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Protein–protein interactions have been widely used to study gene expression pathways and may be considered as a new approach to drug discovery. Here I report the development of a universal protein array (UPA) system that provides a sensitive, quantitative, multi-purpose, effective and easy technology to determine not only specific protein–protein interactions, but also specific interactions of proteins with DNA, RNA, ligands and other small chemicals. (i) Since purified proteins are used, the results can be easily interpreted. (ii) UPA can be used multiple times for different targets, making it economically affordable for most laboratories, hospitals and biotechnology companies. (iii) Unlike DNA chips or DNA microarrays, no additional instrumentation is required. (iv) Since the UPA uses active proteins (without denaturation and renaturation), it is more sensitive compared with most existing methods. (v) Because the UPA can analyze hundreds (even thousands on a protein microarray) of proteins in a single experiment, it is a very effective method to screen proteins as drug targets in cancer and other human diseases.  相似文献   

The biological functions of DNA-binding proteins often require that they interact with their targets with high affinity and/or high specificity. Here, we describe a computational method that estimates the extent of optimization for affinity and specificity of amino acids at a protein–DNA interface based on the crystal structure of the complex, by modeling the changes in binding-free energy associated with all individual amino acid and base substitutions at the interface. The extent to which residues are predicted to be optimal for specificity versus affinity varies within a given protein–DNA interface and between different complexes, and in many cases recapitulates previous experimental observations. The approach provides a complement to traditional methods of mutational analysis, and should be useful for rapidly formulating hypotheses about the roles of amino acid residues in protein–DNA interfaces.  相似文献   

Structures of proteins and protein–protein complexes are determined by the same physical principles and thus share a number of similarities. At the same time, there could be differences because in order to function, proteins interact with other molecules, undergo conformations changes, and so forth, which might impose different restraints on the tertiary versus quaternary structures. This study focuses on structural properties of protein–protein interfaces in comparison with the protein core, based on the wealth of currently available structural data and new structure‐based approaches. The results showed that physicochemical characteristics, such as amino acid composition, residue–residue contact preferences, and hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity distributions, are similar in protein core and protein–protein interfaces. On the other hand, characteristics that reflect the evolutionary pressure, such as structural composition and packing, are largely different. The results provide important insight into fundamental properties of protein structure and function. At the same time, the results contribute to better understanding of the ways to dock proteins. Recent progress in predicting structures of individual proteins follows the advancement of deep learning techniques and new approaches to residue coevolution data. Protein core could potentially provide large amounts of data for application of the deep learning to docking. However, our results showed that the core motifs are significantly different from those at protein–protein interfaces, and thus may not be directly useful for docking. At the same time, such difference may help to overcome a major obstacle in application of the coevolutionary data to docking—discrimination of the intramolecular information not directly relevant to docking.  相似文献   

Structural, regulatory and enzymatic proteins interact with DNA to maintain a healthy and functional genome. Yet, our structural understanding of how proteins interact with DNA is limited. We present MELD-DNA, a novel computational approach to predict the structures of protein–DNA complexes. The method combines molecular dynamics simulations with general knowledge or experimental information through Bayesian inference. The physical model is sensitive to sequence-dependent properties and conformational changes required for binding, while information accelerates sampling of bound conformations. MELD-DNA can: (i) sample multiple binding modes; (ii) identify the preferred binding mode from the ensembles; and (iii) provide qualitative binding preferences between DNA sequences. We first assess performance on a dataset of 15 protein–DNA complexes and compare it with state-of-the-art methodologies. Furthermore, for three selected complexes, we show sequence dependence effects of binding in MELD predictions. We expect that the results presented herein, together with the freely available software, will impact structural biology (by complementing DNA structural databases) and molecular recognition (by bringing new insights into aspects governing protein–DNA interactions).  相似文献   

