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温度对黑鲷(Sparus macrocephalus)能量收支的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
孙耀  张波  郭学武  王俊  唐启升 《生态学报》2001,21(2):186-190
在以玉筋鱼为饵料生物和最大摄食水平条件下,采用室内流水式实验,研究了黑鲷能量收支及温度对能量分配模式的影响。结果表明,黑鲷的摄食率、生长率、总代谢率和排泄率均随温度上升而呈减速增长趋势。不同温度条件下黑鲷的能量收支式为  相似文献   

虾池生态系能量收支和流动的初步分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
周一兵 《生态学报》2000,20(3):474-481
根据日本刺沙蚕作为动物性活饵在虾池食物链中的作用,对虾池生态系中的有机质收支,生物能量流动及其转化效率进行了分析。结果表明,虾池在养殖期间输入和合成的有机质能量为13725.14kJ/m^2,其中,初级产量为7523.82kJ/m^2,约占总输入的55%。有机质在养殖期间的支出量平均10359.38kJ/m^2,其中,生物呼吸7988.49kJ/m^2,占总支出的77%;对虾产量平均874.48k  相似文献   

Operative temperature (Te) and standard operative temperature (Tes) models have been used to address ecological questions about the thermal biology of ectotherms and endotherms for over 25 years. This review focuses on the accuracy and use of Te and Tes models in ecological and physiological studies. The utility of Te and Tes models lie in the fact that they take a multivariate problem involving inputs of air temperature, ground temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed and map them into a single thermal metric on a spatial scale appropriate for the animal. The most reliable Te models are copper casts that mimic the morphology and absorptivity of an animal. Simplified Te models such as cylinders and spheres have been shown to produce errors in Te as large as 12 °C under certain conditions and should only be used after careful calibration against a live animal. The accuracy of heated Tes models has been addressed in much less detail then that of Te models. When calibrated and used under conditions of low solar radiation, heated taxidermic mounts and simplified Tes models produce errors in net heat production on the order of 5% or less. In order to provide reliable data, all types of models must be calibrated over an ecologically realistic range of environmental conditions experienced by the animal. This advice has been largely ignored in the literature, where 61% of the of studies examined failed to properly calibrate the models prior to use. Additionally, studies using these models tend to lack experimental rigor, using only one or two models to make measurements on 1 or 2 days of the active season. When used correctly, Te and Tes models can be powerful tools for integrating the thermal environment experienced by an animal into a single metric that can address questions regarding the ecology, physiology, and behavior of endotherms and ectotherms. However, until investigators make the effort to use these models in a scientifically valid manner with proper calibration and experimental design their value to thermal biologists will be limited.  相似文献   

Chinese bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) are small passerine birds that inhabit areas of central, southern and eastern China. Previous observations suggest that free–living individuals of this species may change their food intake in response to seasonal changes in ambient temperature. In the present study, we randomly assigned Chinese bulbuls to either a 30 °C or 10 °C group, and measured their body mass(BM), body temperature, gross energy intake(GEI), digestible energy intake(DEI), and the length and mass of their digestive tracts over 28 days of acclimation at these temperatures. As predicted, birds in the 30 °C group had lower body mass, GEI and DEI relative to those in the 10 °C group. The length and mass of the digestive tract was also lower in the 30 °C group and trends in these parameters were positively correlated with BM, GEI and DEI. These results suggest that Chinese bulbuls reduced their absolute energy demands at relatively high temperatures by decreasing their body mass, GEI and DEI, and digestive tract size.  相似文献   

The reproductive and growth strategies ofDaphnia obtusa are discussed in terms of energy budget. The results obtained through feeding and life table experiments allow us to understand the role of biotic factors, such as competition and predation, in the evolution of life history traits.  相似文献   

