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Mesozooplankton abundance, community structure and grazing impact were determined during late austral summer (February/March) 1994 at eight oceanic stations near South Georgia using samples collected with a Bongo and WP-2 nets in the upper 200-m and 100-m layer, respectively. The zooplankton abundance was generally dominated by copepodite stages C3–C5 of six copepod species: Rhincalanus gigas, Calanus simillimus, Calanoides acutus, Metridia spp., Clausocalanus laticeps and Ctenocalanus vanus. Most copepods had large lipid sacs. All copepods accounted for 41–98% of total zooplankton abundance. Juvenile euphausiids were the second most important component contributing between 1 and 20% of total abundance. Pteropods, mainly Limacina inflata, were important members of the pelagic community at two sites, accounting for 44 and 53% of total abundance. Average mesozooplankton biomass in the upper 200 m was 8.0 g dry weight m−2, ranging from 4.3 to 11.5 g dry weight m−2. With the exception of Calanussimillimus, gut pigment contents and feeding activity of copepod species were low, suggesting that some species, after having stored large lipid reserves, had probably started undergoing developmental arrest. Daily mesozooplankton grazing impact, measured using in situ gut fluorescence techniques and in vitro incubations, varied widely from <1 to 8% (mean 3.5%) of phytoplankton standing stock, and from 5 to 102% (mean 36%) of primary production. The highest grazing impact was found northeast of the island co-incident with the lowest phytoplankton biomass and primary production levels. Received: 30 October 1996 / Accepted: 23 February 1997  相似文献   

 Diatom composition and biomass were investigated in the nearshore water (<30 m in depth) of Maxwell Bay, Antarctica during the 1992/1993 austral summer. Epiphytic or epilithic diatoms such as Fragilaria striatula, Achnanthes brevipes var. angustata and Licmophora spp. dominated the water column microalgal populations. Within the bay, diatom biomass in surface water was several times higher at the nearshore (2.4–14 μg C l-1) than at the offshore stations (>100 m) (1.2–3.2 μg C l-1) with a dramatic decrease towards the bay mouth. Benthic forms accounted for >90% of diatom carbon in all nearshore stations, while in the offshore stations planktonic forms such as Thalassiosira antarctica predominated (50–>90%). Microscopic examination revealed that many of these diatoms have become detached from a variety of macroalgae growing in the intertidal and shallow subtidal bottoms. Epiphytic diatoms persistently dominated during a 19-day period in the water column at a fixed nearshore station, and the biomass of these diatoms fluctuated from 0.86 to 53 μg C l-1. A positive correlation between diatom biomass and wind speed strongly suggests that wind-driven resuspension of benthic forms is the major mechanism increasing diatom biomass in the water column. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted: 1 April 1996  相似文献   

Measurements of adult Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) gutcontents, evacuation and egestion rates, as well as digestiveefficiency, were carried out during February-March 1994 in thevicin ity of South Georgia to estimate in situ daily ration.These were combined with acoustically derived biomass data tocalculate the grazing impact of Antarctic krill and its contributionto the carbon flux in the region. Individual levels of gut pigmentconcentrations and evacuation rates ranged from 27 to 1831 ngchlorophyll a-eq. ind.–1 and from 0.133 to 0.424 h–1,respectively. Losses of pigment fluor escence during digestionwere very high, ranging from 58 to 98% of the total pigmentdigested. Daily carbon consumption estimated using the gut fluorescencemethod varied from 0.234 to 0.931 mg C ind.–1 day–1(or 0.4–1.7% of body carbon), compared to {small tilde}2.73mg C ind.–1 day–1 (or {small tilde}5% of body carbon)using the faecal pellet production data. The 3-fold higher dailyration estimated using egestion rate data may be explained bypredation on micro-and mesozooplankton. Maximum krill grazingimpact ranged from 0.4 to 1.9% of the total phytoplankton stockor from 10 to 59% of the total daily primary production. However,grazing impact on the microphytoplankton (>20 µm) wassubstantially higher, at times exceeding 100% of the daily microphytoplanktonproduction. It is suggested that to meet its energetic demands,kriil must consume a substantial proportion of heterotrophiccarbon. 3Present address Zoology Department, University of Fort Hare,P/Bag X1314, Alice, 5700, South Africa  相似文献   

