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The ontogenetic development of caudal vertebrae and associated skeletal elements of salmonids provides information about sequence of ossification and origin of bones that can be considered as a model for other teleosts. The ossification of elements forming the caudal skeleton follows the same sequence, independent of size and age at first appearance. Dermal bones like principal caudal rays ossify earlier than chondral bones; among dermal bones, the middle principal caudal rays ossify before the ventral and dorsal ones. Among chondral bones, the ventral hypural 1 and parhypural ossify first, followed by hypural 2 and by the ventral spine of preural centrum 2. The ossification of the dorsal chondral elements starts later than that of ventral ones. Three elements participate in the formation of a caudal vertebra: paired basidorsal and basiventral arcocentra, chordacentrum, and autocentrum; appearance of cartilaginous arcocentra precedes that of the mineralized basiventral chordacentrum, and that of the perichordal ossification of the autocentrum. Each ural centrum is mainly formed by arcocentral and chordacentrum. The autocentrum is irregularly present or absent. Some ural centra are formed only by a chordacentrum. This pattern of vertebral formation characterizes basal teleosts and primitive extant teleosts such as elopomorphs, osteoglossomorphs, and salmonids. The diural caudal skeleton is redefined as having two independent ural chordacentra plus their arcocentra, or two ural chordacentra plus their autocentra and arococentra, or only two ural chordacentra. A polyural caudal skeleton is identified by more than two ural centra, variably formed as given for the diural condition. The two ural centra of primitive teleosts may result from early fusion of ural centra 1 and 2 and of ural centra 3 and 4, or 3, 4, and 5 (e.g., elopomorphs), respectively. The two centra may corespond to ural centrum 2 and 4 only (e.g., salmonids). Additionally, ural centra 1 and 3 may be lost during the evolution of teleosts. Additional ural centra form late in ontogeny in advanced salmonids, resulting in a secondary polyural caudal skeleton. The hypural, which is a haemal spine of a ural centrum, results by growth and ossification of a single basiventral ural arococentrum and its haemal spine. The proximal part of the hypural always includes part of the ventral ural arcocentrum. The uroneural is a modification of a ural neural arch, which is demonstrated by a cartilaginous precursor. The stegural of salmonids and esocids originates from only one paired cartilaginous dorsal arcocentrum that grows anteriorly by a perichondral basal ossification and an anterodorsal membranous ossification. The true epurals of teleosts are detached neural spines of preural and ural neural arches as shown by developmental series; they are homologous to the neural spines of anterior vertebrae. Free epurals without any indication of connection with the dorsal arococentra are considered herein as an advanced state of the epural. Caudal distal radials originate from the cartilaginous distal portion of neural and haemal spines of preural and ural (epurals and hypurals) vertebrae. Therefore, they result from distal growth of the cartilaginous spines and hypurals. Cartilaginous plates that support rays are the result of modifications of the plates of connective tissue at the posterior end of hypurals (e.g., between hypurals 2 and 3 in salmonids) and first preural haemal spines, or from the distal growth of cartilaginous spines (e.g., epural plates in Thymallus). Among salmonids, conditions of the caudal skeleton such as the progressive loss of cartilaginous portions of the arcocentra, the progressive fusion between the perichondral ossification of arcocentra and autocentra, the broadening of the neural spines, the enlargement and interdigitation of the stegural, and other features provide evidence that Prosopium and Thymallus are the most primitive, and that Oncorhynchus and Salmo are the most advanced salmonids respectively. This interpretation supports the current hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships of salmonids. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