Experimental testing of dynamic energy budget models   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
1. Dynamic energy budget (DEB) models describing the allocation of assimilate to the competing processes of growth, reproduction and maintenance in individual organisms have been applied to a variety of species with some success. There are two contrasting model formulations based on dynamic allocation rules that have been widely used (net production and net assimilation formulations). However, the predictions of these two classes of DEB models are not easily distinguished on the basis of simple growth and fecundity data.
2. It is shown that different assumptions incorporated in the rules determining allocation to growth and reproduction in two classes of commonly applied DEB models predict qualitatively distinct patterns for an easily measured variable, cumulative reproduction by the time an individual reaches an arbitrary size.
3. A comparison with experimental data from Daphnia pulex reveals that, in their simplest form, neither model predicts the observed qualitative pattern of reproduction, despite the fact that both formulations capture basic growth features.
4. An examination of more elaborate versions of the two models, in which the allocation rules are modified to account for brief periods of starvation experienced in the laboratory cultures, reveals that a version of the net production model can predict the qualitative pattern seen for cumulative eggs as a function of mass in D. pulex . The analysis leads to new predictions which can be easily tested with further laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

为探讨温度和光周期驯化对树麻雀消化道形态特征和能量预算的影响,以不同环境温度(5℃和25℃)、不同光周期(16L∶8D和8L∶16D)的4组树麻雀进行为期4周的人工气候箱驯化,并对驯化后的4组树麻雀消化道形态特征各指标以体质量为协变量,采用温度、光周期双因素协方差分析和组间进行单因素协方差分析及进行Tukey HSD比较。结果表明,温度降低或光周期缩短导致消化道长度极显著增加;反之,则缩短。温度显著影响消化道干组织质量;温度和光周期的交互作用对消化道净鲜质量和干组织质量的影响显著;总消化道和各器官的长度(直肠长度除外)、质量均存在明显的组间差异。可见,不同的温度或光周期可引起树麻雀消化道形态结构和功能能力相应的适应性变化,消化道各器官长度和质量的改变与其个体的摄能需求密切相关,消化道各器官功能能力和器官能耗之间高投资高收益的能量预算是个体适合度与环境压力之间能量预算的结果。  相似文献   

Observations (mid-July) were made, at high altitudes (3,080 m to 4,267 m, White Mountains, California), of the radiative physical and physiological parameters of importance to man. The data was used to show how man was actually coupled to the climatological events and processes going on at the physical-horizontal interface. Such observations were then used to test theoreticalempirical models predicting such interactions between man and the environment. High correlations were found between hypothesis and observations during the investigational period. Subsequently, an all-year simulation was conducted which attempted to predict the annual march of net radiation on the human and its causal components for high elevations in arid regions.
Zusammenfassung In der Höhe von 3.080 bis 4.267 m (White Mountain, California) wurden Mitte Juli Strahlungsmessungen vorgenommen. Die Messungen sollten die enge Kopplung der menschlichen Funktionen mit den klimatischen Bedingungen aufzeigen. Die Beobachtungen wurden weiter zur Prüfung theoretischempirischer Modelle zur Voraussage von Mensch-Umwelt Beziehungen verwendet. Während der Untersuchungsperiode wurden signifikante Korrelationen zwischen Hypothese und Beobachtung gefunden. Deshalb wurde die Beziehung simuliert für alle Monate berechnet, um den Jahresgang der Strahlungsbilanz auf den Menschen und ihre Komponenten für grosse Erhöhungen in ariden Gebieten vorauszusagen.

Resume A la mi-juillet, on a effectuê des mesures du rayonnement entre 3.080 et 4.267 m d'altitude dans les White Montain de Californie. Ces mesures avaient pour but d'établir une relation étroite entre les fonctions humaines et les conditions climatiques ambiantes. Ces observations ont en outre été utilisées pour vérifier des modèles théoriques et empiriques, modèles permettant un pronostic des réactions de l'homme selon le milieu. On a obtenu de hautes corrélations entres les hypothèses émises et les observations faites durant la période d'investigations. Par conséquent, on a calculé pour chaque mois la relation trouvée afin de prévoir les réactions humaines à haute altitude et en climat aride sur la base de l'évolution annuelle de la radiation nette.

