several sites in Texas. We measured the volumes of laryngeal and auditory components responsible for the generation or reception of species-specific vocalizations in male frogs from eight populations. We found significant differences among populations in body size, as well as all the laryngeal and ear components we measured. With the exception of vocal cord and extracolumella volumes, the volumes of these anatomical structures differ among populations independently of body size as determined by a covariate analysis with snout-vent length as the covariate. Call dominant frequency differs among populations in a clinal pattern and head width, arytenoid cartilage, vocal cord and dilator muscle volume show a similar pattern when the residuals of the regression of morphological component on SVL are assessed for this trend. The results show that both larynx and ear structures can change in size independently of body size, yielding significant geographic variation in the behavioral and physiological expressions of the acoustic communication system underlying mate choice.  相似文献   

The northern cricket frog (Acris crepitans) is a resident of streams, rivers, and wetlands of eastern North America. We documented abnormalities in A. crepitans housed in the Arkansas State University Museum of Zoology Herpetology Collection. Abnormality frequency increased from 1957 to 2000 (chi 2 = 43.76, df = 3, P < 0.001). From 1957 through 1979 only 3.33% of specimens were unusual. This rate was 6.87% during the 1990s, and in 2000 it was 8.48%. High frequencies of abnormalities were identified in the following Ozark highland counties: Sharp, Lawrence, and Randolph. We observed 104 abnormalities among 1,464 frogs (7.10%). The differential abnormality frequencies observed between the Arkansas lowlands and highlands are striking. The Ozarks had significantly higher frequencies of abnormalities than other Arkansas regions (chi 2 = 59.76, df = 4, P < 0.001). The Ouachita Mountains had significantly higher frequencies than the Gulf Coastal Plain, Delta, or Arkansas River Valley (chi 2 = 13.172, df = 3, P < 0.01). There was no difference in abnormality frequency between the Gulf Coastal Plain, Delta, and Arkansas River Valley (chi 2 = 0.422, df = 2, P > 0.70). Proposed hypotheses for distributions include: 1) A. crepitans might possess naturally high abnormality levels, and land use practices of the Delta may reduce this variability; 2) an unknown xenobiotic may be in Ozark streams causing increased numbers of abnormalities; 3) the museum's collection effort may be skewed; 4) Delta habitat might be more favorable for green tree frogs (Hyla cinerea) allowing this species to drive out A. crepitans through competition; here, abnormal metamorphs are not detected because they are even less competitive than normal individuals.  相似文献   

We examined the vocal and non‐vocal responses of male cricket frogs (Acris crepitans) to conspecific advertisement calls that had been attenuated or degraded by reducing the depth of amplitude modulation (AM). Both are characteristic of changes to the call as it is transmitted through natural habitats. As stimulus calls became more intense or less degraded, male cricket frogs gradually decreased their call rate and increased the number of call groups and pulse groups in their calls, changes indicative of increased aggressive interactions. At the higher intensities and lower degradation levels, the probability that males would shift to one of two non‐vocal behavioral responses, attacking the perceived intruder or ceasing calling and abandoning the call site, gradually increased. The results show that differences in signal attenuation and AM degradation levels are perceived by males and trigger both vocal and non‐vocal behavioral responses consistent with their use in evaluating the distance to a challenging male. Furthermore, the results indicate that the male responses are graded, increasing as intensity rises and degradation falls, and hierarchical, with vocal responses preceding behavioral responses over the range of intensities and degradation levels presented.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Tadpoles of Acris crepitans were collected from two ponds in central Illinois, Depth, water temperature, distance from shore and water samples were taken at each sample site. The potential for food limitation and non-random habitat selection were examined.
2. Algal densities from water samples averaged over 1.0× 106 cells ml−1 in Scott's pond hut only 4.6×103 cells ml−1 in Vic's pond.
3. Guts of tadpoles from Scott's pond contained more algal cells than did guts of tadpoles from Vic's pond. Tadpoles from Scott's pond were consistently larger and more advanced in development than tadpoles collected from Vic's pond at the same lime. Therefore, tadpoles of Scott's pond were able to utilize the higher algal densities whereas tadpoles of Vic's pond may be food-limited, causing reduced growth and development.
4. Canonical discriminant analysis was used to test whether sites with different numbers of tadpoles could be distinguished based on environmental variables. Canonical function I was primarily a measure of water depth at a sample site. This function was significant in Scott's pond only. Sites containing one or more tadpoles were not easily distinguished from each other, but were found in consistently shallower water than sites where no tadpoles were found.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized 17 tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Blanchard's cricket frog (Acris crepitans blanchardi), an anuran common in the central USA. Sixteen loci were organized into four multiplex amplification reactions. These loci were highly polymorphic when screened in 55 individuals from two distant populations, with 11–48 alleles per locus (average = 24.8). Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.18 to 0.97 and from 0.17 to 0.96, respectively. Nine loci were also polymorphic in Acris crepitans crepitans, with seven polymorphic in Acris gryllus. Five loci amplified in all three taxa. These loci will be useful for population‐ and species‐level investigations of this widespread group.  相似文献   

