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Four species of caryophyllid scleractinians, Caryophylla ambrosia, C. scobinosa, C. alaskensis, and Polymyces montereyensis, were recorded for the first time in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Kuril Islands. These findings extend the range for the species, of which three had previously been considered to be restricted to the tropical and warm Indopacific waters. These data will supplement regional reports on the bottom fauna of the most fertile and extensively commercially exploited continental shelf region of the North Pacific.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Biologiya Morya, Latypov.  相似文献   

Micrabaciids are solitary, exclusively azooxanthellate deep‐sea corals belonging to one of the deepest‐living (up to 5,000 m) scleractinian representatives. All modern micrabaciid taxa (genera: Letepsammia, Rhombopsammia, Stephanophyllia, Leptopenus) have a porous and often very fragile skeleton consisting of two main microstructural components known also from other scleractinians: rapid accretion deposits and thickening deposits. However, at the microstructural level, the skeletal organization of the micrabaciids is distinctly different from that of other scleractinians. Rapid accretion deposits consist of alternations of superimposed “microcrystalline” (micrometer‐sized aggregates of nodular nanodomains) and fibrous zones. In contrast to all shallow‐water and sympatric deep‐water corals so far described, the thickening deposits of micrabaciids are composed of irregular meshwork of short (1–2 μm) and extremely thin (ca. 100–300 nm) fibers organized into small, chip‐like bundles (ca. 1–2 μm thick). Longer axes of fiber bundles are usually subparallel to the skeletal surfaces and oriented variably in this plane. The unique microstructural organization of the micrabaciid skeleton is consistent with their monophyletic status based on macromorphological and molecular data, and points to a diversity of organic matrix‐mediated biomineralization strategies in Scleractinia. J. Morphol.,2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Mozduran Formation at Baghak section, Kopet-Dagh area northeast Iran, characterized by multiple units of carbonates and evaporates intercalated with siliciclastic deposits, yielded benthic foraminifera, calcareous algae, and crustacean coprolites, including Alveosepta jaccardi, Charentia aff. nana, Deloffrella quercifoliipora, Marinella cf. lugeoni, Favreina, and Solenopora sp. The almost consistent occurrence of Alveosepta jaccardi in the studied section, i.e., the Alveosepta jaccardi Zone, indicates late Oxfordian to the Kimmeridgian in age. Facies analysis of the formation reveals depositional settings of a peritidal zone, a lagoon, and a high-energy shoal of a carbonate ramp. Terrigenous and evaporites are found in eastern parts of Kopet-Dagh, representing a more proximal sedimentary environment. These siliciclastic inputs are associated with tectonic events during Oxfordian to Tithonian in the region.  相似文献   

An Ordovician stratigraphically admixed palynomorph assemblage that contains palynomorphs eroded from Middle through Upper Ordovician strata characterizes the Hawban Member (restricted) of the Sarah Formation in central Saudi Arabia. This distinctive assemblage, combined with detailed sedimentology, helps identify the presence of Hirnantian Gondwanan glacial sediments on the Arabian Plate. Similar Ordovician admixed assemblages have been recognized from Upper Ordovician glacial sediments elsewhere along the Gondwanan margin. Within Saudi Arabia the composition of reworked assemblages depends upon the stratigraphic succession exposed to glacial erosion. Sylvanidium? hawbanense, which is one of the acritarchs found in glacial sediments, is newly described from Arabian Upper Ordovician strata.  相似文献   

