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In a variety of systems, histone mRNA has been shown to lack poly(A) (Adesnik and Darnell, 1972;Grunstein et al., 1973). We have found, however, that in Xenopus laevis oocytes, poly(A)-containing mRNA codes for histones, in a wheat germ cell-free system, based on the following criteria: first, co-migration with authentic X. laevis oocyte histones on polyacrylamide gels; second, no detectable incorporation of tryptophan; third, differential incorporation of lysine and methionine into histone fraction H2A; fourth, resistance of histone fraction H2A to cleavage with cyanogen bromide; and fifth, correspondence of tryptic peptide maps of partially purified cell-free products with authentic X. laevis oocyte histone. RNA which directs the synthesis of histones in the cell-free system is retained on oligo(dT)-cellulose, even after denaturation in 80% DMSO at 70°C, thereby demonstrating the covalent attachment of polyadenylic acid sequences to the mRNA. Poly(A)? RNA (7S–14S fraction) was also found to code for histones using the same criteria. We discuss the significance of the finding that X. laevis oocytes contain two classes of histone mRNA as well as the potential developmental implications of this observation.  相似文献   

The program of gene expression during the life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum has been assessed by molecular hybridization of cDNA probes with polysomal RNA extracted at the following different stages of development: vegetative growth, interphase (2.5 hr), aggregation (8 hr), postaggregation (12 hr), and preculmination (18 hr). Several different cDNA probes were used. Two probes were prepared from vegetative stage poly(A+) RNA, one representing all species present and the other enriched for abundant species. A third cDNA probe was prepared from preculmination stage polysomal RNA and a fourth probe consisted of the preculmination stage cDNA depleted in those species also present at the vegetative stage. Hybridization of the various probes with the different polysomal RNA preparations has revealed developmental changes in the mRNA populations. These changes were not detected in an aggregation less mutant under similar conditions of starvation. Abundant RNA species of vegetative cells were found to drop to low levels, especially during the aggregation period. Fifty percent by mass of the RNA present in polysomes at 18 hr is not present during vegetative growth. Some of the new RNA species appeared during interphase and the remaining during the postaggregation period. A gradual increase in the number of copies per cell of certain RNA species comprising both new species as well as some shared with vegetative cells was observed throughout development. Other results indicated that the composition of polysomal and cytoplasmic RNA is similar during vegetative growth but differs markedly at 18 hr of development. Also, cytoplasmic RNA at 18 hr contained, in addition to polysomal RNA, a large proportion by mass of nonpolysomal RNA similar to vegetative RNA. The number of polysomal RNA species detected by this analysis during vegetative growth and during the preculmination stage were estimated to be 3000 and 3700, respectively. The number of copies of these RNA species ranged between 30 and 2000 per cell during vegetative growth and 3 to 300 per cell in polysomes at 18 hr. Developmentally induced RNAs which were preferentially distributed among abundant and intermediate classes were estimated to number 700–900 species.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1985,112(1):203-212
We show that there is a non-random distribution of information in the form of mRNAs along the animal/vegetal axis of Xenopus oocytes. Polyadenylated RNA isolated from different regions along this axis was translated in a cell-free system, and the products were fractionated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A comparison of the resulting protein products using a computer program has established that specific translatable mRNAs are regionally localized within the oocyte prior to fertilization. Seventeen mRNAs show significant qualitative or quantitative differences in their subcellular location. These sequences comprise as much as 4% of the total detected translatable polyadenylated RNA. Asymmetric segregation of these messages during Xenopus development may be involved in the determination of cell fate.  相似文献   

