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The neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is expressed in central and peripheral tissues where it participates in the complex network regulating energy homeostasis as well as in other physiologically important functions. Two MCH receptor subtypes, MCH-R1 and MCH-R2, have been cloned which signal through activation of Gi/o/q proteins and hence regulate different intracellular signals, such as inhibition of cAMP formation, stimulation of IP3 production, increase in intracellular free Ca2+ and/or activation of MAP kinases. Most of the data were obtained with cell systems heterologously expressing either of the MCH receptors. Fewer reports exist on studies with cell lines which endogenously express MCH receptors. Here, we describe human and other mammalian cell lines with which MCH receptor activation can be studied under "natural" conditions and we summarize the characteristics and signaling pathways of the MCH receptors in the different cell systems.  相似文献   

A series of 2-aminoquinoline compounds was prepared and evaluated in MCH1R binding and functional antagonist assays. Small dialkyl, methylalkyl, methylcycloalkyl, and cyclic amines were tolerated at the quinoline 2-position. The in vivo efficacy of compound 12 was explored and compared to that of a related inactive analog to determine their effects on food intake and body weight in rodents.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) influences feeding behavior in the goldfish and exerts an anorexigenic action in goldfish brain, unlike its orexigenic action in mammals. Despite a growing body of knowledge concerning MCH function in mammals, the role of MCH in appetite has not yet been well studied in fish. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of endogenous MCH in the feeding behavior of the goldfish. We examined the distribution of MCH-like immunoreactivity (MCH-LI) in the goldfish brain and the effect of feeding status upon this distribution. Neuronal cell bodies containing MCH-LI were localized specifically to four areas of the hypothalamus. Nerve fibers with MCH-LI were found mainly in the neurohypophysis, with a few in the telencephalon, mesencephalon, and diencephalon. The number of neuronal cell bodies containing MCH-LI in the dorsal area adjoining the lateral recess of the third ventricle in the posterior and inferior lobes of the hypothalamus showed a significant decrease in fasted fish compared with that in normally fed fish, although other areas showed no evident differences. We also administered an antiserum against fish MCH (anti-MCH serum) by ICV injection and examined its immunoneutralizing effect on food intake by using an automatic monitoring system. Cumulative food intake was significantly increased by ICV injection of the anti-MCH serum. These results indicate that MCH potentially functions as an anorexigenic neuropeptide in the goldfish brain, and that the further study of the evolutionary background of the MCH system and its role in appetite is warranted. This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (K.M. and A.T.) and by a research grant from the Toyama Marine Biotechnology Association (K.M.).  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a neuropeptide present in the brain of all vertebrates. For the characterization of MCH receptors, a monoiodinated [Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH radioligand analogue was developed. The high susceptibility of [125I]-[Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH to oxidative damage and its very lipophilic nature made it necessary to develop new MCH radioligands. To increase the stability, native methionines were replaced by non-sulphur containing amino acid residues. In one analogue, the L-enantiomer of the phenylalanine residue at position 13 was substituted by the D-enantiomer, which increased the relative affinity of the ensuing [125I]-[D-Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH about 7-fold. The different analogues were iodinated by an enzymatic reaction and used for binding studies with mouse melanoma cells. [125I]-[Met(O)4,8, Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH and [125I]-[Hse4,8, Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH showed only about 19% of total binding and [125I]-[Ser4,8, Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH displayed about 44% of total binding when compared with [125I]-[Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH. Non-specific binding for all tracers was below 11% of total binding of [125I]-[Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH binding. [125I]-[D-Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH was used for saturation binding studies and revealed a KD of 122.7 +/- 15.3 pmol/l. This radioligand was further characterized by association and dissociation binding studies.  相似文献   

Structure-activity relationships of a 4-aminoquinoline MCH1R antagonist lead series were explored by synthesis of analogs with modifications at the 2-, 4-, and 6-positions of the original HTS hit. Improvements to the original screening lead included lipophilic groups at the 2-position and biphenyl, cyclohexyl phenyl, and hydrocinnamyl carboxamides at the 6-position. Modifications of the 4-amino group were not well tolerated.  相似文献   

