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A systematic investigation of the genus Sphaeroplea was conducted using cladistic analyses of both structural and isozyme characters for the same set of taxa. The structural data were not able to fully resolve some of the taxa while the isozyme data did produce a tree in which all nodes were supported by data. The structural characters were relatively consistent with one another, whereas the isozyme characters were much less internally consistent. Results from independent, cladistic analyses of both data sets support the concept that among those Sphaeroplea species investigated, S. fragilis Buchheim et Hoffman had an early divergence. The two data sets differed primarily in that the structural data support monophyly of the genus Sphaeroplea and the isozyme data do not. The greater relative consistency of the structural data suggests better support for trees inferred from its analysis. Furthermore, searches for character congruence between the two data sets revealed isozyme data which support monophyly of the genus Sphaeroplea, but had been overwhelmed by conflicting isozyme characters.  相似文献   

Abstract— Protein variation among 37 species of carcharhiniform sharks was examined at 17 presumed loci. Evolutionary trees were inferred from these data using both cladistic character and a distance Wagner analysis. Initial cladistic character analysis resulted in more than 30 000 equally parsimonious tree arrangements. Randomization tests designed to evaluate the phylogenetic information content of the data suggest the data are highly significantly different from random in spite of the large number of parsimonious trees produced. Different starting seed trees were found to influence the kind of tree topologies discovered by the heuristic branch swapping algorithm used. The trees generated during the early phases of branch swapping on a single seed tree were found to be topologically similar to those generated throughout the course of branch swapping. Successive weighting increased the frequency and the consistency with which certain clades were found during the course of branch swapping, causing the semi-strict consensus to be more resolved. Successive weighting also appeared resilient to the bias associated with the choice of initial seed tree causing analyses seeded with different trees to converge on identical final character weights and the same semi-strict consensus tree.
The summary cladistic character analysis and the distance Wagner analysis both support the monophyly of two major clades, the genus Rhizoprionodon and the genus Sphyrna. . The distance Wagner analysis also supports the monophyly of the genus Carcharhinus . However, the cladistic analysis suggests that Carcharhinus is a paraphyletic group that includes the blue shark Prionace glauca .  相似文献   

DNA hybridization,cladistics, and the phylogeny of phalangerid marsupials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Single-copy DNA/DNA hybridization experiments and numerical cladistic analyses of anatomical characters were used to investigate relationships among nine phalangerid (Marsupialia) species from four different genera. Both rate-dependent and rate-independent analyses of molecular data indicate that species ofTrichosurus form one clade and thatStrigocuscus, Phalanger, andSpilocuscus form a second. Within the latter group,Spilocuscus is excluded from aStrigocuscus-Phalanger calde, which, in turn, is not fully resolved on a jackknife strict consensus tree. Minimum-length Dollo, Wagner, and Camin-Sokal parsimony trees based on 35 anatomical characters, in contrast, suggest placement ofStrigocuscus withTrichosurus rather than withSpilocuscus andPhalanger. However, there are two derived characters that support the alternative arrange ofStrigocuscus withSpilocuscus andPhalanger and one character that further unitesStrigocuscus andPhalanger. Thus, DNA hybridization results are not inconsistent with the distribution of derived character states among anatomical characters, only with minimum-length trees based on character data.  相似文献   

The genusLecanactis, with 24 species, has been phylogenetically analysed using cladistic parsimony methods and support tests. Morphological, anatomical and chemical data were used, comprising 38 characters. Twelve equally most parsimonious trees were obtained. The successive approximations character weighting method gave one most parsimonious tree. The ingroup,Lecanactis, is supported as monophyletic. Although parsimony jackknifing and Bremer support indicate that the trees are poorly supported, some groups are wholly or partly distinguished in both the strict consensus tree, the successive weighting tree and the Jac tree.  相似文献   

