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This article investigates the impact of predation on the coexistence and competitive exclusion of pathogen strains in the prey. Two types of predator are considered—a generalist and a specialist. For each type of predator, we assume that the predator can discriminate among susceptible and infected with each strain prey. The two strains will competitively exclude each other in the absence of predation with the strain with the larger reproduction number persisting. If a generalist predator preys discriminantly and the disease is fatal, then depending on the predation level, a switch in the dominant pathogen may occur. Thus, for some predation levels, the first strain may persist while for other predation levels the second strain may persist. Furthermore, a specialist predator preying discriminantly may mediate the coexistence of the two strains. Although in most cases increasing predation reduces the disease load in the prey, when predation leads to coexistence, it may also lead to increase in the disease load.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1279-1282
The behavior and effective predation time can affect the prey death in pest biological control programs. This work studied the Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas, 1851) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) behavior on Spodoptera eridania (Cramer, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) caterpillars, and its implications in case of prey escape. The preference bioassay (B1) aimed to verify the caterpillars body region (anterior: head and thorax; median and posterior) preferred by the predator and its implication in prey mortality. The predation duration bioassay considered the following effective predation times: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 min; the caterpillars were removed after each predation time, to simulate prey escape, and the dead were counted until the seventh day. This experiment was performed in two ways: with randomly selected and not repeated predators (B2); and with the same predators in successive times (B3). The predator preferred to attack the caterpillars anterior region. The caterpillars mortality increased with increasing effective predation time. The mortality was 90% after 64 min under B2. This value was estimated for 16 min under B3. The P. nigrispinus prefers to attack the caterpillars anterior region and mortality of S. eridania caterpillars was favored in predators that have suffered predation interruption.  相似文献   

Drilling predation provides a rare opportunity to study and quantify prey-predator interactions in the fossil record. Records of drilling predation on scaphopod mollusc are rare. Here, we report naticid drilling predation on scaphopods from a “Turritelline-dominated assemblage” (TDA) stratigraphically just below the K-Pg boundary sections in Rajahmundry, India, which was situated in the Southern Hemisphere during that time. Low drilling frequency was found in the present assemblage based on 248 specimens, which was similar to most of the Cretaceous values previously reported. Majority of the specimens of previous studies were reported from higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Our report extended the palaeobiogeography of naticid predation on scaphopods into the Southern Hemisphere. Size and site stereotypy of drillholes on the scaphopod shell suggested that predatory behavior of naticids was already highly evolved, but evidence of escalation was less clear in scaphopod prey.  相似文献   

Predators may have multiple effects on prey, including the mortality caused by consumption, but also non-consumptive effects when prey alter their life history traits in the presence of predators. This study aimed to describe the consumption ability and the non-consumptive effects of Notonecta sellata (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) on immature stages of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae). Results showed that adult N. sellata were capable of preying on all larval instars, although they consumed more individuals of the 2(nd) and 3(rd) instars. Immature mosquitoes raised in the presence of, but without contact with, predators showed a slower development and smaller-sized emerging adults than those raised in the control treatments. Similar survival rates were recorded in the predator and control treatments. The present study suggests that N. sellata adults negatively affect Cx. pipiens populations in two ways: a) by increasing immature stage mortality as a result of direct consumption and extended development times; and b) by reducing their number of offspring, as a result of delayed reproduction and a lower fecundity of adults.  相似文献   

Götmark F  Andersson M 《Oecologia》2005,142(2):177-183
Predators may regulate prey populations if predation rate increases with prey density. Alternatively, if space-limited (e.g. territorial) predators become satiated when prey exceed a certain density, increased prey abundance may lead to reduced predation rate. These alternatives have been difficult to test experimentally for mobile prey in the wild. We present such a test, manipulating the density of great tits (Parus major) by adding nest boxes in territories of sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus). Predation rate was measured for young tits after they left the nests. Although the great tit is an important prey, there was no evidence for regulation during the breeding season: the rate of hawk predation declined with increasing density of tits. This result was not confounded by changes in breeding density of alternative prey species (other songbirds). Hawk predation can therefore favour dense breeding in a territorial (solitary) bird, and conspecific attraction and aggregation reported in several territorial species may partly result from predation pressure. This result also has potential implications for conservation work.  相似文献   