Bioeroded gastropod, bivalve and coral specimens (n = 570) were collected from the Jazan area, Saudi Red Sea coast, from which 22 ichnospecies of 8 ichnogenera were identified and illustrated. These traces were produced by clionid sponges (Entobia geometrica, E. ovula, E. cf. goniodes, E. cretacea, E. laquea, E. cf. paradoxa and E. isp.), duraphagous drillers (Oichnus ovalis, O. paraboloides, O. simplex and O. isp.), endolithic bivalves (Gastrochaenolites cf. dijugus, G. lapidicus, G. torpedo and G. isp.), polychaete annelids (Caulostrepsis taeniola, C. isp., Maeandropolydora sulcans, M. isp. and ?Trypanites isp.), acorn barnacles (Rogerella isp.), and vermetid gastropods (Renichnus isp.). The seashells act as hard substrate for colonization by serpulid worm, bivalves, bryozoans, and barnacles. Ichnogenus Entobia was most abundant (56.1%), followed by Gastrochaenolites (25.4%), Caulostrepsis (5.3%), Trypanites (4.2%), Maeandropolydora (3.2%), Oichnus (2.8%), Renichnus (1.9%), and Rogerella (1.0%). Oichnus occurred on the thin-shelled and smooth molluscs, while most Gastrochaenolites borings were found in the larger and thicker seashells as a suitable substrate for the settlement of polychaetes, lithophages, naticids, mytilids, and vermetids. Presence of annelid traces among radial ribs and at the siphonal areas of bivalves is indicative of nutrient capturing from water flow during the lifetime of these bivalves, within a shallow, high energy marine environment, where disarticulation, fragmentation, and abrasion of the seashells were abundantly observed.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Early Devonian continental and sparse marine palynomorph assemblages recovered from an exploration borehole located in northern Saudi Arabia are reported here and add to the understanding of Arabian Devonian stratigraphy. The units examined are the conventionally cored lower Murayr, upper Hammamiyat and Sha’iba Members of the Jauf Formation. A comparison with data sets from elsewhere on the Arabian Plate suggests that the units examined are Emsian in age. The age of the Murayr and Hammamiyat boundary interval is revised, based on the occurrence of Dibolisporites eifeliensis in northern Saudi Arabia, and placed in the Rhabdosporites minutus (Min) Interval Zone of the Emphanisporites foveolatus-Verrucosisporites dubia (FD) Oppel Zone. A new miospore, Apiculiretusispora densa with distinctive interradial thickenings, is described.  相似文献   

Examination of specimens of Elateridae revealed new generic and species records for Saudi Arabia. Zorochros amalec (Peyerimhoff) is recorded from Al Majardah, and Zorochros yosrae sp. n. is described as a new species from Thalouth Almanazar.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E4B9EB99-BE55-4884-B220-BF9928926312  相似文献   

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), hospital and population based statistics have shown that breast cancer has the highest crude frequency rate among Saudi women. The scarcity of reports about the disease in the KSA has been the impetus to this analysis about breast cancer in the eastem province of KSA. Data on female patients with invasive breast carcinoma seen at King Fahd Hospital of the University in the eastern province of KSA, were retrospectively reviewed. The analysis intended to examine the pattern of the disease and the outcome for patients. Between 1985 and 1995, 292 patients were identified. Their median age±SD (standard deviation) was 42±10.5 years. Most patients were younger than 50 years (78%) and were predominantly premenopausals (79%). Only 25 (9%) of patients had stage I cancer, whilst 130 (44%), 90 (30%), and 47 (16%) had stage II, III, and IV, respectively. Among patients with known axillary nodal status (242 patients), only 37% were node-negative whilst 32% and 31% had 1–3, and ≥4 positive nodes, respectively. Adjuvant chemotherapy and tamoxifen were commonly offered; nonetheless, other adjuvant modalities were rarely utilised. The median follow-up ±SD of all patients was 62.3±8.9 months: 152 patients (52%) were alive with no evidence of disease, 25 (9%) were alive with evidence of disease, and 115 (39%) were dead from breast cancer or its related complications. The median survival of the entire group was not obtained, but the 10-year projected survival was 55%. For stage I and II patients, 118 (76%) were alive with a projected 10-year actuarial survival of 64%. On the other hand, only 51 (57%) of patients with stage III disease were alive with a median survival of 41.5 months (95% Confidence interval (CI), 18.9 to 51.3). Patients with stage IV disease demonstrated a poor outcome with a median survival of 23.5 (95%, CI 12.2 to 31.4). Multivariate analyses were performed to explore the influence of independent variables on overall survival (OS) for patients with non-metastatic disease. Besides the expected adverse effect of disease progression, the favourable influence of adjuvant chemotherapy and tamoxifen prevailed. The amount of benefit gained from tamoxifen, however, was small. Similar analyses were undertaken to determine the influence of independent variables on progression-free survival (PFS). These analyses ascertained the adverse effects of advanced stage and the favourable impact of adjuvant chemotherapy. Breast cancer in the KSA has features that are distinctive from those of industrialised countries. Survival data, however, were comparable. The favourable influence of adjuvant chemotherapy was evident on both OS and PFS. Adjuvant tamoxifen, however, had little effect. Due to its infrequent use, the role of other adjuvant modalities could not be asserted.  相似文献   