Abstract Absolute criteria for evaluating cladistic analyses are useful, not only because cladistic algorithms impose structure, but also because applications of cladistic results demand some assessment of the degree of corroboration of the cladogram. Here, a means of quantitative evaluation is presented based on tree length. The length of the most-parsimonious tree reflects the degree to which the observed characters co-vary such that a single tree topology can explain shared character states among the taxa. This “cladistic covariation” can be quantified by comparing the length of the most parsimonious tree for the observed data set to that found for data sets with random covariation of characters. A random data set is defined as one in which the original number of characters and their character states are maintained, but for each character, the states are randomly reassigned to the taxa. The cladistic permutation tail probability, PTP, is defined as the estimate of the proportion of times that a tree can be found as short or shorter than the original tree. Significant cladistic covariation exists if the PTP is less than a prescribed value, for example, 0.05. In case studies based on molecular and morphological data sets, application of the PTP shows that:
  • 1 In the comparison of four different molecular data sets for orders of mammals, the sequence data set for alpha hemoglobin does not have significant cladistic covariation, while that for alpha crystallin is highly significant. However, when each data set was reduced to the 11 common taxa in order to standardize comparison, reduced levels of cladistic covariation, with no clear superiority of the alpha crystallin data, were found. Morphological data for these 11 taxa had a highly significant PTP, producing a tree roughly congruent with those for the three molecular sets with marginal or significant PTP values. Merging of all data sets, with the exclusion of the poorly structured alpha hemoglobin data, produced a data set with a significant PTP, and provides an estimate of the phylogenetic relationships among these 11 orders of mammals.
  • 2 In an analysis of lactalbumin and lysozyme DNA sequence data for four taxa, purine-pyrimidine coding yields a data set with significant cladistic covariation, while other codings fail. The data for codon position 3 taken alone exhibit the strongest cladistic covariation.
  • 3 A data set based on flavonoids in taxa of Polygonum initially yields a significant PTP; however, deletion of identically scored taxa leaves no significant cladistic covariation.
  • 4 For mitochondrial DNA data on population genome types for four species of the crested newt, there is significant cladistic covariation for the set of all genome types, and among the five mtDNA genome types within one of the species. However, a conditional PTP test that assumes species monophyly shows that no significant cladistic covariation exists among the fur species for these data.
  • 5 In an application of the test to a group of freshwater insects, as preliminary to biological monitoring, individual subsets of the taxonomic data representing larval, pupal, and adult stages had non-significant PTPs, while the complete data set showed significant cladistic structure.

We present a cladistic analysis of the Cirripedia Thoracica using morphological characters and the Acrothoracica and Ascothoracida as outgroups. The list of characters comprised 32 shell and soft body features. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) comprised 26 well-studied fossil and extant taxa, principally genera, since uncertainty about monophyly exists for most higher ranking taxonomic units. Parsimony analyses using PAUP 3.1.1 and Hennig86 produced 189 trees of assured minimal length. We also examined character evolution in the consensus trees using MacClade and Clados. The monophyly of the Balanomorpha and the Verrucomorpha sensu stricto is confirmed, and all trees featured a sister group relationship between the ‘living fossil Neoverruca and me Brachylepadomorpha. In the consensus trees the sequential progression of ‘pedunculate‘sister groups up to a node containing Neolepas also conforms to current views, but certain well-established taxa based solely on plesiomorphies stand out as paraphyletic, such as Pedunculata (= Lepadomorpha); Eolepadinae, Scalpellomorpha and Chthamaloidea. The 189 trees differed principally in the position of shell-less pedunculates, Neoverruca, the scalpelloid Capitulum, and the interrelationships within the Balanomorpha, although the 50% majority rule consensus tree almost fully resolved the latter. A monophyletic Sessilia comprising both Verrucomorpha and Balanomorpha appeared among the shortest trees, but not in the consensus. A tree with a monophyletic Verrucomorpha including Neoverruca had a tree length two steps longer than the consensus trees. Deletion of all extinct OTUs produced a radically different tree, which highlights the importance of fossils in estimating cirripede phylogeny. Mapping of our character set onto a manually constructed cladogram reflecting die most recent scenario of cirripede evolution resulted in a tree length five steps longer than any of our shortest trees. Our analysis reveals that several key questions in cirripede phylogeny remain unsolved, notably the position of shell-less forms and the transition from ‘pedunculate‘to ‘sessile‘barnacles. The inclusion of more fossil species at this point in our understanding of cirripede phylogeny will only result in even greater levels of uncertainty. When constructing the character list we also identified numerous uncertainties in the homology of traits commonly used in discussing cirripede evolution. Our study highlights larval ultrastructure, detailed studies of early ontogeny, and molecular data as the most promising areas for future research.  相似文献   

