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Two cicada hatchlings (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in Burmese and Dominican amber are described as Burmacicada protera n. gen., n. sp. and Dominicicada youngi n. gen., n. sp., respectively. Although very similar in appearance, the two species can be separated by body contour, the nature of the process on the terminal antennomere and the shape and size of protrusions, teeth and spines on the forelegs. A comparison of the forelegs of the fossil hatchlings with those of an extant hatchling of the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim (L.), reveals a remarkable degree of morphological conservatism over 100 million years. A brief review of fossil cicadas is presented.  相似文献   

Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nemata) was extracted from sediment collected off the coast of Brazil at a depth of approximately 1,000 m. Although the food of this new nematode is unknown, the reduction of the stoma and esophagus and presence of a trophosome indicate that it is parasitic in its juvenile stages. Thalassomermis megaraphis n. gen., n. sp. is assigned to Mermithidae because of its similarity to that family in the appearance of the cephalic sensory receptors, the long and tubular vagina, and copulatory muscles of the male extending posteriorly throughout most of the length of the tail. Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. differs from all other members of Mermithidae by the large, lenticular, intracuticular amphidial fovea with coiled, emergent terminal filaments as well as the small amphidial aperture situated over the center of the fovea.  相似文献   

Synopsis. Facieplatycauda pratti gen. n., sp. n. and Myxobolus kozloffi sp. n., from the Klamath Lake sucker, Catostomus luxatus (Cope), are described. The new genus is placed in the family Myxobolidae between Henneguya and Myxobolus. The spore valves beyond the sporoplasmic space are broad and long but not attenuated as an inverted triangle as in certain species of Myxobolus with tails, or of Henneguya with sometimes bifurcated tails. An organism resembling Myxobolus insidiosus (Wyatt & Pratt) was found in the muscle of the body of Salmo clarki (Richardson). Differences in spore structure and site of infection suggest this is a subspecies of the previous form which should be designated Myxobolus insidiosus clarki. A previously unreported species of Myxobolus from Cottus aleuticus (Gilbert) is also described.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The cortical infraciliature of Kuklikophrya dragescoi gen. n., sp. n. is composed of double kinetosomes. Each kinetosome has transverse fibers. The anterior transverse fibers are associated with a sheet of dense material and the posterior transverse fibers are directed toward the posterior part of the body. The posterior kinetosome of a pair has only a short protuberance in the position of the kinetosomal fiber. The cortex has a well developed alveolar layer and a thick ecto-endoplasmic boundary. A distinctive characteristic of the buccal ciliature is the circumoral ciliature whose infraciliature is made up of pairs of cilia-bearing kinetosomes. The antero-posterior polarity of the paroral segment is in inverse relationship to that of the remaining ciliature of the organism. The adoral and preoral ciliary organelles consist of 2 rows of kinetosomes, each of which bears postciliary fibers. A frame of nematodesmata surrounds the cytopharynx which is supported by microtubular bands which impart to it a very specific laminated appearance. The “phagoplasm” is formed by “vermicelli”-like vesicles. The micronucleus is found in the perinuclear area of the macronucleus.  相似文献   

Larvae of two new genera of Caenidae are described from the River Niandan, Guinea. Their position in the phylogenetic system of Caenidae is discussed. Niandancus alienus gen. n., sp. n. is the first known representative of the Brachycercinae in the Ethiopic region. Aenigmocaenis morgensterni gen. n., sp. n. could represent the sister group to all other Caenidae, as the most important larval synapomorphy of the family, a band or row of microtrichia on the ventral side of the operculate gill, is lacking.  相似文献   

Further evidence is provided showing that the Early Cretaceous juvenile and male spiders entrapped together in a web in a piece of amber from Myanmar are conspecific (Geratonephila burmanica) and members of a communal web, thus indicating spider sociality. Pictorial evidence of physical contact between the juvenile spider and the wasp entrapped in its web and the type of prey utilized by present day nephilids, leaves no doubt about the predatory behavior of the spider.  相似文献   

