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Restoration of grassland ecosystems is critical to the provision of ecosystem services, however, legacies of historic disturbances pose a challenge to grassland restoration. In the northern Great Plains of North America, continued fragmentation and disturbance of northern fescue prairies has prompted more stringent criteria to regulate the revegetation of native prairies disturbed by industrial activities. Here, we evaluate methods of revegetating northern fescue prairies, disturbed by energy development, and test the hypothesis that higher richness of species seeded within disturbed areas improves the structure, diversity, and composition of revegetated communities. Our results demonstrate that disturbed northern fescue prairies are able to recover their structural elements, including vegetative and ground cover and plant litter, irrespective of the number of species in the seed mixes, even though revegetated areas remained similar in all measures of community diversity. Despite this, revegetated areas remained compositionally different from adjacent native prairies, 7 years following seeding treatments. Based on our observations, the persistent differences in the species composition of disturbed and undisturbed prairies highlight that all efforts should be practiced to minimize the scale of disturbance of northern fescue prairies through energy development.  相似文献   

Cope's rule of phyletic size increase is questioned as a general pattern of body size evolution. Most studies of Cope's rule have examined trends in the paleontological record. However, neontological approaches are now possible due to the development of model-based comparative methods, as well as the availability of an abundance of phylogenetic data. I examined whether the phylogenetic distribution of body sizes in extant cryptodiran turtles is consistent with Cope's rule. To do this, I examined body size evolution in each of six major clades of cryptodiran turtles and also across the whole tree of cryptodirans (n = 201 taxa). Extant cryptodiran turtles do not appear to follow Cope's rule, as no clade showed a significant phyletic body size trend. Previous analyses in other extant vertebrates have also found no evidence for phyletic size increase, which is in contrast to the paleontological data that support the rule in a number of extinct vertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships and trophic levels are indicators of community structure, and are important for monitoring ecosystem changes. Mammals colonized the marine environment on seven separate occasions, which resulted in differences in species'' physiology, morphology and behaviour. It is likely that these changes have had a major effect upon predator–prey relationships and trophic position; however, the effect of environment is yet to be clarified. We compiled a dataset, based on the literature, to explore the relationship between body mass, trophic level and predator–prey ratio across terrestrial (n = 51) and marine (n = 56) mammals. We did not find the expected positive relationship between trophic level and body mass, but we did find that marine carnivores sit 1.3 trophic levels higher than terrestrial carnivores. Also, marine mammals are largely carnivorous and have significantly larger predator–prey ratios compared with their terrestrial counterparts. We propose that primary productivity, and its availability, is important for mammalian trophic structure and body size. Also, energy flow and community structure in the marine environment are influenced by differences in energy efficiency and increased food web stability. Enhancing our knowledge of feeding ecology in mammals has the potential to provide insights into the structure and functioning of marine and terrestrial communities.  相似文献   

The energetic equivalence rule (EER), which is derived from empirical observations linking population density and body size and from the allometric law linking metabolism and body size, predicts that the amount of energy used by the various species should be independent of body size. Here, we examine this hypothesis using a model that allows entire food webs to emerge from coevolution of interacting species. Body size influences both individual metabolism and interactions among species in the model. Overall, population density does decrease with body size roughly following a power law whose exponent is variable. We discuss this variability in the light of empirical data sets. The emerging relationship between the flux of resources exploited by the various species and their body size follows a decreasing power law, thus contradicting the EER. Our model emphasizes the importance of considering the influence of body size on species interactions in attempting to explain large-scale patterns related to body size.  相似文献   

I analyzed somatometric measurements from subsets of the Texas and Oregon transplanted troops of Japanese macaques(Macaca fuscata) to reveal secular changes in body size and shape. Body weights of the Texas population (N = 59) are lower than those of the Oregon population(N = 49) and the founding population from Arashiyama. The adult weights of the Oregon population are significantly higher than the founding population from Mihara. There are significant differences in adult circumferential measures and in skinfolds, which are correlated with the increased weight of the Oregon macaques. The adult Texas macaques have longer limb segments in comparison with the adult Oregon troop members, while the latter have significantly longer heads and trunks. Examination of the developing morphological trends through regression analyses on the complete sample suggests distinctive growth patterns for each population. Members of the Texas population start with smaller initial measurements but hold a steeper growth pattern for limb segments, while the Oregon macaques start larger in most measures and show lower growth rates. I argue that these differences in both somatometry and growth patterns are related to the differing climatic conditions under which the translocated macaques have lived. This set of analyses supports the basic arguments for Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule.  相似文献   