Macrobenthic assemblages were investigated at 26 stations located around Livingston Island, Deception Island and the Bransfield Strait at depths ranging from 42 to 671 m. Representatives of 30 major taxa were found. The maximal density was 5,260 specimens·m−2 at Livingston Island; the mean abundance per station ranged from 160 to 4,380 specimens·m−2. The total biomass of the macrozoobenthos declined with depth, with mean values of 3,201 g·m−2 at shallower depths (< 100 m) and 210 g·m−2 further down (> 100 m). After multivariate analysis (cluster analysis, MDS) based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, most stations could be assigned to one of three groups on the basis of distinct biomass differences between sites. The first cluster with a rich Ascidiacea biomass is common on shallower bottoms. The second, with Ophiuroidea as a characteristic group, is common on deeper bottoms. The absence of an ‘indicator’ taxon is characteristic of the remaining cluster of those stations with the lowest biomass values. No significant correlations were detected between macrobenthic biomass and any sediment parameters measured, probably because part of the benthos (i.e. the epifauna) could be better explained by the coupling with a highly productive water column. The role of the epi-infauna sensu Gallardo as the main factor structuring benthic assemblages in the investigated area is discussed. Received: 7 March 1996/Accepted: 26 July 1996  相似文献   

Microphytoplankton distribution in the Atlantic sector of theSouthern Ocean was investigated along a transect during theSAAMES II cruise undertaken in late austral summer (January/February) 1993. Samples were collected at 60 km intervals between34 and 70°S for the analysis of mineral nutrients, and theidentification and enumeration of microphytoplankton. Peaksin microphytoplankton abundance were recorded in the neriticwaters of Africa and Antarctica, at all major oceanic fronts,and in the marginal ice zone (MIZ). Partial correlation analysisindicated that 45% of the total variance associated with microphytoplanktonabundance could be explained by silicate and phosphate concentrations,while temperature accounted for 65% (P<0.001). Cluster andordination analyses identified two major groups of stations,one north and one south of the Subantarctic Front (SAF). Thisdivision appears to be related to differences in temperatureand silicate concentrations. Each region comprised distinctmicrophytoplankton subgroups associated with specific watermasses or hydrological features. Indicator species could beidentified for some water masses. In the MIZ, microphytoplanktonspecies composition and succession were strongly affected bysea-ice throughout the summer.  相似文献   

Summary A net sampling survey was conducted around the island of South Georgia during July/August 1983. This study compares the age structure and vertical and horizontal distributions of the dominant copepods Calanoides acutus, Calanus simillimus, C. propinquus, Rhincalanus gigas, Metridia lucens and M. gerlachei. The chief physical and biological factors affecting the distributions of these species are assessed and the results are compared with those from a similar survey around the island carried out in early summer (1981/1982). The survey grid lay within the Polar Front during the winter survey, and horizontal changes in copepod abundance corresponded well to the temperature gradient across the front. This pattern was interrupted by the South Georgia shelf where the seasonal migrants (Calanoides acutus, Rhincalanus gigas and Calanus simillimus) occurred in high abundance. The concentration of these migrants over the shelf relative to the oceanic surface layer was attributed to the shelf having prevented their seasonal migration. Within the oceanic area the copepods occupied differing depths, with Calanoides acutus and Metridia gerlachei living deeper than Calanus simillimus, C. propinquus and M. lucens. The populations also tended to live deeper in the warmer (NW) portion of the oceanic survey area. In contrast to the summer survey the age structure of each species showed little variation throughout the survey area. This was attributed mainly to the decreased rates of copepod growth and metabolism in winter.  相似文献   

