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The remarkable anthropological series formed by E. Tamagnini at the Universidade de Coimbra consists of the exhumed human remains from “La Conchada” cemetery, in Coimbra (Northern Portugal). From this collection, only those individuals coming from the different districts of Coimbra, where they also lived and died, were selected for study. The resulting series was made of by 483 individuals: 234 women and 249 men. The personal data sheets indicate that these people died between 1910 and 1938; their professions, age at death and its cause are also noted. They can be considered as a relatively homogeneous group of low socioeconomical level. The study of the three oraltori demonstrated the high frequencies of all of them, the absence of sexual dimorphism and only a few statistically significant differences between some of the age classes considered. The possible etiological factors (genetical and/or environmental) are also discussed.  相似文献   

A great number of potentially toxic elements are introduced into soils by numerous anthropogenic activities, such as the foundry industry and may have negative consequences on the environment and subsequently on human health. This paper reports the characterization of soil samples collected at the facilities of an old foundry, already demolished, that operated during the last century in an industrial area in the Center of Portugal, Coimbra. The mineralogy, physicochemical parameters, and geochemistry of the soil foundry's area, were studied and compared with regional soil parameters to understand the impact of the foundry's activity on the soil. The enrichment and degree of contamination in the factory soil were also assessed, according to public guidelines. Foundry soil was found to exhibit higher average contents of Al2O3, Fe2O3(t), SiO2, TiO2, Zr, Sr, Rb, Pb, Zn, Cu, V, Nb, and Bi, than the corresponding regional baseline values. Specifically, the soil in the foundry area is polluted with Cu, Pb, and Zn. PCA analysis allowed to distinguish the natural soil from the foundry contaminated soil and the contribution of the spent sands and iron slags in the modification of the geochemistry of the regional soil. The contaminants and pollutants are not uniformly distributed as they show the higher concentrations in places of local storage, disposal, and finishing of materials used in the foundry.  相似文献   

Odonata are represented from the Iberian Peninsula by 79 species. However, there exists a significant gap in accessible knowledge about these species,especially regarding their distribution. This data paper describes the specimen-based Odonata data of the Arthropod Collection of the Department of Biología de Organismos y Sistemas (BOS), University of Oviedo, Spain. The specimens were mainly collected from the Iberian Peninsula (98.63% of the data records), especially the northern region. The earliest specimen deposited in the collection dates back to 1950, while the 1980’s and 2000’s are the best-represented time periods. Between 1950 and 2009, 16, 604 Odonata specimens were deposited and are documented in the dataset. Approximately 20% of the specimens belong to the families Coenagrionidae and Calopterygidae. Specimens include the holotype and paratypes of the Iberian subspecies Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis asturica Ocharan, 1983 and Sympetrum vulgatum ibericum Ocharan, 1985. The complete dataset is also provided in Darwin Core Archive format.  相似文献   