A simple, direct method for the detection of DNA–protein interaction was developed with electrochemical methods. Single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) probes were prepared through the chemical bonding of an oligonucleotide to a polymer film bearing carboxylic acid groups, and double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA) probes were prepared through hybridization of the complementary sequence DNA on the ss-DNA probe. Impedance spectroscopy and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) distinguished the interaction between the DNA probes with mouse Purβ (mPurβ), an ss-DNA binding protein, and with Escherichia coli MutH, a ds-DNA binding protein. Impedance spectra obtained before and after the interaction of DNA probes with these proteins clearly showed the sequence-specific ss-DNA preference of mPurβ and the sequence-specific ds-DNA preference of MutH. The concentration dependence of proteins on the response of the DNA probes was also investigated, and the detection limits of MutH and mPurβ were 25 and 3 μg/ml, respectively. To confirm the impedance results, the variation of the current oxidation peak of adenine of the DNA probe was monitored with DPV. The formation constants of the complexes formed between the probe DNA and the proteins were estimated based on the DPV results.  相似文献   

Proteins are essential elements of biological systems, and their function typically relies on their ability to successfully bind to specific partners. Recently, an emphasis of study into protein interactions has been on hot spots, or residues in the binding interface that make a significant contribution to the binding energetics. In this study, we investigate how conservation of hot spots can be used to guide docking prediction. We show that the use of evolutionary data combined with hot spot prediction highlights near‐native structures across a range of benchmark examples. Our approach explores various strategies for using hot spots and evolutionary data to score protein complexes, using both absolute and chemical definitions of conservation along with refinements to these strategies that look at windowed conservation and filtering to ensure a minimum number of hot spots in each binding partner. Finally, structure‐based models of orthologs were generated for comparison with sequence‐based scoring. Using two data sets of 22 and 85 examples, a high rate of top 10 and top 1 predictions are observed, with up to 82% of examples returning a top 10 hit and 35% returning top 1 hit depending on the data set and strategy applied; upon inclusion of the native structure among the decoys, up to 55% of examples yielded a top 1 hit. The 20 common examples between data sets show that more carefully curated interolog data yields better predictions, particularly in achieving top 1 hits. Proteins 2015; 83:1940–1946. © 2015 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are involved in diverse functions in a cell. To optimize functional roles of interactions, proteins interact with a spectrum of binding affinities. Interactions are conventionally classified into permanent and transient, where the former denotes tight binding between proteins that result in strong complexes, whereas the latter compose of relatively weak interactions that can dissociate after binding to regulate functional activity at specific time point. Knowing the type of interactions has significant implications for understanding the nature and function of PPIs. In this study, we constructed amino acid substitution models that capture mutation patterns at permanent and transient type of protein interfaces, which were found to be different with statistical significance. Using the substitution models, we developed a novel computational method that predicts permanent and transient protein binding interfaces (PBIs) in protein surfaces. Without knowledge of the interacting partner, the method uses a single query protein structure and a multiple sequence alignment of the sequence family. Using a large dataset of permanent and transient proteins, we show that our method, BindML+, performs very well in protein interface classification. A very high area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.957 was observed when predicted protein binding sites were classified. Remarkably, near prefect accuracy was achieved with an AUC of 0.991 when actual binding sites were classified. The developed method will be also useful for protein design of permanent and transient PBIs. © Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To assess whether there are universal rules that govern amino acid–base recognition, we investigate hydrogen bonds, van der Waals contacts and water-mediated bonds in 129 protein–DNA complex structures. DNA–backbone interactions are the most numerous, providing stability rather than specificity. For base interactions, there are significant base–amino acid type correlations, which can be rationalised by considering the stereochemistry of protein side chains and the base edges exposed in the DNA structure. Nearly two-thirds of the direct read-out of DNA sequences involves complex networks of hydrogen bonds, which enhance specificity. Two-thirds of all protein–DNA interactions comprise van der Waals contacts, compared to about one-sixth each of hydrogen and water-mediated bonds. This highlights the central importance of these contacts for complex formation, which have previously been relegated to a secondary role. Although common, water-mediated bonds are usually non-specific, acting as space-fillers at the protein–DNA interface. In conclusion, the majority of amino acid–base interactions observed follow general principles that apply across all protein–DNA complexes, although there are individual exceptions. Therefore, we distinguish between interactions whose specificities are ‘universal’ and ‘context-dependent’. An interactive Web-based atlas of side chain–base contacts provides access to the collected data, including analyses and visualisation of the three-dimensional geometry of the interactions.  相似文献   

