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Abstract Sustained‐release fertilizer and two kinds of mulch treatments were tested to determine their effects on survival and growth of planted Chamaecyparis thyoides (Atlantic white cedar) on a sandy extremely nutrient‐deficient site. Height, basal trunk diameter, dry weight, and concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were measured for each treatment. After two growing seasons, survival was very high in untreated controls (mean, 86%) and was not significantly increased by any treatment (significance was assessed at p = 0.05 throughout this work). Stem height and cross‐sectional area doubled in unamended plots during the course of the study. Fresh mulch alone caused no additional increase in growth, compared with unamended plots. Decomposed mulch caused a slight but significant increase. Sustained‐release fertilizer caused significant increases in height (threefold) and dry weight (approximately sixfold). Combined treatment with fertilizer and mulch gave significantly greater growth responses than did other treatments, increasing heights 4‐ to 5‐fold, trunk cross‐sectional areas 4‐fold, and dry weights 11‐ to 21‐fold over no‐treatment controls. Tissue concentrations of N and P correlated with growth trends, with combinations of mulch and timed‐release fertilizer providing the highest values. Though statistically different, the two mulch treatments were similar in their effects on tissue nutrient concentrations. When combined with fertilizer, undecomposed mulch stimulated increases in height and dry weight significantly more than did decomposed mulch. Thus, establishment of C. thyoides on low‐nutrient sandy soils is improved by combined soil amendment with sustained‐release nutrients and organic mulch.  相似文献   

A primary challenge of animal surveys is to understand how to reliably sample populations exhibiting strong spatial heterogeneity. Building upon recent findings from survey, tracking and tagging data, we investigate spatial sampling of a seasonally resident population of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Maine, Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. We incorporate empirical estimates to parameterize a stochastic population model and simulate measurement designs to examine survey efficiency and precision under variation in tuna behaviour. We compare results for random, systematic, stratified, adaptive and spotter-search survey designs, with spotter-search comprising irregular transects that target surfacing schools and known aggregation locations (i.e., areas of expected high population density) based on a priori knowledge. Results obtained show how survey precision is expected to vary on average with sampling effort, in agreement with general sampling theory and provide uncertainty ranges based on simulated variance in tuna behaviour. Simulation results indicate that spotter-search provides the highest level of precision, however, measurable bias in observer-school encounter rate contributes substantial uncertainty. Considering survey bias, precision, efficiency and anticipated operational costs, we propose that an adaptive-stratified sampling alone or a combination of adaptive-stratification and spotter-search (a mixed-layer design whereby a priori information on the location and size of school aggregations is provided by sequential spotter-search sampling) may provide the best approach for reducing uncertainty in seasonal abundance estimates.
Nathaniel K. NewlandsEmail:

The endangered North Atlantic right whale is susceptible to increased risks associated with the developing energy market off the Virginia coast of the U.S.A., including increased noise exposure from shipping and energy exploration and extraction, and shipping activity. Primarily viewed as a migratory corridor between northern feeding and mating areas and the southern calving area, Virginia waters have not been intensely monitored for right whales. We conducted a 1 yr, continuous, passive acoustic survey from the Virginia coast to the continental shelf to better describe the seasonal occurrence and spatial distribution of right whales in this area. We found that whales were acoustically detected in every month of the year, with increased seasonal occurrences in fall and late winter/early spring, and not just during limited periods of the year. As industry activities continue to increase in the area, these new right whale occurrence data have implications for siting and permitting of offshore energy activities.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies based on the 16S ribosomal gene sequences showed that members of the genus Catellatospora revealed phylogenetic heterogeneity within the family Micromonosporaceae as well as a heterogeneous menaquinone composition. Among them, Catellatospora matsumotoense was closely related to members of the genus Micromonospora, indicating that this organism should be excluded from the genus Catellatospora. On the basis of classical taxonomic characteristics and phylogenetic evidence, Catellatospora matsumotoense is proposed to be transferred to the genus Micromonospora as M. matsumotoense comb. nov.  相似文献   