RESUME. L'individualisation de 2 spores bicellulaires à partir d'un měme pansporoblaste caractérise la sporulation du parasite de l'Amphipode Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas) précédemment décrit sous le nom de Marteilia sp. Cette sporulation le distingue des espèces du měme genre parasite d'Hutres qui sont toutes caractérisées par la production de spores tricellulaires. Les conditions semblables dans lesquelles les pansporoblastes paraissent se differencier à partir d'une cellule souche dans laquelle ils poursuivent leur évolution vers la sporogenèse ainsi que divers caractères cytologiques communs, nous incitent à maintenir tous ces parasites dans une měme famille mais à placer celui de l'Amphipode dans un genre différent. Nous proposons de le nommer Paramarteilia orchestiae gen. n., sp. n.
Ces parasites ne peuvent ětre maintenus dans les Protozoaires en raison de leur évolution vers la pluricellularité et de l'individualisation de ces éléments somatiques que représentent la cellule souche primaire, les pansporoblastes et cellules sporales (à l'exception des sporoplasmes). Il semble logique de les inclure dans l'embranchement des Myxozoaires créé par Grassé pour les Myxosporidies et Actinomyxidies qui différencient également des spores pluricellulaires et des éléments somatiques. Les centrioles à 9 singlets de P. orchestiae ainsi que les cellules primaires uninucléées, quel que soit le nombre de pansporoblastes qu'elles contiennent, peuvent ětre considérés comme des caractères résiduels d'Unicellulaires.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of mantidflies, Doratomantispa burmanica n. gen., n. sp. (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), is described from Burmese amber. Diagnostic characters of the new genus are small body size, trichosors present around entire wing margin except basally, protarsus 5-segmented with paired, simple claws but no aroleum, profemur bearing six cuticular spines, inner surface of protibia with row of peg-like protrusions, Sc meets R1 in region of pterostigma, costal space greatly narrows toward wing apex, with 16 veinlets in costal space on front wing while costal veinlets on hind wing are replaced by trichosors and CuP absent in hind wing. The abdomen of the mantidfly is filled with large spheres resulting from a possible rickettsial infection. Phoretic heterostigmatid mites are adjacent to the wings of the fossil.  相似文献   

Five species of Pleuroxus-like chydorids are found in new material from South Africa or are known from the literature. One species is here described as Dumontiellus africanus gen. n., sp. n., endemic to South Africa. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Paleorhodococcus dominicanus n. gen., n sp. (Actinobacteria) is described from a faecal droplet of Triatoma dominicana (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) in Dominican amber. The fossil can be distinguished from the species of the closely related extant genus Rhodococcus Zopf 1891 by its spherical–ellipsoidal cocci forming substrate filaments with elementary branching, the clustering of coccoidal elements, the short filaments bearing reduced side branches and its occurrence in a faecal droplet of the extinct triatomine bug, P. dominicanus. This is the first fossil record of an Actinobacter, which shows that these organisms formed symbiotic associations with insects by the mid-Tertiary.  相似文献   

Triangulamyxa amazonica n. gen. and n. sp. (Myxozoa, Ortholineidae), found in the lumen of the intestine of the freshwater fish Sphoeroides testudineus, is described. The fish were collected from the Amazon River near the city of Algodoal, State of the Pará, Brazil. Numerous irregular plasmodia containing different stages of sporogony, including spores, were observed. The plasmodia were lying free in the lumen or had slender pseudopodia-like cytoplasmic processes in contact with intestinal epithelial cells with microvilli projections. Spores, which are equilaterally triangular in valvar view with rounded pointed ends and ellipsoidal in transverse section, are 8.5 μm long, 7.6 μm wide, and 3.8 μm thick. The anterior end of the spores contains two equal drop-shaped polar capsules measuring 2.6 μm in length, each having an isofilar polar filament with 5–6 turns. The characteristics of the spore shape, the spore wall structure and its ridge organization, the plasmodial characteristics and the identity of the host suggest that the parasite is a new genus and species, which is herein designated T. amazonica.  相似文献   