Female phonotaxis in túngara (Physalaemus pustulosus)and cricket (Acris crepitans) frogs is biased toward male advertisementcalls or call components of lower frequency. This behavioralbias might result in part from a mismatch between the spectralcharacteristics of the advertisement call and the most sensitive frequencyof the peripheral end organ implicated in reception of thesesounds. In both species, females are tuned to frequencies lowerthan average for the calls in their population. This mismatch,however, represents the situation during short-distance communication.Female frogs can also use the call to detect choruses at longdistances, and the spectral distribution of call energy canvary with transmission distance. We used computer simulationsto test the hypothesis that there is a better match betweentuning and call spectral energy at long distances from the callingmale than at short distances by comparing the performance (soundenergy received) of the natural tuning curve relative to anoptimal tuning curve (i.e., one centered at the call's dominantfrequency). The relative performance of the natural tuning curveincreased with distance in túngara frogs. For the twosubspecies of cricket frogs, however, the relative performancedecreased at longer distances. The performance did not equalthe optimal tuning curve at the distances tested. The resultsindicate that the relationship between calls and auditory tuningcannot be optimal for both long and short distance reception.The relationship between female tuning and call dominant frequencymay represent a compromise between short and long distance communication,and the bias toward short or long distances may vary among species.  相似文献   

Products of 24 presumptive enzyme loci were used to analyse the consequences on genetic structure and variation of the Chondrostoma lusitanicum population decline within the Tejo basin. This rare cyprinid is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and has a very restricted distribution. Five samples from the Tejo catchment were compared with a sample from a small basin, the Samarra, that has not suffered obvious anthropogenic pressures and where the fish is still abundant. Heterozygosity and polymorphism were higher overall in the Samarra. Several lines of evidence indicate a high degree of population subdivision within the Tejo basin. In fact, about half of the total gene diversity detected in the Tejo population was due to differences among samples. This differentiation appeared to be caused by genetic drift and possibly differential local selection, coupled with reduced gene flow among localities. The accelerated process of habitat degradation occurring in the lowland streams of the Tejo basin will lead to the inevitable reduction of intraspecies genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The results of an estimation of the level of subdivision in the Buryat ethnos (obtained on the basis of data published by a number of research teams) are given. Altogether, information about 34 loci, including 25 diallelic loci and 9 STR loci, was analyzed. The results of the analysis, both for the diallelic polymorphic variants in genes predisposed to multifactorial diseases and for neutral STR markers, indicate the subdivision of the genetic structure of the different territorial groups of Buryats. The peculiarities of the ethnogenesis and heterogeneity of the settlement of Buryat tribes on the territory of residence are considered as one possible (but not the sole) explanation of the genetic heterogeneity of different territorial groups of Buryats. It is indicated that it is important to take into account information about the territorial, ethnic, and tribal affiliation of individuals (included in the studied groups) when planning studies aiming to establish a genetic component of the determination of pathological states in humans.  相似文献   

I studied variation in male calling behavior and its social correlates in Blanchard's cricket frog, Acris crepitans blanchardi. Calls were produced in distinct call groups, and they increased in duration and complexity from the beginning to end of a call group. Dominant frequency was the only character of 18 quantified consistently correlated with male snout-vent length. Calls from the beginning of a call group varied independently of calls from the middle and end of a call group, and only calls from the beginning of a call group exhibited significant variation among males, thus relative consistency within males. Other characters varied greatly within individual males. Unlike most other anurans, dominant frequency also exhibited tremendous within-male variation. The relative influence of caller density, local caller density, nearest neighbor distance, and nearest neighbor sound pressure level on variation in male calling behavior was examined. Nearest neighbor distance, mediated through the sound-pressure level of neighbor calls, appeared to have the greatest influence on variation in male calling behavior. The most profound changes in calling behavior occurred during aggressive encounters; males altered their calling behavior in a manner suggesting that they respond to competitors with graded aggressive signals. Furthermore, the structure of the communication system suggests that calls are graded not only in response to the level of social competition, but graded over a call group as well.  相似文献   

