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Among microtine rodents, reaction to chemical cues from conspecifics is assumed to reflect social and spatial relationships. Generally, strong attraction of particular odours correlates with non‐aggressive behaviour and high spatial tolerance towards odour donors, whereas weak attraction correlates with greater levels of aggression and spatial segregation. In the present study, we examined whether winter odour preferences of the snow vole Chionomys nivalis, a rock‐dwelling microtine principally found at high‐mountainous regions, differ from that of other vole species, owing to their different social organization during overwintering periods. The social structure of C. nivalis over the winter period is relatively unusual among vole species in that they become nomadic and solitary. In odour choice trials under laboratory conditions, we found that both males and females avoided zones with conspecific odours of both sexes in comparison with unscented control zones or own odours. These results are consistent with the elevated levels of intraspecific aggression and spatial isolation of C. nivalis during overwintering periods. Furthermore, scent‐elicited self‐grooming increased when their own odour was offered against conspecific cues. This, in combination with an active avoidance of conspecific odours, might functionally contribute to minimize direct confrontations between solitary individuals, thereby reducing the risks of aggressive encounters during overwintering periods.  相似文献   

Intrasexual selection can occur through direct aggressive interactions between males for access to females. We tested the relationship between social dominance and male reproductive success among meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus. Dominance ranks of wild‐caught males were determined using neutral arena trials, with the winner of two of three trials considered dominant. These males were then released into field enclosures and allowed to visit females housed in nestboxes for 8 wk, and males’ home range sizes were determined using weekly grid trapping. Male reproductive success was determined using molecular paternity analysis (six microsatellite primers) for all pups born during the field experiment. Males with higher dominance ranks had larger home ranges. However, male dominance rank was not predictive of the number of total visits to females’ nestboxes or the number of visits to each male's most frequently visited nestbox. Males that made more visits to nestboxes sired more litters. Males that had higher dominance ranks sired fewer litters. These results suggest that there is a reproductive disadvantage to having higher dominance rank among male meadow voles.  相似文献   

The most genetically divergent populations of the European snow vole Chionomys nivalis occupy the extreme eastern range of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. It was recently suggested that subspecies C. n. spitzenbergerae from the Central Taurus Mountains (Turkey) represents a highly divergent lineage of C. nivalis from the Alada? Range which induced us to address its status by examining topotype specimens. Two females karyotyped displayed 54 mitotic chromosomes of 25 acrocentric autosomal pairs. One of the smallest autosomal pairs was heteromorphic in both specimens, consisting of a submetacentric and an acrocentric chromosomes (NFa = 53). Cytochrome b sequences however unambiguously clustered both individuals with reference sequences from C. nivalis from Turkey. We conclude that a deviant haplotype from the Alada? Range does not represent C. n. spitzenbergerae. Its taxonomic identity was not resolved in our study. Further attention should be devoted to snow voles from Central Anatolia and Western Iran, which are characterized by cranial peculiarities.  相似文献   

In alpine environments, colonies of snow vole (Chionomys nivalis Martins) cause strong pedoturbation, which may affect humification process and soil organic matter (SOM) cycling, with repercussions on the hormone‐like activity of organics. We investigated the effect of snow vole pedoturbation on the chemical and spectroscopic features of soil organic fractions, and the potential hormone‐like activity of humic and fulvic acids (HA, FA). The study site was located on the high‐mountain environment of the Majella massif (central Italy). Pedoturbated and regular soils were morphologically described and characterized for pH and content of total organic carbon, total extractable carbon, HA, and FA. Both HA and FA were extracted and investigated using attenuated total reflectance/Fourier transform infrared (ATR/FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance with high‐resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS‐NMR), and 1H‐13C heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC). HA and FA were also tested for their auxin‐like and gibberellin‐like activities. Results provide evidences that bioturbated and regular soils contain a poorly decomposed SOM, but HA and FA with a well‐defined molecular structure. The HA and FA from both bioturbated and regular soils show a hormone‐like activity with a different allocation along the soil profile. In the regular soil, the highest auxin‐like activity was shown by HA and FA from Oe1 horizon, while gibberellin‐like activity was expressed by FA from Oe2 horizon. Burrowing activity determines a redistribution of organics throughout the profile with a relatively high auxin‐like activity in the FA from straw tunnel wall (STW) and gibberellin‐like activity in the HA from vole feces (VF). The relative high presence of carboxylic acids, amides, proteins, and amino acids in the FA from STW and the aromatic moieties in the HA from VF put evidences for their different behavior. The fact that snow vole activity has modified the chemical and biological properties of SOM in these soils otherwise considered governed only by low temperature has important ecological implications such as the preservation of soil fertility and vegetal biodiversity.  相似文献   

