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Cai Q  Zhang D  Liu ZL  Wang XR 《Annals of botany》2006,97(5):715-722
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studying the genome structure of pines has been hindered by their large genomes and uniform karyotypes. Consequently our understanding of the genome organization and evolutionary changes in different groups of pines is extremely limited. However, techniques are now available that can surmount these difficulties. The purpose of this study was to exploit some of these techniques to characterize the genome differentiation between the two subgenera of Pinus: Pinus and Strobus. METHODS: Double-probe fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) was used to localize the 5S and 18S rDNA loci on chromosomes of five species from the subgenus Strobus: P. bungeana, P. koraiensis, P. armandii, P. wallichiana and P. strobus. * KEY RESULTS: The rDNA FISH pattern varied considerably among the five species, with P. bungeana being the most distinct. By comparing the results obtained with those of previous rDNA FISH studies of members of the subgenus Pinus, several general features of rDNA loci distribution in the genus Pinus can be discerned: (a) species of subgenus Strobus generally have more rDNA loci than species of subgenus Pinus, correlating with their larger genomes in the subgenus Strobus; (b) there is a clear differentiation in 5S and 18S rDNA loci linkage patterns between the two subgenera; (c) variations in the rDNA FISH pattern correlate with phylogenetic relationships among species within the subgenus; (d) P. bungeana has fewer 18S rDNA sites than other pines investigated to date, but they give intense signals, and may reflect the primary distribution of the 18S-25S rDNA loci in the genus. CONCLUSIONS: The stable differentiation in rDNA FISH pattern between the subgenera suggests that chromosomal rearrangements played a role in the splitting of the two subgenera, and transpositional events rather than major structural changes are likely responsible for the variable rDNA distribution patterns among species of the same subgenus with conserved karyotypes.  相似文献   

Estimates from molecular data for the fraction of new nonsynonymous mutations that are adaptive vary strongly across plant species. Much of this variation is due to differences in life history strategies as they influence the effective population size (Ne). Ample variation for these estimates, however, remains even when comparisons are made across species with similar values of Ne. An open question thus remains as to why the large disparity for estimates of adaptive evolution exists among plant species. Here, we have estimated the distribution of deleterious fitness effects (DFE) and the fraction of adaptive nonsynonymous substitutions (α) for 11 species of soft pines (subgenus Strobus) using DNA sequence data from 167 orthologous nuclear gene fragments. Most newly arising nonsynonymous mutations were inferred to be so strongly deleterious that they would rarely become fixed. Little evidence for long‐term adaptive evolution was detected, as all 11 estimates for α were not significantly different from zero. Nucleotide diversity at synonymous sites, moreover, was strongly correlated with attributes of the DFE across species, thus illustrating a strong consistency with the expectations from the Nearly Neutral Theory of molecular evolution. Application of these patterns to genome‐wide expectations for these species, however, was difficult as the loci chosen for the analysis were a biased set of conserved loci, which greatly influenced the estimates of the DFE and α. This implies that genome‐wide parameter estimates will need truly genome‐wide data, so that many of the existing patterns documented previously for forest trees (e.g. little evidence for signature of selection) may need revision.  相似文献   

中国云南元谋上新世千屈菜科紫薇木属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了来自中国云南元谋新华土林上新世地层的木化石新种——元谋紫薇Lagerstroemioxylon yuanmouensis Y.M.Cheng,C.S.Li,X.M.Jiang&Y.F.Wang。目前紫薇属Lagerstroemia分布于亚洲至澳大利亚北部的热带森林中,其中有一些种在我国的西南部和台湾省也有分布。在印度、缅甸、印度尼西亚和德国的第三纪地层中曾报道有紫薇属木化石的存在,这表明该属在第三纪分布的范围比现代更广。  相似文献   

Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) shoots from mature trees were collected from two sites of contrasting soil pH: the Glendon campus of York University in Toronto, Ontario (pH 6.7 at 40 cm); and Muskoka near Huntsville, Ontario (pH 4.2 at 40 cm). Needles of ages 1-3 years were removed from the shoots, and the percentage of ash and silica was determined for all ages. Other needles were frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept in a cryo-biological storage system before x-ray microanalysis. Percentages of ash and silica were higher in the needles from Muskoka. Ash and silica increased with needle age for trees from the Muskoka site, but less so at the Toronto site. Of the 13 elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) detected by microanalysis, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn were detected in small amounts in the epidermis, endodermis and transfusion tissue (the layer of tracheids and parenchyma immediately surrounding the vascular bundles), and K, P, S and Cl were almost ubiquitous in distribution. Sodium was occasionally detected in the transfusion tissue, and magnesium was concentrated in the endodermal cells. The epidermal walls, transfusion tissue and endodermis were major sites of calcium localization. Silicon was concentrated in the extreme tips of the needles in all tissues, but particularly in the transfusion tissue, and more so in the Muskoka samples. Microanalysis revealed a higher Al content in the Muskoka needles, that Al was concentrated in the needle tips and that the transfusion tissues were major sites of accumulation.  相似文献   

Albizia, a diverse tree genus, occupies monsoonal warm humid rain forests in tropical and subtropical regions. We recovered a well-preserved compound fossil leaf and two fossil fruits of Albizia (Fabaceae) from the latest Neogene (Rajdanda Formation: Pliocene) sediments of Jharkhand of the Chotanagpur Plateau, eastern India. On the basis of the architectural features of the fossil leaf, a new species is established as A. mahuadanrensis Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp., characterised by a bipinnate, compound leaf having a rachis bearing opposite, asymmetrically ovate to sub-rhomboid leaflets, pulvinus on leaflet petiolule and brochiodromous secondary veins. Based on both morphological and anatomical characters of the fossil fruits, A. palaeoprocera Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp. is erected, characterised by flattened to broadly linear shaped, wingless fruits; ovate-elliptic shaped seed chambers having ellipsoidal seeds in one series; irregularly polygonal to rectangular epidermal cells with oblique end walls and randomly oriented, scattered, paracytic stomata. Analysis of Albizia fossil occurrences indicates that the legume taxon was common in Neogene forests of India and elsewhere. The present-day distribution of the closely affiliated modern species of the fossil taxa indicates a warm and humid tropical environment during the time of deposition. We also review the biogeographic history of Albizia in India and other Asian countries.  相似文献   

The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiagedintensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature of tori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

Conifer Woods of the Pliocene Age from Yunnan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiaged intensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature oftori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

Aims Many pine populations in Canada have fragmented distributions resulting from the effects of glaciations, overharvesting and white pine blister rust infections. Forest fragmentation can modify gene flow and reduce genetic diversity. Selective logging can reduce the density of trees, thereby altering mating patterns and increasing inbreeding. The hypothesis of the present study is that forest fragmentation will not increase inbreeding and will have no effect on genetic diversity parameters in the Canadian Pinus moniticola and P. strobus populations targeted because of (i) the long life span of the pine species, (ii) outbreeding and self-incompatibility of P. monticola and P. strobus and (iii) wind pollination resulting in high gene flow among populations. We studied the genetic diversity of P. strobus across its range in Canada, and we completed a detailed analysis of the genetic structure of P. monticola populations from western Canada using microsatellites genetic markers.Methods Seed samples from 10 P. monticola populations and 10 P. strobus populations were collected from western and eastern Canada, respectively. The mother trees included in seed lots were representative of each stand. Genomic DNA extracted from each sample was amplified with microsatellite primers. The intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity parameters were assessed using Popgene and Genepop softwares and the genetic distances among populations within each species using the PowerMarker software.Important findings Pinus monticola and P. strobus exhibited moderate to high genetic diversity. Also, both species showed low levels of inbreeding despite the geographic isolation and small stand size. Gene flow estimates were high and population differentiation values were relatively low for these fragmented forest sites.  相似文献   

