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Procedures are presented for the preparative isolation of murine Ia antigens directly from splenocyte detergent extracts with monoclonal immunoadsorbents. Utilizing these procedures, three Ia (I-A subregion) polypeptides (alpha, 31K, beta) were isolated and their m.w. and pI values characterized. Evidence is presented that indicates that: 1) the 31K polypeptide probably does not associate with the Ia alpha and beta chain complex during the Ia isolation procedure; 2) the 31K polypeptide is not tightly bound to the alpha/beta Ia complex and can be selectively removed by freezing and thawing and by washing the Ia-immunoadsorbent with buffers containing pyrrolidinone (a polar solvent); and (3) unlike the alpha and beta chains, the 31K polypeptide is not intrinsically radiolabeled with 3H fucose and 3H glucosamine, indicating that the 31K polypeptide either contains a carbohydrate structure that is different from that of the alpha and beta chains or it is not a glycopeptide. These data suggest that although Ia antigens are probably comprised of three polypeptides in the intact cell, only two (alpha and beta) are required to maintain alloantigenic determinants.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of negative selection with anti-Ia serum and C on a number of T cell functions and have clearly defined two subpopulations of guinea pig T lymphocytes. One subpopulation is susceptible to the lytic effects on anti-Ia serum and C and includes the majority of the primed T cells which proliferate and which produce migration inhibition factor in response to specific antigen stimulation in vitro. The lytic effects of anti-Ia serum were directed against the antigen-specific T cell and not an accessory cell such as a macrophage or nonantigen-specific T cell. No evidence for allelic exclusion of the Ia antigens of the antigen-responsive cell could be demonstrated. The susceptibility of the mitogen-responsive T cell to lysis by anti-Ia serum and C varied with the mitogen used, anatomic origin of the T cell, and the strain of animals studied. A second subpopulation of T cells is completely resistant to the lytic effects of anti-Ia serum and C and includes the primed T helper cell and the T cell that proliferates in response to alloantigenic stimulation in the MLR.  相似文献   

Splenocytes from recombinant mice were radiolabeled before or after deletion of subpopulations by cytotoxic anterisera (+C) directed against I-A, I-E/C, IgM, or Ig. Examination of the lysates of the surviving cells by immunoprecipitation demonstrated that 1) virtually all I-A and I-E/C molecules are co-expressed and synthesized by Ig+, IgM+ lymphocytes, 2) I-A, I-E/C, and IgM molecules are present on many of the cells secreting IgM and IgG, and 3) populations of Ig-bearing or Ig-secreting cells that lack detectable I-A and I-E/C antigens can be identified in spleen cell populations. The co-expression of I-A and I-E/C on most cells of the B cell lineage is discussed in terms of our present concepts of Ir gene control of immune responses.  相似文献   

Murine Ia alloantigens encoded by the I-A and I-E/C subregions were isolated from radiolabeled splenic lysates and examined by NH2-terminal sequence analysis. Haplotype-associated sequence variation was detected in the beta, but not alpha, subunits of both the A and E/C alloantigens. The A beta-polypeptides from k and b haplotypes show four differences in the 12 positions compared, whereas the E/C beta-polypeptides from k and r haplotypes show two differences in the 13 positions compared. No sequence variation was detected between the Ak and Ab alpha-chains (six positions compared) or between the E/Ck and E/Cr alpha-chains (11 positions compared). Homology relationships between these murine Ia alloantigens and the human Ia (DR) alloantigens are also presented.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that radioresistant, Thy 1-negative accessory cells (SAC) are required for the in vitro generation of cytotoxic T-effector cells to allogeneic or trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic cells. These SAC were found to provide accessory functions irrespective of whether they were syngeneic, semi-syngeneic, or allogeneic to the responding cells. To further characterize the accessory cells active in CML, the expression of Ia antigens on this functional population was assessed by pretreated SAC with anti-Ia reagents and complement and by testing the accessory cell function of these treated populations. The results of these studies demonstrated that the relevant accessory cells for allogeneic and TNP-self CTL express Ia determinants encoded by genes mapping in the I-A and I-E/C subregions. For the TNP-self CTL the accessory function of both SAC syngeneic or allogeneic to the responding and stimulating cells was specifically abrogated by treatment with anti-Ia reagents and complement.  相似文献   