Parasitic castration is an adaptive strategy where the parasite usurps its host’s phenotype, most notably the host’s reproductive effort. Though castrators are loosely known to be large relative to their hosts (compared to typical parasites), their mass has rarely been quantified and little is known about size variation, even if such variation exists. By cross-sectioning snails, we examined intra- and inter-specific variation in the parasite/host mass of 15 trematode species that castrate the California horn snail, Cerithidea californica. Trematode species occupied 14–39% (mean = 20.3%) of an infected snail’s soft tissue mass. Intraspecific variation in castrator mass fluctuated with variables that covary with energy available for host reproduction. Specifically, trematode mass was 24% higher in summer than in winter, 15% greater in snails from intertidal flats than from tidal channels, and increased with host mass to the 1.37 power (a finding contrary to that previously documented for other types of parasites). Relative body mass differed across trematode species, varying interspecifically with: (1) taxonomic family, (2) host tissue use (larger species used more types of host-tissue), (3) position in the trematode interspecific competitive dominance hierarchy (the two most subordinate species were the largest, otherwise size tended to increase with dominance), and (4) type of host used by offspring (species whose offspring infect relatively predictably occurring benthic invertebrates were larger than those infecting transient vertebrates). Our findings suggest that ecological constraints and life history trade-offs between reproduction and survival influence the mass of these very large parasites.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long commented on a seemingly universal "rule" of nature-that in large taxonomic assemblages from groups as diverse as bacteria, plants, insects, marine invertebrates, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals, there exists a frequency distribution of body sizes among species that is highly skewed to the right (positive skewness). This distribution reflects the strong inverse, or negative, relationship often noted between mean body size of taxa and the number of species they contain--i.e., the observation that small body size is often associated with high species diversity (speciosity). This is sometimes "explained" by recourse to the idea that smaller-bodied taxa are able to subdivide their environments more finely than larger-bodied taxa. With but few exceptions, the applicability of this "rule" to the Order Primates has not been studied in any detail. In this study I address the following questions of (paleo)anthropological interest: (1) How speciose is the Order Primates? (2) Does this biological "rule" characterize the Order Primates (at any taxonomic level) in any meaningful way? (3) Does the association between speciosity and body mass within the Order Primates provide any useful models for interpreting and/or predicting speciosity in the fossil primate record? Using phylogenetically independent contrasts methods, I conclude that the answers to those three questions are: (1) not very; (2) no; and (3) not particularly (with the possible exception of larger-bodied taxa).  相似文献   

There have been very few reports of body size measurements of live Temminck’s Stints, but earlier studies have shown sex differences in body mass and tarsus length. Here we use molecular techniques to determine the sex of Temminck’s Stints from a Norwegian breeding population. In total, we report measurements of body weight, wing length, tarsus length, bill length, skull length and keel length from 17 males and 30 females. We found significant sex differences in all of these variables, with the exception of tarsus length. The differences in skull length disappeared after the bill lengths had been subtracted from the measurements. A discriminant function analysis based on wing length and bill length correctly classified 86% of the cases (12/16 males, 25/27 females). Female Temminck’s Stints are known to regularly lay more than one clutch of eggs per season and could therefore be expected to be physiologically deprived of bodily energy stores. Nevertheless, we found females to be in better body condition than males.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of the Late Quaternary Caribbean mammal extinction event is complicated by continuing uncertainty over the taxonomic status of many species. Hispaniola is one of the few Caribbean islands to retain native non-volant mammals; however, there has been little consensus over past or present levels of diversity in Hispaniolan hutias (Capromyidae: Plagiodontinae). Craniodental measurement data from modern hutia specimens, previously classified as both Plagiodontia aedium and P. hylaeum, display morphological differences between Hispaniola's northern and southern palaeo-islands using MANOVA and PCA. Although attempts to amplify mitochondrial DNA from the holotype of Paedium were unsuccessful, this specimen is morphometrically associated with southern palaeo-island specimens. The mandibular size distribution of recent Plagiodontia specimens is unimodal, but the Late Quaternary mandibular size distribution is multimodal and displays much broader measurement spread, representing multiple extinct species. Finite Mixture Analysis was used to assess the best fit of different taxonomic hypotheses to the fossil mandibular size distribution. All retained FMA models include living hutias and P. spelaeum as distinct taxa; PCA further demonstrates that levels of morphological variation between modern hutia populations are lower than levels between living hutias and P. spelaeum, so that living hutias are interpreted as the single species P. aedium. Taxonomic differentiation for larger-bodied hutias is less well defined, but most retained models show only one larger species, for which the only available name is P. velozi. ‘Plagiodontiaaraeum is morphologically distinct from other species and is reassigned to Hyperplagiodontia. Hispaniola's plagiodontine fauna has lost its largest and smallest representatives; similar trends of body size selectivity in extinction risk are shown more widely across the Caribbean mammal fauna, possibly due to different regional anthropogenic threats (invasive mammals, hunting) affecting small-bodied and large-bodied mammals during the recent past. This apparent pattern of extinction selectivity is named the ‘Goldilocks Hypothesis’.  相似文献   