New material of Natchitochia from the Bartonian Archusa Marl Member is described here, including thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, an innominate, proximal femur, and pedal? phalanx. The vertebrae and innominate are similar to those of Qaisracetus and Georgiacetus. The structure of the caudal vertebrae support previous observations that as sacral vertebrae disconnect from the sacrum, they become caudalized, developing hemal processes on the posteroventral margins of the bodies, reminiscent of chevron bones associated with true caudal vertebrae. The innominate of Natchitochia shares an elongate ilium and pubis with Qaisracetus and Georgiacetus, which differ from the innominata of the more apomorphic archaeocetes. Comparison of archaeocete innominata and sacra in a phylogenetic context indicates that the apomorphic sacrum composed of 4 vertebrae (Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Rodhocetus, Maiacetus) was reduced to 3 (Qaisracetus) to 2 (Protocetus?, Natchitochia) to 0 (Georgiacetus, Basilosauridae), while the innominata remained robust, supporting a large hind limb until the origin of the Basilosauridae. In Georgiacetus, the innominate is large but detached from the vertebral column, preventing the use of the hind limb in terrestrial locomotion. More crownward cetaceans for which the innominate is known display greatly reduced innominata and hind limbs are disconnected from the vertebral column.  相似文献   

Compact cortex in a Champsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera) femur is ontogenetically replaced with extensively developed cancellous bone. This histological shift, together with retention of calcified cartilage to late ontogenetic stage, was previously considered to show that adult champsosaurs were more adapted to aquatic environments than juveniles. However, the new histological examination reveals the nearly amedullar condition of a juvenile femur consisting of thick periosteal cortex and less cancellous bone tissue and the amedullar but more porous condition of adult femora. This likely demonstrates that the femoral inner structure of the juvenile is denser than those of the adults, and therefore, juveniles were more aquatic. It is suggested that morphological variations between two sympatric species of Champsosaurus reflect sexual dimorphism in a single species and limb bones with more robust morphology, showing better terrestrial adaptation for nesting on land, belong to females. The similarity of gross limb bone morphology between juveniles and inferred adult males indicates aquatic habitats for juveniles, coincident with the new interpretation of bone microstructures. No differences are, however, recognised in femoral microstructure between inferred sexes in adults. The possibly lowered density of femur in adults is considered as an adaptation to increase the mobility in water.  相似文献   

The postcranial palaeoneurology of fossil reptiles is understudied, and those studies that exist focus predominantly on crocodyliforms and dinosaurs. The intervertebral foramina of the spine house nerves that exit to innervate surrounding tissues and the extremities. In the heavily fused (and typically distorted or poorly preserved) pterosaurian sacrum, intervertebral foramina can be difficult to observe and are rarely identified. The Early Cretaceous azhdarchoid Vectidraco from the Isle of Wight, UK, exhibits large, paired foramina on each sacral vertebra, originally identified as pneumatic foramina. Micro‐computed tomography imaging reveals these communicate with the neural canal and are intervertebral foramina for sacral nerves. The sacral vertebrae of Vectidraco are fused, and intervertebral foramina occur dorsolaterally on the centra. We identified these structures in other pterosaur sacra, including those of the ornithocheiroids Anhanguera and Coloborhynchus. The sizes of the sacral and notarial neural canals are compared and considered within interpretations of palaeoecology and locomotion, following previous studies. The relatively large sacral neural canal of Vectidraco implies a sacral enlargement for innervation of the legs and lumbosacral plexus. When compared with Anhanguera, this supports indications that azhdarchoids were more hindlimb‐proficient than ornithocheiroids. Neural canal size in the Coloborhynchus notarium suggests that ornithocheirids spent less time on the ground, their brachial enlargement and small sacral region indicating enhanced innervation of the wings and poor innervation of the sacrum and legs. This is the first study focusing on pterosaur postcranial palaeoneurology; more studies on other taxa are needed to reveal patterns across Pterosauria as a whole.  相似文献   

Two nearly complete specimens of Champsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera) with distinctive morphologies, from the Tullock Formation (Early Paleocene) of northeastern Montana, USA, were described as different species. The limb bones of C. ambulator are more robust than those of C. laramiensis, indicating that C. ambulator was more adapted for walking than C. laramiensis. The phylogenetic significance of these limb bone morphologies, however, appears questionable because similar dimorphic variations occur in a closely related genus and champsosaurs from other geologic ages and locations. Female champsosaurs may have been better adapted to a terrestrial life than males due to nesting behavior on land, resulting in variable limb bone morphologies between sexes. The observed morphologic variations are, hence, hypothesized to reflect sexual dimorphism rather than sympatry of species. The C. ambulator-shaped humeri and femora, demonstrating a terrestrial adaptation, are suggested to belong to females and C. laramiensis-shaped limb bones to males. No significant variations of humeral and femoral morphologies occur in small champsosaur specimens, suggesting an aquatic niche for juveniles like adult males.  相似文献   