The capping of Ia antigens does not induce redistribution of Fc receptors (FcR) on B lymphocytes. This rules out the possibility of a unidirectional association between Ia and FcR such as has been reported to link Ig and FcR. Ia-capping was achieved with hapten-sandwich antibodies devoid of Fc regions: hapten-conjugated Fab anti-Ia followed by (Fab')2 anti-hapten antibody. Three different immune complex systems were used to label FcR. With fluorescent double labeling, Ia and FcR were readily distinguished. The independent labeling and surface mobility of Ia and FcR are considered in connection with reports of the inhibition of FcR by anti-Ia antibodies.  相似文献   

A murine T lymphocyte proliferation assay that used antigen-primed lymph node T cells, was antigen specific, and required exogenous accessory cells was used to characterize the accessory cells that supported proliferation. These cells were Thy 1.2 negative, radioresistant, glass-adherent, and were functional only if alive. The accessory cell function of spleen adherent cells was much greater than that of peritoneal cells. Also, the accessory cell function of spleen adherent cells was proportional to the length of time such cells were incubated with antigen and very small numbers of such cells provided accessory cell function. Cytotoxic studies with subregion-restricted anti-Ia antibodies and complement indicated that accessory cell function resided in a subpopulation of spleen adherent cells that bore both I-A and I-E or C subregion antigens. The function of such cells was not related to a selective ability (vs other spleen adherent cells) to take up antigen. These data indicate that antigen-specific stimulation of T lymphocyte proliferation requires at least one specific subpopulation of spleen adherent cells that can be phenotypically identified by its expression of Ia antigens and are consistent with the possibility that Ia antigens may be Ir gene products.  相似文献   

An immunochemical analysis of the kinetics of appearance of Ia antigens during embryonic development was performed. Ia antigens first appear on the surface of embryonic cells 11 days postconception and their expression between days 11 and 16 of gestation is confined to the fetal liver. Ia antigen synthesis by fetal liver cells is detectable at day 14. Ia seems to precede Ig as a surface marker of embryonic liver cells, since Ig cannot be detected until day 16 of gestation. H-2 antigens may be immunoprecipitated from day 10 whole embryo cells. F9 primitive teratocarcinoma cells are Ia negative and H-2 negative.  相似文献   

A single injection of anti-I-Ak antibody (AB) into H-2k mice resulted in abrogation of splenic antigen-presenting cell (APC) function for protein antigen-primed T cells or alloantigen-specific T cells. Spleen cells from anti-I-A-treated mice are not inhibitory in cell mixing experiments when using cloned antigen-specific T cells as indicator cells, thus excluding a role for suppressor cells in the observed defect. Also, nonspecific toxic effects and carry-over of blocking Ab were excluded as causes for the defect. Experiments with anti-I-Ak Ab in (H-2b X H-2k)F1 mice showed abrogation of APC function for T cells specific for both parental I-A haplotypes. In homozygous H-2k mice, anti-I-Ak treatment not only abrogated APC function for I-Ak-restricted cloned T cells but also for I-AekE alpha k-restricted cloned T cells. FACS analysis of spleen cells from anti-I-Ak-treated (H-2b X H-2k)F1 mice revealed the disappearance of all Ia antigens (both I-A and I-E determined), whereas the number of IgM-bearing cells was unaffected. The reappearance of APC function with time after injection was correlated with the reappearance of I-A and I-E antigen expression. In vitro incubation of spleen cells from anti-I-A-treated mice led to the reappearance of Ia antigen expression and APC function within 8 hr. Thus, it appears that B cells (as determined by FACS analysis) and APC (as determined by functional analysis) behave similarly in response to in vivo anti-I-A Ab treatment. We interpret these findings as suggesting that in vivo anti-I-A treatment temporarily reduces the expression of Ia molecules through co-modulation on all Ia-bearing spleen cells, thereby rendering them incompetent as APC. Such modulation of Ia molecules does not occur when spleen cells are incubated in vitro with anti-I-A antibodies. These results imply that a primary defect purely at the level of APC in anti-I-A-treated mice may be responsible for the observed T cell nonresponsiveness when such mice are subsequently primed with antigen.  相似文献   

