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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: The majority of ovarian cancer recurrences are in the abdomen. However, some cases relapseas isolated lymph node metastases, mostly in pelvic or para-aortic nodes. Peripheral isolatedlymph node metastasis is rare. CASE PRESENTATION: A 69-year-old Japanese woman had recurrent ovarian cancer presenting with isolated rightsupraclavicular lymph node metastasis. After surgical resection and combinationchemotherapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel, her right supraclavicular lymph nodecompletely regressed. CONCLUSIONS: Isolated peripheral lymph node metastasis, including the right supraclavicular lymph node,can occur without a macroscopic abdominal lesion. Clinicians should carefully examineperipheral lymph nodes for recurrence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occult thyroid malignancies presenting with secondary neck masses as the first clinical manifestation is well known. Although rare, medullary carcinoma serves a potential source for lymph node metastases. The characteristic cytomorphology of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) should clinch the diagnosis. Further, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the ultrasonography-detected occult nodules in thyroid serves as a useful preoperative diagnostic tool. CASE: A 22-year-old man presented with left-sided neck masses of 1 year duration. FNAC smears of the neck masses revealed cytomorphology characteristic of MTC. Ultrasonography of the thyroid led to ruling out the presence of an occult nodule and detected an 8-mm nodule in the left thyroid lobe. Ultrasound-guided FNAC of the nodule showed features similar to those with FNAC of the neck masses. Surgical resection of thyroid and neck masses further confirmed the diagnosis of a primary occult MTC with lymph node metastases. CONCLUSION: FNAC smears of lymph node masses showing the distinct cytomorphology of MTC should prompt suspicion for occult primary in thyroid. Ultrasound-guided FNAC of these occult nodules, if detected, further serves a diagnostic tool for accurate preoperative diagnosis when metastasis presents as the first clinical manifestation of an occult primary.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinically documented distant metastases are rare in mesothelioma and tend to occur late in the course of the disease, well after the diagnosis has been made. In this instance, diagnosis was not made until a metastatic deposit was identified microscopically in the enlarged lymph node. CASE: A 65-year-old male with no definite history of occupational asbestos exposure presented with chest pain, pleural effusion and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. Cytologic examination of material obtained by fine needle aspiration from his cervical lymph node revealed malignant mesothelioma. This was confirmed on histology. CONCLUSION: This was a particularly rare presentation and, as far as we are aware, was the first case in which mesothelioma was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration of a cervical lymph node. It serves to remind the pathologist that when confronted with a lymph node involved by tumor, the possibility of mesothelioma should be included in the differential diagnosis. The case also demonstrates the usefulness of fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of metastatic tumor.  相似文献   



In approximately 8% of cervical carcinoma patients, gastrointestinal tract is involved, most commonly the rectosigmoid portion, because of local extension. Isolated metastases to small bowel are exceedingly rare.

Case report

We present a case of a 63-year-old woman with cervical cancer who developed isolated jejunal metastasis 8 months after postoperative chemoradiotherapy. The patient was alive with no evidence of disease 6 months after resection of metastasis. Very few cases have been reported concerning squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix with documented metastases to the small bowel. There is only one published case report of cervical cancer with multiple metastases to the small intestine and jejunum. To our knowledge, this is the first case of cervical cancer with isolated jejunal metastasis, which was initially demonstrated with positron emission tomography and confirmed histopathologically.