The appearance of newly formed messenger RNA in polyribosomes of HeLa cells Is inhibited by over 85% by 3′deoxyadenosine (Penman, Rosbash &; Penman, 1970) probably due to the failure of normal attachment of poly(A) to heterogeneous nuclear RNA in the presence of this drug (Darnell, Philipson, Wall &; Adesnik, 1971). Results presented here show that the labeled RNA which does reach polysomes in the presence of 3′deoxyadenosine can be characterized as messenger RNA which contains smaller poly(A) segments than normal messenger RNA. The results of the present experiments suggest that all, or almost all, HeLa cell messenger RNA molecules (except for histone messenger RNA) are derived from nuclear RNA molecules which contain poly (A).  相似文献   

Poly(A)+ protamine mRNA (pmRNA) components were isolated after separation on denaturing preparative polyacrylamide gels. The four size classes of protamine mRNA described previously were found to contain poly(A) tracts of different lengths. The pmRNA1 was found to be associated with (A)110, pmRNA2 with (A)90, pmRNA3 with (A)85, and pmRNA4 with (A)69. Following deadenylation with RNase H after duplex formation with oligo-dT, the isolated mRNAs were found to be still heterogeneous, although highly enriched in certain of the deadenylated components. DNA complementary to the isolated mRNAs (cDNA) was synthesized in vitro. Following depurination, the oligopyrimidine maps indicated that C7T4, corresponding to an Arg-Arg-Gly-Gly sequence in protamine and originally thought to be characteristic of all mRNA components, is present in only one or possibly tow of the components. Cross-hybridizations between the cDNAs and the four poly(A)+ pmRNAs indicated that a basic polynucleotide unit of substantial length is common to all four mRNAs and that the existing nucleotide sequence variations probably originate from one or both of the non-coding portions of the mRNA molecules.  相似文献   

The total RNA content of mouse oocytes, as measured by ethidium bromide fluorescence, was found to decrease by 19% during meiotic maturation (ovulated eggs contain 19% less RNA than full-grown oocytes). Consistent with these results, prelabeled stable RNA of full-grown oocytes decreased by about 20% during in vitro maturation. Polyadenylated RNA represented 19% of total prelabeled RNA in full-grown oocytes and 10% in oocytes matured in vitro, confirming previous results on in vivo prepared material. To distinguish between deadenylation and degradation for one mRNA, the amount and state of adenylation of actin mRNA was examined using Northern blots of oocyte RNA probed with a nick-translated beta-actin cloned chicken cDNA. The results showed that the amount of actin mRNA remained similar during maturation, but its molecular weight decreased slightly. Experiments in which RNA was treated with oligo(dT) and RNase H demonstrated that the actin mRNA was deadenylated during maturation, when actin synthesis is known to decline. These results indicate that the previously defined loss of bulk RNA and changes in the state of adenylation of mRNA during the first 11/2 days of embryogenesis actually begin during the 12 hr of meiotic maturation preceding fertilization.  相似文献   

The control of protein synthesis in oocytes of Xenopus laevis has been investigated by injecting oocytes with mRNA and polysomes followed by labeling with 14C-amino acid mixtures. Contrary to previous reports in which injected oocytes were labeled with 3H-histidine, injected globin mRNA is found to decrease amino acid incorporation into endogenous proteins competitively at all concentrations tested. No increase in overall amino acid incorporation is detected when more mRNA is supplied. Similar results are obtained after labeling injected oocytes with leucine, methionine, proline or valine individually. An explanation is presented for the conflicting results obtained when histidine is used as a label.When reticulocyte polysomes are injected, rather than purified globin mRNA, incorporation of amino acids into endogenous proteins remains roughly constant and overall incorporation increases. Similarly, when encephalomyocarditis viral RNA is injected together with either globin mRNA or reticulocyte polysomes, the globin mRNA causes decreased amino acid incorporation into encephalomyocarditis proteins, but the polysomes do not do so. The results demonstrate that different types of mRNA compete for a strictly limited translational capacity which is saturated in the normal oocyte. The limiting component is present in polysomes and is not message-specific. The constraint on protein synthesis in the amphibian oocyte cannot be fully explained by masked mRNA.  相似文献   

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