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Animal species are expected to evolve specialised cognitive abilities to solve the tasks that are critical for their fitness. The literature contains several examples of specialised cognitive abilities, but few regard fish. The guppy, Poecilia reticulata, is a freshwater fish in which females choose their mates based on colouration, and orange‐coloured fruits are important diet enrichments for both sexes. For these reasons, we expect that this species has evolved enhanced learning abilities in colour discrimination compared to other types of discrimination. The comparison between studies in which guppies were tested for colour discrimination and studies in which guppies were tested for shape discrimination seems to support this hypothesis, but direct testing is still lacking. We experimentally compared the learning performance of guppies trained in a red–yellow colour discrimination learning task and that of guppies trained in a shape discrimination learning task using the same, automated conditioning procedure. Guppies trained in the colour discrimination showed greater learning performance, which provides support to the hypothesis that guppies possess enhanced colour discrimination abilities. Moreover, we found that male guppies performed better than females in both shape and colour discrimination learning.  相似文献   

We describe two field experiments with wild guppies, Poecilia reticulata, in Trinidad that demonstrated that guppies can acquire foraging and predator escape-response information from conspecifics. In the foraging experiment, subjects were presented with two distinctly marked feeders in their home rivers. One feeder contained a conspecific shoal in a transparent container. Guppies preferred to enter the feeder containing this artificial shoal over the other feeder. In a test phase, the artificial shoal was removed and the feeders replaced at the testing site after a 5-min delay. More guppies entered the feeder that had contained the artificial shoal over the other feeder, a difference that can be explained only by the fish learning the characteristics or location of the feeder during the training phase. We suggest that subjects acquired a foraging patch preference through a propensity to approach feeding conspecifics, a local enhancement process. In the predator escape-response experiment, na?ve ‘observer’ guppies could avoid an approaching trawl net by escaping through either a hole to which ‘demonstrator’ guppies had been trained or through an alternative hole. When the demonstrators were present, the na?ve observers escaped more often and more rapidly by the demonstrated route than the alternative route. When the demonstrators were removed, observers maintained a route preference according to the training of their demonstrators, which suggests that the observers had learned an escape route through following or observing their more knowledgeable conspecifics. Thus, both experiments reveal that guppies can socially learn in the wild. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Receiver biases towards specific sensory signals have been demonstrated in insects, birds and fish, both in the context of foraging and mate choice. In some cases, signals important in sexual selection appear to have evolved by exploiting a pre-existing bias in the sensory system. For instance, female preferences for male nuptial colouration may have arisen from selection on foraging practices. Using the zebrafish ( Danio rerio ), a species in which red is not a factor in mate choice, we tested for a foraging bias towards the colour red. We further investigated the plasticity of foraging biases by raising groups of fish on diets consisting solely of red, blue, green or white food. When we subsequently tested their colour preferences in a foraging context, each group responded most strongly to red, irrespective of the colour of food with which they had been conditioned. We also detected a significant effect of conditioning on colour preferences; fish responded more strongly to the colour that matched diet colour than to other colours. The observed receiver bias towards red may have evolved as an adaptive preference for carotenoid compounds in their diet. While the bias to red appears to be innate, our results indicate that learning is also important in shaping foraging biases.  相似文献   

The sensory bias model for the evolution of mating preferences states that mating preferences evolve as correlated responses to selection on nonmating behaviors sharing a common sensory system. The critical assumption is that pleiotropy creates genetic correlations that affect the response to selection. I simulated selection on populations of neural networks to test this. First, I selected for various combinations of foraging and mating preferences. Sensory bias predicts that populations with preferences for like-colored objects (red food and red mates) should evolve more readily than preferences for differently colored objects (red food and blue mates). Here, I found no evidence for sensory bias. The responses to selection on foraging and mating preferences were independent of one another. Second, I selected on foraging preferences alone and asked whether there were correlated responses for increased mating preferences for like-colored mates. Here, I found modest evidence for sensory bias. Selection for a particular foraging preference resulted in increased mating preference for similarly colored mates. However, the correlated responses were small and inconsistent. Selection on foraging preferences alone may affect initial levels of mating preferences, but these correlations did not constrain the joint evolution of foraging and mating preferences in these simulations.  相似文献   