The influence of prey mobility and species on prey selection by the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis Pallas was determined under laboratory conditions for two prey species, Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say) and Tetranychus urticae Koch. Prey selection was influenced by prey mobility. In the presence of active prey, the coccinellid selected T. urticae while in presence of immobilized prey, H. vitripennis was preferred. Harmonia axyridis searching time was longer in the presence of active H. vitripennis than in the presence of active T. urticae. Moreover, the coccinellid capture rate was lower for active H. vitripennis caused by effective defensive mechanisms. Prey suitability was affected by prey mobility and species. Immobilized H. vitripennis were the most profitable prey, i.e. induced a shorter developmental time and no mortality. However, active H. vitripennis were not a suitable food source for H. axyridis. Our results suggested that three factors are involved in prey selection by H. axyridis: (i) prey mobility; (ii) prey defensive mechanisms; and (iii) prey species.  相似文献   

The 0+ cohort of perch can split into a slow-growing planktivorous and a fast-growing piscivorous cohort during their first months of life. Both cohorts are, however, vulnerable to predation by piscivorous fish. Laboratory experiments were performed to test the behavior of 0+ perch as a predator of cyprinids, and in the trade-off between food and shelter from the threat of predators. In the foraging trials, 0+ perch attacked bream faster than they did carp, and vegetation hampered the aggression against bream. In the second experiment, the habitat selection of two size classes of 0+ perch under the threat of predation was monitored. Overall, vegetation structures were preferred by both size classes of 0+ perch. When small fish were offered to the 0+ perch as food, the open water becomes more attractive. The results of the habitat use trials further show that the two size cohorts of 0+ perch may also differ in their behavior, in that the availability of fish as food becomes more important than the shelter of vegetation structures for the larger perch.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies suggest ratio-dependence may be common in many predator–prey systems, yet in large mammal systems, evidence is limited to wolves and their prey in Isle Royale and Yellowstone. More importantly, the consequences of ratio-dependent predation have not been empirically examined to understand the implications for prey. Wolves recolonized Banff National Park in the early 1980s, and recovery was correlated with significant elk declines. I used time-series data of wolf kill rates of elk, wolf and elk densities in winter from 1985–2007 to test for support for prey-, ratio-, or predator dependent functional and numeric responses of wolf killing rate to elk density. I then combined functional and numeric responses to estimate the total predation response to identify potential equilibrium states. Evidence suggests wolf predation on elk was best described by a type II ratio-dependent functional response and a type II numeric response that lead to inversely density-dependent predation rate on elk. Despite support for ratio-dependence, like other wolf-prey systems, there was considerable uncertainty amongst functional response models, especially at low prey densities. Consistent with predictions from ratio-dependent models, however, wolves contributed to elk population declines of over 80 % in our Banff system. Despite the statistical signature for ratio-dependence, the biological mechanism remains unknown and may be related to multi-prey dynamics in our system. Regardless, ratio-dependent models strike a parsimonious balance between theory and empiricism, and this study suggests that large mammal ecologists need to consider ratio-dependent models in predator–prey dynamics.  相似文献   

Predator prey models in which there is a delay in recruitment in both species and only adults interact are formulated and studied. Stability results show that the length of delays in recruitment in the prey are more critical than the length of recruitment delays in the predator. Thus the destabilizing effect of recruitment delays may be less important in higher trophic levels than some single species models indicate. Variance in the recruitment delay is shown to be an important stabilizing influence.  相似文献   