Palpilongus gen. n. is herein described for one species – Palpilongus bifurcus sp. n., from Costa Rica, based on male and females. The striking morphological characters of the species – palpus very long, about as long as prementum; upper calypter truncate and very short and setae of male sternite 5 bifurcated, confirm that this new species is also a new genus in the tribe Coenosiini. Male and female terminalia were dissected and illustrated.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Bicalcasura maculata n. gen., n. sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Rhynchophorinae: Dryophthoridae) is described from Dominican amber as the first fossil member of the Tribe Diocalandrini. The new genus is characterised by procoxae located in the middle of the prothorax; a thick, short and strongly curved rostrum with the scape not reaching the pronotum; a weak extension of the rostrum in respect to the antennal attachment; slightly elongated fifth ventrite; narrow (not bilobed) third tarsomere and a pair of apical spurs on the protibiae. This set of characters separates the fossil from the extant genus Diocalandra Faust, 1894, the only other member of this tribe. A list of weevils (Curculionoidea) described from Dominican amber is included.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D25F7915-3C49-4E22-A37C-F574F573C67D  相似文献   

A new subfamily, genus and species of mayflies, Vetuformosa buckleyi n. gen., n. sp. (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae; Vetuformosinae n. subfam.), are described as the first representative of the family Baetidae from Early Cretaceous Burmese amber. The female fossil is characterised by unusually long antennae, two pairs of gonostyli representing a primitive appendiculate ovipositor, sensory patches on sternites 8, 9 and 10, protuberances on the egg chorion and the absence of a costal projection on the hind wing. This is the first documentation of such long antennae and a primary ovipositor in the Ephemeroptera.  相似文献   

Entodiniomorph ciliates, belonging to the family Cycloposthiidae, are described from the stomach contents of Hippopotamus amphibius. Monoposthium acanthum gen. n., sp. n., with typical cycloposthiid structure, differs from other genera in having only 1 caudalium. Parentodinium gen. n., represented by P. africanum sp. n. and P. ostrea sp. n., although superficially resembling Entodinium, is considered to be a relatively unspecialized cycloposthiid.  相似文献   


A new genus and species of heteronemertean, Praealbonemertes whangateaunienses n. gen. and n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species is characterised by inter alia a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, and a well-developed muscle plate dorsal to the foregut and anterior intestine. The material was collected in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Summary The first fossil mousebird (Aves, Coliiformes) known from the Eocene of England is described. This taxon,Eocolius walkeri gen. n. sp. n., is assigned to the order Coliiformes (mousebirds) on the basis of a character of the proximal ulna (large cotyla dorsalis). The degree of similarity between the preserved elements ofEocolius and those of the other known fossil and Recent taxa further support this conclusion. At present, this new taxon is considered to occupy an unresolved position near to the base of the coliiform ingroup; the phylogenetic position ofEocolius cannot be resolved further owing to a lack of preservation of diagnostic characters.
Ein Mausvogel (Aves: Coliiformes) aus dem Eozän von England
Zusammenfassung Der erste fossile Mausvogel (Aves: Coliiformes) aus dem Eozän von England wird beschrieben. Dieses Taxon,Eocolius walkeri gen. n. sp. n., wird aufgrund von Merkmalen der proximalen Ulna (grosse Cotyla dorsalis) in die Ordnung Coliiformes gestellt. Darüber hinaus stützt der Grad der Üebereinstimmung zwischen den erhaltenen Skelettelementen vonEocolius und den anderen bekannten fossilen und rezenten Taxa diese Zuordnung. Zur Zeit nimmt dieses neue Taxon eine nicht näher aufgelöste Stellung an der Basis der Coliiformes ein. Das Fehlen diagnostischer Merkmale lässt keine sichere Zuordnung vonEocolius zu den ausgestorbenen Sandcoleidae oder den rezenten Coliidae zu.

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