Primate appendicular limb bones were measured on the cross-sectional geometry at the mid-length of the humerus and femur and on the external dimensions of long bones of the same individuals. Cross sections were directly measured by means of computer tomography or direct sectioning. The morphometry of bones and locomotor behaviour is discussed from the viewpoint of the functional differentiation between the fore- and hindlimbs. The primate group which daily adopted a relatively terrestrial locomotor type demonstrates robust forelimb bones compared with the group which adopted a fully arboreal locomotor type. In contrast, the arboreal group showed relatively large and long hindlimb bones. The difference resembled the previously reported comparison between terrestrial and arboreal groups among wholly quadrupedal mammals. Humans were more similar to the arboreal group than to the terrestrial group. Parameters of the cross-sectional geometry showed a slightly positive allometry in total primate species. Slopes of the parameters were explained by the influence of muscle force.  相似文献   

Postcranial limb bones were compared among primates of different locomotor types. Seventy-one primate species, in which all families of primates were included, were grouped into nine locomotor types. Osteometrical data on long bones and data on the cross-sectional geometry of the humerus and the femur were studied by means of allometric analysis and principal component analysis. Relatively robust forelimb bones were observed in the primate group which adopted the relatively terrestrial locomotor type compared with the group that adopted the arboreal locomotor type. The difference resembled the previously reported comparison between terrestrial and arboreal groups among all quadrupedal mammals. The degree of arboreality in daily life is connected with the degree of hindlimb dominance, or the ratio of force applied to the fore- and hindlimb in positional behaviour and also with the shape, size and robusticity of limb bones.  相似文献   

The cross-sectional properties of mammalian limb bones provide an important source of information about their loading history and locomotor adaptations. It has been suggested, for instance, that the cross-sectional strength of primate limb bones differs from that of other mammals as a consequence of living in a complex arboreal environment (Kimura, 1991, 1995). In order to test this hypothesis more rigorously, we have investigated cross-sectional properties in samples of humeri and femora of 71 primate species, 30 carnivorans and 59 rodents. Primates differ from carnivorans and rodents in having limb bones with greater cross-sectional strength than mammals of similar mass. This might imply that primates have stronger bones than carnivorans and rodents. However, primates also have longer proximal limb bones than other mammals. When cross-sectional dimensions are regressed against bone length, primates appear to have more gracile bones than other mammals. These two seemingly contradictory findings can be reconciled by recognizing that most limb bones experience bending as a predominant loading regime. After regressing cross-sectional strength against the product of body mass and bone length, a product which should be proportional to the bending moments applied to the limb, primates are found to overlap considerably with carnivorans and rodents. Consequently, primate humeri and femora are similar to those of nonprimates in their resistance to bending. Comparisons between arboreal and terrestrial species within the orders show that the bones of arboreal carnivorans have greater cross-sectional properties than those of terrestrial carnivorans, thus supporting Kimura's general notion. However, no differences were found between arboreal and terrestrial rodents. Among primates, the only significant difference was in humeral bending rigidity, which is higher in the terrestrial species. In summary, arboreal and terrestrial species do not show consistent differences in long bone reinforcement, and Kimura's conclusions must be modified to take into account the interaction of bone length and cross-sectional geometry.  相似文献   