A variety of methods are available to analyze protein–DNA interactions in vivo. Two of the most prominent of these methods are chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and in vivo footprinting. Both of these procedures have specific limitations. For example, the ChIP assay fails to document where exactly a protein binds in vivo. The precipitation of a specific segment of DNA with antibodies directed against DNA-binding proteins does not necessarily indicate that the protein directly interacts with a sequence in the precipitate but could rather reflect protein–protein interactions. Furthermore, the results of in vivo footprinting studies are inconclusive if a DNA sequence is analyzed that is bound by a specific protein in only a certain fraction of cells. Finally, in vivo footprinting does not indicate which protein is bound at a specific site. We have developed a new procedure that combines the ChIP assay and DMS footprinting techniques. Using this method we show here that antibodies specific for USF1 and NF-E2 precipitate the murine β-globin promoter in MEL cells. DMS footprinting analysis of the DNA precipitated with NF-E2 antibodies revealed a protection over a partial NF-E2-binding site in the β-globin downstream promoter region. We believe that this novel method will generally benefit investigators interested in analyzing protein–DNA interactions in vivo.  相似文献   

We report an optimized synthesis of all canonical 2′-O-TOM protected ribonucleoside phosphoramidites and solid supports containing [13C5]-labeled ribose moieties, their sequence-specific introduction into very short RNA sequences and their use for the structure determination of two protein–RNA complexes. These specifically labeled sequences facilitate RNA resonance assignments and are essential to assign a high number of sugar–sugar and intermolecular NOEs, which ultimately improve the precision and accuracy of the resulting structures. This labeling strategy is particularly useful for the study of protein–RNA complexes with single-stranded RNA in solution, which is rapidly an increasingly relevant research area in biology.  相似文献   

Yunhui Peng  Emil Alexov 《Proteins》2017,85(2):282-295
Protein–nucleic acid interactions play a crucial role in many biological processes. This work investigates the changes of pKa values and protonation states of ionizable groups (including nucleic acid bases) that may occur at protein–nucleic acid binding. Taking advantage of the recently developed pKa calculation tool DelphiPka, we utilize the large protein–nucleic acid interaction database (NPIDB database) to model pKa shifts caused by binding. It has been found that the protein's interfacial basic residues experience favorable electrostatic interactions while the protein acidic residues undergo proton uptake to reduce the energy cost upon the binding. This is in contrast with observations made for protein–protein complexes. In terms of DNA/RNA, both base groups and phosphate groups of nucleotides are found to participate in binding. Some DNA/RNA bases undergo pKa shifts at complex formation, with the binding process tending to suppress charged states of nucleic acid bases. In addition, a weak correlation is found between the pH‐optimum of protein–DNA/RNA binding free energy and the pH‐optimum of protein folding free energy. Overall, the pH‐dependence of protein–nucleic acid binding is not predicted to be as significant as that of protein–protein association. Proteins 2017; 85:282–295. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Interactions between proteins and other molecules play essential roles in all biological processes. Although it is widely held that a protein's ligand specificity is determined primarily by its three‐dimensional structure, the general principles by which structure determines ligand binding remain poorly understood. Here we use statistical analyses of a large number of protein?ligand complexes with associated binding‐affinity measurements to quantitatively characterize how combinations of atomic interactions contribute to ligand affinity. We find that there are significant differences in how atomic interactions determine ligand affinity for proteins that bind small chemical ligands, those that bind DNA/RNA and those that interact with other proteins. Although protein‐small molecule and protein‐DNA/RNA binding affinities can be accurately predicted from structural data, models predicting one type of interaction perform poorly on the others. Additionally, the particular combinations of atomic interactions required to predict binding affinity differed between small‐molecule and DNA/RNA data sets, consistent with the conclusion that the structural bases determining ligand affinity differ among interaction types. In contrast to what we observed for small‐molecule and DNA/RNA interactions, no statistical models were capable of predicting protein?protein affinity with >60% correlation. We demonstrate the potential usefulness of protein‐DNA/RNA binding prediction as a possible tool for high‐throughput virtual screening to guide laboratory investigations, suggesting that quantitative characterization of diverse molecular interactions may have practical applications as well as fundamentally advancing our understanding of how molecular structure translates into function. Proteins 2015; 83:2100–2114. © 2015 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Proteins interact with each other through binding interfaces that differ greatly in size and physico‐chemical properties. Within the binding interface, a few residues called hot spots contribute the majority of the binding free energy and are hence irreplaceable. In contrast, cold spots are occupied by suboptimal amino acids, providing possibility for affinity enhancement through mutations. In this study, we identify cold spots due to cavities and unfavorable charge interactions in multiple protein–protein interactions (PPIs). For our cold spot analysis, we first use a small affinity database of PPIs with known structures and affinities and then expand our search to nearly 4000 homo‐ and heterodimers in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). We observe that cold spots due to cavities are present in nearly all PPIs unrelated to their binding affinity, while unfavorable charge interactions are relatively rare. We also find that most cold spots are located in the periphery of the binding interface, with high‐affinity complexes showing fewer centrally located colds spots than low‐affinity complexes. A larger number of cold spots is also found in non‐cognate interactions compared to their cognate counterparts. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that cold spots are more frequent in homo‐dimeric complexes compared to hetero‐complexes, likely due to symmetry constraints imposed on sequences of homodimers. Finally, we find that glycines, glutamates, and arginines are the most frequent amino acids appearing at cold spot positions. Our analysis emphasizes the importance of cold spot positions to protein evolution and facilitates protein engineering studies directed at enhancing binding affinity and specificity in a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