In many species, females often prefer male signals that are more complex than in nature or beyond the range of calls naturally produced by conspecific males in spectral, temporal and amplitude features. In this study we examined both the ability of females to recognize signals outside the normal range of spectral frequency variation seen in male advertisement calls, and the influence of increasing call complexity by adding spectral components to enhance the attractiveness of a male advertisement call in the cricket frog Acris crepitans blanchardi, while keeping its amplitude constant. We used two different natural male call groups and created the following synthetic call groups: with a dominant frequency at 3500 Hz, i.e. at the normal dominant frequency with a frequency band within the sensitivity range of the inner ear basilar papilla; with a dominant frequency at 700 Hz, i.e. outside the normal range of variation and with a frequency band outside the sensitivity range of the basilar papilla but within the range of the amphibian papilla; with two dominant frequencies, one at 700 Hz and another at 3500 Hz, stimulating the basilar and amphibian papilla simultaneously. In double choice experiments we tested all combinations of the three call groups, and we tested the 3500 Hz call groups against the same natural call groups. Additionally, we tested the 700 Hz call groups against white noise to see whether these signals are meaningful in mate choice. Females preferred 3500 Hz call groups over all other call groups. The synthetic call group was as attractive to females as the same natural call group. The 700 Hz call group was not meaningful in mate choice. The combined (700 Hz + 3500 Hz) call group was significantly less attractive to females than the 3500 Hz call group. Thus, making a call more spectrally complex without increasing its overall amplitude decreases its attractiveness to cricket frog females.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern of carcass, liver and ovary lipid and liver non-lipid mass was examined in the cricket frog, Acris crepitans, and Woodhouse's toad, Bufo woodhousei. Reproductive patterns were also studied. The over-winter reduction of body lipid and liver non-lipid material was attributed to metabolism in Acris crepitans. Male, but not female, Bufo woodhousei exhibited seasonal variation in lipid stores that was attributable to metabolism. Females, but not males, showed seasonal variation in liver non-lipid mass and quantified liver glycogen. Females of both species mobilized body lipid during the period of ovarian development; however, an inverse relationship between fatbody mass and ovary mass was evident for Acris, only. Female Acris crepitans depleted all ovarian follicles prior to brumation; however, Bufo woodhousei retained enlarged follicles throughout the year. Variation in metabolic substrate use between species was related to the differences in reproductive patterns exhibited by the two anurans. These variations in reproductive strategy represent adaptations that enhance the survivability of different species in dissimilar habitats.  相似文献   

Cricket frogs are widely distributed across the eastern United States and two species, the northern cricket frog (Acris crepitans) and the southern cricket frog (A. gryllus) are currently recognized. We generated a phylogenetic hypothesis for Acris using fragments of nuclear and mitochondrial genes in separate and combined phylogenetic analyses. We also used distance methods and fixation indices to evaluate species limits within the genus and the validity of currently recognized subspecies of A. crepitans. The distributions of existing A. crepitans subspecies, defined by morphology and call types, do not match the distributions of evolutionary lineages recovered using our genetic data. We discuss a scenario of call evolution to explain this disparity. We also recovered distinct phylogeographic groups within A. crepitans and A. gryllus that are congruent with other codistributed taxa. Under a lineage-based species concept, we recognize Acris blanchardi as a distinct species. The importance of this revised taxonomy is discussed in light of the dramatic declines in A. blanchardi across the northern and western portions of its range.  相似文献   

Evidence for reproductive character displacement (RCD) has accumulated more slowly than for ecological character displacement, perhaps because sampling scales and environmental covariates can obscure the role of RCD in speciation. We examined an early example of RCD in an anuran species group, the vocalizations of the sympatric cricket frogs Acris crepitans and A. gryllus. With a relatively fine spatial scale, we compared mixed-species choruses (syntopy), nearby locations where A. gryllus is recently extirpated (historic sympatry), and surrounding areas without secondary contact (allopatry). In each of these areas, we evaluated variation in dominant frequency, click rate, and mass of males. In addition, we determined the acoustic preferences of syntopic females. Temperature influenced dominant frequency of vocalizations in A. crepitans, but not in A. gryllus. Body size varied more and had a stronger influence on dominant frequency in A. crepitans than in A. gryllus. Consequently, the decrease in mass of A. crepitans in syntopy resulted in convergence of body size and divergence of dominant frequencies of the two species. In contrast, dominant frequency of A. crepitans did not differ between historic sympatry and allopatry. Females of both species used fine temporal structure to discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations and showed no preferences for dominant frequency. Chorus noise limited the ability of A. gryllus females to detect and discriminate vocalizations, so convergence in mass might have resulted from RCD in dominant frequency to reduce heterospecific acoustic interference. However, influences other than RCD might have caused syntopic convergence in body size.  相似文献   

We examined genetic diversity and population structure in the American landmass using 678 autosomal microsatellite markers genotyped in 422 individuals representing 24 Native American populations sampled from North, Central, and South America. These data were analyzed jointly with similar data available in 54 other indigenous populations worldwide, including an additional five Native American groups. The Native American populations have lower genetic diversity and greater differentiation than populations from other continental regions. We observe gradients both of decreasing genetic diversity as a function of geographic distance from the Bering Strait and of decreasing genetic similarity to Siberians--signals of the southward dispersal of human populations from the northwestern tip of the Americas. We also observe evidence of: (1) a higher level of diversity and lower level of population structure in western South America compared to eastern South America, (2) a relative lack of differentiation between Mesoamerican and Andean populations, (3) a scenario in which coastal routes were easier for migrating peoples to traverse in comparison with inland routes, and (4) a partial agreement on a local scale between genetic similarity and the linguistic classification of populations. These findings offer new insights into the process of population dispersal and differentiation during the peopling of the Americas.  相似文献   

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