Cage experiments were conducted to quantify the predation rate of the cricket Metioche vittaticollis (Sta ˚l) on the eggs of rice leaffolder Marasmia patnalis Bradley. Egg predation by adult females was measured in response to changes in egg density, predator density and leaf area per cage. The number of eggs consumed per predator increased with egg density, without reaching a plateau. The predation rate decreased with increasing leaf area. The functional response could be adequately described with a linear Type I model, with the effect of leaf area included. This type of response to leaffolder egg density means that predation was not limited by prey handling time or satiation, but by the search rate. The search rate is here interpreted as the leaf area effectively searched for leaffolder eggs by a single predator in one day. Estimated search rates averaged 0.13 m 2 day -1 for M. vittaticollis females. The search rate of the predators increased with prey density, but a model describing a density dependent search rate explained only 3% of the total variation in search rate. Increasing predator density per cage led to a decrease in the per capita egg predation rate when predator density was more than two per m 2 leaf area. Interference might thus reduce the potential to enhance leaffolder egg predation by conservation or augmentation of predatory cricket populations.  相似文献   

Environmental disturbances such as deforestation, urbanization or pollution have been widely acknowledged to play a key role in the emergence of many infectious diseases, including mosquito-borne viruses. However, we have little understanding of how habitat isolation affects the communities containing disease vectors. Here, we test the effects of habitat type and isolation on the colonization rates, species richness and abundances of mosquitoes and their aquatic predators in water-filled containers in northwestern Thailand. For eight weeks water-filled containers were monitored in areas containing forest, urban and agricultural habitats and mixtures of these three. Mosquito larvae of the genera Aedes and Culex appeared to be differentially affected by the presence of the dominant predator; Toxorhynchites splendens (Culicidae). Therefore, a predation experiment was conducted to determine predator response to prey density and its relative effects on different mosquito prey populations. Colonization rates, species richness and abundances of mosquito predators were strongly related to forest habitat and to the distance from other aquatic habitats. Areas with more tree cover had higher predator species richness and abundance in containers. Containers that were close to surface water were more rapidly colonized than those further away. In all habitat types, including urban areas, when predators were present, the number of mosquito larvae was much lower. Containers in urban areas closer to water-bodies, or with more canopy cover, had higher predator colonization rates and species richness. T. splendens (Culicidae) preyed on the larvae of two mosquito genera at different rates, which appeared to be related to prey behaviour. This study shows that anthropogenic landscape modification has an important effect on the natural biological control of mosquitoes. Vector control programmes and urban planning should attempt to integrate ecological theory when developing strategies to reduce mosquito populations. This would result in management strategies that are beneficial for both public health and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Predation is one of the most important interactions between species and a major selection pressure in wild mammal populations. Camouflage is a common pattern of colorations resulting from predation pressure, however, atypical coloration may appear in the wild. Both predation and atypical coloration in mammal species are difficult to observe in a natural setting but contain important biological information. Here we describe a leucistic tayra (Eira barbara) attempting to prey on a sloth (Bradypus tridactylus). The event occurred in Brazilian Central Amazon as a tayra unsuccessfully tried to kill an adult sloth in the mid-canopy of a secondary forest.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(2):131-138
Female marine turtles produce hundreds of offspring during their lifetime but few survive because small turtles have limited defenses and are vulnerable to many predators. Little is known about how small turtles improve their survival probabilities with growth though it is assumed that they do. We reared green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and loggerheads (Caretta caretta) from hatchlings to 13 weeks of age and documented that they grew wider faster than they grew longer. This pattern of allometric growth might enable small turtles to more quickly achieve protection from gape-limited predators, such as the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus). As a test of that hypothesis, we measured how dolphinfish gape increased with length, reviewed the literature to determine how dolphinfish populations were size/age structured in nearby waters, and then determined the probability that a small turtle would encounter a fish large enough to consume it if it grew by allometry vs. by isometry (in which case it retained its hatchling proportions). Allometric growth more quickly reduced the probability of a lethal encounter than did isometric growth. On that basis, we suggest that allometry during early ontogeny may have evolved because it provides a survival benefit for small turtles.  相似文献   