Syphilis is a chronic infection that is categorized by a three-stage progression. The tertiary stage may affect bones and produce distinctive skull lesions called caries sicca. This paper aims to present an unusual case of syphilis associated with a diagnosis of cirrhosis, which was recorded as the cause of death in a 28-year-old female in 1899. The appearance and distribution of the lesions were compatible with acquired syphilis, as observed in the skull from the Medical Schools Collection of the University of Coimbra. However, the cause of death was recorded as "hypertrophic cirrhosis of the liver", this is a condition that is compatible with several liver disorders, including a primary liver disorder, such as cirrhosis provoked by alcoholism, infection of the liver by syphilis pathogens or by damage to the liver from the use of mercury compounds, which was the common treatment for syphilis at the time. This paper represents a contribution to the understanding of the natural evolution of syphilis.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the relevance of harvestmen distribution data derived from opportunistic, unplanned, and non-standardised collection events in an area in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. Using specimens deposited in the BOS Arthropod Collection at the University of Oviedo, we compared these data with data from planned, standardised, and periodic collections with pitfall traps in several locations in the same area. The Arthropod Collection, begun in 1977, includes specimens derived from both sampling types, and its recent digitisation allows for this type of comparative analysis. Therefore, this is the first data-paper employing a hybrid approach, wherein subset metadata are described alongside a comparative analysis. The full dataset can be accessed through Spanish GBIF IPT at http://www.gbif.es:8080/ipt/archive.do?r=Bos-Opi, and the metadata of the unplanned collection events at http://www.gbif.es:8080/ipt/resource.do?r=bos-opi_unplanned_collection_events. We have mapped the data on the 18 harvestmen species included in the unplanned collections and provided records for some species in six provinces for the first time. We have also provided the locations of Phalangium opilio in eight provinces without published records. These results highlight the importance of digitising data from unplanned biodiversity collections, as well as those derived from planned collections, especially in scarcely studied groups and areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. The historical biogeography of sturgeons is explored using information from palaeogeography, palaeontology and phylogenetic interrelationships. The integration of information from these diverse sources indicates that sturgeons reached a wide Laurasian distribution in the Cretaceous and Tertiary by freshwater and coastal dispersal routes across land connections and along newly forming continental margins. The fossil record also suggests a considerable degree of morphological stasis and also supports an estuarine habit, and perhaps diadromy, as an old and conserved life history trait. While a ‘centre of origin’ for sturgeons remains elusive, phylogenetic relationships indicate that diversification appears to have been associated with fragmentation of biota, and of landmasses and basins, by late Tertiary geological and climatic phenomena, such as orogeny and unequal glaciation over North America, the desiccation of central Asia and alteration of its drainages, and the formation of discrete Ponto-Caspian basins by the fragmentation of the Paratethys. Amphi-oceanic distributions of certain species (Acipenser medirostris Ayres) and sister taxa (e.g. A. oxyrhynchus Mitchill and A. sturio L.) are explained by coastal dispersal and subsequent vicariance by geological (sea-floor spreading and development of new continental margins) and climatic (Pliocene cooling) changes during the Tertiary. An hypothesis is developed for the relationships of the North American sturgeons and their potential relationships with the Siberian sturgeon A. baeri. Late Tertiary climatic and geological phenomena are hypothesized as mediators of vicariance and subsequent diversification of these acipenserids. It appears that although acipenserids are a geologically old group, the historical biogeography of surviving lineages is best explained by more recent geological and climatic changes.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This study presents pollen-analytical data from continental and offshore Iberian Peninsula sites that include pollen curves of Quercus suber , to provide information on the past distribution and ecology of the cork oak ( Q. suber ). Results centre on a new pollen record of Navarrés (Valencia, eastern Spain), which shows that the cork oak survived regionally during the Upper Pleistocene and was important during a mid-Holocene replacement of a local pine forest by Quercus -dominated communities. This phenomenon appears linked to the recurrence of fire and reinforces the value of the cork oak for reforestation programmes in fire-prone areas. In addition to Navarrés, other Late Quaternary pollen sequences (Sobrestany, Casablanca-Almenara, Padul, SU 8103, SU8113, 8057B) suggest last glacial survival of the cork oak in southern and coastal areas of the Peninsula and North Africa. Important developments also occur from the Late Glacial to the middle Holocene, not only in the west but also in the eastern Peninsula. It is suggested that, in the absence of human influence, Q. suber would develop in non-monospecific forests, sharing the arboreal stratum both with other sclerophyllous and deciduous Quercus and Pinus species.  相似文献   

A history is presented of specimens of Papilionidae and Pieridae in the Natural History Museum, London that are thought to include types of species described by Cramer and Stoll in ' De Uitlandsche Kapellen '. Background details on the publication and associated persons are also provided. The authenticity of the specimens is discussed together with a list of all the material available. Details of homonymy and synonymy are presented as discussed. Lectotypes are designated for Papilio alcmeone Cramer, 1777 , and Papilio antonoe Cramer, 1777 .  © 2005 The Natural History Museum, London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 145 , 283–337.  相似文献   