Deficits in sensorimotor gating measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle have been known as characteristics of patients with schizophrenia and related neuropsychiatric disorders. PPI disruption is thought to rely on the activity of the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system and is inhibited by most antipsychotic drugs. These drugs however act also at the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway and exert adverse locomotor responses. Finding a way to inhibit the mesocorticolimbic- without affecting the nigrostriatal-dopaminergic pathway may thus be beneficial to antipsychotic therapies. The melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) system has been shown to modulate dopamine-related responses. Its receptor (MCH1R) is expressed at high levels in the mesocorticolimbic and not in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways. Interestingly a genomic linkage study revealed significant associations between schizophrenia and markers located in the MCH1R gene locus. We hypothesize that the MCH system can selectively modulate the behavior associated with the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway. Using mice, we found that central administration of MCH potentiates apomorphine-induced PPI deficits. Using congenic rat lines that differ in their responses to PPI, we found that the rats that are susceptible to apomorphine (APO-SUS rats) and exhibit PPI deficits display higher MCH mRNA expression in the lateral hypothalamic region and that blocking the MCH system reverses their PPI deficits. On the other hand, in mice and rats, activation or inactivation of the MCH system does not affect stereotyped behaviors, dopamine-related responses that depend on the activity of the nigrostriatal pathway. Furthermore MCH does not affect dizocilpine-induced PPI deficit, a glutamate related response. Thus, our data present the MCH system as a regulator of sensorimotor gating, and provide a new rationale to understand the etiologies of schizophrenia and related psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Synthesis, in vitro biological evaluation and structure-activity relationships of 4-acylamino-and 4-ureidobenzamides as novel hMCH1R-antagonists are disclosed. The nature of the amine side chains could be varied considerably in contrast to the central benzamide scaffold and aromatic substituents.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a hypothalamic orexigenic peptide. Recently, an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor (SLC-1) was identified that binds MCH with high affinity. Here, we demonstrate the mRNA expression of this receptor in insulin-producing cells including CRI-G1 and RINm5F cells, and in rat islets of Langerhans. Immunofluorescence studies in CRI-G1 and RINm5F cell-lines demonstrated cell-surface expression of the receptor. Rat MCH significantly stimulated insulin secretion in both cell-lines. The potency and the efficacy of MCH were significantly increased in the simultaneous presence of forskolin, suggesting that MCH may amplify the insulinotropic effect of cyclic AMP elevating stimuli. Salmon MCH, which differs from rat/human MCH by six amino acids, was less efficacious than rat/human MCH in stimulating insulin release. The data provide evidence for the expression of MCH receptors in insulin producing cells. The insulinotropic effect of MCH may contribute to the regulation of metabolism and energy balance by this peptide.  相似文献   

A new series of 2-aminoquinolines has been identified as antagonists of the melanin concentrating hormone receptor (MCH-1R). Syntheses and structure-activity relationships are described leading to a compound having low nanomolar activity against the receptor and demonstrating functional antagonism. Studies also showed that some of the compounds were selective against a range of other G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

