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Growth and survival of transplanted vegetation for salt marsh restoration can be greatly affected by edaphic conditions. We investigated the potential for an organic carbon sediment amendment, alginate, to enhance establishment and growth of Spartina alterniflora transplants, as well as colonization by macroinvertebrates commonly associated with S. alterniflora (Uca sp. and Littoraria irrorata). Plots were established in a bare mud area previously inhabited by S. alterniflora, and transplant rhizospheres were either treated with alginate or left unamended as controls. Growth of transplanted S. alterniflora and colonization by Uca sp. and L. irrorata were evaluated over portions of three growing seasons. Within the first month post-transplantation, a nonsignificant trend toward greater live stem density emerged, but disappeared completely by week ten. Both Uca sp. and L. irrorata densities were significantly greater in the alginate treatment compared to the control only during the first ten weeks post-transplantation. However, the initial organic content of the sediment in the transplant area was more than twice that in the adjacent natural marsh. Therefore, our findings suggest that a threshold level of sediment organic matter above which alginate addition does not confer an advantage on transplanted S. alterniflora may exist, and the conditions under which amendments are most beneficial to transplanted S. alterniflora should be determined.  相似文献   

Much of the phylogenetic diversity in microbial systems arises from rare taxa that comprise the long tail of taxon rank distribution curves. This vast diversity presents a challenge to testing hypotheses about the effects of perturbations on microbial community composition because variability of rare taxa among environmental replicates may be sufficiently large that it would require a prohibitive degree of sequencing to discern differences between samples. In this study we used pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA tags to examine the diversity and within-site variability of salt marsh sediment bacteria. Our goal was to determine whether pyrosequencing could produce similar patterns in community composition among replicate environmental samples from the same location. We hypothesized that repeated sampling from the same location would produce different snapshots of the rare community due to incomplete sequencing of the taxonomically rich rare biosphere. We demonstrate that the salt marsh sediments we sampled contain a remarkably diverse array of bacterial taxa and, in contrast to our hypothesis, repeated sampling from within the same site produces reliably similar patterns in bacterial community composition, even among rare organisms. These results demonstrate that deep sequencing of 16s tags is well suited to distinguish site-specific similarities and differences among rare taxa and is a valuable tool for hypothesis testing in microbial ecology.  相似文献   

The benthic (zoobenthos and microphytobenthos) and physical characteristics of intertidal sediments were studied in April and September 1997 on 10 locations, differing in elevation and exposure to tidal currents, situated on three mudflats in the mesohaline part of the Schelde estuary. Sediment characteristics were spatially and temporally relatively homogeneous among the sampling locations, all characterized by a high proportion of mud. It emerged that the nature of the sediment (in terms of granulometric characterization, organic matter) did not fully explain the substantial spatial and temporal (seasonal) variability in the benthos (pigment contents and benthic fauna), but that other environmental conditions explained the observed variability. Chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin contents in the top layer (0–0.5 cm) of the sediment were about 7 times higher in April than in September, but a large spatial variation was observed, especially in April, which was mainly attributed to a difference in elevation of the mudflats. The high pigment contents in April were accompanied by a relative low abundance of the benthic fauna. In April sub-surface deposit feeders, mainly Oligochaeta, were numerically most important in the 1000 and 500 m fraction of the zoobenthos, and Nematodes in the 250 m fraction. The surface deposit feeders Manayunkia aestuarina and Copepoda were locally very abundant, showing a strong positive correlation with elevation and pigment contents. The critical shear stress for erosion, measured in situ with the SedErode device, varied between 0.26 and 0.43 N m–2 in April. The critical shear stress for erosion was lower in September when pigment contents were significantly lower and benthic fauna abundance was higher. In September Corophium volutator, Heteromastus filiformis, Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica dominated the 1000 m fraction, Oligochaeta and C. volutator the 500 m fraction, and Nematodes, M. aestuarina, Oligochaeta and Copepoda the 250 m fraction. It is argued that in estuarine systems with high seasonal variability in river flow rate and therefore salinity, the upper-middle estuarine fauna may switch each year between an oligohaline and a mesohaline fauna, which result in communities that seldom progress beyond early benthic-community succession. The majority of the benthic infauna was found in the upper 3 cm in both seasons, with surface deposit feeders (e.g. C. volutator, M. aestuarina) mainly occurring in the top 1 cm of the sediment, showing a strong correlation with both elevation and pigment contents and sub-surface deposit feeders (e.g. H. filiformis, Oligochaeta) occurring deeper in the sediment, showing a positive correlation with the mud content of the sediment.  相似文献   