Placodonts are Triassic marine reptiles that inhabited the eastern and western margins of the Tethys Ocean (modern South China and Europe/Middle East). Although the crania of European taxa are relatively well understood, those of Chinese taxa have not been extensively studied, and most of them have not been incorporated into a comprehensive phylogeny. Here we present the first reconstructions of all known Chinese placodont holotype skulls using micro‐computed tomographic (μCT) scanning and/or detailed anatomical study. We also present the first phylogenetic analyses that incorporate all placodont genera using a general diapsid matrix that includes postcranial characters, and a placodont‐only cranial matrix. Results vary between the matrices; however, both support a monophyletic Placodontia with eastern taxa interspaced throughout, indicating no major separation between the eastern and western Tethyan realms. Support is strong for a western Tethyan origin of Placodontia, although the highly nested Placochelyidae first appear in the upper Middle Triassic of the eastern Tethys. Thus, all placodont clades appear to have originated in a period of intense speciation during the Middle Triassic. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Archaeobotanical material was recovered in two contiguous compartments of a compound in Monte Mozinho (Penafiel, northern Portugal). These areas comprise storage facilities from three different typologies—dolium, pits and above-ground quadrangular structures in the corner of the compartments. Few carpological materials were found inside the storage structures and all these are cereals which were most likely stored as clean grain. Recovered grains are probably remnants of the last stored crops prior to abandonment of the area. A radiocarbon date obtained on grains of rye positions this event at a time within the 3rd century and the beginning of the 4th century a.d. Outside the structures from compartment 2, abundant crop processing by-products, mostly weeds and chaff, were recovered. Since traditional agricultural communities tend not to waste such organic material, it is likely that it was kept in the area to be used as fodder. Data is ambiguous regarding the possible existence of fodder crops mixed with these by-products. Overall, there is a predominance of millets (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) and rye (Secale cereale), but naked wheat (Triticum aestivum) is also a relevant crop. The presence of oat (Avena) is significant but it is difficult to interpret due to its exclusive presence alongside weeds and chaff. Grape pips (Vitis vinifera) were also found, but these are rare. The Late Roman carpological material from Monte Mozinho is of great relevance on a regional level. It documents and dates the presence of rye and testifies to a multifunctional system in which plant husbandry and animal breeding were intertwined.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that Lacerta viridis magnifica Sobolevssky, 1930 represents an extinct species or subspecies of green lizard endemic to the southern Crimea. Using NGS protocols optimized for heavily degraded DNA, we sequenced the complete mitogenome of one of the originally formalin-preserved specimens collected in the late 19th century. A comparison with sequence data of other green lizards revealed that L. v. magnifica is a junior synonym of the northern subspecies of the western green lizard (L. b. bilineata Daudin, 1802), which occurs at least 1,500 km away, beyond the distribution ranges of other green lizards. In medieval times, a Genoese colony existed in the Crimean region where the extinct green lizards occurred. Until the early 20th century, close ties to Italy persisted, and locals of Genoese descent sent their children for education to Italy, where L. b. bilineata occurs. This suggests that the extinct Crimean green lizards have been introduced accidentally or intentionally from Italy. Our study exemplifies the value of historical formalin-preserved museum specimens for clarifying the status of questionable rare or extinct taxa.  相似文献   

Interpreting morphological variation within the early hominin fossil record is particularly challenging. Apart from the fact that there is no absolute threshold for defining species boundaries in palaeontology, the degree of variation related to sexual dimorphism, temporal depth, geographic variation or ontogeny is difficult to appreciate in a fossil taxon mainly represented by fragmentary specimens, and such variation could easily be conflated with taxonomic diversity. One of the most emblematic examples in paleoanthropology is the Australopithecus assemblage from the Sterkfontein Caves in South Africa. Whereas some studies support the presence of multiple Australopithecus species at Sterkfontein, others explore alternative hypotheses to explain the morphological variation within the hominin assemblage. In this review, I briefly summarize the ongoing debates surrounding the interpretation of morphological variation at Sterkfontein Member 4 before exploring two promising avenues that would deserve specific attention in the future, that is, temporal depth and nonhuman primate diversity.  相似文献   

Middle/late Devonian and early Carboniferous metasedimentary sequences in the northernmost region (Porto-Espinho-Tomar) of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portuguese Iberian Variscan Massif) contain black shales of very low to low-grade metamorphism. These metasedimentary rocks form a discrete NNW-SSE structure within a major shear zone (Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo) and remain subparallel to the observed regional major structures (folding, thrusts or overthrusts). These black shales are overhanged and then imbricated in an upper Proterozoic metamorphic substratum. A multi-disciplinary study of these metasedimentary rocks from the Espinho-Tomar region has tectonostratigraphy, palynology, organic petrology and clay mineralogy combined methods. This approach provides new insights into the tectonic evolution and geological framework of Palaeozoic basement of the Iberian Variscides. Palaeoenvironmental and tectonostratigraphic implications on the Iberian geodynamic framework are discussed.  相似文献   