Summary Differential predation pressure and the probability of predation on a Batesian mimicry complex and on alternative prey were estimatedin a field experiment. The mimicry complex was composed of a noxious model (Eleodes obscura (Say)) and a palatable mimic (Stenomorpha marginata (LeConte)). House crickets (Acheta domesticus) (Linn.) were used as alternative prey. The experiment was conducted for 23 nights in August and September to approximate the peak seasonal activity time period during which both models and mimics normally are exposed to predation while foraging and depositing eggs. Each night thirty prey in ratios of 16 models: 7 mimics: 7 crickets were exposed for 2.5 h to a suite of predators consisting of pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus), striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) that had free access to the prey. The model-mimic ratio was similar to that found in nature. Predators obtained prey on 11 of the 23 nights and preferred the alternative prey (crickets) in proportions higher than was expected from a predation rate that was equal on all species of prey. Mimics were taken by predators at a rate proportional to their abundance, while models were taken at a rate considerably lower than their relative abundance. This suggests that at least some of the predators could distinguish between models and mimics and were willing to eat the mimics at higher frequencies than they were willing to eat the models. However, although the mimicry is not perfect with respect to the entire predator suite, the mimics still gain an advantage by resembling the models, compared to the predation levels on the alternate prey.  相似文献   

Recently, a theoretical hypothesis was proposed that the coexistence of antagonism and mutualism may stabilize ecological community and even give rise to a positive complexity-stability relationship (interaction-type diversity hypothesis). This hypothesis was derived from an analysis of community model, which was developed based on two specific assumptions about the interaction strengths: those are, (i) different interaction types, antagonism and mutualism, have quantitatively comparable magnitude of effects to population growth; and (ii) interaction strength decreases with increasing interaction links of the same interaction type. However, those assumptions do not necessarily hold in real ecosystems, leaving unclear how robust this hypothesis is. Here, using a model with those two assumptions relaxed, we show (i) that the balance of interaction strength is necessary for the positive complexity effect to arise and (ii) that interaction-type diversity hypothesis may still hold when interaction strength decreases with increasing links of all interaction type for some species.  相似文献   

Balanids are the numerically dominant epibionts on mussel beds in the Wadden Sea. Near the island of Sylt (German Bight, North Sea), Semibalanus balanoides dominated intertidally and Balanus crenatus subtidally. Field experiments were conducted to test the effects of predation on the density of barnacle recruits. Subtidally, predator exclusion resulted in significantly increased abundances of B. crenatus, while predator exclusion had no significant effects on the density of S. balanoides intertidally. It is suggested that recruitment of B. crenatus to subtidal mussel beds is strongly affected by adult shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) and juvenile starfish (Asterias rubens), whereas recruits of S. balanoides in the intertidal zone are mainly influenced by grazing and bulldozing of the very abundant periwinkle Littorina littorea, which is rare subtidally. Thus, not only do the barnacle species differ between intertidal and subtidal mussel beds, but the biotic control factors do so as well. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The agricultural intensification and the subsequent habitat changes in agroecosystem can strongly affect biological control services. We here examine the influence of inter-annual landscape change in wheat field area on interactions of cereal aphids and their natural enemies, as well as the efficacy of biological control using data collected from a 4-year experiment in Northwest China. Two hypotheses were tested. (i) Population densities decline following an inter-annual expansion of wheat crop proportion cover due to dilution and crowding effects. (ii) Species that are specialists or at higher trophic levels are more sensitive to bottom-up disturbance by inter-annual change in percent cover of wheat crop. Results showed the population densities of one cereal aphid (Macrosiphum avenae), one parasitic wasp (Aphidius avenae), two specialist predators (ladybirds: Hippodamia variegata and H. tredecimpunctata) and one hyperparasitic wasp (Pachyneuron aphidis) declined following the expansion of wheat crop areas, supporting the predictions of inter-annual dilution and crowding effects. In contrast, the populations of one cereal aphid (Schizaphis graminum), one parasitic wasp (A. gifuensis), two generalist predators (spiders: Pardosa astrigera; carabid beetles: Chlaenius pallipes), and two hyperparasitic wasps (Asaphes suspensus, and Alloxysta sp.) did not respond to inter-annual landscape change. The two hypotheses were partially supported but with noticeable exceptions, and the bio-control efficiency declined with the increase of the proportion cover of wheat field in agricultural landscape. Overall, different responses of cereal aphids and their natural enemies make it difficult but still possible to optimize inter-annual landscape change for enhancing the parasitism rate and predator-prey ratio.  相似文献   