The standard differential scaling of proportions in limb long bones (length against circumference) was applied to a phylogenetically wide sample of the Proboscidea, Elephantidae and the Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. In order to investigate allometric patterns in proboscideans and terrestrial mammals with parasagittal limb kinematics, the computed slopes between long bone lengths and circumferences (slenderness exponents) were compared with published values for mammals, and studied within a framework of the theoretical models of long bone scaling under gravity and muscle forces. Limb bone allometry in E. maximus and the Elephantidae is congruent with adaptation to bending and/or torsion induced by muscular forces during fast locomotion, as in other mammals, whereas the limb bones in L. africana appear to be adapted for coping with the compressive forces of gravity. Hindlimb bones are therefore more compliant than forelimb bones, and the resultant limb compliance gradient in extinct and extant elephants, contrasting in sign to that of other mammals, is shown to be a new important locomotory constraint preventing elephants from achieving a full‐body aerial phase during fast locomotion. Moreover, the limb bone pattern of African elephants, indicating a noncritical bone stress not increasing with increments in body weight, explains why their mean and maximal body masses are usually above those for Asian elephants. Differences in ecology may be responsible for the subtle differences observed in vivo between African and Asian elephants, but they appear to be more pronounced when revealed via mechanical patterns dictated by limb bone allometry. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 16–29.  相似文献   

Various terrestrial tetrapods convergently evolved to gigantism (large body sizes and masses), the most extreme case being sauropod dinosaurs. Heavy weight-bearing taxa often show external morphological features related to this condition, but also adequacy in their limb bone inner structure: a spongiosa filling the medullary area and a rather thick cortex varying greatly in thickness along the shaft. However, the microanatomical variation in such taxa remains poorly known, especially between different limb elements. We highlight for the first time the three-dimensional microstructure of the six limb long bone types of a sauropod dinosaur, Nigersaurus taqueti. Sampling several specimens of different sizes, we explored within-bone, between-bones, and size-related variations. If a spongiosa fills the medullary area of all bones, the cortex is rather thin and varies only slightly in thickness along the shaft. Zeugopod bones appear more compact than stylopod ones, whereas no particular differences between serially homologous bones are found. Nigersaurus' pattern appears much less extreme than that in heavy terrestrial taxa such as rhinoceroses, but is partly similar to observations in elephants and in two-dimensional sauropod data. Thus, microanatomy may have not been the predominant feature for weight-bearing in sauropods. External features, such as columnarity (shared with elephants) and postcranial pneumaticity, may have played a major role for this function, thus relaxing pressures on microanatomy. Also, sauropods may have been lighter than expected for a given size. Our study calls for further three-dimensional investigations, eventually yielding a framework characterizing more precisely how sauropod gigantism may have been possible.  相似文献   

A nearly complete skeleton of a juvenile sauropod from the Lower Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of the Howe Ranch in Bighorn County, Wyoming is described. The specimen consists of articulated mid-cervical to mid-caudal vertebrae and most appendicular bones, but cranial and mandibular elements are missing. The shoulder height is approximately 67 cm, and the total body length is estimated to be less than 200 cm. Besides the body size, the following morphological features indicate that this specimen is an early juvenile; (1) unfused centra and neural arches in presacral, sacral and first to ninth caudal vertebrae, (2) unfused coracoid and scapula, (3) open coracoid foramen, and (4) relatively smooth articular surfaces on the limb, wrist, and ankle bones. A large scapula, short neck and tail and elongate forelimb bones relative to overall body size demonstrate relative growth. A thin-section of the mid-shaft of a femur shows a lack of annual growth lines, indicating an early juvenile individual possibly younger than a few years old. Pneumatic structures in the vertebral column of the specimen SMA 0009 show that pneumatisation of the postcranial skeleton had already started in this individual, giving new insights in the early ontogenetic development of vertebral pneumaticity in sauropods.

The specimen exhibits a number of diplodocid features (e.g., very elongate slender scapular blade with a gradually dorsoventrally expanded distal end, a total of nine dorsal vertebrae, presence of the posterior centroparapophyseal lamina in the posterior dorsal vertebrae). Although a few diplodocid taxa, Diplodocus, cf. Apatosaurus, and cf. Barosaurus, are known from several fossil sites near the Howe Ranch, identification of this specimen, even at a generic level, is difficult due to a large degree of ontogenetic variation.  相似文献   