Depth-stratified vertical sampling was carried out during the New Zealand International Polar Year cruise to the Ross Sea on board the RV Tangaroa in February–March 2008. The distribution (horizontal and vertical), density and population biology of Salpa thompsoni were investigated. Salps were found at two of the four major sampling locations, e.g. near the continental slope of the Ross Sea and in the vicinity of seamounts to the north of the Ross Sea. Both abundance and biomass of S. thompsoni were highest near the seamounts in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current reaching ~2,500 ind 1,000 m−3 and 8.2 g dry wt 1,000 m−3 in the water column sampled. The data showed that S. thompsoni populations were able to utilize horizontal and vertical discontinuities in water column structure, in particular the warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), to persist in the high Antarctic. Although salps appeared to continue migrating to the surface colder layers to feed, both aggregate chain and young embryo release seem to be restricted to the CDW. This study for the first time has provided evidence that low Antarctic salp species may successfully reproduce in the hostile high Antarctic realm.  相似文献   

Summary Phyto- and protozooplankton were sampled in the upper 10 m of the water column in austral summer during a cruise of RV Polarstern from January 6 to February 20 1985 in the eastern Bransfield Strait vicinity and in the northern, southeastern (off Vestkapp, twice: I and II) and southern Weddell Sea (Vahsel Bay across the Filchner Depression to Gould Bay). The plankton assemblages are discussed in relation to physical, chemical and biological factors in the different geographical areas in summer. Phytoplankton biomass (Phytoplankton carbon, PPC) ranged from 4–194 g carbon/l and consisted on average of 65% diatoms and 35% autotrophic flagellates. Whereas in the northwest phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by small nanoflagellates (78% of PPC), higher biomass of diatoms (54–94% of PPC) occurred at the other sampling sites. In general autotrophic flagellates and small pennate diatoms dominated at oceanic stations; in neritic areas large centric diatoms prevailed. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0.25–3.14/g chl a/l with a mean of 1.13/gmg chlorophyll a/l and an average phytoplankton carbon/chlorophyll a ratio of 39. Protozooplankton biomass (Protozooplankton carbon, PZC) ranged from 0–67 g carbon/l and consisted of 49% ciliates, 49% heterotrophic dinoflagellates and 2% tintinnids. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates were more important in the northern investigation areas (58%–84% of PZC). Ciliates dominated the protozooplankton in the southeast and south (56%–65% of PZC); higher abundances of tintinnids were observed only in the south (11% of PZC). The most remarkable feature of the surface waters was the high protozooplankton biomass: protozooplankton amounted to 25% on an average of the combined biomass of PPC plus PZC for the entire investigation period. Protozoan biomass in the southeastern and southern Weddell Sea occasionally exceeded phytoplankton biomass. Temperature, salinity, and inorganic nutrients were generally lower in the southern regions; at most of these stations a meltwater layer occurred in the upper meters of the water column. We suggest that this physical regime allows a well developed summer system with a high proportion of heterotrophic microplankton. In the eastern Bransfield Strait, in the northern Weddell Sea and close to the coast off Vestkapp (I), however, early summer conditions occurred with less protozooplankton contribution.Contribution no. 427 from the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research  相似文献   

This study seeks to determine the effects of local hydrography on the distribution, abundance and feeding of chaetognaths in the Lazarev Sea, an area strongly controlled by physical processes which has been held responsible for initiating the Weddell Polynya. Zooplankton samples were taken at 39 stations on four transects located between 6°W and 3°E and from 60°S to 70°S between surface and 350 m. The dominant species, Eukrohnia hamata, accounted for 86.5% of all chaetognaths, followed by Sagitta gazellae (8.1%) and Sagitta marri (5.4%). These three species showed distinct vertical and horizontal distribution patterns. While E. hamata and S. marri had maximum abundances below 250 m depth, S. gazellae showed a narrow distribution band in the upper 150 m depth. The distribution pattern was strongly modified at the Greenwich meridian with an upward transport of a high abundance of deep dwelling organisms (S. marri and E. hamata) and a displacement of S. gazellae to the surface, likely coupled with the rise of the warm, saline halo around the Maud Rise. Small copepods were the main prey of all three chaetognath species. Feeding rates (FR) varied among species and depth. Sagitta marri showed the highest FR with 0.38 prey d−1, followed by S. gazellae and E. hamata (0.22 and 0.07 prey d−1). Feeding rates were usually highest in the 25–80-m stratum. Size distribution and maturity of E. hamata revealed a dominance of small and immature organisms along all depths and stations, suggesting that this area might be acting as an important source of recently spawned organisms to the surface.  相似文献   