The cladistic literature does not always specify the kind of multistate character treatment that is applied for an analysis. Characters can be treated either as unordered transformation series or as rooted [three‐item analysis (3ia)] or unrooted state trees (ordered characters). We aimed to measure the impact of these character treatments on phylogenetic inference. Discrete characters can be represented either as rows or columns in matrices (e.g. for parsimony) or as hierarchies for 3ia. In the present study, we use simulated and empirical examples to assess the relative merits of each method considering both the character treatment and representation. We measure two parameters (resolving power and artefactual resolution) using a new tree comparison metric, ITRI (inter‐tree retention index). Our results suggest that the hierarchical character representation not only results (with our simulation settings) in the greatest resolving power, but also in the highest artefactual resolution. Our empirical examples provide equivocal results. Parsimony unordered states yield less resolving power and more artefactual resolutions than parsimony ordered states, both with our simulated and empirical data. Relationships between three operational taxonomic units (OTUs), irrespective of their relationships with other OTUs, are called three‐item statements (3is). We compare the intersection tree (which reconstructs a single tree from all of the common 3is of source trees) with the traditional strict consensus and show that the intersection tree retains more of the information contained in the source trees. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 914–930.  相似文献   

Fossils are the physical records of the history of morphological character evolution on Earth and can provide valuable information concerning the sequence and timing of origination of derived characters. Knowledge of the timing of origination of synapomorphies makes it possible to estimate when unobserved character changes occurred in the geological past. Here we present a method for estimating the temporal interval during which synapomorphies evolved. The method requires either direct inclusion of fossil taxa (with or without extant taxa) in cladistic analyses based on morphological or combined data, or indirectly using the “molecular scaffold approach.” Second, characters of interest are mapped on a most parsimonious tree and “minimum age node mapping” is used to place minimum ages on the nodes of the tree. Finally, characters of interest are evaluated for younger and/or older temporal constraints on the time of their origination; application of the older bound assumes ancestry of fossil terminals included in the tree. A key is provided herein describing the method. Among other applications, this approach has the potential to provide a powerful test of purported evolutionary cause–effect relationships. For example, the method has the ability to discover that derived characters of suggested adaptational significance may considerably pre‐date the cause(s) that are hypothesized to have favored their establishment. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

When molecules and morphology produce incongruent hypotheses of primate interrelationships, the data are typically viewed as incompatible, and molecular hypotheses are often considered to be better indicators of phylogenetic history. However, it has been demonstrated that the choice of which taxa to include in cladistic analysis as well as assumptions about character weighting, character state transformation order, and outgroup choice all influence hypotheses of relationships and may positively influence tree topology, so that relationships between extant taxa are consistent with those found using molecular data. Thus, the source of incongruence between morphological and molecular trees may lie not in the morphological data themselves but in assumptions surrounding the ways characters evolve and their impact on cladistic analysis. In this study, we investigate the role that assumptions about character polarity and transformation order play in creating incongruence between primate phylogenies based on morphological data and those supported by multiple lines of molecular data. By releasing constraints imposed on published morphological analyses of primates from disparate clades and subjecting those data to parsimony analysis, we test the hypothesis that incongruence between morphology and molecules results from inherent flaws in morphological data. To quantify the difference between incongruent trees, we introduce a new method called branch slide distance (BSD). BSD mitigates many of the limitations attributed to other tree comparison methods, thus allowing for a more accurate measure of topological similarity. We find that releasing a priori constraints on character behavior often produces trees that are consistent with molecular trees. Case studies are presented that illustrate how congruence between molecules and unconstrained morphological data may provide insight into issues of polarity, transformation order, homology, and homoplasy.  相似文献   