The cortical bones of mammals, birds, and reptiles are composed of a complex of woven bone and lamellar bone (fibrolamellar bone) organized into a variety of different patterns; however, it remains unclear whether amphibians possess similar structures. Importantly, to understand the evolutionary process of limb bones in tetrapods, it is necessary to compare the bone structure of amphibians (aquatic to terrestrial) with that of amniotes (mostly terrestrial). Therefore, this study compared the cortical bones in the long bones of several frog species before and after metamorphosis. Using micro-computed tomography (CT), we found that the cortical bones in the fibrolamellar bone of Xenopus tropicalis (Pipoidea superfamily) and Lithobates catesbeianus (Ranoidea superfamily) froglets are dense, whereas those of Ceratophrys cranwelli (Hyloidea superfamily) are porous. To clarify whether these features are common to their superfamily or sister group, four other frog species were examined. Histochemical analyses revealed porous cortical bones in C. ornata and Lepidobatrachus laevis (belonging to the same family, Ceratophryidae, as C. cranwelli). However, the cortical bones of Dryophytes japonicus (Hylidae, a sister group of Ceratophryidae in the Hyloidea superfamily), Microhyla okinavensis (Microhylidae, independent of the Hyloidea superfamily), and Pleurodeles waltl, a newt as an outgroup of anurans, are dense with no observed cavities. Our findings demonstrate that at least three members of the Ceratophryidae family have porous cortical bones similar to those of reptiles, birds, and mammals, suggesting that the process of fibrolamellar bone formation arose evolutionarily in amphibians and is conserved in the common ancestor of amniotes.  相似文献   

Scoliosis is a condition that involves an abnormal curvature and deformity of the spinal vertebrae. The genetic background and key gene for congenital scoliosis in humans are still poorly understood. Ishibashi rats (ISR) have congenital malformation of the lumbar vertebrae leading to kyphoscoliosis similar to that seen in humans. To understand the pathogenesis of congenital scoliosis, we have studied the abnormality of vertebral formation and the associated gene expression in ISR. Almost all ISR showed kyphosis or scoliosis of the lumbar vertebrae. In ISR with severe kyphosis, some vertebral disks were missing and some vertebral bodies were fused. Of the ISR, 27% showed hemi-lumbarization of lumbar and sacral vertebrae. Homeotic transformation of the first sacral vertebra into the seventh lumbar vertebra and the resultant loss of the fourth sacral vertebra were seen in half of the ISR. We also found unilateral fusions and deformities of primary ossification centers of the lumbar vertebral column in fetal ISR. Moreover, we observed that the expression levels of Hox10 and Hox11 paralogs in lumbo-sacral transitional areas of ISR were extremely low compared with those of normal rats. These results suggest that fusion of primary ossification centers in lumbar vertebrae in the embryonic period causes scoliosis and kyphosis and that Hox genes are involved in the occurrence of homeotic transformation in lumbo-sacral vertebrae of congenital kyphoscoliotic ISR.  相似文献   

Enteric neurons arise from vagal and sacral level neural crest cells. To examine the phenotype of neural-crest-derived cells in vagal and sacral pathways, we used antisera to Sox10, p75, Phox2b, and Hu, and transgenic mice in which the expression of green fluorescent protein was under the control of the Ret promoter. Sox10 was expressed prior to the emigration of vagal cells, whereas p75 was expressed shortly after their emigration. Most crest-derived cells that emigrated adjacent to somites 1–4 migrated along a pathway that was later followed by the vagus nerve. A sub-population of these vagal cells coalesced to form vagal ganglia, whereas others continued their migration towards the heart and gut. Cells that coalesced into vagal ganglia showed a different phenotype from cells in the migratory streams proximal and distal to the ganglia. Only a sub-population of the vagal cells that first entered the foregut expressed Phox2b or Ret. Sacral neural crest cells gave rise to pelvic ganglia and some neurons in the hindgut. The pathways of sacral neural crest cells were examined by using DβH-nlacZ mice. Sacral cells appeared to enter the distal hindgut around embryonic day 14.5. Very few of the previously demonstrated, but rare, neurons that were present in the large intestine of Ret null mutants and that presumably arose from the sacral neural crest expressed nitric oxide synthase, unlike their counterparts in Ret heterozygous mice. This study was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (project grants nos. 145628 and 350311, C.J. Martin Fellowship no. 007144, and Senior Research Fellowship no. 170224).  相似文献   