The rapid melting of glaciers as well as the loss of sea ice in the Amundsen Sea makes it an ideal environmental setting for the investigation of the impacts of climate change in the Antarctic on the distribution and production of mesozooplankton. We examined the latitudinal distribution of mesozooplankton and their grazing impacts on phytoplankton in the Amundsen Sea during the early austral summer from December 27, 2010 to January 13, 2011. Mesozooplankton followed a latitudinal distribution in relation to hydrographic and environmental features, with copepods dominating in the oceanic area and euphausiids dominating in the polynya. Greater Euphausia crystallorophias biomass in the polynya was associated with lower salinity and higher food concentration (chlorophyll a, choanoflagellates, and heterotrophic dinoflagellates). The grazing impact of three copepods (Rhincalanus gigas, Calanoides acutus, and Metridia gerlachei) on phytoplankton was low, with the consumption of 3 % of phytoplankton standing stock and about 4 % of daily primary production. Estimated daily carbon rations for each of the three copepods were also relatively low (<10 %), barely enough to cover metabolic demands. This suggests that copepods may rely on food other than phytoplankton and that much of the primary production is channeled through microzooplankton. Daily carbon rations for E. crystallorophias were high (up to 49 %) with the grazing impact accounting for 17 % of the phytoplankton biomass and 84 % of primary production. The presence of E. crystallorophias appears to be a critical factor regulating phytoplankton blooms and determining the fate of fixed carbon in the coastal polynyas of the Amundsen Sea.  相似文献   

Information on the food and predation of zooplankton species is essential for an improved understanding of zooplankton community dynamics of the Southern Ocean. Feeding of dominant zooplankton species at locations across the neritic, slope and oceanic regions of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, was investigated with incubation experiments during austral spring/summer of 2009/2010 to identify the response of dominant copepods and krill to different feeding environments. Results showed distinct spatial and temporal variations in ingestion and filtration of predominant copepods and krill. In late spring, Calanoides acutus was inactive and the ingestion rate was only 1.30 μgC/ind/day. During early summer, a diatom bloom was in progress at station IS21, showing a peak biomass of Thalassiosira spp. and Fragilaria spp. Daily ingestion rates of Euphausia crystallorophias, C. acutus, Metridia gerlachei and Ctenocalanus citer were relatively high. By contrast, copepod ate predominantly ciliates in slope and oceanic regions where microplankton biomass were lower (<20 μgC/L). During late summer, microplankton of neritic regions, mainly composed of nano-sized Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and ciliates, was less than 10 μgC/L. C. acutus incubated in neritic regions mainly ate ciliates. The total microplankton biomass was lower (<5 μgC/L) and predominated by Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in slope regions north of Fram Bank, and daily ingestion rates of incubated copepods were less than 2.5 μgC/ind. Our results clearly demonstrated that copepods and krill had flexible feeding strategies to cope with temporally and spatially changing food availability in Prydz Bay. Meanwhile, ciliates appeared to represent an important carbon source for zooplankton, especially in regions with lower food concentrations.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work was to identify zooplankton assemblages by means of statistical testing and associate them with hydrographic properties of the Strait of Magellan and its microbasins. Zooplankton samples were collected by the R/V Cariboo in late austral summer 1991. Nineteen stations were sampled by BIONESS from the surface layer to 900 m depth, along the main longitudinal axis of the Strait of Magellan. There was a marked regional-scale pattern in zooplankton species diversity and richness, related to the hydrographical features of the Strait and its sub-basins. Six groups of samples were identified by cluster analysis in terms of zooplankton structure, and related to sea-water properties of temperature, salinity, and Chl a (Sperman’s correlation coefficient). Plankton assemblages of the Strait of Magellan seem closely linked to the remote sub-Antarctic and adjacent ocean biota, but populations may have independent evolutionary lines and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton assemblages from seasonally sea-ice covered Ryder Bay (Adelaide Island, Antarctica) were studied over three austral summers (2004–2007), to link sea-ice variability and environmental conditions with algal speciation. Typical of near-shore Antarctic waters, biomass was dominated by large diatoms, although the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis antarctica was numerically dominant. Although there was considerable interannual variability between main diatom species, high biomass of certain species or species groups corresponded consistently to certain phases of seasonal progression. We present the first documentation of an extensive bloom of the late-season diatom Proboscia inermis in February 2006, accounting for over 90% of diatom biomass. At this time, water column stratification and nutrient drawdown were high relative to other periods of the study, although carbon export was relatively low. Melt water flux in this region promotes well-stratified surface waters and high chlorophyll levels, but not necessarily concurrent increases in export production relative to seasons with lower freshwater inputs.  相似文献   