This study used microelectrodes to record pH profiles in fresh shelf sea sediment cores collected across a range of different sediment types within the Celtic Sea. Spatial and temporal variability was captured during repeated measurements in 2014 and 2015. Concurrently recorded oxygen microelectrode profiles and other sedimentary parameters provide a detailed context for interpretation of the pH data. Clear differences in profiles were observed between sediment type, location and season. Notably, very steep pH gradients exist within the surface sediments (10–20 mm), where decreases greater than 0.5 pH units were observed. Steep gradients were particularly apparent in fine cohesive sediments, less so in permeable sandier matrices. We hypothesise that the gradients are likely caused by aerobic organic matter respiration close to the sediment–water interface or oxidation of reduced species at the base of the oxic zone (NH4 +, Mn2+, Fe2+, S?). Statistical analysis suggests the variability in the depth of the pH minima is controlled spatially by the oxygen penetration depth, and seasonally by the input and remineralisation of deposited organic phytodetritus. Below the pH minima the observed pH remained consistently low to maximum electrode penetration (ca. 60 mm), indicating an absence of sub-oxic processes generating H+ or balanced removal processes within this layer. Thus, a climatology of sediment surface porewater pH is provided against which to examine biogeochemical processes. This enhances our understanding of benthic pH processes, particularly in the context of human impacts, seabed integrity, and future climate changes, providing vital information for modelling benthic response under future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

To thrive in a time of rapid sea‐level rise, tidal marshes will need to migrate upslope into adjacent uplands. Yet little is known about the mechanics of this process, especially in urbanized estuaries, where the adjacent upland is likely to be a mowed lawn rather than a wooded natural area. We studied marsh migration in a Long Island Sound salt marsh using detailed hydrologic, edaphic, and biotic sampling along marsh‐to‐upland transects in both wooded and lawn environments. We found that the overall pace of marsh development was largely unaffected by whether the upland being invaded was lawn or wooded, but the marsh‐edge plant communities that developed in these two environments were quite different, and some indicators (soil salinity, foraminifera) appeared to migrate more easily into lawns. In addition, we found that different aspects of marsh structure and function migrated at different rates: Wetland vegetation appeared to be a leading indicator of marsh migration, while soil characteristics such as redox potential and surface salinity developed later in the process. We defined a ‘hydrologic migration zone’, consisting of elevations that experience tidal inundation with frequencies ranging from 20% to 0.5% of high tides. This hydrologically defined zone – which extended to an elevation higher than the highest astronomical tide datum – captured the biotic and edaphic marsh‐upland ecotone. Tidal inundation at the upper border of this migration zone is highly variable over time and may be rising more rapidly than mean sea level. Our results indicate that land management practices at the upland periphery of tidal marshes can facilitate or impede ecosystem migration in response to rising sea level. These findings are applicable to large areas of tidal marsh along the U.S. Atlantic coast and in other urbanized coastal settings.  相似文献   

Variability in the hemocyte number of two geographic strains of Biomphalaria glabrata was studied. In each strain a logarithmic increase in hemocyte number associated with increasing shell size was observed. A two fold increase in circulating hemocytes occurred 2 hr following the exposure of a susceptible strain of B. glabrata to miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni. The hemocyte number was dependent on the temperatures at which the snails were maintained.  相似文献   

Experiments with a Warburg respirometer showed that a sediment slurry consumed hydrogen from a hydrogen atmosphere, and this consumption was not due to the activity of methanogenic bacteria. The hydrogren uptake was inhibited by the addition of 20 mM molybdate. Further experiments with sediment slurry held in conical flasks under an atmosphere of nitrogen showed that hydrogen accumulated in the headspace when bacterial sulfate reduction was inhibited either by the addition of 20 mM molybdate or by low (<5 mM) sulfate concentrations in the slurry. Methanogenesis was stimulated in the presence of a hydrogen atmosphere or by the addition of 20 mM molybdate. The results confirmed that hydrogren was an important electron donor for sulfate-reducing bacteria present in the sediment. The stimulation of methanogenesis by molybdate could be explained in part by a competition for hydrogen between sulfate-reducing bacteria and hydrogen-metabolizing methanogenic bacteria, but competition for another common substrate, possibly acetate, could also be significant.  相似文献   