  • 1 Alpine vascular plants seem to use other strategies in surviving a cold environment than reducing the reflectance in level leaves. Pubescence in alpine plants has small effect upon total reflectance, but may increase the amount of photosynthetic active radiation within the sheltered canopy. Alpine cushion plants like Silene acaulis, Diapensia lapponica and Loiseleuria procumbens maximize the absorptance of radiant energy with minimum heat losses, probably as an effect of the dense canopy structure. The young inflorescences of Eriophorum vaginatum were found to be extremely efficient absorbators, while the reflectance in Salix catkins was close to that of green leaves.
  • 2 In lichens, a great variation both in visible (400–700 nm) and infrared (700–1400 nm) reflectance was found: (A) The Pseudephebe pubescence group consists of species with very low reflectance at all measured wavelengths. The species are chionophobous, probably because of the high absorptance which makes growth possible during the cold season. (B) The Sticta sylvatica group, characterized by very low visible reflectance and very high infrared reflectance, is well adapted to shade. (C) The Cetraria nivalis group consists of fruticose species with high reflectance both in the visible and the near infrared. The intense visible reflectance probably makes net photosynthesis possible in well protected layers of the canopy. (D) The Nephroma arcticum group with spectral properties resembling green leaves in vascular plants. (E) The Haematomma ventosum group and the Parmelia perlata group with spectral properties intermediate between group C and D.
  • 3 A modified method determining lethal temperatures and energies of activation in the process leading to death during a heat shock, is described. The two parameters are rather species specific in many of the 118 Scandinavian plants investigated. The lethal temperatures completely overlap the values in hotter parts of the world. However, habitat specific lethal temperatures were found; low values in wet- or shade-growing species and high values in dry-growing species. In Picea abies lethal temperatures and energies of activation showed pronounced, but diverging, year cycles in 12 ecotypes from different parts of Europe. Only negligible differences between the ecotypes exist, and cycles are probably photoperiodically determined.
  • 4 Heat hardening can be achieved quickly, both in an active and dormant stage, by increasing the temperature. A linear correlation between hardening temperature, both in the optimal and supraoptimal temperature range, and hardening capability was found. In most species, but especially in cold adapted species, the hardening capability at supraoptimal temperatures decreases with increasing cultivation temperature.
  • 5 Diffusion resistances with open (rs) and closed stomata (rc) are measured on excised leaf samples in 72 species. A positive correlation between rs and rc was found. rc ranges from 2.2-62.5 s cm−1 in mesophytes and from 19-425 s cm−1 in xerophytes, the highest values were found in succulents. Some of the alpine species had extremely low rc, falling within the rs-range. Some habitat specific differences in rc were found, but the relatively few significant differences in rs between different habitats indicate that a lot of different drought avoidance mechanisms exist. The greatest variation in rc between different species was found in periodically dry habitats, though a few species like Epilobium alsinifolium (rc= 62.5 s cm−1) growing in constantly wet habitats had remarkably high rc.
  • 6 In Saussurea alpina leaf size increases with improved moisture conditions. Calculations of leaf temperatures with closed stomata and somewhat extreme meteorological conditions showed that the mean leaf size in the wettest part of the transect was below, but very close to the size giving lethal leaf temperatures. In Rubus chamaemorus leaf size increases with increasing artificial shading. The leaves growing in sunexposed sites will be only 0.5°C below the lethal limit when the stomata are closed. All the shade-leaves would exceed the lethal limit if the screen was removed and closing of stomata occurred. The northern distribution of this species is probably due to its low ability to avoid heat stress.
  • 7 In Silene acaulis heat damage was observed under natural conditions at an air temperature of only 21°C. Leaf temperatures about 20°C above air temperature was often found in prostrate alpine vascular plants during sunny periods. The highest overtemperature (25.5°C) was observed in the broad leaves of Rubus chamaemorus. A comparison with maximum leaf temperatures measured in different parts of the world revealed rather uniform maximum leaf temperatures in spite of very contrasting air temperatures. Thus, vascular plants seem to control the leaf temperatures to a great extent by means of morphological modifications.
  • 8 Leaf temperatures in a hot and dry period were calculated and compared with the heat resistance in 69 Scandinavian, mainly alpine, plants. In 14 wet growing species the lethal limits were exceeded if closing of the stomata occurred. In the remaining species calculated temperatures in single leaves never exceeded the lethal limit. Most of these species have leaves densely crowded in cushions or prostrate rosettes. Hence they get warmer than indicated by the calculated temperatures in single leaves, and will probably be heated close to the lethal limit. A highly significant correlation between lethal temperatures and cuticular diffusion resistances was found, probably illustrating the importance of transpirational cooling during a hot period. A combination of cuticular diffusion resistances and lethal temperatures segregates the species better in natural groups than only one parameter alone.
  • 9 Factors involved in limiting the downward distribution of alpine plants are discussed. Some species avoid lowlands since they are drought sensitive (low cuticular diffusion resistance), others, mainly cushion plants with low heat exchange capacity, are probably overheated in lowlands.