Summary Six species of Stereocaulon and one unnamed taxon (close to S. glabrum) are reported from South Georgia, the maritime Antarctic islands and Antarctic Peninsula. S. caespitosum is new to the western sub-Antarctic. Variations in morphology and secondary chemistry are provided, and the ecology and geographical distribution in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic biomes are given for each taxon.  相似文献   

A clear shift from vegetative cells to auxospores and resting spores in Thalassiosira australis was observed in the water column and sinking fluxes under the fast ice near Syowa Station in the austral summer of 2005/2006. This is the first report of the auxosporulation by T. australis in situ. Resting spores were also observed in the sediment even before new spore formation, suggesting that T. australis can overwinter in the sediment. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates ingested and digested vegetative cells and auxospores but did not digest resting spores, suggesting a high tolerance of resting spores to grazing by heterotrophic dinoflagellates. We discuss the possible life history and overwintering strategy that T. australis uses in an Antarctic coastal area to cope with the unpredictable timing of sea ice growth and decay.  相似文献   

An investigation into the changing phytoplankton biomass and total water column production during autumn sea ice formation in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica showed reduced biomass concentrations and extremely low daily primary production. Mean chlorophyll-a concentration for the entire study period was extremely low, 0.15±0.01 mg.m−3 with a maximum of 0.35 mg.m−3 found along the first transect to the east of the grid. Areas of low biomass were identified as those either associated with heavy grazing or with deep mixing and corresponding low light levels. In most cases phytoplankton in the <20-μm size classes dominated. Integrated biomass to 100 m ranged from 7.1 to 28.0 mg.m−2 and correlated positively with surface chlorophyll-a concentrations. Mean PBmax (photosynthetic capacity) and αB (initial slope of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve) were 1.25±0.19 mgC. mgChla −1.h−1 and 0.042±0.009 mgC.mgChla −1.h−1.(μmol.m−2.s−1)−1 respectively. The mean index of photoadaptation,I k, was 32.2±4.0 μmol.m−2.s−1 and photoinhibition was found in all cases. Primary production was integrated to the critical depth (Z cr) at each production station and ranged from 15.6 to 41.5 mgC.m−2.d−1. It appears that, other than grazing intensity, the relationship between the critical depth and the mixing depth (Z mix) is an important factor as, ultimately, light availability due both to the late season and growing sea ice cover severely limits production during the austral autumn.  相似文献   

Algal and bacterial processes in platelet ice during late austral summer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The biota inhabiting layers of platelet ice were investigated in the Weddell Sea during late austral summer. Due to meltwater release, the salinity of the interstitial water between platelets was reduced. Algae and bacteria accumulated within this ice environment attaining concentrations of up to 500 μg in total pigments (chlorophyll a plus phaeopigments) and 2 mg in bacterial biomass per liter. Pennate diatoms of the genus Fragilariopsis were most common in the platelet layer, while ice-free water was dominated by autotrophic nanoflagellates. Protozoa contributed only 5% or less to the total protistan (microalgae plus protozoa) cell concentration in the ice, compared to about 10% in open water, thus suggesting a low grazing pressure within the platelet habitat. The bulk of bacterial biomass occurred within the dense assemblages of pennate diatoms that grew attached to the ice platelets. Algal and bacterial concentrations in the interstitial water between platelets were much lower. Measurements of bacterial growth showed that substantial heterotrophic potential can be established within assemblages inhabiting late summer platelet ice. Small-scale analyses of bacterial activity patterns revealed that those bacteria that were closely associated with ice and/or algae showed considerably less biomass-specific substrate uptake than cells that occurred freely suspended in the interstitial water, indicating that their physiological state differed. Received: 21 October 1995/Accepted: 27 January 1996  相似文献   

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