An analysis of internal packing defects or "cavities" (both empty and water-containing) within protein structures has been undertaken and includes 3 cavity classes: within domains, between domains, and between protein subunits. We confirm several basic features common to all cavity types but also find a number of new characteristics, including those that distinguish the classes. The total cavity volume remains only a small fraction of the total protein volume and yet increases with protein size. Water-filled "cavities" possess a more polar surface and are typically larger. Their constituent waters are necessary to satisfy the local hydrogen bonding potential. Cavity-surrounding atoms are observed to be, on average, less flexible than their environments. Intersubunit and interdomain cavities are on average larger than the intradomain cavities, occupy a larger fraction of their resident surfaces, and are more frequently water-filled. We observe increased cavity volume at domain-domain interfaces involved with shear type domain motions. The significance of interfacial cavities upon subunit and domain shape complementarity and the protein docking problem, as well as in their structural and functional role in oligomeric proteins, will be discussed. The results concerning cavity size, polarity, solvation, general abundance, and residue type constituency should provide useful guidelines for protein modeling and design.  相似文献   

Non-CpG PS-ASOs can activate the innate immune system, leading to undesired outcomes. This response can vary—in part—as a function of 2′modifications and sequence. Here we investigated the molecular steps involved in the varied effects of PS-ASOs on the innate immune system. We found that pro-inflammatory PS-ASOs require TLR9 signaling based on the experimental systems used. However, the innate immunity of PS-ASOs does not correlate with their binding affinity with TLR9. Furthermore, the innate immune responses of pro-inflammatory PS-ASOs were reduced by coincubation with non-inflammatory PS-ASOs, suggesting that both pro-inflammatory and non-inflammatory PS-ASOs can interact with TLR9. We show that the kinetics of the PS-ASO innate immune responses can vary, which we speculate may be due to the existence of alternative PS-ASO binding sites on TLR9, leading to full, partial, or no activation of the pathway. In addition, we found that several extracellular proteins, including HMGB1, S100A8 and HRG, enhance the innate immune responses of PS-ASOs. Reduction of the binding affinity by reducing the PS content of PS-ASOs decreased innate immune responses, suggesting that PS-ASO–protein complexes may be sensed by TLR9. These findings thus provide critical information concerning how PS-ASOs can interact with and activate TLR9.  相似文献   

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