IS-Tlk/Kyo, a mutant derived from IS/Kyo strain, exhibits a kinked and/or short tail, in addition to the congenital lumbar vertebral anomaly. Homozygotes of Tlk dominant gene are known to die during embryonic development. We previously reported the morphological features of the skeleton in IS/Kyo and IS-Tlk/Kyo fetuses and of the heart in IS/Kyo fetuses [19]. This study was conducted to clarify the morphological features of the skeleton in both adult rats and of the heart in adult IS/Kyo rats. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) was observed in 3 out of 10 IS/Kyo rats. Neither splitting of lumbar vertebra and supernumerary rib (in both strains) nor fused or absent caudal cartilage (in IS-Tlk/Kyo strain) was detected in adult rats. Fusion of lumbar vertebrae was observed in almost all specimens together with lumbarization of sacral vertebrae in a few specimens in both adult rats as well as fusion of sacral and caudal vertebrae only in adult IS-Tlk/Kyo rats. In addition, a severe reduction in the ossified sacral and caudal vertebrae was noted in adult IS-Tlk/Kyo rats (mean number: 20.6) and IS/Kyo rats (31.8), and the difference was similar to that in the length of sacral and caudal vertebrae. These results suggest that the Tlk gene may be involved in both the congenital and acquired abnormal formation of the lower vertebral centra as well as the persistent occurrence of VSD by the background gene in IS/Kyo strain.  相似文献   

Terrestrial mammals are characterized by their digitigrade limb postures, which are proposed to increase effective limb length (ELL) to achieve preferred or higher locomotor speeds more efficiently. Accordingly, digitigrade postures are associated with cursorial locomotion. Unlike most medium‐ to large‐sized terrestrial mammals, terrestrial cercopithecine monkeys lack most cursorial adaptations, but still adopt digitigrade hand postures. This study investigates when and why terrestrial cercopithecine monkeys adopt digitigrade hand postures during quadrupedal locomotion. Three cercopithecine species (Papio anubis, Macaca mulatta, Erythrocebus patas) were videotaped moving unrestrained along a horizontal runway at a range of speeds (0.4–3.4 m/s). Three‐dimensional forelimb kinematic data were recorded during forelimb support. Hand posture was measured as the angle between the metacarpal segments and the ground (MGA). As predicted, a larger MGA was correlated with a longer ELL. At slower speeds, subjects used digitigrade postures (larger MGA), however, contrary to expectations, all subjects used more palmigrade hand postures (smaller MGA) at faster speeds. Digitigrade postures at slower speeds may lower cost of transport by increasing ELL and step lengths. At higher speeds, palmigrade postures may be better suited to spread out high ground reaction forces across a larger portion of the hand thereby potentially decreasing stresses in hand bones. It is concluded that a digitigrade forelimb posture in primates is not an adaptation for high speed locomotion. Accordingly, digitigrady may have evolved for different reasons in primates compared to other mammalian lineages. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley rats were inoculated intravenously (i.v.) withCandida albicans, and limb joints showing signs ofCandida-induced arthritis were subjected to radiographic and histologic examination. New bone formation and bone resorption were morbidly enhanced in bones sampled from the arthritic joints. Sparsely distributed needle-shaped calcified deposits began to be formed on bony surfaces in parallel with the onset of joint swelling. The calcified deposits gradually became denser and then covered the bony surfaces almost entirely, giving rise to an exostosis-like profile. In addition to the new bone formation, bone resorption was also observed in regions adjacent to the sites of new bone formation, and punched-out bone lesions were produced. Eventually, severe deformation of joint bones due to new bone formation and bone resorption was evident. Reflecting these unusual radiographic changes, abundant osteoblasts and osteoclasts were demonstrated histologically in the bones. On the basis of these results, possible mechanisms for the induction of arthritis byCandida infection are discussed.  相似文献   