The first recorded incidence of dicephalia in a bull shark Carcharhinus leucas is reported from a foetus collected by a fisherman in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida, U.S.A. External examination, Radiography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a case of monosomic dicephalia where the axial skeleton and internal organs were found to divide into parallel systems anterior to the pectoral girdle resulting in two well‐developed heads.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns in Macrodon ancylodon sampled from 12 locations across all its range were investigated using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences, and analysed together with patterns of morphometric differentiation. Populations of the North Brazil and the Brazil currents, with warmer waters, form a clade (tropical clade) separated by 23 fixed mutations from the populations that inhabit regions of colder waters influenced by the Brazil and Malvinas currents (subtropical clade). No gene flow exists between the tropical and subtropical clades, and most likely also between the two groups of the tropical clade. Distribution of these clades and groups is correlated with flow of currents and their temperatures, and is facilitated by larval retention and low adult migration. Despite differentiation at the molecular level, fishes analysed from all these current-influenced regions are morphometrically homogeneous. Throughout its range M. ancylodon inhabits the same, or very similar niche; thus, stabilizing selection probably promotes the retention of highly conserved morphology despite deep genetic divergence at the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b.  相似文献   

1. Fish and invertebrate assemblage data collected from 670 stream sites in Minnesota (U.S.A.) were used to calculate concordance across three nested spatial scales (statewide, ecoregion and catchment). Predictive taxa richness models, calibrated using the same data, were used to evaluate whether concordant communities exhibited similar trends in human‐induced taxa loss across all three scales. Finally, we evaluated the strength of the relationship between selected environmental variables and the composition of both assemblages at all three spatial scales. 2. Significant concordance between fish and invertebrate communities occurred at the statewide scale as well as in six of seven ecoregions and 17 of the 21 major catchments. However, concordance was not consistently indicative of significant relationships between rates of fish and invertebrate taxa loss at those same scales. 3. Fish and invertebrate communities were largely associated with different environmental variables, although the composition of both communities was strongly correlated with stream size across all three scales. 4. Predictive taxa‐loss models for fish assemblages were less sensitive and precise than models for invertebrate assemblages, likely because of the relatively low number of common fish taxa in our data set. Both models, however, distinguished reference from non‐reference sites. 5. The importance of concordance, geographic context and scale are discussed in relation to the design and interpretation of stream integrity indicators. In particular, our findings suggest that community concordance should not be viewed as a substitute for an evaluation of how assemblages respond to environmental stressors.  相似文献   

Growth in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) was investigated through examination of sex‐specific, ontogenetic changes in the mass of 38 discrete body compartments, utilizing stranded dolphins in good body condition (n = 145). Ontogenetic allometry and the body composition technique were used to quantitatively describe growth patterns. Although adult males were significantly larger than adult females in total body mass (TBM) and total length, overall patterns of growth were remarkably similar between sexes. The integument, locomotor muscle, and vertebral column together represented 50%–58% of TBM across all life history categories, although their relative contributions varied ontogenetically. Young dolphins invested the greatest percentage of TBM in integument, while locomotor muscle was the single largest body component in adults. In both sexes (1) most muscle groups displayed positive allometry, (2) most skeletal elements displayed negative allometric or isometric growth, (3) most abdominal viscera associated with digestion displayed positive allometry, and (4) the brain displayed negative allometric growth. Reproductive tissues exhibited the highest rates of growth in both sexes, and increased as a percentage of TBM with maturity. This study provides an integrated view of bottlenose dolphin growth and a quantitative baseline of body composition for future monitoring of this sentinel species of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

The degree to which fish diet differs by season and area, particularly over broad scales, was examined for the first time in temperate, contiguous north-west Atlantic Ocean waters by comparing food habit data for 10 species of fishes collected concurrently during the spring and autumn surveys in the U.S.A. (Gulf of Maine proper and Georges Bank) and in the summer survey in Canada (western Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy). For most species, there was a general concurrence among the three seasons and four areas: summer diets had the same dominant prey items as spring and autumn diets. Although a suite of multivariate analyses did elucidate some differences in specific proportions of the diet for these species across seasons and areas, the main prey did not substantially change for most of these species. These results suggest that there are (1) minimal differences in diet across season for these species at these taxonomic resolutions, (2) there are minimal differences in diet geographically for these species and (3) differences across species, as expected, are important. Many fisheries ecosystem and multispecies models are dependent on food habit data, where resolving seasonal and spatial differences in diet remains an important consideration; however, the present work implies that amalgamated estimates of diet from seasonal surveys may be a reasonable approach when no finer seasonal resolution exists, as long as due diligence is exercised.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of cloned genes coding for the elongation factor Tu of seven eubacteria have been determined. These genes were fiom Anacystis nidulans, Bacillus subtilis, Bacteroides fragilis, Deinonema spec., Pseudomonas cepacia, Shewanella putrefaciens and Streptococcus oralis. The primary structures of the genes were compared to the available sequences of prokaryotic elongation factors Tu and eukaryotic elongation factors 1 alpha. A conservation profile was determined for homologous amino acid residues. Sites of known or putative functions are usually located at highly conserved positions or within highly conserved sequence stretches. The aligned 24 amino acid sequences were used as basis for a phylogenetic analysis. The phylogenetic tree corroborates the kingdom as well as phylum concept deduced from 16S rRNA data.Abbreviations EF-Tu elongation factor Tu - GDP guanosine 5-diphosphate - GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate; tuf gene, gene coding for elongation factor Tu  相似文献   