Organisms Diversity & Evolution - The complete mitochondrial DNA (mitogenome) sequences of Chionomys nivalis and C. roberti were first presented as reference mitogenomes by the current study...  相似文献   

An individual's nutritional status affects the manner in which same‐ and opposite‐sex conspecifics respond to that individual, which may affect their fitness. Male meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, increase their sperm allocation if they encounter the scent mark of an unfamiliar male that is not nutritionally challenged. If, however, the scent mark comes from a male that has been food deprived for 24 h, stud male voles do not increase their sperm allocation. Food‐deprived males may be viewed as being lower quality and a reduced risk of sperm competition by rival males. We hypothesized that stud males in promiscuous mating systems tailor their sperm allocations depending on whether rival males have been food deprived and then re‐fed. We predicted that newly re‐fed males will be considered a strong risk of sperm competition because of the potentially high fitness and survival costs associated with food deprivation in males, and that they will cause stud males to increase their sperm allocation. Our results, however, showed that the recovery period from 24 h of food deprivation was a relatively slow process. It took between 96 and 336 h of re‐feeding male scent donors that were food deprived for 24 h to induce stud males to increase their sperm allocation to levels comparable to when scent donors were not food deprived. Stud male voles may be conserving the amount of sperm allocated until the male scent donors have recovered from food deprivation and subsequent re‐feeding.  相似文献   

Little is known about the occurrence of individual variation in sexual behavior and how maternal nutrition can affect this variation. We tested the hypothesis that male offspring of female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, that were 30% food restricted (FR) during days 1–7 of lactation (FR 1–7), days 8–14 of lactation (FR 8–14), or late days 15–21 of lactation (FR 15–21) lactation show persistent, negative effects on their sexual behavior as adults relative to male offspring of females that were not food restricted. We measured three components of sexual behavior, attractivity, proceptivity, and receptivity, beginning when the males were 98 d of age. Food restriction during middle lactation (FR 8–14) but not during early (FR 1–7) and late lactation (FR 15–21) was sufficient to induce adult male voles to produce anogenital marks that were not as attractive as those produced by control males. Food restriction during lactation did not affect the proceptive behavior of male voles but did affect their receptivity. Only four of 12 FR 8–14 male voles mated compared to nine of 12 FR 1–7 males, eight of 12 FR 15–21 males, and eight of 11 control males. However, no differences existed in their copulatory behavior among the males that did mate. The body weight of FR 1–7 and FR 8–14 males was lower than that of FR 15–21 and control males when they were between 22 d of age (weaning) and 48 d of age (puberty) but was similar when the males were 98 d of age. Food intake was similar for the FR and control males between day 22 and day 98. It remains unclear, however, whether this type of maternal effect represents strategic programing of offspring behavior in response to the environment experienced by mothers or is a product of developmental processes of food restriction prior to weaning (Evolution 58 , 2004, 2574).  相似文献   

During the breeding season, the reproductive condition of female mammals changes. Females may or may not be sexually receptive. We conducted a series of experiments to determine whether reproductive condition of female meadow voles affects their scent marking behavior as well as the scent marking behavior of male conspecifics. In expt 1, females in postpartum estrus (PPE females) deposited more scent marks than females that were neither pregnant nor lactating (REF females) or ovariectomized females (OVX females). In expt 2, male voles scent marked more and deposited more over‐marks in areas marked by PPE females than by REF and OVX females. In expt 3, PPE females deposited more scent marks and over‐marks in areas marked by males than did females in the other reproductive states. The results of these experiments showed that male and female voles may vary in the number, type and location of scent marks they deposit in areas scented by particular conspecifics.  相似文献   