A natural population ofDrosophila melanogaster in southern France was sampled in three different years and 10 isofemale lines were investigated from each sample. Two size-related traits, wing and thorax length, were measured and the wing/thorax ratio was also calculated. Phenotypic plasticity was analysed after development at seven different constant temperatures, ranging from 12‡C to 31‡C. The three year samples exhibited similar reaction norms, suggesting a stable genetic architecture in the natural population. The whole sample (30 lines) was used to determine precisely the shape of each reaction norm, using a derivative analysis. The practical conclusion was that polynomial adjustments could be used in all cases, but with different degrees: linear for the wing/thorax ratio, quadratic for thorax length, and cubic for wing length. Both wing and thorax length exhibited concave reaction norms, with a maximum within the viable thermal range. The temperatures of the maxima were, however, quite different, around 15‡C for the wing and 19.5‡C for the thorax. Assuming that thorax length is a better estimate of body size, it is not possible to state that increasing the temperature results in monotonically decreasing size (the temperature-size rule), although this is often seen to be the case for genetic variations in latitudinal clines. The variability of the traits was investigated at two levels—within and between lines—and expressed as a coefficient of variation. The within-line (environmental) variability revealed a regular, quadratic convex reaction norm for the three traits, with a minimum around 21‡C. This temperature of minimum variability may be considered as a physiological optimum, while extreme temperatures are stressful. The between-line (genetic) variability could also be adjusted to quadratic polynomials, but the curvature parameters were not significant. Our results show that the mean values of the traits and their variance are both plastic, but react in different ways along a temperature gradient. Extreme low or high temperatures decrease the size but increase the variability. These effects may be considered as a functional response to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Recent climate change has caused diverse ecological responses in plants and animals. However, relatively little is known about homeothermic animals’ ability to adapt to changing temperature regimes through changes in body size, in accordance with Bergmann’s rule. We used fluctuations in mean annual temperatures in south-west Germany since 1972 in order to look for direct links between temperature and two aspects of body size: body mass and flight feather length. Data from regionally born juveniles of 12 passerine bird species were analysed. Body mass and feather length varied significantly among years in eight and nine species, respectively. Typically the inter-annual changes in morphology were complexly non-linear, as was inter-annual variation in temperature. For six (body mass) and seven species (feather length), these inter-annual fluctuations were significantly correlated with temperature fluctuations. However, negative correlations consistent with Bergmann’s rule were only found for five species, either for body mass or feather length. In several of the species for which body mass and feather length was significantly associated with temperature, morphological responses were better predicted by temperature data that were smoothed across multiple years than by the actual mean breeding season temperatures of the year of birth. This was found in five species for body mass and three species for feather length. These results suggest that changes in body size may not merely be the result of phenotypic plasticity but may hint at genetically based microevolutionary adaptations.  相似文献   

Geographic distributions of all 125 endangered and threatened animals and all 70 endangered flowering plant species were compiled and mapped by administrative territory (republics, states, provinces, and districts) of the Russian Federation, based on distributional data in the official Red Data Books of the R.S.F.S.R. [Eliseev et al. (eds) (1985) Red Book of the R.S.F.S.R.: Animals. Rosleskhoz Publishing, Moscow; Golovanov et al. (eds). (1988). Red Book of the R.S.F.S.R.: Plants. Rosagprom Publishing, Moscow]. Territories were ranked using an algorithm that gives highest rank to the single territory with the greatest number of endangered species present, then iteratively assigns the next highest rank to the territory containing the greatest number of species not found in a territory of higher rank. This algorithm minimizes the number of territories necessary to include one population of each endangered species, but may designate very low rank to a territory that holds high numbers of endangered species if many of those species are found in a territory of higher rank. When different sets of species were used to determine territory rank with this algorithm the only significant correlation between rank lists was between ranks generated when all species are used and when only species endemic to single territories were used. Mountainous territories on Russia's southern borders held the greatest numbers of endangered species and were highly ranked whether or not species occurring outside of Russia were excluded from the ranking algorithm. The Maritime state, Krasnodar state, Dagestan republic, Sakhalin province and the Jewish province all are centers of endangered species diversity that together contain 50 or more of endangered species for multiple taxonomic groups; this was the Dobson et al. [(1997) Science 275: 550–553] definition of an endangered species hot spot. These are all mountainous territories on Russia's southern border. Precise territorial ranking within the mountainous southern regions of the Southern Far East, Caucasus, and Altai/Sayan regions of southern Siberia was highly influenced by species endemic to single territories.  相似文献   