Despite advances in water treatment, outbreaks of waterborne diseases still occur in developed regions including the United States and Europe Union (EU). Water quality impairments attributable to elevated concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria, and associated with health risk, are also very common. Research suggests that the impact of such microorganisms on public health may be intensified by the effects of climate change. At present, the major regulatory frameworks in these regions (i.e., the US Clean Water Act [CWA] and the EU Water Framework Directive [WFD]), do not explicitly address risks posed by climate change. This article reviews existing U.S. and EU water quality regulatory legislation for robustness to climate change and suggests watershed modeling approaches to inform additional pollution control measures given the likely impacts on microbial fate and transport. Comprehensive analysis of future climate and water quality scenarios may only be achievable through the use of watershed-scale models. Unless adaptation measures are generated and incorporated into water policy, the potential threat posed to humans from exposure to waterborne pathogens may be amplified. Such adaptation measures will assist in achieving the aims of the EU WFD and US CWA and minimize impacts of climate change on microbial water quality.  相似文献   

Size and age estimates at sexual maturity were determined for 162 male and 273 female little skates Leucoraja erinacea collected from the western Gulf of Maine. Maturity ogives suggest that 50% maturity in females occurs at age 9·5 years and 480 mm total length (LT), whereas 50% maturity in males occurs at a slightly younger age of 7·7 years and smaller size of 460 mm LT. Age estimates were made from 389 L. erinacea ranging in size from 93 to 570 mm LT. The index of average per cent error and age‐bias plots indicated that the ageing methods were precise and non‐biased. Additionally, annual periodicity of band formation was validated with oxytetracycline in eight individuals (three males and five females) ranging in age from 3 to 12 years. In conclusion, results from this study indicate that L. erinacea exhibits characteristics that make other elasmobranch populations highly susceptible to overexploitation.  相似文献   

A complementary approach of stomach content and stable isotope analyses was used to characterize the foraging ecology and evaluate niche overlap between pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales stranded on the U.S. mid‐Atlantic coast between 1998 and 2011. Food habits analysis demonstrated both species were primarily teuthophagous, with 35 species of cephalopods, and 2 species of mesopelagic fishes represented in their overall diets. Pianka's Index of niche overlap suggested high overlap between whale diets (On = 0.92), with squids from the families Histioteuthidae, Cranchidae, and Ommastrephidae serving as primary prey. Pygmy sperm whales consumed slightly larger prey sizes (mean mantle length [ML] = 10.8 cm) than dwarf sperm whales (mean ML = 7.8 cm). Mean prey sizes consumed by pygmy sperm whales increased with growth, but showed no trend in dwarf sperm whales. Significant differences were not detected in δ15N and δ13C values of muscle tissues from pygmy (10.8‰ ± 0.5‰, ?17.1‰ ± 0.6‰), and dwarf sperm whales (10.7‰ ± 0.5‰, ?17.0‰ ± 0.4‰), respectively. Isotopic niche widths also did not differ significantly and dietary overlap was high between the two species. Results suggest the feeding ecologies of the pygmy and dwarf sperm whales are similar and both species occupy equivalent trophic niches in the region.  相似文献   