Social interaction and spatial distribution among male mice (Mus musculus) were observed. The enclosure was divided into three compartments, left, right and center. Each side compartment contained two males for 3 d and then the doors that led to the center compartment were opened for 7 d. The dominant male was removed 3 d after the opening day. The results indicate that the dominant male monopolized its own territory including the compartment where it had dwelt before opening the doors. The other subordinates huddled together in the opposite compartment. The dominant male patrolled more frequendy than subordinates and sometimes attacked subordinates. One of the subordinates rapidly became dominant after the removal of the dominant male. The secondary dominant male monopolized the familiar area and attacked subordinates, as the dominant male had done.  相似文献   

布氏田鼠雄性的优势地位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在实验条件下对雄性成年布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)相遇后的优势地位及生理指标的研究结果表明:布氏田鼠雄性之间存在严格的等级关系;优势雄鼠生理指标中睾丸重量和血清睾酮激素含量高于从属雄鼠,而血清中皮质醇激素的含量低于从属雄鼠。优势雄鼠的探究、攻击和修饰等行为频次显著高于从属雄鼠,而从属雄鼠在跳跃频次上多于优势雄鼠。随着观察时间的延长,不论优势个体还是从属个体,其探究频次都呈现明显的下降趋势,其他行为的频次则没有显著差异。相关性检验说明,除攻击行为可以作为判断区分雄鼠等级的依据之外,修饰行为也可以作为判断的依据。  相似文献   

Caregiving by nonparents (alloparenting) and fathers is a defining aspect of human social behavior, yet this phenomenon is rare among mammals. Male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) spontaneously exhibit high levels of alloparental care, even in the absence of reproductive experience. In previous studies, exposure to a pup was selectively associated with increased activity in oxytocin and vasopressin neurons along with decreased plasma corticosterone. In the present study, physiological, pharmacological and neuroanatomical methods were used to explore the autonomic and behavioral consequences of exposing male prairie voles to a pup. Reproductively naïve, adult male prairie voles were implanted with radiotransmitters used for recording ECG, temperature and activity. Males responded with a sustained increase in heart-rate during pup exposure. This prolonged increase in heart rate was not explained by novelty, locomotion or thermoregulation. Although heart rate was elevated during pup exposure, respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) did not differ between these males and males exposed to control stimuli indicating that vagal inhibition of the heart was maintained. Blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors with atenolol abolished the pup-induced heart rate increase, implicating sympathetic activity in the pup-induced increase in heart rate. Blockade of vagal input to the heart delayed the males’ approach to the pup. Increased activity in brainstem autonomic regulatory nuclei was also observed in males exposed to pups. Together, these findings suggest that exposure to a pup activates both vagal and sympathetic systems. This unique physiological state (i.e. increased sympathetic excitation of the heart, while maintaining some vagal cardiac tone) associated with male caregiving behavior may allow males to both nurture and protect infants.  相似文献   

Models of age-related effects on behavior predict that among short-lived species younger adults are more attractive and attracted to opposite-sex conspecifics than are older adults, whereas the converse is predicted for long-lived species. Although most studies of age-related effects on behavior support these predictions, they are not supported by many studies of scent marking, a behavior used in mate attraction. Over-marking, a form of scent marking, is a tactic used by many terrestrial mammals to convey information about themselves to opposite-sex conspecifics. The present study tested the hypothesis that the age of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus ; a microtine rodent, affects their over- and scent-marking behaviors when they encounter the marks of opposite-sex conspecifics. Sex differences existed in the over-marking behavior of adult voles among the three different age groups that were tested. Male voles that were 5–7 and 10–12 mo olds over-marked a higher proportion of the marks of females than did 2–3 mo old male voles. Female voles that were 2–3, 5–7, and 10–12 mo old over-marked a similar number of marks deposited by male voles. Overall, the data were not consistent with models predicting the behavior of short-lived animals such as rodents when they encounter the opposite sex. The differences in over-marking displayed by older and younger adult male voles may be associated with life history tradeoffs, the likelihood that they will encounter sexually receptive females, and being selected as mates.  相似文献   