The article discusses the probable role of many factors that determine the individual variety of the neurophysiological mechanisms that provide the opportunity to learn and use fluently two or more languages. The formation of the speech function is affected by both the general factors for bilinguals and monolinguals, as well as by the specific characteristic of bilingualism. General factors include genetic and environmental impacts explaining the diversity of individual options for the development of the morphofunctional organization of the speech function. Bilinguals, obviously, have an even wider variation of the central maintenance of speech ability, due to the combination of different conditions that influence the language environment, which include the age of second language acquisition, the language proficiency, the linguistic similarity of the languages, the method of their acquisition, intensity of use, and the area where each language is used. The influence of these factors can be mediated in different ways by the individual characteristics of the bilingual??s brain. Being exposed to two languages from the first days of life, the child uses for the development of speech skills the unique features of the brain that exist only at the initial stages of postnatal ontogenesis. At an older age, mastering a second language requires much more effort, when, in the course of maturation, the brain acquires new additional possibilities but permanently loses that special ??bonus?? that nature gives to a small child only in the first months of life. Large individual variability patterns of activation of the cortex during verbal activity in older bilinguals, compared with the younger ones, allows us to assume that the brain of the older bilingual mastering a new language is forced to manipulate a large number of backup mechanisms, and this is reflected in an increase in the variation of the cerebral processes responsible for speech functions. In addition, there is a serious reason to believe that learning a second language contributes to the expansion of the functional capabilities of the brain and creates the basis for successful cognitive activity.  相似文献   

Previous studies on Trinidadian guppies have shown an apparent association of genetic variability, expressed as mean heterozygosity (Ho) at allozyme loci, with river order: fish from lowland sites exhibit higher mean Ho than their upland counterparts. Detailed genetic and behavioural observations were undertaken in the present study by repeated sampling throughout two river courses to examine population heterogeneity. Results show that the predation regime mediated mating behaviour of upland and lowland populations in the wild is not as divergent as previous laboratory observations have suggested. Furthermore, genetic variation at the eight loci variable in Trinidadian populations (p100=0·13–O·88, H0=O·03–0·23) appears to bear little association with predation regime, but is related to sub-structuring of populations by habitat features and geographic isolation. We therefore conclude that the observed patterns of genetic variability arise primarily as a consequence of stochastic as opposed to deterministic factors.  相似文献   

The Archaea present in salt marsh sediment samples from a tidal creek and from an adjacent area of vegetative marshland, both of which showed active methanogenesis and sulfate reduction, were sampled by using 16S rRNA gene libraries created with Archaea-specific primers. None of the sequences were the same as reference sequences from cultured taxa, although some were closely related to sequences from methanogens previously isolated from marine sediments. A wide range of Euryarchaeota sequences were recovered, but no sequences from Methanococcus, Methanobacterium, or the Crenarchaeota were recovered. Clusters of closely related sequences were common and generally contained sequences from both sites, suggesting that some related organisms were present in both samples. Recovery of sequences closely related to those of methanogens such as Methanococcoides and Methanolobus, which can use substrates other than hydrogen, provides support for published hypotheses that such methanogens are probably important in sulfate-rich sediments and identifies some likely candidates. Sequences closely related to those of methanogens such as Methanoculleus and Methanogenium, which are capable of using hydrogen, were also discovered, in agreement with previous inhibitor and process measurements suggesting that these taxa are present at low levels of activity. More surprisingly, we recovered a variety of sequences closely related to those from different halophilic Archaea and a cluster of divergent sequences specifically related to the marine group II archaeal sequences recently shown by PCR and probing to have a cosmopolitan distribution in marine samples.  相似文献   

Three concentrations of the herbicide simazine were added to in situ macrophyte-free enclosures with and without sediment contact. Changes in the concentrations of total ammonia, total reactive phosphorus, and silicon were monitored, and net sediment flux was calculated from the difference in nutrient concentration between bottomed and unbottomed enclosures. Rates of sediment release for all three nutrients were unaltered by 0.1 mg · l–1 simazine in relation to a control, whereas rates were increased proportionally at 1.0 and 5.0 mg · l–1. These results suggest that increases in dissolved nutrients commonly observed following herbicide treatment of shallow waters may not be attributable solely to macrophyte decay, byt may also involve a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic sediment nutrient exchange processes.Contribution Number 103 from the University of Manitoba Field Station, Delta Marsh, Canada  相似文献   