We have developed and characterized [35S]4a as a potent and selective radioligand for melanin-concentrating hormone 1-receptor (MCH1R). Compound [35S]4a showed appreciable specific signals in brain slices prepared from wild-type mice but not from MCH1R deficient mice, confirming the specificity and utility of [35S]4a as a selective MCH1R radioligand for ex vivo receptor occupancy assays.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a neuropeptide occurring in all vertebrates and some invertebrates and is now known to stimulate pigment aggregation in teleost melanophores and food-intake in mammals. Whereas the two MCH receptor subtypes hitherto cloned, MCH-R1 and MCH-R2, are thought to mediate mainly the central effects of MCH, the MCH-R on pigment cells has not yet been identified, although in some studies MCH-R1 was reported to be expressed by human melanocytes and melanoma cells. Here we present data of a structure-activity study in which 12 MCH peptides were tested on rat MCH-R1 and mouse B16 melanoma cell MCH-R, by comparing receptor binding affinities and biological activities. For receptor binding analysis with HEK-293 cells expressing rat MCH-R1 (SLC-1), the radioligand was [125I]-[Tyr13]-MCH with the natural sequence. For B16 cells (F1 and G4F sublines) expressing B16 MCH-R, the analog [125I]-[D-Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH served as radioligand. The bioassay used for MCH-R1 was intracellular Ca2+ mobilization quantified with the FLIPR instrument, whereas for B16 MCH-R the signal determined was MAP kinase activation. Our data show that some of the peptides displayed a similar relative increase or decrease of potency in both cell types tested. For example, linear MCH with Ser residues at positions 7 and 16 was almost inactive whereas a slight increase in side-chain hydrophilicity at residues 4 and 8, or truncation of MCH at the N-terminus by two residues hardly changed binding affinity or bioactivity. On the other hand, salmonic MCH which also lacks the first two residues of the mammalian sequence but in addition has different residues at positions 4, 5, 9, and 18 exhibited a 5- to 10-fold lower binding activity than MCH in both cell systems. A striking difference in ligand recognition between MCH-R1 and B16 MCH-R was however observed with modifications at position 13 of MCH: whereas L-Phe13 in [Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH was well tolerated by both MCH-R1 and B16 MCH-R, change of configuration to D-Phe13 in [D-Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH or [D-Phe13]-MCH led to a complete loss of biological activity and to a 5- to 10-fold lower binding activity with MCH-R1. By contrast, the D-Phe13 residue increased the affinity of [D-Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH to B16 MCH-R about 10-fold and elicited MAP kinase activation as observed with [Phe13, Tyr19]-MCH or MCH. These data demonstrate that ligand recognition by B16 MCH-R differs from that of MCH-R1 in several respects, indicating that the B16 MCH-R represents an MCH-R subtype different from MCH-R1.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a cyclic nonadecapeptide involved in the regulation of feeding behavior, which acts through a G protein-coupled receptor (SLC-1) inhibiting adenylcyclase activity. In this study, 57 analogues of MCH were investigated on the recently cloned human MCH receptor stably expressed in HEK293 cells, on both the inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP production and guanosine-5'-O-(3-[(35)S]thiotriphosphate ([(35)S]- GTPgammaS) binding. The dodecapeptide MCH-(6-17) (MCH ring between Cys(7) and Cys(16), with a single extra amino acid at the N terminus (Arg(6)) and at the C terminus (Trp(17))) was found to be the minimal sequence required for a full and potent agonistic response on cAMP formation and [(35)S]- GTPgammaS binding. We Ala-scanned this dodecapeptide and found that only 3 of 8 amino acids of the ring, namely Met(8), Arg(11), and Tyr(13), were essential to elicit full and potent responses in both tests. Deletions inside the ring led either to inactivity or to poor antagonists with potencies in the micromolar range. Cys(7) and Cys(16) were substituted by Asp and Lys or one of their analogues, in an attempt to replace the disulfide bridge by an amide bond. However, those modifications were deleterious for agonistic activity. In [(35)S]- GTPgammaS binding, these compounds behaved as weak antagonists (K(B) 1-4 microm). Finally, substitution in MCH-(6-17) of 6 out of 12 amino acids by non-natural residues and concomitant replacement of the disulfide bond by an amide bond led to three compounds with potent antagonistic properties (K(B) = 0.1-0.2 microm). Exploitation of these structure-activity relationships should open the way to the design of short and stable MCH peptide antagonists.  相似文献   

A series of 2-aminobenzimidazole-based MCH1R antagonists was identified by core replacement of the aminoquinoline lead 1. Subsequent modification of the 2- and 5-positions led to improvement in potency and intrinsic clearance. Compound 25 exhibited good plasma and brain exposure, and attenuated MCH induced food intake at 30 mg/kg PO in rats.  相似文献   

We investigated the use of Eu3+ chelate-labeled analogues of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) as ligands for both human MCH receptors (MCHR1 and MCHR2). The analogues employed were Ala17 MCH, S36057 (Y-ADO-RC*MLGRVFRPC*W, where ADO=8-amino-3,6-dioxyoctanoyl and *=disulfide bond), and R2P (RC*MLGRVFRPC*Y-NH2). The peptides were readily labeled on the alpha-amino residue with the Eu3+ chelate of N1-(p-isothiocyanatobenzyl)-diethylenetriamine-N1,N2,N3,N3-tetraacetic acid and then purified by reverse-phase fast-performance liquid chromatography at neutral pH to maintain Eu3+ chelation. Both labeled Ala17 MCH and S36057 had high affinity for MCHR1 ( Kd = 0.37 and 0.059nM, respectively) while Eu3+ -labeled S36057 and R2P had high affinity for MCHR2 ( Kd = 0.16 and 0.10nM, respectively). Labeled Ala17 MCH had little demonstrable binding affinity for MCHR2. Eu3+ -labeled S36057 and R2P were full agonists at MCHR1 when assessed by measurement of agonist-stimulated GTPgamma(35)S binding. Competition binding experiments with both MCHR isoforms, a series of previously characterized alanine scan MCH analogues, and a recently identified nonpeptide MCHR1-selective antagonist T-226296 confirmed the expected receptor selectivity. These studies further extend the utility of Eu3+ chelate time-resolved fluorescence for the development of high-sensitivity, nonradioactive receptor binding assays and demonstrate the need to select the optimal ligand for labeling.  相似文献   