Two fossil leaves identified as Castanopsis presclerophylla n. sp. collected from a diatomite bed in the upper Pliocene (3.3–2.8 Ma) in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China, are characterized by elliptic laminar shapes with acuminate apex, convex base, simple trichome bases and cyclocytic stomata. The cuticles of extant leaves from six selected Castanopsis species that are similar to the Pliocene fossil leaves in laminar shape were examined in detail for the comparison. Based on the analysis of leaf architecture and cuticular characteristics, the present fossil leaves most closely resemble the extant leaves of Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott., which prefers a subtropical climate. The published fossil records of Castanopsis also indicate that it was once widely distributed in North America, Europe and Asia before the Pliocene, and then rapidly retreated to the East and Southeast Asia as a result of the Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   

A new subgenus of the genus Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 is described and illustrated. The subgenus Laxoprosopis subgen. nov. is erected for one new Chinese species, H. (Laxoprosopis ) sichuanensis sp. nov. In addition, H. nipponicus Bridwell, 1919 and H. monticola Bridwell, 1919 are recorded from China for the first time.  相似文献   

Africa hosts a single breeding species of penguin today, yet the fossil record indicates that a diverse array of now-extinct taxa once inhabited southern African coastlines. Here, we show that the African penguin fauna had a complex history involving multiple dispersals and extinctions. Phylogenetic analyses and biogeographic reconstructions incorporating new fossil material indicate that, contrary to previous hypotheses, the four Early Pliocene African penguin species do not represent an endemic radiation or direct ancestors of the living Spheniscus demersus (blackfooted penguin). A minimum of three dispersals to Africa, probably assisted by the eastward-flowing Antarctic Circumpolar and South Atlantic currents, occurred during the Late Cenozoic. As regional sea-level fall eliminated islands and reduced offshore breeding areas during the Pliocene, all but one penguin lineage ended in extinction, resulting in today's depleted fauna.  相似文献   

Tubers, culms, rhizomes, and leaves of Bolboschoenus cf. yagara (Ohwi) YC Yang et M Zhan were reported from the sediments of Zhangcun Formation, Late Pliocene in Shanxi Province, China. The fossil species possesses trigonous culms. And tubers are cordiform, spindle shaped, or round, and are covered by roots in internodes and often connected by rhizomes. This is the first convincing fossil record of Cyperaceae in China.  相似文献   

New species of the Pinaceae, Abies chavchavadzeae and Piceoxylon ussuriense, are described on the basis of fossil woods from the Pliocene of the Pavlovka lignite field (southern Primorye). For the first time, fossil wood of Abies is reported from the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

Bolboschoenus (Ascherson) Palla (Cyperaceae) from Pliocene of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tubers, culms, rhizomes, and leaves of Bolboschoenus cf. yagara (Ohwi) YC Yang et M Zhan were reported from the sediments of Zhangcun Formation, Late Pliocene in Shanxi Province, China. The fossil species possesses trigonous culms. And tubers are cordiform, spindle shaped, or round, and are covered by roots in internodes and often connected by rhizomes. This is the first convincing fossil record of Cyperaceae in China.  相似文献   

NADH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH. EC 1. 4. 1.2) was isolated from the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylverstris L.) grown on a rural and on a heavily polluted industrial area, and it was purified about 500 fold. The purification procedure included salt I'ractionation, ion exchange and affinity chromatography. Miehaelis constants for 2-oxoglularale (1.7 mM). for ammonium sultate (19 mM ) and for NADH (42.5 resp. 53 μM) the pH optimum (8.5) the requirements for Ca2+ ions, the temperature dependence ofl the enzyme activity (incubation from 0 to 82°C). and the relation between forest region and electrophoretie isoenzyme pattern were determined. The possible role of GDH in the adaptation of plants to ammonia assimilation (detoxification) under stress conditions, particularly with respect to air pollution, is discussed.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Geobios》2005,38(3):301
A well-preserved skull and articulated mandible of Shansirhinus, a horned aceratherine rhinocerotid, is described from an Early Pliocene (Gaozhuangian; approximately 5.3-4.34 Ma) locality of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China. Comparing the new material of Shansirhinus ringstromi Kretzoi, 1942, we confirm the synonymy proposed previously for the species Chilotherium yunnanensis Tang et al., 1974, Chilotherium cornutum Qiu and Yan, 1982, and Ch. tianzhuensis Zheng, 1982. New knowledge concerning its cranial and mandibular morphology allows insight into its phylogenetic position among aceratherine rhinocerotids. A sister group relationship between Shansirhinus and Chilotherium is proposed on the basis of cranial, mandibular and dental evidence. Shared derived characters that support this relationship include: an expanded mandibular symphysis with a concave ventral surface; retracted premaxillae lacking upper incisors; a robust and right-angled facial crest; a flat or slightly concave dorsal skull profile; a weak or absent parastyle fold; and a constricted protocone on the premolars. Shansirhinus was probably a grazer, which is evidenced by the high crown, strong wear, well-developed secondary folds, and enamel plications on its teeth. The age of S. ringstromi is Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene, corresponding to the Turolian to Ruscinian, MN12-MN15 of Europe. S. ringstromi is likely the ancestor of the more advanced S. brancoi (Schlosser, 1903).  相似文献   