While previous workers have argued persuasively that ammonoid workers should use cladistic approaches to reconstruct phylogeny, relatively few cladistic studies have been published to date. An essential yet challenging part of cladistic analysis is the selection of characters. Are certain types of characters more likely to show homoplasy? Are certain aspects of shell anatomy more likely to contain phylogenetically informative characters? Are datasets with more characters inherently better? To answer these questions, a meta-analysis of character data from published ammonoid phylogenies was performed. I compiled 14 datasets, published between 1989 and 2007, representing parsimony-based phylogenetic analyses of ammonoids. These studies defined a combined total of 323 characters, which were grouped into categories reflecting different aspects of anatomy: shell size and shape, ornament, suture, early ontogeny, body chamber and apertural modifications. Tree searches were re-run to determine overall tree statistics, parsimony permutation tail probability (PTP) tests were calculated to assess the phylogenetic information content of the matrices, and retention and rescaled consistency indices for each character were calculated. My analyses revealed that studies with higher character/taxon ratios did not necessarily produce trees with more information content and less homoplasy, as measured by retention or rescaled consistency indices, because additional characters were often parsimony-uninformative. Rather, studies with relatively few characters could produce high-quality trees if the characters were well-chosen and character states carefully defined. Characters related to the body chamber and adult aperture typically had retention indices of either 0 or 1, rarely in between, indicating that they either worked perfectly or not at all. Suture characters tended to have higher indices than shell shape or ornament characters, suggesting more phylogenetic information and less homoplasy in the suture line than in shell traits. These results should aid in the selection of characters for future cladistic studies of ammonoids.  相似文献   

The notion that two characters evolve independently is of interest for two reasons. First, theories of biological integration often predict that change in one character requires complementary change in another. Second, character independence is a basic assumption of most phylogenetic inference methods, and dependent characters might confound attempts at phylogenetic inference. Previously proposed tests of correlated character evolution require a model phylogeny and therefore assume that nonphylogenetic correlation has a negligible effect on initial tree construction. This paper develops "tree-free" methods for testing the independence of cladistic characters. These methods can test the character independence model as a hypothesis before phylogeny reconstruction, or can be used simply to test for correlated evolution. We first develop an approach for visualizing suites of correlated characters by using character compatibility. Two characters are compatible if they can be used to construct a tree without homoplasy. The approach is based on the examination of mutual compatibilities between characters. The number of times two characters i and j share compatibility with a third character is calculated, and a pairwise shared compatibility matrix is constructed. From this matrix, an association matrix analogous to a dissimilarity matrix is derived. Eigenvector analyses of this association matrix reveal suites of characters with similar compatibility patterns. A priori character subsets can be tested for significant correlation on these axes. Monte Carlo tests are performed to determine the expected distribution of mutual compatibilities, given various criteria from the original data set. These simulated distributions are then used to test whether the observed amounts of nonphylogenetic correlation in character suites can be attributed to chance alone. We have applied these methods to published morphological data for caecilian amphibians. The analyses corroborate instances of dependent evolution hypothesized by previous workers and also identify novel partitions. Phylogenetic analysis is performed after reducing correlated suites to single characters. The resulting cladogram has greater topological resolution and implies appreciably less change among the remaining characters than does a tree derived from the raw data matrix.  相似文献   

The use of continuous quantitative characters for phylogenetic analyses has long been contentious in the systematics literature. Recent studies argue for and against their use, but there have been relatively few attempts to evaluate whether these characters provide an accurate estimate of phylogeny, despite the fact that a number of methods have been developed to analyze these types of data for phylogenetic inference. A tree topology will be produced for a given methodology and set of characters, but little can be concluded with regards to the accuracy of phylogenetic signal without an independent evaluation of those characters. We assess the performance of continuous quantitative characters for the mygalomorph spider genus Antrodiaetus, a group that is morphologically homogeneous and one for which few discrete (morphological) characters have been observed. Phylogenetic signal contained in continuous quantitative characters is compared to an independently derived phylogeny inferred on the basis of multiple nuclear and mitochondrial gene loci. Tree topology randomizations, regression techniques, and topological tests all demonstrate that continuous quantitative characters in Antrodiaetus conflict with the phylogenetic signal contained in the gene trees. Our results show that the use of continuous quantitative characters for phylogenetic reconstruction may be inappropriate for reconstructing Antrodiaetus phylogeny and indicate that due caution should be exercised before employing this character type in the absence of other independently derived sources of characters.  相似文献   

