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An experimental study of the mechanisms and patterns of resistance to Plasmodium berghei in different mosquito species revealed a diversity of factors which prevent or inhibit sporogonic development in its different phases and in different sites in the mosquito vector. The experiments showed that Culex salinarius was a totally resistant species in which exflagellation and ookinete formation are prevented. In Aedes aegypti, ookinetes in small or moderate numbers are formed but penetration of the mosquito midgut wall is blocked and oocysts are not formed. In the three experimental vectors, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Anopheles aztecus, and Anopheles stephensi grades of enhanced susceptibility are recognized. They are expressed in lesser numbers of abnormal and degenerative oocysts, in higher numbers of sporozoites in the salivary gland, and greater viability and invasiveness of these sporozoites. In Anopheles dureni, the natural vector of rodent malaria, one observes both in nature and under experimental conditions the highest adaptation and most pronounced grade of susceptibility to P. berghei.  相似文献   

Plasmodium lophurae hemozoin (malarial pigment) is composed of proteinaceous macromolecules bonded to iron III protoporphyrin IX by coordination bonding, van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic interactions but not by covalent bonding. Hemozoin is not composed of partially degraded globin peptides coordinated to heme, since fragments of molecular size less than that of globin monomers were not observed by SDS-PAGE. Two major polypeptides constituted the macromolecular portion of hemozoin; these had molecular weights of 21,000 and 15,000. The 21,000-molecular-weight protein is probably of parasite origin. The 15,000-molecular-weight polypeptide is believed to consist of globin monomers, and indicates the presence of irreversibly denatured hemoglobin (hemiglobin), as a constituent of hemozoin. The formation of hemozoin is hypothesized to play the following roles: protection of the parasite against molecular oxygen and compartmentation of the iron porphyrin which is a product of hemoglobin digestion by the plasmodium.  相似文献   

A comparison of metabolically labeled proteins from continuous in vitro and in vivo derived Plasmodium falciparum revealed both similarities and differences. Metabolic labeling of synchronized cultures showed that the uptake of label increased as the parasites matured from the ring to the schizont stage in both cultures. Also, in both continuous in vitro and in vivo derived cultures, prominent high-molecular-weight proteins were synthesized during the late developmental stages. However, the continuous in vitro cultured parasites incorporated twice as much of the label at each stage as did the in vivo derived parasites. Immunoprecipitation with serum samples from vaccinated Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra monkeys revealed major differences involving protein antigens that migrated in the molecular weight regions of b (Mr = 152,000), c (Mr = 143,000), j (Mr = 82,700), and n (Mr = 57,400). These antigens were more readily detected in the continuous in vitro cultured schizonts than in the in vivo derived schizonts.  相似文献   

Immunization of chickens by intravenous inoculation of preparations derived from blood infected with Plasmodium galinaceum led to reduced infectivity to mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) during subsequently induced blood infection but had little effect on the course of asexual parasitemia. Immunization with preparations containing intracellular gametocytes was much less effective than immunization with preparations in which the extracellular gametes had been released during gametogenesis (emergence and exflagellation) prior to inoculation. By far the most effective material were preparations of partially purified gametes of both sexes. Three weekly inoculations of this material resulted in 99.99% suppression of infectivity to mosquitoes during subsequently induced blood infection. Preparations of purified gamete material from which gametes of one or another sex were absent were considerably less effective as transmission-blocking immunogens than the mixed gamete preparation. It is possible that the two sexes of gamete act synergistically to induce transmission-blocking immunity.  相似文献   

Heat-inactivated serum from chickens with transmission-blocking immunity to Plasmodium gallinaceum prevented the in vitro development of oökinetes from gametocytes of P. gallinaceum only when present during the period between the initiation of gametogeriesis and the release of the microgametes. When added after this time immune serum failed to suppress oökinete development. Immune serum did not prevent the formation of gametes from gametocytes. These results are interpreted to indicate that immune serum contains factors which prevent fertilization of the malarial gametes but which do not affect the development of the zygote once fertilization has taken place. Two distinct reactions of malarial gametes with serum from chickens with transmission-suppressing immunity are described—the gamete-agglutination (AG) reaction and the microgamete surface-fixation (SF) reaction. Both reactions were associated with the immunoglobulin fraction of immune serum. The presence of SF antibodies during a blood infection correlated closely with effective transmission-blocking immunity in vivo; AG antibodies, on the other hand, were present in various circumstances in the absence of transmission-blocking immunity. AG and SF antibodies occurred not only in birds immunized with P. gallinaceum-gamete preparations but also during or following infections in unimmunized birds; SF antibodies appeared only following the peak of asexual infection in unimmunized birds and were of low titer. In immunized birds blood infections following live challenge invariably boosted low levels of SF antibodies. The results of immunization of chickens and Rhesus monkeys with gametes of their respective malaria parasites, P. gallinaceum and P. knowlesi, are compared.  相似文献   

Infection of BALB/c mice with Plasmodium berghei results in an anemia which is excessive to that which can be accounted for solely by direct destruction of infected erythrocytes by the mature schizonts at the time of merozoite release. Mice infected with 104 infected erythrocytes exhibited a progressive anemia beginning on Day 7. Significant reticulocytosis was first observed on Day 9 and parasitemia tended to parallel reticulocytosis with a lag of about 1 day. In studies of erythrophagocytosis, washed erythrocytes from randomly selected mice infected with 105 infected red blood cells were phagocytized by peritoneal macrophages in vitro to a significantly greater extent on Days 3–5 postinfection than were erythrocytes taken from normal controls. The degree of erythrophagocytosis reached a peak on Day 4 and returned to control levels on Days 6 and 7. Erythrocytes taken from infected animals on Day 7 and incubated in normal plasma were phagocytized to a significantly greater extent than were normal erythrocytes incubated in normal plasma or erythrocytes from infected mice incubated in plasma from infected animals. The enhanced in vitro erythrophagocytosis observed on Days 3–5, which preceded and coincided with the beginning of the early-onset anemia on Day 5, may correlate with in vivo phenomena which may contribute to the developing anemia. Furthermore, the restoration of enhanced erythrophagocytosis by normal plasma seems to indicate that some component(s) of normal plasma may be depleted during the early stages of P. berghei infection.  相似文献   

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