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is a potentially important axis of physiological adaptation to the thermal environment. However, our understanding of the causes and consequences of individual variation in RMR in the wild is hampered by a lack of data, as well as analytical challenges. RMR measurements in the wild are generally characterized by large measurement errors and a strong dependency on mass. The latter is problematic when assessing the ability of RMR to evolve independently of mass. Mixed models provide a powerful and flexible tool to tackle these challenges, but they have rarely been used to estimate repeatability of mass‐independent RMR from field data. We used respirometry to obtain repeated measurements of RMR in a long‐term study population of snow voles (Chionomys nivalis) inhabiting an environment subject to large circadian and seasonal fluctuations in temperature. Using both uni‐ and bivariate mixed models, we quantify individual repeatability in RMR and decompose repeatability into mass‐dependent and mass‐independent components, while accounting for measurement error. RMR varies among individuals, that is, is repeatable (R = .46) and strongly co‐varies with BM. Indeed, much of the repeatability of RMR is attributable to individual variation in BM, and the repeatability of mass‐independent RMR is reduced by 41% to R = .27. These empirical results suggest that the evolutionary potential of RMR independent of mass may be severely constrained. This study illustrates how to leverage bivariate mixed models to model field data for metabolic traits, correct for measurement error and decompose the relative importance of mass‐dependent and mass‐independent physiological variation.  相似文献   

Individuals in social species commonly form dominance relationships, where dominant individuals enjoy greater access to resources compared to subordinates. A range of factors such as sex, age, body size and prior experiences has to varying degrees been observed to affect the social status an individual obtains. Recent work on animal personality (i.e. consistent variation in behavioural responses of individuals) demonstrates that personality can co-vary with social status, suggesting that also behavioural variation can play an important role in establishment of status. We investigated whether personality could predict the outcome of duels between pairs of morphologically matched male domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus), a species where individuals readily form social hierarchies. We found that males that more quickly explored a novel arena, or remained vigilant for a longer period following the playback of a warning call were more likely to obtain a dominant position. These traits were uncorrelated to each other and were also uncorrelated to aggression during the initial part of the dominance-determining duel. Our results indicate that several behavioural traits independently play a role in the establishment of social status, which in turn can have implications for the reproductive success of different personality types.  相似文献   

Capsule: The first national survey for Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis in the UK was carried out in 2011 and estimated the breeding population at 60 territories (95% confidence intervals?=?48–83).

Aims: To estimate breeding population size for Snow Buntings in the UK by surveying all sites with a history of breeding season occupation.

Methods: Surveys were carried out in June 2011 to detect males on territory at sites where Snow Bunting had been recorded during the breeding season since 1970. Each site was visited at least once during the survey period; suitable habitat was searched and vantage point watches were conducted in order to detect singing males. Repeated visits to a sample of sites allowed a correction factor to be calculated in order to account for birds undetected during surveys.

Results: In 2011, the number of Snow Bunting breeding in the UK (including adjusting for imperfect detection) is a minimum of 60 territories (95% CI?=?48–83) using confirmed and probable breeding records of males. A less conservative estimate of 99 territories (95% CI?=?88–114) results from including all records of males in suitable habitat. The vast majority of the population was found in the Cairngorm region, with isolated records in the north and west Highlands.

Conclusion: The results of the 2011 survey are consistent with well-informed estimates of the Snow Bunting population made previously. This work provides a baseline and repeatable fieldwork and analytical methods enabling future change in the population to be quantified more rigorously.  相似文献   

人工饲养条件下根田鼠肥满度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验室条件下,利用根田鼠1~70日龄体重和体长数据,计算其肥满度指数,目的在于分析其生长发育的基本规律。结果表明,根田鼠1~70日龄肥满度存在性别差异且随日龄增加而增大;雌雄个体的发育不同步;常见曲线回归模型对根田鼠1~70日龄的肥满度不能准确拟合,根据其生长发育状况,将其划分为3个阶段(其中幼体和成体阶段各含2个阶段)。  相似文献   

The assumption of a linear dominance hierarchy accounted for 78% of the outcomes of aggressive interactions in a group of 26 mature male American bison (Bison bison) during a breeding season. All recorded interactions between bulls were initiated aggressively, and 88% of all interactions were won by the initiator. The dominant-subordinant roles were reversed at least once in most dyads during the three weeks. Neither age nor body weight were correlated with high social standing. Bulls with higher social standing had higher breeding rates.  相似文献   