Sensory drive proposes that natural selection on nonmating behaviours (e.g. foraging preferences) alters sensory system properties and results in a correlated effect on mating preferences and subsequently sexual traits. In colour‐based systems, we can test this by selecting on nonmating colour preferences and testing for responses in colour‐based female preferences and male sexual coloration. In guppies (Poecilia reticulata), individual functional links of sensory drive have been demonstrated providing an opportunity to test the process over more than one link. We measured male coloration and female preferences in populations previously artificially selected for colour‐based foraging behaviour towards two colours, red and blue. We found associated changes in male coloration in the expected direction as well as weak changes in female preferences. Our results can be explained by a correlated response in female preferences due to artificial selection on foraging preferences that are mediated by a shared sensory system or by other mechanisms such as colour avoidance, pleiotropy or social experiences. This is the first experimental evidence that selection on a nonmating behaviour can affect male coloration and, more weakly, female preferences.  相似文献   

In most animals, the origins of mating preferences are not clear. The "sensory-bias" hypothesis proposes that biases in female sensory or neural systems are important in triggering sexual selection and in determining which male traits will become elaborated into sexual ornaments. Subsequently, other mechanisms can evolve for discriminating between high- and low-quality mates. Female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) generally show a preference for males with larger, more chromatic orange spots. It has been proposed that this preference originated because it enabled females to obtain high-quality mates. We present evidence for an alternative hypothesis, that the origin of the preference is a pleiotropic effect of a sensory bias for the colour orange, which might have arisen in the context of food detection. In field and laboratory experiments, adult guppies of both sexes were more responsive to orange-coloured objects than to objects of other colours, even outside a mating context. Across populations, variation in attraction to orange objects explained 94% of the inter-population variation in female mate preference for orange coloration on males. This is one of the first studies to show both an association between a potential trigger of a mate-choice preference and a sexually selected trait, and also that an innate attraction to a coloured inanimate object explains almost all of the observed variation in female mate choice. These results support the "sensory-bias" hypothesis for the evolution of mating preferences.  相似文献   

Regardless of their origins, mate preferences should, in theory, be shaped by their benefits in a mating context. Here we show that the female preference for carotenoid colouration in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) exhibits a phenotypically plastic response to carotenoid availability, confirming a key prediction of sexual selection theory. Earlier work indicated that this mate preference is genetically linked to, and may be derived from, a sensory bias that occurs in both sexes: attraction to orange objects. The original function of this sensory bias is unknown, but it may help guppies find orange-coloured fruits in the rainforest streams of Trinidad. We show that the sensory bias also exhibits a phenotypically plastic response to carotenoid availability, but only in females. The sex-specificity of this reaction norm argues against the hypothesis that it evolved in a foraging context. We infer instead that the sensory bias has been modified as a correlated effect of selection on the mate preference. These results provide a new type of support for the hypothesis that mate preferences for sexual characters evolve in response to the benefits of mate choice--the alternatives being that such preferences evolve entirely in a non-mating context or in response to the costs of mating.  相似文献   

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are widely used as a model species in mate choice studies. Although native to South America, guppies have been introduced to natural water bodies in disparate regions of the globe. Here, for the first time, we examine guppies from one such introduced population in Japan where males have evolved a predominantly blue color pattern. Previous studies of wild-type guppies have shown blue to play a relatively minor role in the mate choice decisions of females compared to other traits, such as orange, and the importance of blue is not universally supported by all studies. The Japanese population therefore presents an ideal opportunity to re-examine the potential significance of blue as a mate choice cue in guppies. Mate choice experiments, in which female Japan blue guppies were given a choice between pairs of males that differed in their area of blue coloration but were matched for other traits, revealed that females prefer males with proportionately larger amounts of blue in their color patterns. We discuss possible factors, including sexual and ecological selection, which may have led to the evolution of unusually large areas of blue at the expense of other colors in Japan blue guppies. However, further studies are needed to distinguish between these scenarios.  相似文献   