Utilizing a PFC assay to quantitate the polyclonal activation of human peripheral blood B lymphocytes, we have investigated the induction and functional activity of MLC-derived human helper factor(s). Our data demonstrate that highly purified responder T cells, but not B or null cells, are required for the elaboration of MLC helper factor(s) that trigger the in vitro differentiation of B lymphocytes into PFC. Helper factor can trigger B cell maturation in the absence of helper T cells, since complement- (C) mediated lysis of the small (less than 5%) fraction of T cells present in anti-F(ab)2 immunoabsorbent column purified B cell population eliminates the PWM induced, but not the helper factor-induced PFC response. Responder T cells required for helper factor production do not bear surface membrane Ia, since alpha p23,30 + C treatment of this population does not affect helper factor generation. In contrast, alpha p23,30 + C treatment of the allogeneic stimulator cell population eliminates helper factor production. Taken together, these results demonstrate that interaction between Ia-bearing stimulator cells and Ia- responder T cells is required for the production of MLC-derived helper factor. In additional experiments, we determined that alpha p23,30, in the absence of C, totally abrogates the PFC response triggered by MLC helper factors. This result suggests an important role for Ia antigens in the functional activity of preformed helper factor molecules.  相似文献   

The T cell repertoire of B6.C-H-2bm12 mice (an I-A mutant mouse strain) to wild-type Iab antigens was investigated using both secondary proliferative cultures and cloned T cell lines. Because bm12 mice have a gain-loss mutation of their gene encoding the Ia beta-chain polypeptide, bm12 anti-B6 T cell responses are specific for the select component of Iab specificities that was lost as a result of the mutation. Although stimulator cells bearing Iab antigens elicited the strongest responses, Iaq, d, and s antigens also resulted in reproducible stimulations of these bm12 anti-B6-primed T cells. Cloned T cell lines isolated from bm12 anti-b6 cultures revealed similar findings, with most clones recognizing determinants unique for Iab antigens; however, clones showing cross-reactions with Iad and/or q were also selected. Using F1 hybrid responder T cells (mutant x cross-reactive strain), we further dissected this cross-reactivity into several distinct cross-reactive determinants. Because bm12 mice lack the serologically defined Ia differentiation antigen W39, T cell recognition of this determinant was investigated by using bm12 anti-B6-primed cells. Stimulation by Ia.W39+ cells was appreciably better than by Ia.W39- (Xid-defective) cells, suggesting that bm12 T cells recognize an Xid-regulated, W39-like Ia differentiation antigen.  相似文献   

The levels of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens (la antigens) on cells of a cultured B lymphoma line (WEHI-279) were significantly increased after 24 hr incubation with medium conditioned by concanavalin A-stimulated mouse or rat spleen cells, or by an azobenzenearsonate- (ABA) specific T cell clone that had been stimulated with ABA-coupled spleen cells or concanavalin A. The levels and properties of the la-inducing activity correlated with those of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) measured by inhibition of virus plaque formation. Both the la-inducing activity and the IFN-gamma from the T cell clone had an apparent m.w. of 40,000 determined by gel filtration, were sensitive to treatment with trypsin or exposure to pH 2, but were stable to heat (56 degrees C, 1 hr). The induction of la antigens on WEHI-279 cells was dose-dependent, and the maximum response occurred at a concentration corresponding to 1 to 2 U/ml of antiviral activity. This T cell-derived IFN-gamma-like molecule also increased the expression of cell surface la antigens on another B cell line (WEHI-231), and cell lines of macrophage (J774) and myeloid (WEHI-3B and WEHI-265) origin. Furthermore, in all cases the levels of class I MHC (H-2K or H-2D) antigens were also increased. Similar patterns of induction of Ia and H-2 antigens were obtained with supernatants containing IFN-gamma produced by a monkey cell line (COS) that had been transfected with a plasmid bearing the cloned murine IFN-gamma gene. This activity was sensitive to pH 2 and was not present in the supernatant from COS cells that were not transfected with the murine IFN-gamma gene. These results established that IFN-gamma is the T cell-derived molecule that induces the enhanced expression of Ia and H-2 antigens on B cells and macrophages. A major physiologic role of IFN-gamma may be to regulate immune function through the enhanced expression of MHC antigens.  相似文献   