Anuran ears function as pressure difference receivers, and the amplitude and phase of tympanum vibrations are inherently directional, varying with sound incident angle. We quantified the nature of this directionality for Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis. We presented subjects with pure tones, advertisement calls, and frequency-modulated sweeps to examine the influence of frequency, signal level, lung inflation, and sex on ear directionality. Interaural differences in the amplitude of tympanum vibrations were 1–4 dB greater than sound pressure differences adjacent to the two tympana, while interaural differences in the phase of tympanum vibration were similar to or smaller than those in sound phase. Directionality in the amplitude and phase of tympanum vibration were highly dependent on sound frequency, and directionality in amplitude varied slightly with signal level. Directionality in the amplitude and phase of tone- and call-evoked responses did not differ between sexes. Lung inflation strongly affected tympanum directionality over a narrow frequency range that, in females, included call frequencies. This study provides a foundation for further work on the biomechanics and neural mechanisms of spatial hearing in H. chrysoscelis, and lends valuable perspective to behavioral studies on the use of spatial information by this species and other frogs.  相似文献   

Evolution of the mammalian neocortex is difficult to examine directly. For this reason, comparative studies and developmental studies are the best way of gaining insight into the evolutionary process. Comparative studies indicate that neocortical evolution is constrained, and that the types of systems-level modifications made to the neocortex are limited. Developmental studies of gene expression suggest that genetic contingencies set up aspects of cortical organization and connectivity, and that the complex spatial and temporal interactions of genes constrain development and evolution. Although genes obviously contribute to phenotypic variability, variability can also be achieved through alterations in the sensory receptor arrays, or changes in sensory driven activity. The intracellular mechanisms that enable phenotypic variability might evolve, but often the phenotypic characteristic in question is context-dependent.  相似文献   

The body size of Palearctic Sorex shrews decreases at higher latitudes, and as such the Bergmann’s rule does not work. However, no analysis has ever been done for water shrew (Neomys fodiens) in the middle of distribution range. Analysis of available literature data showed that some body and skull measurements of N. fodiens are negatively correlated to latitude. Measurements of 158 water shrews from Estonia and Lithuania were also analyzed with respect to the short scale latitudinal pattern. We found that populations are separated (Wilk’s lambda = 0.363, p<0.0001). Differences are related to PC1 (skull size), explaining 49.80% of the variance and PC2 (body size), explaining 10.06% of the variance. Estonian shrews are smaller in their body and skull (most differences significant) and their skulls are relatively shorter and wider in the area of the brain case. Thus, the negative correlation of body and skull size to latitude in N. fodiens is applicable even over quite short latitudinal distances. Further analysis of diagnostic characters between N. fodiens and N. anomalus is required.  相似文献   

The research was conducted in two natural forest communities: Potentillo albae-Quercetum (oak forest) which allows much light to reach the forest floor and Tilio-Carpinetum typicum (hornbeam forest) which shades the herb layer heavily. The seed banks were estimated from numbers of seedlings emerging from soil samples over one growing season.(1) Our results confirm the hypothesis that persistent seed banks are mainly formed by species with high light requirements. Of the species found predominantly in the seed bank and absent from the herb layer or occurring there very rarely in both communities 83% of species and 70% of seedlings were strongly light-demanding (Ellenberg's light index 6–9). However, the results do not support the hypothesis that seed banks in natural deciduous forest communities are small, poor in species and do not reflect the species composition of herb layer.(2) The seed banks of both communities were rich in species and relatively large. Species richness in the oak forest turned out to be higher than in the hornbeam forest (51 vs 45 species/2.4 m2), but size was smaller (2659 vs 5789 seedlings/2.4 m2). In the oak forest the most abundant species in the seed bank was Galium boreale, but it constituted only 19% of the total number of seedlings, whereas in the hornbearn forest the dominant species, Urtica dioica, constituted 57% of the total.(3) In each community the species composition of the seed bank and the herb layer was very similar (>70%).(4) The seed bank was more diverse in the oak forest than in the hornbeam forest (H 2.34 vs 1.68).(5) The seed banks of both communities differed in the contribution of species with varied light requirements; in the sunny oak forest species with high light requirements dominated, whereas in the shady hornbeam forest both strongly and moderately light-demanding species had similar contributions.Nomenclature: Follows Ehrendorfer (1973) and Matuszkiewicz (1981).  相似文献   

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