Pterosaur tracks (cf. Pteraichnus) from the Summerville Formation of the Ferron area of central Utah add to the growing record of Pteraichnus tracksites in the Late Jurassic Summerville Formation and time-equivalent, or near time-equivalent, deposits. The site is typical in revealing high pterosaur track densities, but low ichnodiversity suggesting congregations or “flocks” of many individuals. Footprint length varies from 2.0 to 7.0 cms. The ratio of well-preserved pes:manus tracks is about 1:3.4. This reflects a bias in favor of preservation of manus tracks due to the greater weight-bearing role of the front limbs, as noted in other pterosaur track assemblages. The sample also reveals a number of well-preserved trackways including one suggestive of pes-only progression that might be associated with take off or landing, and another that shows pronounced lengthening of stride indicating acceleration.

One well-preserved medium-sized theropod trackway (Therangospodus) and other larger theropod track casts (cf. Megalosauripus) are associated with what otherwise appears to be a nearly monospecific pterosaur track assemblage. However, traces of a fifth pes digit suggest some tracks are of rhamphorynchoid rather than pterodactyloid origin, as usually inferred for Pteraichnus. The tracks occur at several horizons in a thin stratigraphic interval of ripple marked sandstones and siltstones. Overall the assemblage is similar to others found in the same time interval in the Western Interior from central and eastern Utah through central and southern Wyoming, Colorado, northeastern Arizona, and western Oklahoma. This vast “Pteraichnus ichnofacies,” with associated saurischian tracks, remains the only ichnological evidence of pre-Cretaceous pterosaurs in North America and sheds important light on the vertebrate ecology of the Summerville Formation and contiguous deposits.  相似文献   

We report morphometric data for 133 specimens of Diplometopon zarudnyi (Squamata: Trogonophidae) collected across its range within Riyadh province of Saudi Arabia. One-way analyses of variance revealed that differences exist in most characters. Snout-vent length and vent-tail length showed slight and inconsistent differences among samples. D. zarudnyi is characterized by 164–175 body annuli; 165–178 dorsal annuli; 13–17 caudal annuli with absence of caudal autotomy. In addition, 2–4 lateral annuli; 45–54 mid-body segments; 39–50 posterior segments; 4–5 head’s plates and 4–6 pre-cloacal pores were recorded in both males and females without gender difference. The present study revealed the widespread distribution of this species in the studied region, since land topography in this area is characterized by the absence of any natural barriers which could restrict the spread of this amphisbaenian lizard D. zarudnyi.  相似文献   

Recent coral spawning observations in the central Red Sea show that most scleractinian species release their gametes in the spring, with a majority of species spawning in April. There is, however, a lack of reproductive data for several other coral species, as well as a general lack of data for other invertebrates. Here, we document the detailed timing of spawning for 13 scleractinian coral species, one sea anemone, and six echinoderms from an inshore reef off the coast of Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, in the spring between April and June 2014. Furthermore, inferred from the presence of mature gametes, we report the month of spawning for three additional coral species in the spring. Seven scleractinian coral species were inferred to release their gametes in a second reproductive season, in the autumn, between September and November. This is the first report of a second spawning season in the Arabian region. Biannual spawning has so far been reported on the Great Barrier Reef, in Western Australia, in Indonesia, in Malaysia, in Palau, in Thailand, in Taiwan, and in Western Samoa.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty mammals of fifteen different species belonging to nine families, collected during one-year survey period in Turaif province of Saudi Arabia, are reported. Collections were made during studying the diversity of land vertebrate fauna of Turaif area at the northern province of Saudi Arabia. Cricetidae (n?=?64) was the most common family. Jaculus jaculus vocator (n?=?34) was recorded the highest number of events for any mammal in the surveyed area followed by Gerbillus nanus (n?=?23). Two species of mammals namely G. nanus (n?=?23) and Felis margarita (n?=?3) were reported for the first time in the study area. The geographical distribution of the collected species within this province was mapped.  相似文献   