The relationship between Ia antigens on mouse resident peritoneal macrophages and the ability of lactoferrin (LF) to inhibit the production of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulatory factors (GM-CSF) from these cells was investigated. Detection of the suppressive influence of LF on release of GM-CSF from greater than or equal to 10(5) macrophages/ml/plate required that the conditioned media being assessed for GM-CSF be prepared in the presence of indomethacin and/or be preincubated with anti-ferritin antiserum to respectively stop production of E-type prostaglandins and to remove acidic isoferritin-inhibitory activities that can mask the effects of LF. Treatment of mouse macrophages with monoclonal antibodies to the I-A and I-E/C subregions of Ia antigens in a complement C-dependent cytotoxicity assay killed less than 15% of the cells, but removed all Ia antigen+ macrophages and reduced GM-CSF production by approximately 50%. LF decreased GM-CSF production by untreated macrophages by approximately 50%, but had no effect on macrophages insensitive to treatment with anti-Ia plus C. Macrophages left at 37 degrees C for 5 and 24 hr were not killed by treatment with monoclonal anti-Ia plus C and GM-CSF production by these macrophages was not suppressed by LF. Treatment of macrophages with monoclonal anti-H-2K or anti-Mac-1 plus C reduced GM-CSF production greater than 95%. Anti-I-A, -I-E/C, -H-2K, or -Mac-1, in the absence of C, had no effect on viability of macrophages or on production of GM-CSF, but anti-I-A and -I-E/C each blocked the inhibitory action of LF. Lower concentrations of these antibodies could block the action of LF when anti-I-A and anti-I-E/C were mixed together better than when they were each used separately. The removal of Thy-1.2+ cells from unseparated or adherent peritoneal cells resulted in populations of cells that were up to 100% positive for nonspecific esterase, and did not influence GM-CSF production from these cells, the reduction of GM-CSF from these cells by LF, or the reduction of GM-CSF by the removal of Ia antigen+ cells. The results were similar whether or not T cells were removed from the assay marrow by treatment with antibodies Ly-1.1, Ly-2.2, and Qa4 plus C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Injection of a hybridoma anti-Ia antibody into adult mice results in a dramatic reduction in the expression of B cell sIa without affecting the expression of sIgD or sIgM. This anti-Ia-mediated modulation of B cell sIa occurs within 3 hr and attains it maximum effect within 18 hr after injection of antibody. There is a rapid reexpression of B cell Ia when such sIa- B cells are cultured in vitro. Culture of B cells in vitro with anti-Ia antibody has no discernible effect on the expression of B cell sIa, nor does it prevent the reexpression of sIa on sIa- B cells obtained from anti-Ia-injected mice. Injection of anti-I-A antibody suppresses the expression of both I-A and of I-E, and similarly, injection of anti-I-E suppresses the expression of B cell I-E and I-A antigens. When fluorescein-labeled monoclonal anti-I-A antibody is injected into mice, a significant fraction of B cell sIa can be demonstrated to be internalized by the B cell. The potential immunologic significance of this phenomena of anti-Ia-mediated modulation of B cell sIa is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the definition of functional B cell subpopulations changes after the exposure of B cells to specific antigen. Recent in vivo priming with fluorescein- (FL) coupled T-independent (TI) antigens leads to an augmentation of the subsequent in vitro responses of B cells to FL-coupled TI antigens, including FL-polymerized flagellin, FL-lipopolysaccharide, and FL-Brucella abortus, as well as a FL-coupled T-dependent (TD) antigen, FL-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). This effect, which is evident 7 days after priming, is of short duration in that B cells from FL-Ficoll injected mice display normal responsiveness 3 wk after priming. When mice are primed with FL-KLH, the TD antigen, B cells responsive to a subsequent FL-KLH challenge are expanded, but not short-term cross-priming for any of the TI antigen challenges is observed. Limiting dilution precursor analysis shows that B cell populations responding to different FL-coupled TD and TI antigens overlap in unimmunized animals. FL-TI antigen priming induces not only quantitative changes in the responding B cells (increased precursor frequencies) but also results in functional changes in FL-specific B cells. The primed B cells now respond to FL-hapten in a carrier-restricted manner and behave as independent (non-overlapping) subpopulations. We suggest that B cell responses to different forms of the same hapten are influenced in part by their recent "history" of antigenic exposure.  相似文献   

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