描述湖北郧县淅川盆地晚白垩世地层中产出的蜥脚类恐龙化石。标本不关联保存于马家村组中段灰绿色含钙泥质粉砂岩中,材料包括牙齿、脊椎和肢骨化石等。从愈合特征(如分离的椎体和椎弓)分析,这些化石至少由2个未成年个体组成。这些化石体现出的特征组合,如股骨近端外侧突出,近端外缘向内侧倾斜,荐前椎气腔构造发育,以及牙齿呈细长的棒状,表明湖北郧县马家村组地层发现的蜥脚类可归入巨龙形类中的多孔椎龙类或者更进步的类群。新材料的发现对于进一步了解中国乃至东亚地区白垩纪晚期的蜥脚类恐龙分布和演化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

The authors mention that of late it has been recognized that, in any attempt to answer the question as to which vertebra of any lower animal answers to the first sacral vertebra of Man, the nervous no less than the osteological relations of the parts should be carefully investigated. And it has been considered that the nervous rather than the osteological relations should be deemed the more important: in fact it has been sometimes asserted that the nerves must be taken as the fixed points, and that the bones must rather have their homology decided by the nerves, than vice versa. Should it be possible to show that in any group of reptiles, both the nervous and osteological relatious of any vertebra constautly agree with the nervous and osteological relation of Man's first sacral vertebra, the homology between such two parts may well be taken as thereby established; but if either of these sets of relations exhibit discrepancy, then of course such homology cannot be considered satisfactorily determined. Nor can we justly set aside osteological in favour of nervous resemblances if it should turn out that the nerves themselves exhibit notable variations of conditions as we pass from one allied form to another–a fortiori if there should be variations in this respect even within the limits of a species. It might surely be anticipated that more or less variation would be found to exist inner‐vous as well as in skeletal structures; and in the event of such anticipations being justified, the determination of sacral homology must depend upon a comparison of the values of the conflicting claims of different degrees of resemblance in both the osseous and nervous systems–unless we prefer to consider the osteological sacrum and the nervous sacrum as two distinct structures, which may or may not completely coincide, and may or may not widely diverge. The authors afterwards discuss the opinions held by Professor Gegenbaur with regard to the pelvic relations in birds and some reptiles, also those of Professor Hoffmann concerning the lumbar and sacral plexuses of Batrachians and Reptiles. Then follows an account of dissections of the Chameleon (Cha‐mceleo vulgaris), the Green Lizard (Laeerta viridis), the common Teguexin (Teius teguexin), the Bearded Lizard (Grammatophora barbata), the Agama colonorum, the Tuberculated Lizard (Iguana tuberculata), and of the Monitor (M. arenaria). On these dissections are based some remarks on the general condition of the nervous and osseous structures of the sacral region in Lizards, according to their views and as compared with those held by G‐egenbaur and Hoffmann. To this succeed other chapters devoted to a consideration of the sacral region of Batraehians, to the sacral region of Mammals, and to the sacral region of Birds, each discussed in a similar spirit. Their generalizations to the foregoing may be thus summarized:– It appears, then, that in Lizards generally, the lumbar plexus may be formed by from two to three roots, aud that the most pre‐axial of these is here in advance of the fourth presacral nerve, while the most postaxial root is never more postaxial than the first presacral nerve. But Monitor and Ohamwleo present a slight exception in certain respects. In all the Eeptilia examined and enumerated by the authors, the transverse processes which abut against the ilium are wholly or in part parapophysial, and are in serial relation (serial liomo‐logues) with the capitular processes (or the capitular parts of the transverse processes) of the more preaxial vertebrae. The junction of the sacral vertebrae with the ilium is much postacetabular in Saurians; but in Crocodilia and Tortoises (some at least) it is about opposite the acetabulum. In Batrachians the transverse processes abutting against the ilium are parapophysial, but diapophysial in nature like those of Eeptiles. In Mammals as compared with Lizards, it would seem, with respect to nerves, that the first and second sacral vertebra? (say, for instance, of the Cat), answer very well to the two vertebrae with enlarged transverse processes of Lizards, while osteologically they of course also answer very well to them. There can be little doubt, however, that the first two sacral vertebrae of the Cat are to be considered homologous with the anterior human sacral vertebra1; and therefore it would seem that the two ilium‐joining vertebrse of Lizards should be considered homologous with the anterior human sacral vertebrae. In Man, the Cat, and also in other Mammals down to the Echidna, the transverse processes abutting against the ilium are parapophysial, like those of Eeptiles and