The Kopet-Dagh Basin is a large sedimentary basin in northeastern Iran that host the giant Khangiran and Gonbadli gas fields. The Mozduran Formation with its various sedimentary facies is an important reservoir widely distributed in the basin. A sedimentological analysis of Upper Jurassic Mozduran Formation resulted in an accurate reconstruction of the sedimentary environments and the sequence stratigraphic framework south of Aghdarband. The strata consist of six different facies associations including 12 carbonate, one evaporate and two siliciclastic subfacies. On the basis of their various components, structural and textural characteristics, these facies were deposited on a homoclinal ramp in tidal flat to open marine environments ranging from supratidal to subtidal settings. Facies A1 and A2 represent open marine, B1-B4 Shoal, C1-C4 lagoonal and D1, D2, E, T1 and T2 tidal flat and Salina environments. In addition, based on detailed field and laboratory studies on the facies architecture, several large-scale (long-term) depositional sequences could be distinguished in the stratigraphic sections of the study area. These sequences are composed of LST, TST and HST that are separated by a SB1 and SB2 sequence boundaries. The paleogeography of the study area during the Late Jurassic time is reconstructed in five block diagrams.  相似文献   

罗勇  俞晓磊  黄晖 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8331-8340
营养方式是造礁石珊瑚获取能量与营养物质的基础,影响其生长与分布。近年来珊瑚礁区悬浮物含量与组分结构发生显著变化,其对造礁石珊瑚营养方式的诸多影响正成为当前研究热点。研究系统综述了珊瑚礁区悬浮物变化特征、悬浮物对造礁石珊瑚营养方式的影响及其适应性研究现状。发现近年来人类活动加剧与强降雨事件频发是驱动珊瑚礁,尤其是近岸珊瑚礁区悬浮物含量递增、组分改变与变频加剧的主因;悬浮物变化对造礁石珊瑚光合自养与异养营养的影响存在显著的种间差异,这主要与悬浮物消光效应、生物可利用性及造礁石珊瑚种类密切相关。虽然少数种类造礁石珊瑚具光合可塑性或异养可塑性,能在高含量悬浮物存在的弱光环境中较好生长。然而对绝大多数造礁石珊瑚而言,其营养方式适应性较差,无法在悬浮物影响下较好地获取生命活动所需的能量与营养物质,进而难以生存。总体来说,悬浮物被认为是近年来影响造礁石珊瑚生长与分布的重要环境因子之一,而关于造礁石珊瑚营养方式对悬浮物变化的响应及其适应机制,当前研究仍较薄弱,需要进一步加强相关研究。  相似文献   

In this study, 19 sites representing different habitats in Hail region were regularly visited for two years, in each site 2–5 stands were selected for investigating floristic composition and vegetation types in the area. A total of 124 species representing 34 families were recorded. The family Asteraceae is represented by the highest number of species (21 species) followed by the Poaceae (17 species) and the Brassicaceae (10 species) whereas, 15 families including Acanthaceae, Convolvulaceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae and Primulaceae, are represented by a single species each. Chronological analysis of the vegetation in the area revealed the domination of Saharo-Sindian elements in the wild vegetations and of weedy species in the cultivated plots. Therophytes and chamaephytes are the dominating life forms of the vegetation spectra; therophytes represent 49.20% and chamaephytes represent 29.00% of the total species in the study area. Application of TWINISPAN and DECORANA classification and ordination techniques to the data produced seven vegetation groups. Ruderal habitats comprised two small groups A and F dominated by Phragmites australis and Imperata cylindrical (A), Euphorbia peplus and Sisymbrium irio (F), respectively. Two vegetation groups (B and G) have been recognized in the mountains and slopes dominated by Launaea mucronata, Trigonella stellata (B) and Ficus palmate and Fagonia bruguieri (G). Other two groups (C and E) inhabit the desert and mountainous wadies; these are represented by Gymnocarpos decandrus and Ochradenus baccatus (C) and Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius and Rumex equisetiforme (E). On the other hand, one group (D) inhabits the cultivated plots and is represented by Plantago albicans and Rumex vesicarius, the last group also includes species restricted to the sand dune habitat of the Al-Nafud desert north of Hail city and represented by Calligonum polygonoides and Halyxolon salicornicum. The vegetation analysis indicated the invasion of Hail Flora by some foreign weeds such as Solanum nigrum, Lactuca serriola and Amaranthus lividus. The presence of these weeds points out the need to monitor the vegetation change in Hail region, and also other regions of Saudi Arabia, in order to elucidate the human impact on the wild plants diversity as human activities change with the fast development in the kingdom.  相似文献   