Given a collection of discrete characters (e.g., aligned DNA sites, gene adjacencies), a common measure of distance between taxa is the proportion of characters for which taxa have different character states. Tree reconstruction based on these (uncorrected) distances can be statistically inconsistent and can lead to trees different from those obtained using character-based methods such as maximum likelihood or maximum parsimony. However, in these cases the distance data often reveal their unreliability by some deviation from additivity, as indicated by conflicting support for more than one tree. We describe two results that show how uncorrected (and miscorrected) distance data can be simultaneously perfectly additive and misleading. First, multistate character data can be perfectly compatible and define one tree, and yet the uncorrected distances derived from these characters are perfectly treelike (and obey a molecular clock), only for a completely different tree. Second, under a Markov model of character evolution a similar phenomenon can occur; not only is there statistical inconsistency using uncorrected distances, but there is no evidence of this inconsistency because the distances look perfectly treelike (this does not occur in the classic two-parameter Felsenstein zone). We characterize precisely when uncorrected distances are additive on the true (and on a false) tree for four taxa. We also extend this result to a more general setting that applies to distances corrected according to an incorrect model.  相似文献   

Abstract Missing values have been used in cladistic analyses when data are unavailable, inapplicable or sometimes when character states are variable within terminal taxa. The practice of scoring taxa as having "missing values" for polymorphic characters introduces errors into the calculation of cladogram lengths and consistency indices because some character change is hidden within terminals. Because these hidden character steps are not counted, the set of most parsimonious cladograms may differ from those that would be found if polymorphic taxa had been broken into monomorphic subunits. In some cases, the trees found when polymorphisms are scored as missing values may not include any of the most parsimonious trees found when the data are scored properly. Additionally, in some cases, polymorphic taxa may be found to be polyphyletic when broken into monomorphic subunits; this is undetected when polymorphisms are treated as missing. Because of these problems, terminal units in cladistic analysis should be based on unique, fixed combinations of characters. Polymorphic taxa should be subdivided into subunits that are monomorphic for each character used in the analysis. Disregarding errors in topology, the additional hidden steps in a cladogram in which polymorphisms are scored as missing can be calculated by a simple formula, based on the observation that if it is assumed that polymorphic terminals include all combinations of character states, 2 p − 1 additional steps are required for each taxon in which p polymorphic binary characters are scored as missing values. Thus, when several polymorphisms are scored as missing in the same taxon, very large errors can be introduced into the calculation of tree length.  相似文献   

We have conducted cladistic analyses of the genus Leptopilina , a group of Drosophila parasitoids studied intensively by (behavioural) ecologists. Twenty-three morphological characters were scored in ten Leptopilina and two outgroup species. At the same time, DNA sequences for the second ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) were gathered for eight Leptopilina and one outgroup species. Both data sets yielded phylogenetic trees which were largely compatible. A 'total evidence' analysis resulted in a single tree that provides a relatively robust phylogenetic reconstruction of the group, which may serve as a basis for historically interpreting the distribution of ecological and behavioural traits.  相似文献   

The evolution of species traits along a phylogeny can be examined through an increasing number of possible, but not necessarily complementary, approaches. In this paper, we assess whether deriving ancestral states of discrete morphological characters from a model whose parameters are (i) optimized by ML on a most likely tree; (II) optimized by ML onto each of a Bayesian sample of trees; and (III) sampled by a MCMC visiting the space of a Bayesian sample of trees affects the reconstruction of ancestral states in the moss genus Brachytheciastrum. In the first two methods, the choice of a single- or two-rate model and of a genetic distance (wherein branch lengths are used to determine the probabilities of change) or speciational (wherein changes are only driven by speciation events) model based upon a likelihood-ratio test strongly depended on the sampled trees. Despite these differences in model selection, reconstructions of ancestral character states were strongly correlated to each others across nodes, often at r > 0.9, for all the characters. The Bayesian approach of ancestral character state reconstruction offers, however, a series of advantages over the single-tree approach or the ML model optimization on a Bayesian sample of trees because it does not involve restricting model parameters prior to reconstructing ancestral states, but rather allows a range of model parameters and ancestral character states to be sampled according to their posterior probabilities. From the distribution of the latter, conclusions on trait evolution can be made in a more satisfactorily way than when a substantial part of the uncertainty of the results is obscured by the focus on a single set of model parameters and associated ancestral states. The reconstructions of ancestral character states in Brachytheciastrum reveal rampant parallel morphological evolution. Most species previously described based on phenetic grounds are thus resolved of polyphyletic origin. Species polyphylly has been increasingly reported among mosses, raising severe reservations regarding current species definition.  相似文献   