Suminia getmanovi , a recently discovered basal anomodont from the Late Permian of Russia, is characterized by robust, 'leaf-shaped' teeth, and a masticatory architecture that is similar to that of the highly diverse and cosmopolitan group of Permo-Triassic herbivores, Dicynodontia (Anomodontia). Based on new material, the skull is reconstructed in three dimensions and described in detail. A cladistic analysis of the basal anomodonts, Patranomodon, Galeops, Otsheria, Ulemica , and Suminia , using 37 cranial characters, resulted in a single most parsimonious tree, in which Suminia is united with the Russian taxa, Ulemica and Otsheria. This clade, diagnosed by four unambiguous characters, is designated as Venyukovioidea. The South African anomodont, Galeops , appears as the sister taxon to Dicynodontia. Patranomodon is the most basal anomodont. The cladistic analysis suggests that a 'dicynodont-type' masticatory architecture, with an expanded adductor musculature and sliding jaw articulation, may have originated prior to the advent of the (Venyukovioidea + ( Galeops + Dicynodontia)) clade.  相似文献   

In this contribution, a new pubescent Trechus species for the Iberian Peninsula is described, and the use of some morphological traits in the systematic of Trechini are discussed. Micropubescence is common in endogean and troglobite species which are closely related with the “terrestrial-phreatic habitat”. It probably enhances survival in swampy environments through the retention of air bubbles in immersion conditions and promoting flotation. Neither this trait, anophthalmy nor inner sac of aedeagus without sclerotized pieces can be used to support supraspecific taxa. Thus, we propose the formal synonymy of Hydrotrechus with Trechus [Hydrotrechus syn. nov. of Trechus]. To avoid secondary homonymy, we propose the name Trechus triamicorum nom. nov. for Hydrotrechus cantabricus Carabajal, García & Rodríguez 1999 [already occupied by Trechus cantabricus Jeannel 1927, synonym of Trechus distigma Kiesenwetter 1851]. We also propose the synonymization of the subgenus Trichapoduvalius with Apoduvalius [Trichapoduvalius syn. nov. of Apoduvalius]. The new hypogean species with pubescent elytra, Trechus cifrianae sp. nov., is described. The morphology of the species suggests that it probably inhabits the Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS) or the fissure network (mesocaverns and microcaverns) of the cave where the only individual was found. The structure of internal female genitalia suggests a close relationship between T. cifrianae sp. nov. and T. carrilloi Toribio & Rodríguez 1997.  相似文献   

Most medical schools in Spain (80%) offer undergraduate training in oncology. This education is highly variable in terms of content (theory and practical training), number of credits, and the medical specialty and departmental affiliation of the professors. Much of this variability is due to university traditions in the configuration of credits and programmes, and also to the structure of the hospital-based practical training. Undergraduate medical students deserve a more coherent and modern approach to education with a strong emphasis on clinical practice. Oncology is an interdisciplinary science that requires the input of professors from multiple specialties to provide the primary body of knowledge and skills needed to obtain both a theoretical and clinical understanding of cancer. Clinical skills should be a key focus due to their importance in the current model of integrated medical management and care.Clinical radiation oncology is a traditional and comprehensive hospital-based platform for undergraduate education in oncology. In Spain, a significant number (n = 80) of radiation oncology specialists have a contractual relationship to teach university courses. Most Spanish universities (80%) have a radiation oncologist on staff, some of whom are department chairs and many others are full professors who have been hired and promoted under competitive conditions of evaluation as established by the National Agency for Quality Evaluation.The Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology (SEOR) has identified new opportunities to improve undergraduate education in oncology. In this article, we discuss proposals related to theoretical (20 items) and practical clinical training (9 items). We also describe the SEOR University Forum, which is an initiative to develop a strategic plan to implement and organize cancer education at the undergraduate level in an interdisciplinary teaching spirit and with a strong contribution from radiation oncologists.  相似文献   

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