田相利  董双林  吴立新  王芳 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2811-2817
对比研究了模拟自然昼夜温度变化节律的4个变温(22±2)、(25±2)、(28±2)和(31±2)℃与相应的恒温22、25、28和31℃下中国对虾(F ennerop enaeus ch inensis O sbeck)生长和能量收支的差异。结果表明,对虾在(22±2)℃、(25±2)℃和(28±2)℃变温条件下的生长率显著高于相应的恒温,但(31±2)℃与恒温31℃相比没有显著差异。与相应的恒温相比,(25±2)℃、(28±2)℃和(31±2)℃变温下对虾的摄食量显著增大,(22±2)℃、(25±2)℃和(28±2)℃变温下对虾的饵料转化率则显著提高。但变温下对虾对食物的消化率与相应的恒温相比没有显著差异。能量收支研究结果则发现,(22±2)℃、(25±2)℃和(28±2)℃变温下对虾摄食能中,用于生长的能量比例显著增加,而(31±2)℃与31℃相比则未见显著差异。从而表明,变温促长的主要机制可归因于变温下摄食量的增大、饵料转化率的提高及其摄食能中用于生长能比例的增加。  相似文献   

温度与光周期是环境季节性变化的最直接表现因子及时间变化指示标志,对动物的形态、生理及行为产生重要的影响.本文以白头鹎为研究对象,探讨了不同温度与光周期对其体质量、能量收支和消化道形态的影响,分析了能量收支与消化道形态特征的关系.将28只白头鹎(12雄16雌)分为4组:暖温长光组(30℃,16 L8 D;3雄4雌)、暖温短光组(30 ℃,8 L16 D;3雄4雌)、低温长光组(10 ℃,16 L8 D;3雄4雌)和低温短光组(10 ℃,8 L16 D;3雄4雌).结果表明: 低温与短光照可促进白头鹎的体质量、摄入能及同化能明显增加,同时温度与光周期的交互作用对白头鹎的摄入能及同化能影响显著.低温条件下,胃、小肠、直肠及总消化道的湿质量及干质量明显增加.残差分析表明,小肠与总消化道的长度及干质量与摄入能和同化能显著相关.表明低温与短光照下白头鹎通过增加体质量、能量摄入和改变消化道形态来应对严酷的环境条件.  相似文献   

动物长期能量收支理论及研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
阐述了持续代谢率和持续代谢范围的概念,并介绍有关制约因子的4种假说:食物可利用性假说、外周制约假说、中心制约假说以及同形态椹制约假说。此外,还就持续代谢率的进化原因、实验验证的方法和结论,以及与最小维持消耗(BMR)的关系和机制进行了分析。持续代谢率对动物生活具有影响,具有生态学意义。最后,分析了本领域未来的4个发展方向。  相似文献   