描述在新疆天池十字花科植物上采集的蚜亚科蚜族一中国新纪录属萎管蚜属Siphonatrophia Swain一新亚属天池蚜亚属Lacusaphis Zhang, subgen. Nov. 及一新种天池蚜Siphonatrophia(Lacusaphis) aetherelaca Zhang et Zhang, sp.nov.。模式标本存放在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of plastid DNA restriction site and rearrangement mutations suggests a number of major revisions to taxonomy and phylogenetic concepts in the hard pines. Total genomic DNA from 18 species that sampled all nine subsections was digested with 19 restriction enzymes, blotted, and probed with 70% of the Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) chloroplast genome, or, with clones encompassing the entire chloroplast genome of Pinus contorta. A total of 204 site mutations and five rearrangement mutations were generated, of which 126 were phylogenetically informative. Wagner parsimony analyses revealed 11 clades that were strongly supported by bootstrap and decay index analyses. All North American species except P. resinosa formed a distinct monophyletic group that was strongly separated from the Eurasian species. Within the Eurasian clade subsect. Sylvestres was polyphyletic; its Mediterranean species were closely allied with members of sect. Pinea. Sect. Pinea appeared polyphyletic as well; both species of its subsect. Leiophyllae showed a close affinity to Mesoamerican pines of subsect. Oocarpae in sect. Pinus. Within the North American pines subsects. Ponderosae and Oocarpae were polyphyletic. Despite its shallow fossil record, subsect. Contortae emerged as a sister group to all of the North American pines apart from P. resinosa, which was allied with Eurasian species of subsect. Sylvestres. The remaining North American subsections formed two groups: a poorly resolved clade with subsects. Ponderosae and Sabinianae, and sequentially nested clades represented by: P. radiata; P. taeda; representatives of subsects. Oocarpae and Ponderosae from Mesoamerica, and subsect. Leiophyllae. We present estimates of divergence times for each of these major clades based on molecular clocks calibrated using two hard pine fossil observations.  相似文献   

Interactions between extrinsic factors, such as disruptive selection and intrinsic factors, such as genetic incompatibilities among loci, often contribute to the maintenance of species boundaries. The relative roles of these factors in the establishment of reproductive isolation can be examined using species pairs characterized by gene flow throughout their divergence history. We investigated the process of speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries between Pinus strobiformis and Pinus flexilis. Utilizing ecological niche modelling, demographic modelling and genomic cline analyses, we illustrated a divergence history with continuous gene flow. Our results supported an abundance of advanced generation hybrids and a lack of loci exhibiting steep transition in allele frequency across the hybrid zone. Additionally, we found evidence for climate‐associated variation in the hybrid index and niche divergence between parental species and the hybrid zone. These results are consistent with extrinsic factors, such as climate, being an important isolating mechanism. A build‐up of intrinsic incompatibilities and of coadapted gene complexes is also apparent, although these appear to be in the earliest stages of development. This supports previous work in coniferous species demonstrating the importance of extrinsic factors in facilitating speciation. Overall, our findings lend support to the hypothesis that varying strength and direction of selection pressures across the long lifespans of conifers, in combination with their other life history traits, delays the evolution of strong intrinsic incompatibilities.  相似文献   

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