It is well known that development of vision is affected by experience, but there are few studies of environmental effects on colour vision. Natural scenes contain predominantly a restricted range of reflectance spectra, so such effects might be important, perhaps biasing visual mechanisms towards common colours. We investigated how the visual environment affects colour preferences of domestic chicks ( Gallus gallus), by training week-old birds to select small food containers distinguished from an achromatic alternative either by an orange or by a greenish-blue colour. Chicks that had been raised in control conditions, with long-wavelength-dominated reflectance spectra, responded more readily to orange than to blue. This was not due to avoidance of blue, as increasing saturation enhanced the chicks' preference for the same hue. The advantage of orange was, however, reduced or abolished for chicks raised in an environment dominated by blue objects. This indicates that responses to coloured food are affected by experience of non-food objects. If colours of ordinary objects in the environment do influence responses to specialised visual signals this might help explain why biological signals directed at birds are often coloured yellow, orange or red; long-wavelength-dominated spectra being more prevalent than short-wavelength-dominated spectra.  相似文献   

If the cognitive performance of animals reflects their particular ecological requirements, how can we explain appreciable variation in learning ability amongst closely related individuals (e.g. foraging workers within a bumble bee colony)? One possibility is that apparent ‘errors’ in a learning task actually represent an alternative foraging strategy. In this study we investigate the potential relationship between foraging ‘errors’ and foraging success among bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) workers. Individual foragers were trained to choose yellow, rewarded flowers and ignore blue, unrewarded flowers. We recorded the number of errors (visits to unrewarded flowers) each bee made during training, then tested them to determine how quickly they discovered a more profitable food source (either familiar blue flowers, or novel green flowers). We found that error prone bees discovered the novel food source significantly faster than accurate bees. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the time taken to discover the novel, more profitable, food source is positively correlated with foraging success. These results suggest that foraging errors are part of an ‘exploration’ foraging strategy, which could be advantageous in changeable foraging environments. This could explain the observed variation in learning performance amongst foragers within social insect colonies.  相似文献   

Certain fruit colours and their contrast with the background coloration are suggested to attract frugivorous birds. To test the attractiveness of different colours, we performed three experiments in laboratory with controlled light conditions. In the first two experiments, we studied the fruit colour preferences of naive juvenile redwings. In the third experiment, we continued to investigate whether the contrast of the fruit colour with the background coloration affects the preference of both naive juveniles and experienced adult redwings. In the first experiment, juvenile birds preferred black, UV‐blue and red berries, to white ones. In pairwise trials, a new set of juveniles still preferred red berries to white ones. When testing the effect of contrasts on their choice, juveniles preferred UV‐blue berries to red ones on a UV‐blue background. However, no preference was found, when the background was either red or green. Adult redwings preferred UV‐blue berries to red ones on all backgrounds. According to these results, juveniles seem to have an innate avoidance of white berries. Furthermore, the foraging decisions of fruit‐eating birds are affected more by fruit colour than its contrast with background coloration, at least when contrasting displays are encountered from relatively short distances. Differences in preferences of adult and juvenile birds also indicate that learning seems to play a role in fruit choices.  相似文献   

Female Size Influences Mate Preferences of Male Guppies   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) have a promiscuous mating system in which female choice for brightly coloured males plays an important role. Consequently, much research on guppies has examined how mate choice by females has lead to the evolution of male colour patterns. Much less attention has been devoted to mate choice by males in this species. In this study, we show that male guppies are choosy when selecting a female to associate with, significantly preferring the larger female when presented with two females that differed by ≥2 mm in standard length (SL). The strength of their preference for each female increased with absolute female size. The relative sizes of the females, however, also influenced male mating preferences: males showed stronger preferences for the larger female as the difference in SL between the two females increased. Such a preference for larger females is not unexpected as fecundity generally increases with body size in female fish. Thus, males choosing to mate with the larger female should have higher reproductive success. An apparent, but non‐significant anomaly, whereby males appear to prefer the smaller of the two females when the difference between female SL was <4 mm, deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

