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This study evaluates the ethanol toxicity for fetal development at different circadian stages. Pregnant mice were given a single intraperitoneal ethanol injection on day 7, 8, or 10 of gestation at one of four circadian stages (0700, 1300, 1900, or 0100 hr). The dams were killed on the day before term (day 18). Prenatal exposure to ethanol resulted in an increased number of resorptions, reduced fetal body weight, and produced an increased incidence of external alterations. The severity of damage was related to the dose, the period of gestation, and particularly to the circadian stage at the time of treatment. Ethanol had the greatest effect on the embryo of a mouse when administered at the mid-dark span. Consequently exposure to a single dose of ethanol at one time or another along the 24-hr time scale during organogenesis has important implications for the substantially increased risk.  相似文献   

The influence of food and water intake on renal function was assessed by comparisons between the hyperphagic Zucker obese rat and its lean littermate, which demonstrates nocturnal dominance in activity. Serum creatinine and cortisol levels, creatine kinase activities, creatinine and urine clearances, and sodium and potassium excretion rates were measured over a 24-hour period in both lean and obese rats (n = 24 each). Six rats in each group were studied every 8 h to permit characterization over a 12-hour light/dark cycle at 2-hour intervals. Urine and creatinine clearances were increased in lean rats during the dark phase coincident with onset of eating. Similarly, renal sodium and potassium excretion rates were markedly increased during the dark cycle, despite relatively constant serum potassium and sodium levels over the 24-hour period. In contrast, no circadian patterns in urine and creatinine clearances were found in the obese rat, which exhibits continuous feeding habits throughout the 24-hour period. Moreover, renal electrolyte excretion in the obese rat was modestly increased during the dark cycle, unlike the significant differences over time observed in lean rats. Serum creatinine levels were increased during the dark cycle in both rat groups. Creatine kinase activity, a measure of ambulatory activity, was constant in lean rats during the study period. Although creatine kinase activity was increased in obese rats during the dark cycle, no correlations with renal functional parameters were found. These results indicate that differences in food and water intake are significant determinants in diurnal cyclic changes in renal function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prenatal rat embryo exposure to retinoids induces severe malformations in various organs; the most active and teratogenic metabolite is all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA). The mechanisms of this embryopathy are only partly known. In the present study, the influence of glycine on the teratogenicity of atRA was investigated. METHODS: Embryos from 5 groups of white rats were studied: Group 1 remained untreated; Group 2 received glycine 2% in drinking water ad libitum from the first gestational day (GD 1); Group 3 was administered vehicle (corn oil); Group 4 was treated with atRA (50 mg/kg of body weight) injected (IP); and Group 5 was treated with atRA (50 mg/kg of body weight IP) plus glycine 2% in drinking water ad libitum from GD 1. atRA was administrated daily from GD 8-10. Dams were killed on the 21st day of pregnancy, and their fetuses were examined to detect external, visceral, and skeletal malformations. RESULTS: The results show that the atRA-administered dose is not toxic for the dams, and that although fetal death was not observed, it produced abnormalities in the fetuses. Glycine reduced atRA-induced teratogenic effects (external and skeletal defects). CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that glycine effectively reduces the teratogenic effects of atRA. Thus, glycine might be useful for the prevention of vitamin A teratogenicity.  相似文献   

K Amemiya  C L Keen  L S Hurley 《Teratology》1986,34(3):321-334
The relationship between 6-mercaptopurine-induced alterations in mineral metabolism and the teratogenic effects of the drug were investigated. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diets containing 4.5, 100, or 1,000 micrograms Zn per 1 g diet. On day 11 of gestation, dams were given intraperitoneal injections of 6-mercaptopurine (27.5 mg/kg). At term, dams fed the 1,000-micrograms Zn per 1 g diet showed fewer drug-induced deleterious effects on reproduction and embryogenesis than did those fed lower levels of zinc. Mineral analysis of maternal and fetal tissues revealed pronounced effects of 6-mercaptopurine on metabolism of zinc, copper, iron, calcium, and magnesium. The results of this study indicate that 6-mercaptopurine teratogenesis may be due in part to drug-induced changes in mineral metabolism.  相似文献   

The administration of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) has been reported to improve cholestasis in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis or sclerosing cholangitis. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that UDCA similarly might reduce cholestasis induced by drugs. Rats were treated with three different drugs reported to induce cholestasis: 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol, alpha-napthylisothiocyanate, and cyclosporine A. UDCA administration (0.4.g/day-1.k-1 before and during administration of the cholestatic drug) did not improve survival, food intake, or serum indicators of cholestasis in any of these three animal models of cholestasis. To the extent that drug-induced cholestasis in rats mimics the human situation, we conclude that UDCA probably will not be beneficial in drug-induced cholestasis in humans.  相似文献   