This study is the first to report on the relationships between immature mosquitoes (larvae and pupae) and landscape and environmental habitat characteristics in wetlands associated with row crop agriculture. Indicator species analysis (ISA) was used to test for associations among mosquito species and groups of wetland sites with similar Landscape Development Intensity (LDI) values. Results indicated that Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex erraticus, and Psorophora columbiae were associated with agricultural wetlands (LDI > 2.0), whereas Anopheles crucians and Culex territans were associated with forested reference wetlands (LDI < 2.0) in both wet and dry years. The species fidelity to wetland type, regardless of the hydrologic regime, demonstrates these species are robust indicators of wetland condition. Data on immature mosquito assemblages were compared to selected landscape and environmental habitat variables using Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc) model selection. LDI indices, dissolved oxygen concentration, the proportion of emergent vegetation, and the proportion of bare ground in wetlands were important factors associated with the selected mosquito species. These results indicate that LDI indices are useful in predicting the distributions of disease vectors or other nuisance mosquito species across broad geographic areas. Additionally, these results suggest mosquitoes are valuable bioindicators of wetland condition that reflect land use and hydrologic variability.  相似文献   

Forests dominated by oak, beech, hornbeam, and boreal conifers are characterized by resource pulses. Contemporary eastern U.S. oak forests may exhibit dramatic resource pulses in part because of the loss of American chestnut, which comprised 25–50% of the canopy throughout its range. Chestnut loss may have reduced mast resources for wildlife. A newly developed, blight‐resistant hybrid makes reintroduction feasible within several years. We use historical data to model the effects of American chestnut mast on consumer populations, illuminating the potential ecological effects of a successful restoration. We parameterized a stochastic population growth model with mast production data to compare consumer population dynamics both pre‐ and post‐blight. We explored the effect of maximum intrinsic population growth rate, degree of density dependence, and reliance upon mast on consumer response to chestnut loss. We parameterized the models for white‐footed mouse, eastern chipmunk, gray squirrel, and white‐tailed deer. At a northern site 14 years post‐blight, simulated annual mast production decreased 80% and the coefficient of variation (CV) increased 60%. At a southern site 35 years post‐blight, annual mast production decreased by 35% and the CV increased by 76%. Smaller, more variable mast crops translated to reduced abundance and increased variability in simulated consumer populations. White‐footed mice were the most responsive, exhibiting a 48% decrease in population size and 57% increase in interannual variation post‐blight. The reintroduction of blight‐resistant chestnut may fundamentally alter predator–prey interactions, gypsy moth outbreaks, and Lyme disease hot spots through its effect on the character of resource pulses that drive consumer dynamics.  相似文献   

Evolutionary trends and population history and structure are discussed for a series of late prehistoric and historic-period skeletal samples from the Georgia coast and interior (the Guale). Phenotypic dental measurement data were collected for nine samples from the late prehistoric (AD 1200-1400) and historic (AD 1608-1702) periods and subjected to population genetic and statistical analyses. The primary trends were for an increase in tooth size through time, and for an initial increase in dental variability in the early historic period, followed by a subsequent decline in dental variability in the late historic period. Given the increasing stress levels, evidenced by previous bioarchaeological analyses (Larsen [2001] Bioarchaeology of Spanish Florida, Gainesville: University Press of Florida), an environmental explanation for the increase in tooth size is unlikely. It is proposed that the early historic period witnessed aggregation and gene flow with extraregional populations, possibly African slaves or nonlocal Native American population groups. The late historic period may have experienced significant loss of phenotypic variability due to genetic drift. In both time periods, the evolutionary mechanism increased average tooth size, with independent variance effects.Because microevolutionary trends obscure patterns of gene flow and population ancestry, the data were detrended following Konigsberg ([1990a] Hum. Biol. 62:49-70), and submitted to standard population genetic analyses (Relethford et al. [1997] Hum. Biol. 69:443-465). Analysis of the precontact samples in isolation (Irene Mound, Irene Mortuary, and an aggregate coastal sample) indicated little genetic microdifferentiation (F(ST) = 0.008), limited extralocal gene flow, and a small distinction between interior and coastal samples. The inclusion of the historic data dramatically increased variability levels (F(ST) = 0.019). The analysis of extralocal gene flow indicates that the late mission period experienced significantly less external gene flow, which is consistent with historic models that suggest the social organization of the Guale during this time period may have been significantly altered. Genetic distances also indicate a primary division between inland and coastal precontact samples and a maintenance of biological populations along the coast. In other words, the coastal, early historic, and late historic period samples are phenotypically homogeneous, supporting the notion that the mission populations were drawn from the local population base. The late mission period sample was also, however, more closely related to the interior samples. This may suggest that the late mission period population was an aggregate sample composed of both remnant interior and coastal population groups.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the Gulf of Mexico are frequently exposed to blooms of the toxic alga, Karenia brevis, and brevetoxins associated with these blooms have been implicated in several dolphin mortality events. Studies on brevetoxin accumulation in dolphins have typically focused on analyses of carcasses from large‐scale die‐offs; however, data are scarce for brevetoxin loads in live individuals frequently exposed to K. brevis blooms. This study investigated in vivo brevetoxin exposure in free‐ranging bottlenose dolphins resident to Sarasota Bay, Florida, utilizing samples collected during health assessments performed during multiple K. brevis blooms occurring from 2003 to 2005. Brevetoxins were detected by ELISA and LC‐MS in 63% of bottlenose dolphins sampled (n= 30) concurrently with a K. brevis bloom. Brevetoxins were present in urine and gastric samples at concentrations ranging from 2 to 9 ng PbTx‐3 eq/g, and in feces at concentrations ranging from 45 to 231 ng PbTx‐3 eq/g. Samples from individuals (n= 12) sampled during nonbloom conditions (≤1,000 cells/L) were negative for brevetoxin activity. Brevetoxin accumulation data from this study complement dolphin carcass and prey fish data from the same study area, and aid in evaluating impacts of harmful algal blooms on sentinel marine animal species along the west Florida coast.  相似文献   