A parasitoid that can learn cues associated with the host microenvironment should have an increased chance of future host location and thereby increase its reproductive success. This study examines associative learning in response to simultaneous exposure to the colors yellow and blue in mated females of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Preference was measured as the proportion of time spent on a color. When trained with one color rewarded with hosts and honey and the other unrewarded, females showed an increase in preference for the rewarded color with increasing number of training days (1, 3, and 7 days). Hosts and honey together produced a slightly greater preference toward the rewarded color than just hosts, which produced a greater preference than just honey. When trained with a variable reward on one color and a constant reward on the other, females preferred the color associated with the variable reward when it was yellow, but not when it was blue. Thus, relative to no reward, the presence of a variable reward decreased the strength of preference toward the constantly rewarded color. Finally, females trained with regular hosts on one color and used hosts on the other preferred the color associated with the regular hosts when that color was blue but showed no preference in the reverse situation. The presence of used hosts instead of no reward did not increase the strength of preference for the color associated with the regular hosts.  相似文献   

The sensory bias model of sexual selection suggests that elaborate male secondary sexual traits evolved to exploit biases in the female's sensory system. Such biases may have evolved in a nonsexual context. Male bowerbirds build and decorate elaborate structures, bowers, which function as targets of female choice. The colour of decorations used on bowers appears to be important in determining a male's mating success. We tested two predictions made by the sensory bias model, using cache presentation experiments of artificially coloured grapes made to captive bowerbirds of five species. We first searched for evidence of ancestral biases for certain colours that could explain current colour preferences across species. We found no single parsimonious explanation for ancestral patterns of colour preference across the family. We next tested whether female preference patterns could be explained in a nonsexual, foraging, context. For both of the species where sufficient data could be collected, female foraging preferences for grapes were significantly related to male preferences for grapes used as bower decorations. Our results suggest that choice of bower decoration colour may have evolved to exploit a bias in the female's sensory system, originally shaped by selection on foraging practices. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been described over the past decades. In most of the work, the bees had no control over the choice of the images, and it was not clear whether they learned the rewarded pattern or the difference between two images. Preferences were known to exist when untrained bees selected one pattern from a variety of them, but because the preferences of the bees were ignored, it was not possible to understand how natural images displaying several cues were detected. The preferences were also essential to make a computer model of the visual system. Therefore experiments were devised to show the order of preference for the known cues in the training situation. Freely flying bees were trained to discriminate between a rewarded target with one pattern on the left side and a different one on the right, versus a white or neutral target. This arrangement gave the bees a choice of what to learn. Tests showed that in some cases they learned two or three cues simultaneously; in other cases the bees learned one, or they preferred to avoid the unrewarded target. By testing with different combinations of patterns, it was possible to put the cues into an order of preference. Of the known cues, loosely or tightly attached to eye coordinates, a black or blue spot was the most preferred, followed by strong modulation caused by edges, the orientation of parallel bars, six equally spaced spokes, a clean white target, and then a square cross and a ring. A patch of blue colour was preferred to yellow.  相似文献   

The dramatic colours of biological communication signals raise questions about how animals perceive suprathreshold colour differences, and there are long-standing questions about colour preferences and colour categorization by non-human species. This study investigates preferences of foraging poultry chicks (Gallus gallus) as they peck at coloured objects. Work on colour recognition often deals with responses to monochromatic lights and how animals divide the spectrum. We used complementary colours, where the intermediate is grey, and related the chicks' choices to three models of the factors that may affect the attractiveness. Two models assume that attractiveness is determined by a metric based on the colour discrimination threshold either (i) by chromatic contrast against the background or (ii) relative to an internal standard. An alternative third model is that categorization is important. We tested newly hatched and 9-day-old chicks with four pairs of (avian) complementary colours, which were orange, blue, red and green for humans. Chromatic contrast was more relevant to newly hatched chicks than to 9-day-old birds, but in neither case could contrast alone account for preferences; especially for orange over blue. For older chicks, there is evidence for categorization of complementary colours, with a boundary at grey.  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids use a variety of chemical and physical cues when foraging for hosts and food. Parasitoids can learn cues that lead them to the hosts, thus contributing to better foraging. One of the cues that influence host‐searching behaviour could be colour. In this study, we investigated the ability of females of the parasitoid wasps Telenomus podisi Ashmead and Trissolcus basalis Wollaston (both Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to respond to colours and to associate the presence of hosts – eggs of Euschistus heros (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) – with coloured substrates after training (associative learning). Two sets of experiments were conducted: in one the innate preference for substrate colours was examined, in the other associative learning of substrate colour and host presence was tested in multiple‐choice and dual‐choice experiments. In the associative learning experiments, Te. podisi and Tr. basalis were trained to respond to differently coloured substrates containing hosts in two sessions of 2 h each, with 1‐h intervals. In multiple‐choice experiments, the wasps displayed innate preference for yellow substrates over green, brown, black, or white ones. Even after being trained on substrates of different colours, both parasitoids continued to show preference for yellow substrates. The response to the colours of substrates of both parasitoids was related with the orientation to the plant foliage during the search for hosts.  相似文献   