Females of the digger wasp species Liris niger paralyzed and layed eggs on six of seven tested cricket species. L. niger females with unmanipulated antennae always rejected the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, but those without antennal flagella paralyzed and layed eggs on it. Even L. niger females from maggots raised artificially on G. bimaculatus never paralyzed it. L. niger first orients toward a prey visually and then touches the prospective prey briefly with its antennal flagella. This contact determines about the suitability of the prey. The ability to differentiate between prey species required at least one partially unmanipulated antennal flagellum. The responsible sensilla were located on the upper surface of the antennal flagella. Chemical cues which make the cricket Acheta domesticus attractive to L. niger females could be transferred to G. bimaculatus.  相似文献   

Prey preference in stoneflies: a comparative analysis of prey vulnerability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Laboratory feeding trials were conducted with the predaceous stonefly Hesperoperla pacifica and a number of mayfly and dipteran prey species to investigate the effects of predator size, and prey size and morphology, on the predator's success. Observations under dim red light permitted estimation of encounter rate (E/min), attack propensity (A/E), capture success (C/A) and handling time (HT). For prey of a particular species and size, HT decreased log-linearly with increasing predator size. Across all prey categories, HT increased log-linearly with increasing values of the ratio prey dry wt/predator dry wt, and differences among species appeared to be small. Overall, capture success was low, but C/A was higher for dipterans than for mayflies, especially with large H. pacifica. Predator size affected C/A when prey fell within a certain size range, but was not a detectable influence with very small or very large prey. Values of A/E of near 10% typified many predatorprey combinations; however, ephemerellid mayflies suffered markedly fewer attacks, and values of A/E up to 30% were obtained with some species-size combinations. We estimated benefit to the predator first as prey wt ingested per unit time (dry wt/HT), and second by mutliplying the former term by capture success. Values increased with increasing size of the predator, and inclusion of the C/A term indicated that predators would obtain greater reward from small relative to large prey, and from dipterans relative to mayflies. Howerver, there was little evidence that attacks were biased toward more profitable prey. We compare the relative contributions of E/min, A/E and C/A to prey choice, and discuss their applicability to predation events in nature.  相似文献   

Diet composition is linked to reproductive performance directly or indirectly by other life-history traits, including home range behaviour. The relationships between prey abundance, diet and individual fitness have often been explored. However, these relationships are complex and difficult to disentangle, especially in vertebrate top predators. Here, we present the results of a long-term study using multi-model inference procedures to elucidate the influence of diet-related variables on breeding parameters and home range behaviour of a top predator, the eagle owl Bubo bubo. Superpredation, diet diversity, rat biomass and rabbit mean weight were the most important variables when analysing reproductive parameters, suggesting that less diverse diets with greater rabbit biomass percentage may benefit reproductive performance, whereas rat biomass percentage is apparently associated with greater variation of breeding success. Earlier laying dates seem to be associated with the consumption, on average, of smaller rabbits. On the other hand, edge density was the most relevant factor determining the variation in home range behaviour, with individual characteristics, such as age and sex, also being important. Although the relative importance of the diet-related variables was generally low, mean weight of alternative prey, diet diversity and rabbit biomass also helped to explain home range parameters. In an optimal foraging context, centred on the abundance of the main prey species, our results suggest that when rabbits are less available eagle owls may increase home range size in order to obtain alternative prey, increasing at the same time their dietary diversity, which may also require higher movement speed.  相似文献   

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