The activity of cytochrome P-450 reductase was measured in liver microsomes prepared from adult male rats which had been surgically adrenalectomized, pinealectomized, pinealectomized-adrenalectomized, or sham adrenalectomized-pinealectomized and from intact controls. Rats of each class were killed at 1, 4, 6, 10 hours after the beginning of the light period and 1, 4, 6, 10 hours after the lights were turned off (dark period). The activity of cytochrome P-450 reductase shows a significant diurnal variation in the control group with minimum and maximum at 1 and 10 hours after dark, respectively. The rhythm was altered in the animals surgically treated and the average reductase activity was decreased.  相似文献   

Development of the external genitalia in rat fetuses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Development of the external genitalia in rat fetuses was studied with special reference to the formation of the labia pudenda and the determination of the stage at which the sex difference could be recognized from changes in the external structures. The urogenital fold located on either side of the external structures. The urogenital fold located on either side of the urogenital groove gradually enlarges and begins to enclose the genital tubercle with its counter fold on day 20 of gestation. Thus, the urogenital folds, which are known to become the labia minora and the prepuce of clitoris in the human, are differentiated only into the prepuce of clitoris in the rat. The genital swellings situated caudally to the urogenital folds are not well developed and come to be inconspicuously flat in situ at the end of gestation. However, the labia majora are formed by the time of puberty when the vagina opens. Therefore, it seems that the genital swellings contribute to the formation of the labia majora after birth. Sex difference in development of the external genitalia is recognized on day 17 of gestation; a small oval urogenital orifice is larger in male than in female and the genital swellings are better developed in male than in female.  相似文献   

MPA (medroxyprogeste)rone acetate) has been shown to be te)ratogenic in rabbits but not in rats or mice (Andrew and Staples 1977). Since normal steroid action appears to be mediated, in large part, through interaction with specific steroid receptors, it was postulated that the species difference in teratogenicity might be due to a difference in the interaction of MPA with target cells. A primary event in steroid-cell interaction is the binding of a steroid to intracellular receptors. Studies were initiated to measure the specific nature of MPA binding to glucocorticoid and progestin receptors in appropriate rat and rabbit target tissues. The competition of MPA with 3H-dexamethasone binding in liver cytosol (glucocorticoid receptor) and with 3H-progesterone binding in uterine cytosol (progesterone receptor) was determined. In rabbit liver cytosol, MPA was as effective at competing for specific dexamethasone binding as the natural glucocorticoids and considerably more effective than the nonspecific steroids. In rat liver cytosol MPA was only 10% as effective as the natural glucocorticoids and the competition could not be distinguished from that of nonspecific steroids. A similar species difference was not seen in uterine cytosol; MPA competed with progesterone in a similar fashion in both rat and rabbit. These data demonstrate a distinct species difference in the competitive nature of MPA for the glucocorticoid receptor but not for the progestin receptor. The results suggest that MPA, or possibly a metabolite, may be teratogenic in rabbits by binding with specific glucocorticoid receptors to inhibit or alter normal steroidal function in embryo-fetal development.  相似文献   

Non--stress levels of plasma melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) and corticosterone were determined at 3-h intervals during controlled light--dark cycles in adult, male rats. Significant 24-h periodicity was demonstrated for both plasma MSH and corticosterone. Whereas plasma MSH values were not as high during the early evening hours as during the early morning hours, plasma corticosterone levels showed a marked rise during the early afternoon and crest values occurred just before the lights off phase of the 24-h light--dark cycle. These results indicate that in the rat, the level of MSH in plasma fluctuates with a low amplitude circadian frequency which is not in phase with that observed for plasma corticosterone.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats were injected ip with 6 mg/kg 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN) at day 12 of gestation. Embryos removed between 1 and 48 h later had reduced adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations, of about 50% of control values. All fetuses examined near term were malformed. Nicotinamide (NAM, 100 mg/kg) given ip 1 h after 6-AN afforded protection: malformations occurred in only 15% of the survivors; and there was minimal ATP reduction, 15% below control values. NAM given 2 and 4 h after 6-AN produced intermediate ATP concentrations and malformation frequencies. Thus, there was a relation between the embryotoxic and ATP-depressant actions of 6-AN in day 12 rat embryos.  相似文献   

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