In this study, the hypothesis that individual recognition is used as a cue to reduce the cost of contesting resources in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, was addressed. The predictions were that the second contest between familiar individuals should be settled with less aggression, and lower probability of status reversal, than a contest between strangers. To test these predictions, similar-sized juvenile rainbow trout were subjected to two dyadic dominance contests in one of four treatment groups: in half of the pairs, the initially subordinate and dominant individuals were staged against an unfamiliar opponent (of opposite rank to their own) in a second contest, while in the other the initial pair was reunited for the second contest. Further, in half of the pairs, contestants were separated for 3 d between contests, while in the other the second contest was staged immediately after the first. Levels of aggression in contests between familiar individuals were lower than in contests between strangers, which supports the hypothesis that individual recognition reduces aggression. Dominance status was reversed in 31% of the 62 tested pairs. Although the probability of status reversal was not significantly affected by individual recognition, the degree of change in competitive success appeared to be lower in familiar pairs. Separation interacted with familiarity so that the effect of individual recognition generally was less pronounced when pairs were separated between contests, suggesting that the ability to remember opponents is time/limited. In natural streams, salmonids may use individual recognition to reduce the cost of contesting resources within groups, to reduce aggression between territory neighbours and to distinguish ‘cheaters’ from honest signallers.  相似文献   

The maternal environment has been shown to influence female olfactory preferences through early chemosensory experience. However, little is known about the influence of the maternal environment on chemosignals. In this study, we used two inbred mouse strains, C57BL/6 (C57) and BALB/c (BALB), and explored whether adoption could alter male chemosignals and thus influence female olfactory preferences. In Experiment 1, C57 pups were placed with BALB dams. Adult BALB females then served as the subjects in binary choice tests between paired male urine odours (BALB vs. C57, BALB vs. adopted C57 and C57 vs. adopted C57). In Experiment 2, BALB pups were placed with C57 dams, and C57 females served as the subjects in binary choice tests between paired male urine odours (C57 vs. BALB, C57 vs. adopted BALB, and BALB vs. adopted BALB). In both experiments, we found that females preferred the urine of males from different genetic backgrounds, suggesting that female olfactory preferences may be driven by genetic compatibility. Cross-fostering had subtle effects on female olfactory preferences. Although the females showed no preference between the urine odours of adopted and non-adopted males of the other strain, the BALB females preferred the urine odour of BALB males to that of adopted C57 males, whereas the C57 females showed no preference between the urine odour of C57 and adopted BALB males. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and stepwise discriminant analysis, we found that the ratios of volatile chemicals from urine and preputial gland secretions were altered in the fostered male mice; these changes may have resulted in the behavioural changes observed in the females. Overall, the results suggest that female mice prefer urine odours from males with different genetic backgrounds; this preference may be driven by genetic compatibility. The early maternal environment influences the chemosignals of males and thus may influence the olfactory preferences of females. Our study provides additional evidence in support of genotype-dependent maternal influences on phenotypic variability in adulthood.  相似文献   

Mating and consequently reproductive success in male vertebrates are predominantly determined by intermale competition and female mate choice. Their relative importance however, is still poorly understood. We investigated the interrelationship between male dominance rank — a formal indicator of male competitive ability — female mate choice, and male mating success in a multimale-multifemale group of captive chimpanzees. In addition, we examined the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success determined by genetic paternity analysis over a 13-yr period in the same captive population. We related the frequencies of sociosexual behaviors to the female anogenital swelling stage and female fertile phase as determined by urinary and fecal progestogen analysis. Rates of behaviors in both sexes increased with increasing intensity of female swelling, but they were not influenced by the timing of the fertile phase. Male mating success was clearly related to male dominance rank, with high-ranking males performing the overwhelming majority of copulations. This was mainly due to both rank-related rates of male soliciting behavior and intermale aggressiveness during the period of well-developed female anogenital swelling. Although females solicited copulations mainly from the high-ranking males and thus expressed a mate choice based on rank, their overall contribution in initiating copulations and thus influencing male mating success was low. The data on paternity from the population, which always contained 4 adult males, revealed that -males sired the majority (65%) of offspring. We conclude, that male dominance rank is an important determinant of male mating and reproductive success in captive (and presumably wild) chimpanzees and that female mate choice is of minor importance in modulating male reproductive outcome.  相似文献   

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