Skin temperature is an essential physiological parameter of thermal comfort. The purpose of this research was to reveal the effects of clothing thermal resistance and operative temperature on local skin temperature (LST) and mean skin temperature (MST). The LSTs (at 32 sites) in stable condition were measured for different clothing thermal resistances 1.39, 0.5 and 0.1 clo. To study the effect of environmental temperature on LST and MST, the LSTs were also measured for operative temperatures 23, 26 and 33 °C. The experimental data showed that the effect of clothing thermal resistance on the foot was greater compared to the other human parts, and the effect of operative temperature on many parts of the human body was great, such as foot, hand, trunk, and arm. The MSTs measured on the conditions that air speed was under 0.1 m/s, RH was about 30–70%, and metabolic rate was about 1 met, were collected from previous studies. On the basis of these experimental data, a MST prediction equation with the operative temperature and clothing thermal resistance as independent variables, was obtained by multiple linear regression. This equation was a good alternative and provided convenience to predict the MST in different operative temperatures and clothing thermal resistances.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment of the demand by the parasite Schistocephalus solidus (Miiller, 1776) upon its secondary host, Gasterosteus aculentus L., was obtained by comparing the energy budgets for infected and non-infected fish. Observations on the energy trans-formations during feeding, assimilation, growth and respiration of fishes indicated some overall effects of the parasite upon host metabolism.
Infection resulted in a greater depletion of host food reserws, shown by a marked in-crease in mortality of parasitized fish during starvation. When fed ad libitum upon Tubifex , differences were recorded in the feeding and assimilation rates of fish. By comparison, no significant differences were detected in the respiratory expenditure of infected and non-infected hosts. The computation of energy budgets indicated that fish bearing parasites characteristically exhibited a higher gross efficiency than did fish without parasites. How-ever, subtraction of the calculated effect due to the presence of worms, suggested that the efficiency of infected fish alone, that is, without their parasites, was actually lower than the efficiency of uninfected fish. It is considered therefore that the apparent greater energy turnover in a parasitized fish is due to the parasite being more efficient in its energy trans-formations than is its host.  相似文献   

We formulate and analyze two dynamic energy budget models, a net assimilation model with constant allocation strategy and a net production model with a 2-stage allocation strategy, with the objective of determining strategies that maximize the expected lifetime reproductive energy. The per capita death rate depends on the organisms size, as for example when the main cause of death is predation. In the analysis of the net production model, the size at maturity is calculated along with the probability of reaching that size. We show that a small probability of survival to maturity is incompatible with the simple assumption of an exponential survival probability. We demonstrate that when the hazard rate is significantly greater for small individuals than large ones, it is possible for the optimum strategy to be for an individual to grow to a large size in spite of an arbitrarily small probability of survival to maturity. Numerical simulations indicate how the optimal allocation strategies depend on the parameter values.  相似文献   

We present the state of the art of the development of dynamic energy budget theory, and its expected developments in the near future within the molecular, physiological and ecological domains. The degree of formalization in the set-up of the theory, with its roots in chemistry, physics, thermodynamics, evolution and the consistent application of Occam's razor, is discussed. We place the various contributions in the theme issue within this theoretical setting, and sketch the scope of actual and potential applications.  相似文献   

Ageing is a complex multifactorial process involving a progressive physiological decline that, ultimately, leads to the death of an organism. It involves multiple changes in many components that play fundamental roles under healthy and pathological conditions. Simultaneously, every organism undergoes accumulative 'wear and tear' during its lifespan, which confounds the effects of the ageing process. The scenario is complicated even further by the presence of both age-dependent and age-independent competing causes of death. Various manipulations have been shown to interfere with the ageing process. Calorie restriction, for example, has been reported to increase the lifespan of a wide range of organisms, which suggests a strong relation between energy metabolism and ageing. Such a link is also supported within the main theories for ageing: the free radical hypothesis, for instance, links oxidative damage production directly to energy metabolism. The Dynamic Energy Budgets (DEB) theory, which characterizes the uptake and use of energy by living organisms, therefore constitutes a useful tool for gaining insight into the ageing process. Here we compare the existing DEB-based modelling approaches and, then, discuss how new biological evidence could be incorporated within a DEB framework.  相似文献   

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