The variation for embryo production in anther ofSolanum phureja was examined as a function of maximum greenhouse temperature prior to bud harvest and innate responsiveness among anthers within a bud. Four clones ofS. phuyreja were grown in a greenhouse under a 16-h photoperiod. The temperature was monitored continuously. Buds (60 per day on 10 days) were collected and the anthers cultured in two groups of five flasks (30 anthers per flask). In the first group, each flask contained the 30 anthers from six buds; in the second group, each flask contained one anther from each of 30 buds. Significantly smaller coefficients of variation were observed for the second group, suggesting that variation for embryogenic capcity among buds was greater than that among anthers within a bud. Variation in embryo yield as a function of greenhouse temperature was examined by stepwise regression analysis. Embryogenic capacity of one clone was adversely affected by high temperatures (31–37°C) that occurred two and seven days before bud harvest. However, similarly high temperatures appeared to enhance the androgenic response of another clone. Conversion of anther-derived embryos over three subcultures to fresh regeneration medium was examined as a function of anther donor or clone, cold pretreatment of embryos, and morphological classification of embryos. Only clonal origin significantly affected conversion rate which ranged from 12.5% to 46.0%. Conversion rate declined on each serial subculture.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid, IAA-indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Vegetation dieback is an important component of wetland loss in low salinity marshes of coastal Louisiana. A field experiment was conducted to determine the factors responsible for vegetation dieback within oligohaline marshes of Louisiana. Sections of marsh, dominated by Sagittaria lancifolia L., were transplanted into one of four locations depending on the treatment: (1) increased submergence—sods were lowered 15 cm below the donor marsh surface, (2) increased salinity—sods were transplanted into a higher salinity marsh and adjacent dieback pond, (3) increased salinity and submergence—sods were transplanted into a higher salinity marsh and adjacent dieback pond at 15 cm below the marsh surface, and (4) control—sods were exhumed and replaced at the ambient elevation of the donor marsh. Plant biomass and edaphic characteristics were measured after 5 mo. An increase in submergence caused decreased plant growth of the S. lancifolia-dominated marsh community. An increase in salinities to 4–5 g/kg were not detrimental to plant growth. Although saltwater intrusion alone did not cause decreased growth of the S. lancifolia-dominnled plant community, the combination of saltwater intrusion and increased plant submergence caused the greatest decrease in plant growth due to increased toxic sulfides and a likely reduction in the uptake of NH4-N by the wetland vegetation. This illustrates that the dieback of oligohaline marsh vegetation can be alleviated by decreasing plant submergence even at salinities as high as 4.6 g/kg.  相似文献   

In a marsh in New Brunswick, Canada, belowground biomass of Spartina alterniflora consistently exceeded aboveground biomass by a factor of approximately 9. Both values peaked in July. Redox potential of the sediment was negative at all levels tested (2, 6, and 11 cm below surface), and was negatively correlated with depth. Concentrations of ergosterol, a sterol typical of higher fungi, were negatively correlated with redox potential and were highest in roots and rhizomes in July and August, 1–3 cm below the surface. These maxima corresponded to a fungal content of approximately 0.6% per ash-free dry mass of Spartina material. Balsa wood panels buried in anaerobic salt marsh sediment were colonized by fungi within 12 weeks. Eight fungal species isolated from S. alterniflora roots did not grow in the absence of oxygen, but were able to grow downward into an anaerobic medium. Offprint requests to: F. Bärlocher.  相似文献   

Segers  L.  Verstrynge  L.  Verstraete  W. 《Biotechnology letters》1981,3(11):635-640
Summary The product patterns were analyzed for sucrose, fermented by non-axenic continuous cultures, at different pH-values. At pH 4.0–4.5, ethanol was the dominant metabolite. Butyric acid dominated between pH 4.5 and 5.0 while a mixed volatile acid pattern occured at higher pH-values. Hydrogen gas production appeared to be associated with butyric acid and never represented more then 6.5 % of the reducing equivalents of the feed.  相似文献   

Allosteric interactions of yeast pyruvate kinase as a function of pH   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H J Wieker  B Hess 《Biochemistry》1971,10(7):1243-1248

Aburi M  Smith PE 《Biopolymers》2002,64(4):177-188
The conformations of Leu enkephalin in aqueous solution have been investigated as a function of pH using molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations suggest the peptide backbone exists as a mixture of folded and unfolded forms (approximately 50% each) at neutral pH, but is always unfolded at low or high pH. The folded form at neutral pH possesses a 2 --> 5 hydrogen bond and a close head to tail separation. No significant intramolecular hydrogen bonding of the carbonyl oxygens was observed in either the folded or unfolded forms of the peptide. Analysis of the Gly carbonyl oxygens and terminal groups indicated that, while the conformational population distribution of Leu enkephalin did vary noticeably as a function of pH, their hydration was essentially independent of pH and in agreement with the available NMR data. Further study indicated that the unfolded state of the peptide was not random in nature and consisted of one major unfolded backbone arrangement stabilized by a persistent hydrophobic interaction between the side chains of Tyr and Leu.  相似文献   

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