Early regeneration dynamics related to seed dispersal and seedling emergence can contribute to differences in species composition among a created and a natural salt marsh. The objectives of this study were to determine (1) whether aquatic and aerial seed dispersal differed in low and high elevations within a created marsh and a natural marsh and (2) whether seedling emergence was influenced by marsh, the presence of openings in the vegetation, and seed availability along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast. Aerial seed traps captured a greater quantity of seeds than aquatic traps. Several factors influenced aquatic and aerial seed dispersal in a created and a natural salt marsh, including distance from the marsh edge, cover of existing vegetation, and water depth. The natural marsh had a high seed density of Spartina alterniflora and Distichlis spicata , the low-elevation created marsh had a high seed density of S. alterniflora , and the high-elevation created marsh had a high seed density of Aster subulatus and Iva frutescens . The presence of adult plants and water depth above the marsh surface influenced seed density. In the natural marsh, openings in vegetation increased seedling emergence for all species, whereas in the low-elevation created marsh, S. alterniflora had higher seedling density under a canopy of vegetation. According to the early regeneration dynamics, the future vegetation in areas of the low-elevation created marsh may become similar to that in the natural marsh. In the high-elevation created marsh, vegetation may be upland fringe habitat dominated by high-elevation marsh shrubs and annual herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Direct assessment of the abundance of highly migratory pelagic species, such as tuna, is rarely available and most indices are based on catch information. We estimate the seasonal abundance of North Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) from a 3-year aerial survey conducted with commercial spotter pilots, while also utilizing findings from analyses of tracking and tagging data. We apply statistical correction and calibration to seasonal abundance estimates accounting for measured changes in horizontal and vertical movement behaviour, size, shape and aggregation of bluefin tuna schools. Our approach relies on ecological knowledge of bluefin tuna to extrapolate survey observations across areas not sampled by correcting survey abundance estimates based on range of movement search pattern and depth preference. We demonstrate how separate findings obtained through the analysis of data collected across different spatial and temporal scales can be integrated to correct and calibrate estimates of population abundance. We obtain fitted estimates of seasonal abundance of bluefin tuna in the GOM during 1994–1996 in the range of 45,000–51,000 individuals. If tuna behaviour is not accounted for, we estimate that the base or residual survey precision would be 4–7% determined from analysis of recent spotter survey data in the study region. We estimate the precision in estimating seasonal abundance accounting for tuna behaviour to lie within a range of 1,301–3,302%. Under hypothetical future improvements in survey design that achieve a precision of 20% in transect length and placement, we calculate net-precision to lie within a range of 82–93%. This calculation assumes reducible uncertainty in school size estimation and irreducible uncertainty in movement and school-aggregation behaviour. We infer that survey precision could be further reduced by 43–32% to attain 10–50% in which a 3–8 years adaptive survey design may reliably detect a seasonal abundance trend.  相似文献   

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