Although the exact mechanism underlying the isolated metastasis is unknown, hematogenous spread or tumor seeding during surgery may play a role.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the cytologic features of cervical cystic lesions are well established, no cytology reports on lymphangioma in adults have been published. CASE: A 60-year-old male presented with a slowly growing, upper laterocervical, painless enlargement. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) obtained 15 mL of yellowish fluid, consisting predominantly of a uniform population of small and round lymphocytes without mitosis or atypia and with some histiocytes intermingled with them. Some centrocytes and occasionally centroblasts and plasma cells could also be observed. Immunohistochemistry performed on cell block sections displayed polyclonal B lymphocytes mixed with T cells. The specimen showed a clearly circumscribed, 50-mm, cystic lesion with a multilocular appearance and abundant, yellowish liquid. Microscopic examination demonstrated cystic lymphangioma arising from the medullary portion of a lymph node. CONCLUSION: FNA cytology permits a suggested diagnosis of lymphangioma. This is one of the few reports of FNA cytology of lymphangioma and, to the best of our knowledge, this entity has not previously been found as a neck mass in an adult.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sarcoidosis, a multisystem disease with tbe potential to occur at any site, has varied clinical manifestations. Cutaneous lesions, seen in one-third of patients, may precede systemic manifestations. Identification of asteroid bodies in aspirated material may aid early diagnosis in the appropriate clinical setting. CASE: A 37-year-old woman had multiple asymptomatic, buff-colored, sucutaneous nodules, 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, on the scalp, face, dorsum of the wrist and back of the elbows for 2 months. On examination, firm, nontender right inguinal and epitrochlear lymphadenopathy, 2 x 1 cm each, was detected. The epitrochlear lymph node aspirate showed noncaseating epithelioid granulomas, multinucleate giant cells and asteroid bodies. Subsequent biopsy of 1 of the subcutaneous nodules corroborated the aspiration cytology findings. Following the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, other investigations were done. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 66 mm at the end of 1 hour, Mantoux test was negative, and chest radiograph showed bilateral reticulonodular shadows. Angiotensin-converting enzyme level was significantly elevated. CONCLUSION: This case draws attention to 1 of the rare cytologic findings of sarcoidosis. Differentiation from other granulomatous lesions, especially when special stains are negative, is difficult. In our case, a lymph node aspirate showing asteroid bodies in a background of granulomatous inflammation supported the diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pituitary carcinomas are extremely rare tumors of the adenohypophysis. The presence of craniospinal and/or systemic extracranial metastases is the only reliable criterion for the diagnosis of pituitary carcinoma. To date, only 2 cases have been reported correctly by fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). We present an additional case of pituitary carcinoma with FNAB features. CASE: A 60-year-old woman presented with clinical features of Cushing's disease and a pituitary tumor. She underwent transsphenoidal resection of the tumor. The initial diagnosis was an adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)-producing invasive pituitary adenoma. The patient presented again with neck pain 6 years after the operation. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed metastatic tumor masses at the level of C5-C6 of the cervical vertebrae. Intraoperative fine needle aspiration and incomplete excision of metastatic tumors were performed. Cytologically, tumor cells were composed of a combination of loose groups and single cells. Neoplastic cells had a relatively monotonous appearance and displayed characteristic neuroendocrine tumor features. Immunocytochemistry from cell block sections revealed AE1/ AE3, synaptophysin chromogranin A and ACTH positivity in the tumor cells. CONCLUSION: Pituitary carcinoma with extracranial systemic metastases demonstrates typical neuroendocrine features on fine needle aspiration. In the differential diagnosis, metastatic neuroendocrine carcinomas should be kept in mind. In the absence of sufficient clinical data, these 2 entities cannot be distinguished correctly through the cytologic features.  相似文献   



Treatment of femoral neck fractures in young adults may require total hip arthroplasty or hip hemiarthroplasty using a bipolar cup. The latter can, however, result in migration of the femoral head and poor long-term results.

Case presentation

We report a case of femoral head migration after hemiarthroplasty performed for femoral neck fracture that had occurred 22 years earlier, when the patient (a Japanese man) was 20 years old. He experienced peri-prosthetic fracture of the femur, subsequent migration of the prosthesis, and a massive bone defect of the pelvic side acetabular roof. After bone union of the femoral shaft fracture, the patient was referred to our hospital for reconstruction of the acetabular roof. Intra-operatively, we placed two alloimplants of bone from around the transplanted femoral head into the weight-bearing region of the acetabular roof using an impaction bone graft method. We then implanted an acetabular roof reinforcement plate and a cemented polyethylene cup in the position of the original acetabular cup. Eighteen months post-operatively, X-rays showed union of the transplanted bone.


Treatment of femoral neck fractures in young adults is usually accomplished by osteosynthesis, but it may be complicated by femoral head avascular necrosis or by infection or osteomyelitis. In such cases, once an infection has subsided, either hip hemiarthroplasty using a bipolar cup or total hip arthroplasty may be required. However, if the acetabular side articular cartilage is damaged, a bipolar cup should not be used. Total hip arthroplasty should be performed to prevent migration of the implant.  相似文献   



Hemoptysis is a significant clinical presentation in respiratory medicine. Often a life threatening emergency, it mandates prompt assessment and intervention. Various investigations and management protocols are proposed globally, to advocate a standardized approach towards patients presenting with hemoptysis. It is the etiology, however, that has been known to influence clinical outcome and prognosis. With marked contrast in geographical patterns of pulmonary pathologies, etiological agents for hemoptysis vary over the world. Studies in West, usually demonstrate neoplastic and non-granulomatous causes to be the leading agents for hemoptysis. The diagnostic accuracy of various investigations and efficacy of management alternatives has been established there. Developing nations differ in their burden of diseases of lung. Lack of health resources and initiative often prevent quality research in critical areas.


This is a retrospective observational study with a cross-sectional design in which charts of all patients admitted with the presentation of haemoptysis in the past ten years will be reviewed, at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. A series of variables, based on previous literature on haemoptysis related to the objectives of present study, will be determined in the study. Demographics, co-morbids and etiology will be determined. Findings of various investigation modalities and their accuracy in localizing the bleeding site will be determined. Efficacy of different management strategies will also be observed. Also observed will be any complications and follow-up.


Pakistan is a third world nation of over 150 million, established as highly endemic for pulmonary tuberculosis. To date no study has been generated to look into hemoptysis patterns, in this nation. Lack of evidence based medicine poses a major hindrance towards confident decision-making in the approach towards a patient presenting with hemoptysis in this country. This study is devised to obtain the first insight in this direction, from this part of the world. The etiologies, accuracy of various investigations and efficacy of treatment options will be investigated. The results and conclusions will prove to be of value not just for health administrators in this country, but many other regions that share similarities in patterns of pulmonary pathologies.  相似文献   

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