A broad range of animals use visual signals to assess potential mates, and the theory of sensory exploitation suggests variation in visual systems drives mate preference variation due to sensory bias. Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata), a classic system for studies of the evolution of female mate choice, provide a unique opportunity to test this theory by looking for covariation in visual tuning, light environment and mate preferences. Female preference co‐evolves with male coloration, such that guppy females from ‘low‐predation’ environments have stronger preferences for males with more orange/red coloration than do females from ‘high‐predation’ environments. Here, we show that colour vision also varies across populations, with ‘low’‐predation guppies investing more of their colour vision to detect red/orange coloration. In independently colonized watersheds, guppies expressed higher levels of both LWS‐1 and LWS‐3 (the most abundant LWS opsins) in ‘low‐predation’ populations than ‘high‐predation’ populations at a time that corresponds to differences in cone cell abundance. We also observed that the frequency of a coding polymorphism differed between high‐ and low‐predation populations. Together, this shows that the variation underlying preference could be explained by simple changes in expression and coding of opsins, providing important candidate genes to investigate the genetic basis of female preference variation in this model system.  相似文献   

Red flowers are a defining character of the bird-pollination syndrome. Birds do not, however, innately prefer red, suggesting that rather than attracting birds, red flowers may serve to exclude other visitors (e.g., bumblebees). Bees are sometimes considered “blind” to red, but studies have in fact documented both blue and red preferences in various bee species. These mixed results may be an effect of overly simplistic lab settings. We hypothesized that bees might readily locate red flowers in a simple laboratory environment, but struggle to find the same flowers in a complex, foliated setting. We tested the effects of environmental complexity on visitation to red and blue artificial flowers and on the foraging rate of captive worker bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). Bees made significantly fewer visits to red flowers when foraging in a complex environment with artificial green foliage, suggesting that red becomes harder to locate in this context than in a simple, leafless environment. Bees also foraged more slowly, on average, in the complex environment, although the difference was apparent only among experienced bees. Our findings provide a possible explanation for previous laboratory tests finding no colour preference in bumblebees. This “contextual colour-blindness” of bees supports the hypothesis that red evolved as a mechanism for plants to avoid visitation by bees, favouring bird pollination instead.  相似文献   

Synopsis Guppies,Poecilia reticulata, living in stream pools in Trinidad, West Indies, approached a potential fish predator (a cichlid fish model) in a tentative, saltatory manner, mainly as singletons or in pairs. Such behavior is referred to as predator inspection behavior. Inspectors approached the trunk and tail of the predator model more frequently, more closely and in larger groups than they approached the predator's head, which is presumably the most dangerous area around the predator. However, guppies were not observed in significantly larger shoals in the stream when the predator model was present. In a stream enclosure, guppies inspected the predator model more frequently when it was stationary compared to when it was moving, and made closer inspections to the posterior regions of the predator than to its head. Therefore, the guppies apparently regarded the predator model as a potential threat and modified their behavior accordingly when inspecting it. Guppies exhibited a lower feeding rate in the presence of the predator, suggesting a trade-off between foraging gains and safety against predation. Our results further suggest that predator inspection behavior may account for some of this reduction in foraging. These findings are discussed in the context of the benefits and costs of predator inspection behavior.  相似文献   

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