The basis for a preliminary analysis of the relationships within the monophyletic Diphyllidea is outlined. Information on morphological characters and their interpretation within a phylogenetic context are presented. A cladistic analysis at the species level was conducted based on a matrix of 21 morphological characters. Character polarity was determined by taxonomic outgroup analysis relative to the basal orders, Pseudophyllidea and Haplobothriidea. The phylogeny for the diphyllideans was found to be poorly resolved based on characters currently available for evaluation. Computer assisted cladistic analysis found three equally parsimonious trees with a consistency index of 0.54. The topology of these trees shows that Ditrachybothridium macrocephalum is the basal taxon and the putative sister group for species of Echinobothrium; Macrobothridium rhynchobati is grouped among species of Echinobothrium. If the classification is to be consistent with this tree, M. rhynchobati should be included in the genus Echinobothrium. This observation should be carefully examined, considering the relative paucity of useful morphological characters currently available for this group.  相似文献   

In order to construct a model of evolutionary relationships within the diatom family Chaetocerotaceae, 37 species of Chaetoceros Ehrenberg, representing all subgenera and 21 of 22 subgeneric sections of the genus, plus three Bacteriastrum Shadbolt species, representing both of its subgeneric sections, were subjected to cladistic analysis. One species each of Eucampia Ehrenberg, Cerataulina Peragallo, Hemiau‐lus Ehrenberg, Attheya West and Gonioceros H. & M. Peragallo were used as outgroups. A matrix of 65 binary and multistate morphological characters was constructed, with data being gathered from original observation of material in the light and electron microscopes, and from the published literature. The analysis yielded 36 most‐parsimonious cladograms of 316 steps; incongruence between trees is largely restricted to some taxa representing undersampled sections of Chaetoceros subg. Hyalochaete. The robustness of this hypothesis was examined in several ways. To assess the effect of character weighting, the bootstrap was used to randomly weight characters. The parsimony criterion was relaxed via a decay index, and finally, the tree length was compared to that of trees randomly generated from the data matrix. The majority of investigated species of Chaetoceros subg. Phaeoceros, Chaetoceros subg. Hyalochaete and Bacteriastrum appear to belong to a continuous grade, rather than comprising individual clades. Chaetoceros is paraphyletic. Thus, the traditional classification does not accurately reflect the hypothesized phylogenetic relationships of this family.  相似文献   

The history of biological systematics documents a continuing tension between classifications in terms of nested hierarchies congruent with branching diagrams (the ‘Tree of Life’) versus reticulated relations. The recognition of conflicting character distribution led to the dissolution of the scala naturae into reticulated systems, which were then transformed into phylogenetic trees by the addition of a vertical axis. The cladistic revolution in systematics resulted in a representation of phylogeny as a strictly bifurcating pattern (cladogram). Due to the ubiquity of character conflict—at the genetic or morphological level, or at any level in between—some characters will necessarily have to be discarded (qua noise) in favor of others in support of a strictly bifurcating phylogenetic tree. Pattern analysts will seek maximal congruence in the distribution of characters (ultimately of any kind) relative to a branching tree-topology; process explainers will call such tree-topologies into question by reference to incompatible evolutionary processes. Pattern analysts will argue that process explanations must not be brought to bear on pattern reconstruction; process explainers will insist that the reconstructed pattern requires a process explanation to become scientifically relevant, i.e., relevant to evolutionary theory. The core question driving the current debate about the adequacy of the ‘Tree of Life’ metaphor seems to be whether the systematic dichotomization of the living world is an adequate representation of the complex evolutionary history of global biodiversity. In ‘Questioning the Tree of Life’, it seems beneficial to draw at least four conceptual distinctions: pattern reconstruction versus process explanation as different epistemological approaches to the study of phylogeny; open versus closed systems as expressions of different kinds of population (species) structures; phylogenetic trees versus cladograms as representations of evolutionary processes versus patterns of relationships; and genes versus species as expressions of different levels of causal integration and evolutionary transformation.  相似文献   

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