Batrachians. In all the Mammals examined by the authors, however, the junction of the sacral transverse processes with the ilia is preacetabular, although that junction is much less preacetabular in position in Man than it is in most Mammals. Altogether, from the osseous and nervous conditions evinced together in the groups hitherto referred to, the authors propose the following definition of a “Sacral Vertebra” in Mammals, Eeptiles, and Batrachians:–“ vertebra'ivithparapophysial transverse processes winch abut against the ilium, preaxial or post‐axial or opposite to the acetabulum, and having a root of the sciatic plexus coming forth either immediately preaxiad or postaxiad of it.” This definition will exclude from the sacrum, as not abutting against the ilium, of Man, the more posterior vertebrse called “ sacral” in anthropotomy. But in the lower mammals (even already in Apes) the number of so‐called “ sacral ” vertebrre augments more or less with age by the ankylosis of the sacral vertebras, so as not to render the extent of the “ sacrum ” very variable. It would surely be well, then, to distinguish the human sacral vertebra, like the ribs, into true and false, those being the true sacral vertebrae which abut against the ilium. In Birds the determination of the homological relations of the different parts of the postdorsal part of the spinal column is a matter of much difficulty. On the whole, and seeing on the one hand the manifest homology between the sacral vertebrae of Man and Lizards by the help of Crocodiles and Tortoises, and on the other hand the manifest homology between the sacral vertebrae of Lizards and the posterior parapophysial vertebras of most Birds, the authors think it better to regard the latter vertebras in Birds as alone truly sacral, and to regard such forms as Bwceros, Pica, and certain Parrots as differing from the rule of the Class in the suppression of their parapophysial processes, sm&Fregatta as differing from the same rule by the development of parapophyses in all the vertebras of this region. The sacral vertebra? in Birds may be defined, then, as “vertebrce having one of the more postaxial roots of the sciatic plexus coming forth either immediately preaxiad or postaxiad, and having parapophysial transverse processes abutting against the ilium, such vertebra being placed immediately postaxiad to vertebra which are devoid of such parapophyses, or else being the homologues of a vertebra so conditioned in most birds. By the combination of these two definitions, as given above (the one for Mammals, Eeptiles, and Batrachians, and the other for Birds), it seems to the authors that the sacral vertebras may be defined in all Vertebrata above Pishes which have pelvic limbs.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative analyses of filming studies reveal that fundamental differences exist between the gaits of the New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) and the Hooker's sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri). Terrestrial locomotion of the latter species is similar to that of terrestrial vertebrates in which the limbs are moved in sequence, alternately and independently. In contrast, the gait of the New Zealand fur seal does not conform to this sequence, the hind limbs being moved in unison. The gaits of both species are defined and illustrated. The limbs of otariids are structurally adapted for a semi-aquatic lifestyle and consequently large oscillations of the centre of gravity are necessary to enable the limbs to be lifted and protracted during terrestrial locomotion. Phocarctos hookeri achieves this by transferring weight in the transverse plane while in A.forsteri it is in the sagittal plane. Hind limb movements are distinctly different; P. hookeri moves each hind limb individually by the combined action of limb protraction and rotation of the pelvis while A. forsteri moves its hind limbs together, predominantly by flexion of the posterior axial skeleton. While terrestrial locomotion in these species is achieved by fundamentally different gaits, post cranial elements of A. forsteri and P. hookeri are barely distinguishable; selection for the behavioural control of terrestrial locomotion has apparently preceded structural modifications. The gaits are considered to be ecological specializations which are adaptations to the mechanical problems imposed by different habitats. Gaits of these species appear typical or representative of members of their inferred subfamilies (Arctocephalinae and Otariinae). The gaits of A. forsteri and P. hookeri are however paradoxical in light of their inferred evolutionary history since the gait of the Hooker's sea lion resembles more closely that of the putative ancestors of otariids (arctoid fissiped carnivores) than does the gait of the supposedly more primitive New Zealand fur seal.  相似文献   

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