To date, there is a dearth of evidence to support functions for melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and melanin-concentrating hormone receptors (MCH-R) in mammalian skin physiology including pigmentation, inflammation and immune responses and skin cell proliferation. Much research is therefore still needed to define the roles of the hormone and its receptors in mammalian skin. This will be a crucial step to identifying pathogenic mechanisms that may involve the MCH/MCH-R system in the context of inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases as well as skin cancers. The following review summarizes the studies which have been carried out to examine the expression and function of MCH and MCH-R in mammalian skin. Recent findings with regard to humoral immune responses to the MCH-R1 in patients with the skin depigmenting disease vitiligo are also discussed.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) are known to exhibit mostly functionally antagonistic, but in some cases agonistic activities, e.g., in pigment cells and in the brain. Neuropeptide E-I (NEI) displays functional MCH-antagonist and MSH-agonist activity in different behavioral paradigms; the role of neuropeptide G-E (NGE) is not known. This study addressed the question of possible molecular interactions between alpha-MSH, MCH and the MCH-precursor-derived peptides NEI and NGE at the level of the pigment cell MCH receptor subtype (MCH-Rpc) and the different melanocortin (MC) receptors. Radioreceptor assays using [125I]MCH, [125l]alpha-MSH and [125I]NEI as radioligands and bioassays were performed with MCI-R-positive and MC1-R-negative mouse B16 melanoma cells and with COS cells expressing the different MC receptors. The IC50s of alpha-MSH and NEI or NGE for [125I]MCH displacement from mouse MCH-Rpc were 80-fold and, respectively, >300-fold higher than that of MCH, and the IC50s for MCH and NEI or NGE for [125I]alpha-MSH displacement from mouse MC1-R were 50,000-fold and >200,000-fold higher than that of alpha-MSH. No high-affinity binding sites for NEI were detected on B16 melanoma cells and there was no significant displacement of [1251]alpha-MSH by MCH, NEI or NGE with MC3-R, MC4-R and MC5-R expressed in COS cells. At concentrations of 100 nM to 10 microM, however, MCH, NEI and NGE induced cAMP formation and melanin synthesis which could be blocked by agouti protein or inhibitors of adenylate cyclase or protein kinase A. This shows that mammalian MCH-precursor-derived peptides may mimic MSH signalling via MC1-R activation at relatively high, but physiologically still relevant concentrations, as e.g. found in autocrine/paracrine signalling mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this study, the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in the mechanism of anxiety was investigated. The rats received an intraamygdaline or intrahippocampal injection of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-l-arginine (L-NOARG), and were then tested in the plus-maze test. L-NOARG induced a decrease in the time spent by rats in the open arms. Conversely, the administration of the melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) into these structures increased the number of entries into the open arms as well as the time spent on them. MCH injected in rats pretreated with L-NOARG also was able to revert the anxiogenic effects of L-NOARG in amygdala.  相似文献   

Human melanin-concentrating hormone (hMCH) is a potent but nonselective agonist at human melanin-concentrating hormone receptors 1 and 2 (hMCH-1R and hMCH-2R, respectively). To determine the structural features of this neuropeptide which are necessary for efficient binding to and activation of the receptors, Ala-substituted, open-chain, and truncated analogues were synthesized and tested in the binding assays in CHO cells expressing hMCH-1R and hMCH-2R, and in functional assays measuring the level of intracellular calcium mobilization in human HEK-293 cells expressing these receptors. A compound consisting merely of the cyclic core of hMCH with the Arg attached to the N-terminus of the disulfide ring was found to activate both hMCH-1R and hMCH-2R about as effectively as full-length hMCH. Thus, the sequence Arg-cyclo(S-S)(Cys-Met-Leu-Gly-Arg-Val-Tyr-Arg-Pro-Cys) appears to constitute the "active core" that is necessary for agonist potency at hMCH-1R and hMCH-2R. A potent and approximately 4-fold more selective agonist at hMCH-1R than at hMCH-2R is also reported.  相似文献   

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