Core samples from the QASIM-801 (QSIM-801) water well in the Qasim Region of central Saudi Arabia were investigated palynologically. The interval studied contains the transgressive succession from the Sajir Member of the Saq Formation to the Hanadir Member of the Qasim Formation, and yields well-preserved and abundant cryptospores, microphytoplankton (acritarchs and chlorophycean algae), and chitinozoans, indicative of a Darriwilian (Llanvirn) age. The lowermost portion of the cored interval from the upper Sajir Member consists of fine-grained sandstones deposited in tidal flat, and shallow-marine settings. It is characterized by abundant and diverse cryptospores (permanent tetrads, dyads, monads), cuticle-like phytoclasts, and a low diversity assemblage of marine palynomorphs. The upper part of the cored interval from the Hanadir Member is composed of hemipelagic to pelagic, organic-rich, graptolitic shales, and micaceous shales, of middle- to outer-shelf depositional settings, which yield abundant marine palynomorphs (acritarchs and chitinozoans). Cryptospore-bearing horizons are interspersed in the succession. Changes in the composition of palynomorph assemblages reflect higher frequency environmental changes within an overall transgressive succession. Four new acritarch species are described in open nomenclature, Tyrannus sp. A, Clypeolus sp. A,?Pulvinosphaeridium sp. A, and?Tinacula sp. A.  相似文献   

Airborne Pollen grains and Spores of three different cities viz., Al-Khobar (1987–1988), Abha (1991–1992) and Hofuf (1992–1993) in Saudi Arabia were studied using Burkard Volumetric Seven-Day Spore Trap. The data were analyzed in relation to their allergenic capability and one-year pollen and spore calendars were designed to correlate the patients’ symptoms as well as for selection of appropriate allergen extracts for diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. Amongst pollen group, Amaranthus viridis, Plantago spp., Chenopodium album, Ricinus communis, Rumex vesicarius, Juniperus spp., Parkinsonia aculeata, Prosopis spp., and Phoenix dactylifera were some of the frequent types. Amongst the fungal spores group Cladosporium, Smuts spores, Colored basidiospores, Alternaria, Ulocladium and Drechslera were the dominant types.  相似文献   

The ctenodactylids from the Lower and Middle Miocene of Saudi Arabia are represented by two species: Sayimys intermedius (Sen and Thomas, 1979) and Sayimys assarrarensis sp. nov. This new taxon differs from the other species of Sayimys by its larger size together with an association of characters such as the presence of a metalophulid II in d4 and the strength of the anteroloph and posteroloph in P4. A cladistic analysis involving Prosayimys flynni , Sayimys obliquidens , S. assarrarensis sp. nov., S. intermedius, S. sivalensis, S. baskini , and Metasayimys curvidens is provided. Sayimys assarrarensis sp. nov. nests between Sayimys obliquidens and Metasayimys curvidens as a relatively primitive taxon.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the main weed communities in Al-Jouf province in northern Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the composition and diversity of these communities were studied in relation to soil variables and crop type. Some 54 stands representing olive orchards, date palm orchards, wheat crop and watermelon crop were studied, using ten quadrats (1 × 1 m) per stand. A total of 71 species belonging to 22 families and 61 genera were observed. The classification of vegetation using the Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) resulted in the recognition of four vegetation groups representing wheat crop, orchards in winter season, orchards in summer season and watermelon crop. These results suggested the importance of both crop and season for the formation of weed community. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) showed that these groups are clearly distinguished by the first two DCA axes. The species richness was higher in both olive and date palm orchards than in wheat and watermelon crops. This pattern of species richness could be related to farm management practices and habitat micro-heterogeneity. Soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon and soil texture showed significant correlations with species richness and the cover values of some dominant species, suggesting the significant role of soil characteristics in weed community structure and diversity.  相似文献   

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